James College Days

By moc.loa@9101namyrotS

Published on Nov 2, 2006


Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. It is a story that contains graphic sexual encounters between consenting young adult men. If you are not of legal age to read this kind of story, please leave now. If you reside in area where reading stories that include sexual situations between two consenting adult males are illegal, please leave now. This story is for entertainment purposes only. Any similarity to any person(s) living or dead is simply a coincidence. The author retains all rights to this story. It cannot be reproduced in any form without expressed written permission from the author (me). Copyright 2006.

James's College Days, Part four

(I've decided to make a change in the story with regard to Mark. I said at the beginning of part three -- Mark made sure that she came to South Bend whenever Notre Dame had a home football game. She joined us in the stands. I must admit, although I was a bit jealous, she was attractive, funny and seemed to be intelligent. -- I want to change this so as to develop another storyline.)

Mark and I were becoming really good friends. He asked me if I would exercise with him two or three times a week. I happily agreed. He said that since he arrived at Notre Damn, all he did was eat, sleep, shit, go to class and jerk off when he was not seeing his girlfriend. (My face felt warm all over when he said he jerked off.) We decided that we would swim one day a week and lift weights and run twice a week. I think he looked forward to spending time with me as much as I looked forward to spending time with him. He and his roommate never did anything together.

At first, I asked about his girlfriend, but other than Mark telling me that she lived in New York City and that his parents would not approve, he said little about her. After a while, I just stopped asking. Whenever she came to visit, she flew into Chicago where they would meet and spend the weekend.

Thanksgiving was approaching. I had decided that I would not be able to go home for Thanksgiving. I had too much to do. Mark asked me to come to New York with him for Thanksgiving. He said that his girlfriend was going out of town with her family so we would be spending time with his family. He said we could go into New York City for a day or two. I really wanted to go, but I was to nervous about spend all that time with him. So, I said, no. But I did promise that I would accompany him another time.

Gordon insisted I come to his house for Thanksgiving. My parents were upset with my decision to stay at school and said they would feel much better if I did go to the Resser's for dinner. I agreed if he agreed to come back to school on Saturday. He did.

Mark was not happy with my decision but he finally seemed to understand. Mark and Gordon had come to dislike each other so much that they were no longer even polite to each other.

Gordon and I left for his house early Wednesday afternoon. Despite all the traffic, we were able to arrive in time for dinner. I was surprised to see that his sisters and brother and their spouses were already there. So were his grandparents. The house was full. With all the grandchildren, there were sixteen of us for dinner Wednesday night and there would be an additional six people for dinner on Thanksgiving.

I was introduced to everyone and then we sat down to dinner. They all seemed staid and proper except for, Nat, Gordon's brother, who was sitting beside me. He was outgoing, talkative, and very engaging. He was also blond and blue eyed but taller than Gordon. He had high cheek bones, straight white teeth and a great smile with, unlike his brother, soft full lips. I felt grateful for having him there. He made me feel relaxed and comfortable.

After dinner we had coffee and chocolate cake and pies. I was stuffed.

After we all helped clean up, everyone started heading for bed. The children were already asleep. Nat walked into our room through the bathroom and asked me, "Have you ever slept in the same bed with my brother?" I shook my head. "He kicks. You'll be up all night. I just kicked him back and that usually gets his attention."

"I'll do that," I said.

"I hope Adam doesn't wake you up," he said. Adam was his son. "Carol's pretty good about keeping him quiet, but he sometimes wakes up and cries."

"Don't worry about it," I said. "I'm not a light sleeper and I can easily fall back to sleep."

He sat with us for a while longer and talked. Then he went back to his room through the bathroom. Gordon undressed, and climbed into bed. I felt this anxious feeling run through my stomach. I climbed into bed and hugged the edge.

I slept through the night. I woke up hearing Gordon moving around the room. "What time is it?" I asked.

"A little after nine. I just showered," he said as he pulled on his pants. "Carol showered earlier. I think she's downstairs, so don't worry about using the bathroom." I nodded. "Don't rush. Breakfast is whatever you want to grab. Come down when you want," he said, as he left the room.

I lay in bed for a while and then got up. I grabbed my stuff and went into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I glanced around the bathroom, found a clean towel. I pulled off my briefs, peed, brushed my teeth, shaved and then stepped into the shower. Damn, what a cool shower, I thought. I stood under the stream of water and began to wash my face. I heard the toilet flush. I quickly glanced around. It was Nat.

