James College Days

By moc.loa@9101namyrotS

Published on Nov 10, 2006


Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. It is a story that contains graphic sexual encounters between consenting young adult men. If you are not of legal age to read this kind of story, please leave now. If you reside in area where reading stories that include sexual situations between two consenting adult males are illegal, please leave now. This story is for entertainment purposes only. Any similarity to any person(s) living or dead is simply a coincidence. The author retains all rights to this story. It cannot be reproduced in any form without expressed written permission from the author (me). Copyright 2006.

"James's College Days", part Five

Mark and I kept up our workout routine. We talked about almost everything. He began talking about his girlfriend which was very different. However, but what he talked mostly was the physical distance between them, and how he worried that it was having a detrimental effect on their relationship. He was considering transferring to NYU for the spring semester. I felt disappointed, angry, and jealous. It did feel as if Mark and I were becoming much better friends and I did not want that to end.

Many of the guys on the floor liked Mark and made efforts to be his friend but he kept his distance. I felt special. He always seemed eager to see me even when he was despondent. Each Friday, when he left to meet his girlfriend I felt sad. I was really beginning to feel his absence on weekends.

Gordon and I were also becoming better friends. We were jerking off in full view of each other, usually at night before going to sleep, but sometimes in the morning if I was not meeting Mark for breakfast. There were also times during the day when I would be studying in the room when Gordon would pull out his dick and start jerking off. Jerking off was oddly becoming comfortable and routine. It was also not unusual for us to masturbate side by side and touch each other. But we had not gone as far as to jerk each other off. Of course, unlike Nat and me, neither Gordon nor I ever talked about what we were doing.

Gordon came back from a date one night and said that Vicki started giving him head but stopped because she kept getting hair in her mouth. I laughed. He thought it was just an excuse but he decided it was time to trim and shave. It was also time for me to do the same. I took out a pair of scissors and a razor and shaving cream. I took off my clothes and told him to do the same. I put a towel on the floor. I told him that first we had to cut his pubic hair short. I could not believe how hairy he was, especially since he was smooth above his waist. I began trimming the hair on his balls as he spread his legs. As I held his dick aside it began getting hard. Neither of us said a word. I cut the hair on his balls as short as I could and then moved to the hair on the shaft of his dick. I cut as much of that as possible and then began trimming his pubes. He watched.

"Why do I have to shave?" he said looking down.

"You don't have to do anything, but it will look a lot better."

"You're not going to shave my pubes, too?"

"Not if you don't want me to."

"Just leave then short like yours. I like the way yours look." I nodded. "Do I get to do yours?" Again, I nodded.

I spread shaving cream on his balls and dick. He was rock hard. I told him to hold his dick aside while I shaved his balls. I used a towel to wipe them clean and then shaved off whatever stray hairs were left. I then took hold of his dick and began shaving it clean. I could feel his dick pulsating in my hand. As I finished with the shaft of his dick he began moving back and forth moving his dick through my hand which was covered with shaving cream. I made a fist around his dick as he began thrusting quickly. Again, he came without a sound, leaving his load of cum in my hand.

I glanced up at him expecting him to say something, but he did not. He handed me the towel after he cleaned off his dick. I wiped my hand clean. He checked out his newly shaved crotch and smiled.

"You're probably better off if you did your own," he said. I think I was both surprised and annoyed.

"I thought you wanted to do mine," I said.

"Yeah, but I changed my mind. I'll watch."

I lathered up my balls and dick and shaved while he watched. Then I trimmed my pubes. I'm not sure why I decided to jerk off with him sitting there and staring, but I did. I was expecting him to take my dick and jerk me off as I did him. But he just sat and watched. I felt both embarrassed and excited. Eric and I jerked off watching each other, so this was not new to me. But, in the past, when Gordon and I jerked off, we were both jerking off. Now, he was just sitting and watching me. Finally, I came, shooting my cum all over my chest and stomach. When I was finished I felt angry at him but not sure why.

"You cum a lot," he said.

"Yeah, I guess so," I said, taking the towel from him and wiping myself chest and stomach clean of cum and my crotch clean of shaving cream. "I'm going to take a shower," I said, grabbing a clean towel.

"Okay," he said, as he pulled on a pair of underwear and then pants.

Then next night Gordon informed me that Vicki spent more time slobbering over his dick but refused to let him cum in her mouth. "What kind of fuckin' blow job ends with a hand job," he complained. "If you're going to suck dick you gotta finish the guy off."