"Hey, good morning," Nat said.

"Good morning," I said.

He opened the shower door and said, "Do you mind if I join you?" as he stepped in. He turned on the other shower and stepped under the stream of water. "Did Adam wake you up?"

"No, I slept fine," I said.

"Don't let the family get you crazy," he said. I just looked at him. "They're pretty stiff and all that shit. Hang with me," he said and smiled, "I'll take care of you."

"They seem okay. I'm not used to a lot of people on holidays."

"Really, I thought you were Italian."

"Yeah, I am. But my family is pretty small." He nodded.

"You said you were a swimmer in high school," he said.


"You look like it," he said, glancing at me. "You've got great definition. I played football, quarterback, in high school," he said. As he pinched an inch of fat on his gut, he said, "But I've put on a few pounds since then. I've got to take them off," he said and glanced at me.

"You look pretty good," I said. He was fuckin' hot, I thought. He had nice shoulders and great pecs. a really strong tight ass and muscular legs.

"My brother told me you were hung like a horse," he said, smiling and staring at my dick.

"No he didn't," I said surprised.

"Yes, he did. He said you're packing almost ten inches. He said you guys jerk off together." I was staring into his eyes, but I could see that he was beginning to stroke his dick. I watched as his gaze went down to my crotch. I glance down at his as he stopped stroking. His dick was hard and pointing upward. I could feel myself getting hard. He kept watching as my dick went from flaccid to fully erect.

"Fuck," he said, "that is ten inches."

"More like nine," I said.

"Have you guys blown each other, yet?" I froze and felt myself blush. "He said you and a friend used to jerk off in high school." I did not respond. "Did you guys ever give each other head?"

"No," I said. "He's straight," I said and then added, "So am I."

"Well, so am I and so is Gordy as far as I know. Giving a buddy head doesn't mean you're gay, it just means you like getting good head enough to give it to get it."

"I've never done that," I said. My dick was rock hard. His looked to be also.

He looked at me and asked, "You mean you've never had someone give you good head?"

"What's good head?"

He laughed. "If you've got to ask, you've never had it." He stepped toward me and took hold of my dick and began to rub it. It felt wonderful. He took my hand and put it on his dick. I began stroking his dick.

"Fuck, I've never seen one this big," he said. "How big was your friend?"

"About the same as you?"

"You guys still jerk each other off?" I nodded. He began to run his hand over my chest and then around my balls. I did the same to him. He smiled at me and then glancing down at my dick. He bent down. I felt the warmth of his mouth around my dick head. I moaned. I let go of his dick and placed my hand on his head. He stood up and then turned both our showers off. Then he knelt down in front of me and again began sucking me. It felt incredible. He sucked and ran his fingers over my balls. As I felt myself getting close he stopped sucking my dick and ran his tongue over the shaft of my dick. I looked down at him and saw him looking up at me. He was stroking his dick as he licked mine. I reached for my dick to stroke but he pushed my hand away.

He began sucking me again, slowly but hard. I watched as he moved up and down my dick and each time more of my dick disappeared into his mouth. I felt the tightness of his throat around my dick head. As he took more and more of my dick down this throat he gagged. He pulled off my dick and said, "Damn, I don't think I can do it. You're too big." He went back to sucking my dick.

I was getting close. My legs were shaking. "Nat," I whispered. He looked up at me. "I'm close," he nodded and kept sucking. "I'm not going to be able to cum standing up. My legs are shaking too much."

"Sit down," he said.

I sat on the floor of the shower. I started to jerk off, but again he pushed my hand away as he knelt down on both knees and began sucking me again while he masturbated. He was moving up and down my dick and sucking hard. I never felt anything like this before. My legs were shaking, my dick was throbbing, my balls were pulled into my groin and I was about to explode.

"I'm going to cum," I said, expecting him to stop, but he didn't. He just sucked harder.

I tried not to moan loudly as I felt my cum shooting from my dick. I was squirming on the floor of the shower as he kept sucking and swallowing as I kept cumming. Finally, I stopped cumming and he stopped sucking. He sat back on his legs and smiled at me. I was breathing hard and fast.

"That was your first blow job, wasn't it?" I nodded. "Fuck, yeah. I love giving a guy his first blow job. You'll never forget that one," he said, smiling and stroking his dick.

I finally was able to speak. "Fuck that was fuckin' incredible."

He smiled, "You cum a lot, too."

I glanced down at my dick. It was still throbbing and pulsing up and down on my stomach. I watched as he kept slowly stroking his dick. He moved toward me and said, "Do you want to give head for the first time?" I felt my stomach sink. I wanted to suck his dick, but I was afraid. I was afraid I'd enjoy doing it too much. I shook my head no. "That's cool," he said. "You can owe me one." He smiled.

"Are you going to tell Gordy about this?" I asked.

"No, absolutely not, and I'd like it if you didn't," he said. "He has no idea that I've ever done this and I'd rather he didn't know."

"How come you know he has?" I asked.

"One of my friends that I traded blow jobs with, traded blow jobs with Gordy and he told me about it. He hung out with him and some of Gordy's friends at the river and they'd give each other head."

"They ever do that when you were there?" I asked.

"No. Gordy doesn't know I know. And I don't want him to know I know or about me. So, you won't tell him, right?"

"I won't, I promise", I said reassuring him.

He smiled. We both glanced at his pulsating hard-on, "You mind jerking me off?"

"No, not at all," I said, reaching for his dick. He moved toward me and straddled my legs. I began jerking him off and thought about taking it in my mouth.

"Play with my balls," he said. I took his balls into my other hand and began moving then around. His dick was thicker than mine and felt rock hard. I felt his dick head getting harder and his balls pulling tight. He was thrusting forward toward my chest. He groaned as I felt his cum hit me hard. "Oh fuck, dude," he grunted through his teeth. He shot his cum onto my cheek, then my neck and then my chest. His body tensed and shook hard. He also came a lot.

He sat down on my legs and said, "You're hot, dude. You've got to be driving the girls nuts. I don't get hot over many guys, but you got me going." I smiled. He said, "Just between you and me, Gordy is as boring in bed as he normally is." He laughed.

I did not know what I was supposed to know or not know, so I asked, "How do you know that?"

"Friends and I would get a couple of girls and fuck all afternoon. I used to bring him with me. The dude fucks and makes no noise. No one, not even the girl, could tell that he came. One time I said, Dude, you didn't cum, no way you came.' He pulled off the condom and threw it at me. He came," Nat said and laughed. "We used to call him double Q'; quick and quiet."

I laughed.

We stood up, finished our shower and went to our separate bedrooms.

Nat and I went downstairs for breakfast. We joined the rest of the Resser family in their family room. Nat told me to sit down and he would make us breakfast. Mrs. Resser and Nat cook an omelet for both of us. I noticed Gordon sitting and sulking, but I did not know what to do or say.

When we were done with breakfast, Mrs. Resser told Gordon he had to leave to pick up her parents who lived in Decatur. I asked if there was room for me to accompany him. He nodded as he got ready to leave.

In the car, I asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

"Just family shit," he said. "My parents always seem to be excited about my sisters coming home, and now that my brother has a kid they are all over him, too."

"Well, maybe their just excited about being grandparents."

"It's always been this way. My mom always fussed over my sisters. My dad was always into Nat, the quarterback football star."

"You played," I said.

"Yeah, but I spent most of the time on the bench. He even stopped coming to the games. I thought when my brother fucked up and got his girlfriend pregnant they'd stop fussing over him. I get into Notre Damn, he gets a girl pregnant and doesn't go to college, and they are still all over him."

"Your dad seemed excited about seeing you when we arrived. So, did your mom."

"All they talk about is Nat, his job. Fuck, they told me this morning that they bought him his house. My dad said, `We're paying for your college, so we thought we should pay for his house'."

"Well, that seems fair. Don't you think?" I asked.

I realized that I was not going to reason with Gordon and decided to just step out of it and agree with him. I began getting a better understanding of Gordon. He talked about growing up and always being ignored. "He was better at sports, he was more popular in high school, he always had a girlfriend and could get laid whenever he wanted. He even had to bring me to one of his tagging sessions so I could lose my virginity. His dick is big, mine is small. He cums a lot, I don't. He's better at everything."