It was mid-December. Finals would start next week. Mark had his girlfriend fly out for a weekend before the real crunch started. One of Vicki's friends invited Vicki, Gordon, Barbara and me to a pre-finals party. Everyone drank too much. I stopped after a couple of beers. Gordon told me that he was either going to fuck Vicki that night or he was going to break up with her. He took along a pack of condoms.

I decided and said that I was going to try to get Barbara to give me head. How I was going to do that, I had no idea.

Neither of us accomplished our stated goals. I was in the dorm thirty minutes after we left the party. Gordon stumbled in an hour later. He was pissed. Vicki said no.

"I can't believe her," he snarled. "We've been dating three months and she wouldn't even give me good head. What the fuck is her problem, anyway."

"Yeah, it's the same with Barbara," I moaned. Of course, I did not say that I never tried to do anything. As usual, I was able to achieve an erection while we were kissing. Kissing has always turned me on. But once the groping started I would lose my hard-on.

Gordon stumbled around the room as he undressed. I lay in bed watching him. "Fuck," he yelled, "Tonight, she wouldn't even give me head. The dumb cow said I was being too aggressive."

"Well, we can focus on exams and forget them. I need to get good grades anyway," I said, watching him pull off his underwear. He was hard. He stood in full view of me and began rubbing his dick. "Did you break-up with her?" I asked.

"No, but I'm going to," he growled. "But, fuck, I need someone now," he said, looking at me.

He turned off the light and then stumbled toward my bed. He sat down and without hesitation pulled the covers off of me. He glanced at my erection and, as if we had been doing this for months, took my dick in his hand and began masturbating me. My first impulse, after what happened last time, was to push his hand away, but I didn't. I felt both excited and scared at the same time. I knew where this was going. I felt nervous when Nat walked into the shower, but once we began messing around I was completely into it. This was different. This felt dangerous, and I did not know why. I really wanted not to do this, but I was too turned on to say no.

Gordon moved so that his dick was within the reach of my hand. I wavered, but then wrapped my fingers around his erection and started stroking him. He looked into my eyes, and then down at my dick. I watched as his head moved toward my crotch and then felt him licking my dick. I moaned as the head of my dick disappeared into his mouth. He began sucking my dick with enthusiasm. Nat was right. Gordon had done this before. I remembered how Nat so eagerly attacked my erection and thought that Gordon was at least as good at cock sucking as his brother. I wondered if he would be excited to know that. He began stroking my dick hard as he gently mouthed the head of my penis.

I lay back and began enjoying what he was doing. I decided that I love getting head. I thought about what had happened in the shower and the car with Nat. I remembered how his dick felt in my mouth and the taste of his cum. I recalled the way he ran his hands over my body and how comfortable he seemed with what we did. I wanted to be with Nat again. I wanted to be him, too. I wanted to be married, have kids, have everyone know I was not gay, and have sex with hot guys.

I was snapped out of my fantasy as I felt myself getting close. "I'm getting close," I warned him. He stroked and sucked my dick. He was sucking and licking the head of my dick with zeal. I began thrusting upward into his mouth. My body began to tense. I was moaning. "I'm going to cum," I announced, as my legs tensed. He ran his fingers over my balls. I grabbed his head and pushed deep into his mouth. As I filled his mouth he moaned and began eagerly swallowing my load.

I remembered what Nat said, Dude, you've never had a GOOD blow job'. I always thought a blow job is a blow job. I was learning that the Resser brothers knew how to give good head. Gordon then lay down with his feet toward my head and glanced at me but said nothing. I guessed it was my turn. I sighed, sat up, took hold of his dick and began sucking. I decided that I was going to give him good head'. I began sucking and licking his dick eagerly. I moved down his dick and took it into my throat without any trouble. I touched his balls as I moved my tongue around his dick head and was surprised when he began cumming. I had not been sucking him for more that thirty seconds when I thought I could taste cum. He can't be cumming, I decided. I thought for a moment that it had to be pre-cum but he kept shooting and it was his full load. He gave no verbal warning, he did not moan or groan, nor did his body seem to respond. I swallowed. He pulled his dick from my mouth, moved off my bed and onto his, turned away from me and went to sleep.

I lay there for several minutes hating what I had just done. I felt somewhat relieved in thinking that it would probably never happen again. Clearly, he was drunk and not comfortable with doing what we did. I also felt confused. I wanted to ask him if he was okay, but I also felt angry that he just turned away like he did.

I could not fall asleep. It sounded as if he had. I was feeling anxious. What would it be like between us tomorrow? Would he be angry or standoffish? Fuck, I thought, Nat acted so comfortable. Fuck! I worried about what he would think of me. Did he know that I had not been drinking? He started it, I decided. If he acts like an ass, I'll just tell him I was drunk and he started it and I did it because I felt like I had to and did not really want to.