I laughed, "Gordy, the size of your dick doesn't make any difference. Mine is bigger than his." He looked at me. I blushed and said, "You told me how big he is." He nodded.

I reached over and shook Gordon's arm. "Dude, your future will be great. Fuck, you're going to Notre Damn." He looked at me and smiled and nodded.

We talked until we got to Decatur. I kept thinking about what had happened that morning. As I did, my dick began to thicken in my pants. I began to regret not taking the opportunity to give Nat head. I don't know how many times I imagined sucking Eric's dick when I would jerk off with him. Now, I had the chance, and chickened out. It seems that every time I am given the opportunity to do something I really want to do, but am afraid to do, I always say no.

We picked up his grandparents and headed back to the Resser home. Dinner started at about 4 pm. Again, I was seated beside Nat which helped. I was uncomfortable during dinner. Everyone was so proper. In my house, we all talk over each other, grab at what we want, and eat like they were going to take the food away. At the Resser's, the food was passed around slowly. Hardly anyone spoke. If someone did, everyone listened. No one started eating until everyone was ready to eat and prayers were said. They all seemed to chew each bite twenty times.

It was around 9 pm when a few of the aunts and uncles who drove in began to leave. Gordon's grandparents from Decatur said they were tired and would like to go home. Nat volunteered to drive them. Everyone walked them to the door as they put on their coats.

Nat said, "James, come with me. I could use the company."

I looked at Gordon. He seemed tense. Mrs. Resser said, "That would be nice, James," as she got my coat for me.

We dropped Nat's grandparents off at their house. We helped them in side and then left. Nat noticed we needed gas. Luckily, we were able to find an open gas station. We began our forty minute drive home.

Nat said, "My brother sulks a lot." I did not say anything. "I didn't say anything about this morning in case you're wondering, but he gets jealous easily."

"What do you mean?"

"You're his friend. I'm supposed to stay away," he said and laughed.

"I don't understand. He tells you that I've got a big dick and that we jerk off together but he doesn't want you to be friendly to me."

"Don't try to understand it. He's possessive and competitive. It's this thing that's been going on for years."

I sat there and felt angry and confused. I said, "Please don't tell him that we messed around. I don't want to get caught up in this."

"I promise I won't." He glanced at me then added with a smile. "I was sitting at dinner thinking about what we did and I figured out why you had to sit down when you were going to cum." He started laughing.

"Oh yeah, this is going to be good," I said and smiled.

"Well, all that extra blood has to go to your dick and you get lightheaded."

"HAHAHAHA. Well, at least that's original." I nodded. I felt my body fill with anxiety. I knew what I was about to say and my heart was pounding. "I was thinking about this morning, too." He looked at me. "I regret not returning the favor."

"Don't sweat it. It's cool. My wife wouldn't let me near her for six months after she gave birth. Now, if I'm lucky, it's once a month. When Gordy told me about you, I decided I had to check you out. I haven't done that in years, but once we got started well, it was pretty hot," he said and smiled.

"No, that's not what I mean," I said.

"What do you mean?"

"I wish I had not said no. I wish I had given you head. Not for you so much, but to try it. I guess I'm curious."

Nat glanced at me and said, "Oh, cool. Fuck, well," he laughed, "we can take care of that." I looked at him. "Do you want to?"


"Now," he said smiling.

"Where? Won't they be expecting us?" I asked. I felt my dick getting hard.

He stared at the road ahead as he drove. He opened his cell phone. "Mom," he said. "We're fine. I'm almost out of gas and all the stations from here into town are closed. I'm closer to Decatur than home, so I'm going to turn around. There are stations open there."

"Okay, if I run out of gas I'll call you. I'm sure I have enough to get to a station. I just don't know if I have enough to get home." He listened. "I'll call you in about twenty minutes from the station."

He hung up. "Okay, so twenty minutes to the gas station, then forty minutes from their back. Give another ten minutes here or there. We're ten minutes from the house now. So we have an hour," he explained and smiled. "That gives us plenty of time."

My heart was pounding. Sweat was dripping down my side. My mouth was dry and I was rock hard. As I moved in my seat and adjusted myself so as to give my dick the room it needed, he reached over and pushed his hand into my crotch and smiled. He took my hand and pressed it into his crotch. I could feel his erection.

He pulled off the road and headed to the stream where Gordon and I swam weeks earlier. "This is one of our parking spots. If someone comes out here you can see their headlights approaching, so we are safe here." He turned the car around to face the road and then parked. He opened his door and said, "We'll have a lot more room in the back seat," as he got out.

We both climbed into the back seat, pulled our pants and underwear down to our ankles. I sat with his back to the door and pulled his shirt up. I said, "I've never done this before."

He smiled and said, "Fuck, that's hot. I love being the first. Just be careful with your teeth." I nodded and began moving toward his dick. He put his hand on the back of my head and gently pushed me down on his dick.

I held his dick firmly. First, I ran the head of his dick over my lips and then over my cheek. He smelled warm and musky. He ran his fingers through my hair. I began to lick the shaft of his dick. He began to kick off his shoes and then his pants. I reached down and helped him. He moved his leg in between mine and pushed into my groin. I moved so that my dick was pressing against his leg while I held his dick against my lips.

"I'll tell you when I get close and you can jerk me off," he said, holding his boxers.

I opened my mouth and began licking the head of his dick. He sighed. I closed my mouth around his dick and began sucking and using my tongue. He gently began pushing my head down into his lap. I took more of his dick into my mouth and began moving up and down his dick. He moaned. Whatever anxiety I had about sucking him was gone. All I felt was hunger. Hunger for his touch, hunger for his dick, hunger for his cum. He kept pushing his leg into my crotch. I was rock hard.

"Fuck, Jimmy, this can't be your first time," he said and moaned.

I kept sucking and moving more of his dick deeper into my mouth. I could feel his cock head getting hard and I could taste his pre-cum. "Let me do you for a minute." I looked up at him. "Just for a minute," he said and smiled.

I sat up as he moved. Immediately, he had my dick in his mouth. "Oh fuck, Nat, that feels awesome," I said, as he moved quickly up and down my dick. Again, he tried to swallow my entire cock. Again, he gagged but went right back at it. I felt my dick fill his throat and felt his nose in my pubes. He sat back and smiled and said, "I knew I could do that."

I laughed and said, "Then I can do you for sure." He laughed, too. I went back to work on his dick and worked to take it all.

"Just try to relax your throat," he said. I took a breath and moved down on him. I got his dick down my throat and then pulled off and sat up and smiled at him. He laughed. I went back to working his dick. He was getting close. He moaned and said, "I'm almost there. Use your hand." I kept sucking his dick. "You're going to get my load," he said, as he began to thrust upward. I kept sucking. "Oh fuck, Jimmy," he grunted as he began to cum. Hungrily, I began to swallow each shot of his cum. He began groaning and moaning and squirming as I sucked and swallowed. "Oh fuck, Jimmy, fuck, I needed that so badly."

When he was no longer cumming I sat up. He asked, "Fuck, dude, are you okay?"

"I'm great," I said, as I began to jerk off.

He moved toward me and said, "You can't make a mess all over yourself. You'll smell of cum when we get back." I nodded and stopped jerking. I began to take off my pants to get my underwear off. He reached to the front of the car and grabbed his cell. "Hey Mom. Yeah, we just left the gas station and we'll be home in about 40 minutes or so." He closed his phone. He smiled at me as he pushed me back against the seat and went down on me.

"Oh fuck," I said, as he began working my dick with his mouth. "Nat, fuck," I moaned. He sucked me hard. It did not take me long before I was announcing, "Oh fuck, oh fuck, I'm going cum." He sucked hard and then began swallowing my load.

He glanced at his watch and smiled. I said, "What?"

"Think you'd be up for getting off again?"

"I'll work your dick the best I can," I said as I moved toward him. His dick was still hard.

He lay back. I took his dick in my mouth and began sucking. "Oh fuck, Jimmy, you just don't know how much I am needing this. Oh yeah, just like that," he moaned as I moved his dick mover my tongue and down my throat. My dick had become semi-flaccid after I came, but I was getting hard again. "Jerk yourself as you suck me," he said. I did. I moaned and sucked hard on his dick. "Fuck, Jimmy. I can't believe you've never done this before," he said as he began making short quick thrusts into my mouth. "Oh fuck, I am getting close. Suck me hard. Yeah, like that," he moaned as he pushed upward. "Oh fuck, yeah, swallow my cum. Oh yeah, fuck."