I tossed and turned. Staring into the darkness I had this fantasy: I'm on the stage of the Jerry Springer show. Gordon sitting there on stage saying that he had been seduced by his roommate only to find out that his roommate was also messing around with, Nat, his brother. They call me out of stage. I don't know what is going on. I'm surprised. I came to the show when Gordon told me his brother was fucking Vicki his girlfriend and he was going to bust him on it and wanted my support. I sit in a chair and look at Gordon. Where is Nat? I am wondering.

Gordon says to me, "You seduced me. I was straight and you seduced me. I love sucking your dick and having you suck mine. You made me gay like you."

I say, "Gordy, I'm not gay. We were just horny. We were just giving head to get head."

Gordon says, "No one enjoys sucking dick as much as you do and isn't gay. Jimmy, you are gay and I'm in love with you."

I say, "Well, I'm not gay and besides, you started it, I didn't. And it's just something that happened between us because we were both horny."

Gordon says, "It's not something that happened between just you and me. You and my brother messed around."

I feel my body go limp. My face is burning. Everyone in the audience is yelling, `you are gay.' I sit there shaking my head. I know that everyone watches Jerry Springer and everyone is going to know. I yell out, "You're crazy."

Jerry asks, "Did you mess around with his brother?" I just stare into space. My heart is pounding. Jerry says, "You're having sex with this poor young man and you're messing with his brother. That's just bad."

Gordon shouts out, "And my brother is married and has a kid." The audience boos.

Jerry says, "Well, I understand we have Nat here." Both Gordon and I looked shocked. Nat comes onto the stage and Gordon stands up. Nat and Gordon start fighting. They're yelling at each other. `He's mine', they yell and wrestling on the floor. Steve pulls them apart.

Nat says, "I had him first."

Gordon says, "I knew him first." They started fighting again.

Jerry says, "And we have Nat's wife here also." She comes onto the stage and starts screaming at Nat. She tells him she is leaving him and that he can have me.

Nat says, "Great. I want him. I love his ten inch dick."

The audience looks at me and claps and yells, "Ten inches, ten inches."

I yell at them, "No, it's only nine, and I'm not gay. Really, I'm not gay. I was just horny." Everyone laughs and yells, "Nine and gay. Nine and gay."

Nat walks up to me. Grabs me and begins kissing me. His tongue moves into my mouth. He holds me tightly and says, "I want you." As we kissed hungrily he throws me down on the stage and climbs on top of me. Laying there on the stage, his tongue deep in my mouth, I felt a rush that I have never felt before. He grinds his crotch into mine. He is sucking and biting at my lips. My legs are shaking and my dick is rock hard. Nat begins to undress me right there on the stage. We are naked and rolling around the stage wildly as we continue to suck at each other's face. The audience is cheering.

Then I heard Gordon turn over in his bed. I glance at him as I continue fantasizing about Nat's dick in my mouth, anticipating his orgasm. I lay there stroking my dick not caring if Gordon heard me. I moaned as my legs became stiff and began to shake. My hand was pumping my dick hard. I was imagining Nat's load sliding down my tongue as I arched my back and shot my cum all over my chest. My dick stayed hard as I imagined the sound of Nat moaning and groaning and then relaxing on top of me.

"Did you just get off again?" Gordon asked, as I climbed out of bed.

"Yeah," I said, as I wiped the cum off my chest with my briefs and threw them into my closet. He rolled over and went back to sleep.

Everyone was stressed out for the next few weeks: finals, going home, Christmas. I know when I get stressed out, one of the things I do to relieve my stress is swim. Well, swim and jerk off. My best friend, Eric, was great for that. When he would get stressed about a football game (he played football in high school), or an exam, or some girl he was breaking up with, or some girl he wanted to date (I guess that pretty much means all the time) he would be horny and wanting to jerk off.

Gordon also used sex for stress relief. He started climbing into my bed every other night, sucking my dick and swallowing my cum. I, then, returned the favor. Nat was right, Gordon was quick and quiet. After he came, he always retreated to his bed and never said a word. Each morning began as if nothing had happened the night before. However, during the day he seemed friendlier, or perhaps more talkative and in a better humor. Prior to Thanksgiving, he did not ask me to join him at meals in the commons, leaving me to either eat alone on weekends when Mark was away, or trying to find someone else from our floor to eat with. He had his own circle of friends. Now, he invited me to join them. I wondered if he was more open to a friendship outside our room because of the talks we had the weekend I spend at his house, or if it had to do with the oral sex we were having.