I eagerly and greedily took his load and swallowed as he emptied himself into my mouth.

We both sat back and looked at each other. He said, "Jimmy, you're a life saver. I've been aching for a good blow job for so long. I was getting ready to pay for it. But no woman can give head like that."

As I sat up he checked his watch. "Fuck," he said, "we don't have much time."

"That's okay. I'm okay."

"No way," he said. "Jerk yourself for a while, but don't cum. Get yourself close." I nodded and kept jerking. He played with my balls. "You getting close?" I nodded. He pushed my hand away and took me deep into his mouth as he stroked my dick. My dick head was still sensitive from my first orgasm and the feel of his warm mouth on my dick sent chills through my body. I moaned loudly and he stroked and sucked.

"I'm going to cum," I moaned. He began swallowing as my cum erupted from my dick. I was thrashing around as he kept licking my dick and swallowing my cum. I didn't want him to stop.

He sat up and smiled and said, "You enjoyed that didn't you?" I nodded. He laughed and said, "You give good head."

"I was pretty good, wasn't I," I said and laughed. We both began to dress. We climbed into the front seat. He looked at his watch and said, "Fuck, we better get going. We don't want to be too late." He opened his door and said, "I've got to pee." I got out, too. We stood by the car and took a long piss. He said, "You're going to think I'm sex crazed, but do you want to meet in the shower tomorrow morning," and laughed.

I said, "Sure. I just hope no one figures out what's going on."

"You mean my brother." I nodded. He shrugged. "Well, we'll play it by ear. If we can't hook up in the morning let's try to later in the day. I'll figure something out."

"Okay." We got back into the car and I said, "If we do hook up in the morning, maybe we can again later in the day, too, or tomorrow night we can figure out a way to come here again." I felt my stomach churn as I heard myself almost begging to suck his dick again.

"When are you leaving?" he asked.

"Saturday after breakfast, I guess."

"We were going to leave tomorrow, but I'll tell Carol I want to hang around and she'll be fine with that," he said, as he started the car. "Just follow my lead. I'll figure something out so we can get out." I nodded. "James, I really appreciate this. I mean, I know you're being cool about this. You're really a cool guy to do what you did for me. I've really been needing to hook up with someone. Damn, I remember the first time a friend dumped his load in my mouth I thought I was going throw up all over him."

I said, "Hey, I'm cool with it. I've been walking around all horned up since I got to school. Jerking off with your brother just doesn't do it. Besides, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, especially, when I knew that I'd be getting it back."

He smiled. "Your girlfriend isn't putting out for you?"

"She's saving herself. So, I understand needing to get it on with someone."

"Saving herself? Fuck, dude, unless you're really in love, you need to get another girlfriend. That dick of yours needs to be worked on." We were back on the road heading for the Resser house. "Maybe when I'm all horned up and not getting any from Carol, I can come and visit you."

I laughed and said, "That's a four hour drive for head. And what would you tell your brother."

He laughed and said, "Fuck, dude, if I'm willing to give head to get it, a four hour drive isn't anything. And he doesn't have to know I'm there." We both laughed as we drove up to the house. We got out of the car. He said, blowing into his hand, "Damn, we're going to have cum breath."

I reached into my pocket and took out a pack of gum. I handed Nat a piece. We both stood there and chewed for a minute. He smiled and said, "Dude, I'm getting boned thinking about tomorrow morning."

I laughed.

Before we went to bed the Ressers all began talking about a family tradition. The men go out and shoot buckets of golf balls in freezing weather and then go to lunch at the club. The women go shopping. Everyone talked about getting up, having breakfast and taking off. Everyone was going except Grandpa Resser.

When Gordon and I went to bed I told him that I would like to stay behind and get some reading done. He said that everyone would be gone until late afternoon and that I would be left in the house with his grandfather. I was fine with that. When Gordon and I climbed into bed he took off his briefs. I did not. Gordon asked me, "What did you and Nat talk about in the car?"

I think I was ready for this. I said, "He was talking about his marriage, about having a son. We talked about me dating Barbara, stuff like that." He was silent. "He seems like a nice guy." He remained silent. "I like being here, but it's hard, too. You all know each other and there are a lot of you. It was nice to just be with one person. Like when you and I drove up to pick them up."

"Yeah, I get that."

I was feeling really awkward and very guilty. I began regretting my decision to blow Nat and was deciding to not have sex with him again. The fact that I was enjoying it so much started scaring me. But, I kept assuring myself that Nat was enjoying it as much as I was, and he was married. Surely, he is straight, I assured myself. But he was not enjoying giving head. He was doing it so that he could get blown. I felt my stomach twisting with anxiety as I acknowledged to myself that I loved his dick in my mouth and the feel and taste of his cum. But he did not seem to mind my cum, I reasoned.

Gordon whispered, "You must be horny," as he began stroking his dick.

"You know I can't do it without grunting," I said. "Besides, it's just too weird to do it here."

"Not for me," he said and smiled. "I've done it here thousands of times." I lay there facing him, watching him as he stroked his dick. "You going to do it?" he asked.

"No, but I can watch you do it." He glanced at me and smiled and kept jerking off.

Looking back this is where it all started. This is the moment that we turned the corner and the beginning of a very confusing and painful time for me. This is the moment that I began to lose sight of my goal not to have crushes except on girls.

I remember how Gordon took hold of my dick when he measured my dick a few months ago. I remember how comfortable he was with my hand on his. And now knowing that he had blown guys, I reach over and ran my fingers over Gordon's balls as he continued stroking his dick. He did not miss a beat. And, as soon as I did, I could hear him breathing harder. I felt his balls pulling tight and then watched as he body went stiff and shook. I watched as beads of cum were shot from his dick.

I had not noticed before, but Nat was right. Gordon came without making a sound. He cleaned his stomach and then covered himself. "When we get back you have to show me how to shave myself."

"Okay," I said. I felt a sinking sensation in my gut.

The next morning I woke as Gordon was dressing. I sat up in bed. He said, "We're getting ready to leave. I'll leave stuff for you for breakfast on the table, rolls and stuff. Grab what you want for lunch. We'll be back about 3 or 4. I have my cell, so call me if you need anything."

"Sounds good." I lay in bed and listened to everyone leaving. The house was quiet. I got up and went into the bathroom and showered. I thought about Nat not being in the shower with me and felt both disappointed and relieved. I dressed and then I quietly made my way down to the kitchen. I heard someone. I stepped into the kitchen and saw Nat with his son Adam. "I thought you were going with the guys," I said. `Fuck,' I thought, as my dick began to get hard.

Nat smiled at me and said, "Last night, I told Carol that I thought she'd enjoy herself a lot more if I stayed home and watched Adam while she had a day out with the girls. She was very appreciative," he said and smiled. "I was going to suggest to you that if you didn't want to go golfing you could hang out here. But, I guess, you had the same idea."

"Well, that's good," I said. My dick was moving in my pants.

"We can have some time at ten. Adam goes down for a nap," he said.

I felt light headed. My head said to say no, but my dick said yes. I nodded. He handed Adam to me to hold and said, "I'll get you breakfast, you take care of him."

I played with Adam as Nat made us breakfast. I watched as Nat made Adam a bottle. I glanced up at the clock. It was 9:50 a.m. Again, my dick got hard as I finished my breakfast.

"I'll get him to sleep and then I'll meet you in your room. Okay?"

I felt my ears burning. I nodded. He smiled.

I went upstairs and lay down on the bed. I was feeling excited but also wishing this was not going to happen. Nat stepped into the room. He smiled at me. Any conflict I had about what we were going to do immediately evaporated as he pulled off his shirt and began to unzip his pants. I sat up pulled off my shirt, kicked off my shoes, pulled off my socks.

"What about your grandfather?"

"He can't climb the steps," he answered and smiled. "If he needs me, he'll yell, but I told him Adam is napping." Moments later we were both naked. "Adam sleeps for about two hours," he said and smiled, as he went down on me. The feel of his warm mouth on my dick sent chills up my spine. I lay back and watched him licking and sucking on my dick. He took his time on me. Several times I got close and each time he pulled away and gently licked the shaft of my dick. Finally, after I said I could not take any more, he let me deliver what he worked so hard for. He moaned as I filled his mouth with my cum.

Again, my orgasm was intense. He played with my dick and rubbed my balls as I came down off my climax. I reached over and took hold of his dick. He smiled, lay back and said, "Getting head from you makes sucking your dick worth it, especially when you give such good head."