I was looking forward to Christmas vacation. I missed my parents and my grandmother. Christmas was always a big holiday in our house. My grandmother baked at least a dozen different types of Italian cookies. They were all my favorites. On Christmas Eve, we always had a traditional dinner: spaghetti with olive oil, garlic, and red pepper (one of my favorites); fried bread with cheese inside; and fish. We always waited until mid-night to open out gifts. Christmas morning we all went to mass. My mom then made the sauce with meatballs and Italian sausage while we helped my grandmother make homemade ravioli (my favorite meal). This year would be no different.

My best friend, Eric, always stayed with us for the holidays. He would move into my bedroom. This year he made reservations for us at the Hilton Hotel in Reno for the week after Christmas. He made plane reservations and reserved a car. It was a 40 minute drive from the Hotel to the ski slopes. Eric and I skied in high school. My parents always made sure we could ski at least once a year, but typically we found a way to get to the slopes at least two or three times a year. Mammoth Mountain was close enough to Los Angeles so that we could drive up over a long weekend with my parents.

Eric did move in. We did have a great Christmas. I loved being home. Eric and I jerked off much like we had since we were both fourteen years old and had a great time skiing. We were both disappointed when our vacations were over and it was time to go back to classes. Again, we talked about my leaving South Bend and living with Eric in Los Angeles. He talked about the bevy of girls he was fucking and could fix me up with.

The day before I left for South Bend, I received an email from Nat. When I saw his screen name on the email my heart began to pound in my chest. He asked me when I would be returning to school. I returned his email and told him I would be back on Saturday, the first day the dorms were open. Classes would not start until Thursday but I wanted to get to the bookstore, buy my books and get ahead. I am weird that way.

Nat returned my email and said that Gordon was not returning to school until Wednesday. And, Nat said, he had to be in Chicago Monday morning for a meeting. As I read the email my dick started getting hard. He was driving to Chicago Sunday afternoon. My mind started racing. Did he want me to meet him? I read on. He wrote, `If I come to South Bend on Sunday, will you accompany me to Chicago and spend the night with me. You can hang out at the hotel on Monday while I'm at my meeting. Then I'll have to put you on a bus back to South Bend so I can get back home Monday night. I really hope you'll consider it. I'll understand if you say no. If you do say yes, I'll give you the best head you've ever had. LOL.'

My head was spinning. My heart was pounding. My dick was rock hard. I emailed him back immediately. I wrote, `Yes, yes, yes, and I'm looking forward to the best I've had. Oh yeah, be ready for the best you've had. When will you pick me up?'

I was excited for two days thinking about spending time with Nat. It occurred to me that Nat and I would be sleeping together. I felt waves of anxiety wash over me. I wondered what that would be like. Would he sleep in the same bed as me or would he get separate beds? Would he sleep naked or would he sleep in his underwear? Would he touch me while we slept? I was driving myself crazy with anticipation. Eric and I never slept in the same bed. Nat probably would not, too. I could not stop hoping that we would. But, each time I considered what it was that I wanted to happen, my body filled with anxiety. I decided that he was going to be my coach, my sexual mentor, my guide to what it is to be straight and have an affair with another man. He was going to lay the ground rules, show me what straight men want and do. He was going to show me how to manage these, at times, overwhelming desires. I would no longer have to try to figure this all out on my own. No one ever tells you the rules of being straight and having sex with men. I found my roll model.

Nat returned my email. It said, "I'll be in South Bend early Sunday afternoon. I'll call you when I get close to campus. I can't wait to see that ten inch dick of yours again. That dick of yours is awesome, dude. My dick is aching for your mouth."

I emailed back to him, "It really is only nine inches, well sometimes nine and a half. And it's aching for your mouth, too."

I arrived in South Bend late Saturday. There were only four of us in the dorms that night. Mark had not arrived yet. I tossed and turned all night. I thought I would have to jerk off to fall asleep, but I wanted to be as horny as a `fuckin' bull in heat' when he arrived. I knew we were going to be like animals. I could tell from his emails that he was horny also. His wife probably had cut him off again. I kept assuring myself over and over again that this was exactly how I want my life to be: straight, married, kids, and a hot friend to trade blow jobs with. Fuck, maybe that friend could be Nat. Fuck, I could have Eric in California to trade hand jobs with and Nat in Illinois to trade blow jobs with. I was ecstatic. Now, all I had to do is find a girl to marry.

Email me with feedback at Storyman1019@aol.com

Next: Chapter 6

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