I nodded. "I agree," and laughed. I thought I would suck his dick even if he was not giving me head, but that scared me.

I took him into my mouth and began working his dick. He moved me around so that I was kneeling between his legs. He took hold of my head with both his hands and held it stead. He then began to thrust into my mouth. We both moaned. "Take your time. Do me like I did you." I nodded. He moaned. "Play with my balls," he whispered.

I moved my fingers over his balls as he continued thrusting up into my mouth. I knew he was getting close to cumming. I slowed down, so did he. As I licked the shaft of his dick I glanced up at him. He was watching me. I began licking his ball sac. He moaned, "Oh yeah, do that," he whispered.

I licked and sucked and licked and sucked until he said, "I gotta cum." He began thrusting into my mouth. I sucked hard and began thrusting downward as he thrust upward. He began to shake and thrash around as he shot cum into my mouth. Each time he shot, I swallowed and moved his cock with my tongue. He moaned loudly as I continued sucking him after he stopped cumming. He pulled his dick from my mouth.

"Oh fuck, Jimmy. You're as good at this as I am," he said and smiled at me. I laughed. "Fuck, I can't believe you haven't done this before."

We both got up and went to the bathroom to pee. He checked in on Adam. He was sound asleep. Nat said, "Don't dress. I'll be right back." He threw on his pants and shirt and went downstairs. I heard him talking to his grandfather and then he was back. "I just wanted to see if he needed anything," he said, as he took off his clothes.

He got onto the bed and smiled at me. He turned so that his feet were up toward my head. He told me to scoot down. He lay beside me. I understood we were about to 69. My first 69. Damn, I thought, this weekend is full of firsts.

We lay head to toe, sucking and licking each other. I noticed that once in a while he would check the time and then go back at my dick. Adam had been sleeping for almost two hours when Nat said, "We'd better get off, he's going to wake and I'm going to have to pick him up." He glanced at me. "I'll be nuts if I haven't cum after all this."

He moved so we were face to face. I smiled at him and scooted down and took him in my mouth. "Yeah, you're a good man," he said. I began sucking him, working his dick down my throat. I wanted his cum. If Adam woke up before I came, I'd be happy jerking myself off. I wanted his load badly.

I worked the head of his dick with my tongue and then went down on him until my face was pushed into his pubes. I worked his dick until he began moaning loudly. At that point I began sucking hard and working his cock head with my tongue. As he began to cum, I worked his dick with more intensity. He was thrashing around and moaning. When I stopped sucking him, I swallowed. His load was still large even though he had just cum.

We lay beside each other. "Fuck," he said, "I've never had so much good head in such a short time. This is awesome." I began stroking my dick. He glanced down.

"You don't have to blow me. We're even now."

"Really," he said. "I hate to take advantage."

"I'm cool. How about you jerk me off?" He looked at me and smiled.

He began jerking me off while he played with my balls. As he masturbated me he moved down and began licking the head of my dick. He jerked me and licked and moved the head of my dick around on his lips. I lay there feeling my orgasm getting close. I began thrusting my hips upward. He jerked my dick harder and faster. I began cumming. I felt my cum shoot out of my dick but not land anywhere on me. I felt his mouth surround my cock. He licked and sucked hard and I began shaking all over.

When he let my dick fall from his mouth he looked at me. He smiled. My cum was plastered to his cheek, across his nose and hanging from his chin. I laughed. He said, "It is definitely shower time," as he got up. "Listen for Adam while I take a quick shower." I nodded. When he was done with his shower, I stepped in. I watched him through the glass doors as he dried himself off. Fuck,' I thought, he's so fucking hot.'

The next morning, Gordon never left the room as we gathered our stuff. When I went into the bathroom to shower, he followed me and shaved. When I stepped out of the shower, he stepped in. When we left Nat cornered me and asked for my email address and gave me his. "I'll see you," he whispered. I nodded.

Gordon and I drove back to Notre Dame. We talked about Nat and how he always seemed to be the star. By then I figured out that I should not try to defend Nat. I just listened. I also felt sorry for Gordon. A lot of what he said, about the way he was treated, or not treated, was obvious to me after spending the last few days at his home.

After my trip to the Resser home, I felt more open to Gordon and us being friends. I was also looking forward to Mark returning.

Next: Chapter 5

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