James College Days

By moc.loa@9101namyrotS

Published on Oct 26, 2006


Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. It is a story that contains graphic sexual encounters between consenting young adult men. If you are not of legal age to read this kind of story, please leave now. If you reside in area where reading stories that include sexual situations between two consenting adult males are illegal, please leave now. This story is for entertainment purposes only. Any similarity to any person(s) living or dead is simply a coincidence. The author retains all rights to this story. It cannot be reproduced in any form without expressed written permission from the author (me). Copyright 2006.

James's College Days, part three

Mark and I became great friends. We had a freshman English class that met on MWF at 9 am. We decided to shower and have breakfast before class. I guess there is no better way to make a good friend than to shower with him the first thing in the morning. We usually hung out in the shower for about 20 minutes, dressed, had breakfast and headed for class. Sometimes we had lunch together, and during the week always had dinner together. We typically hung out and studied most evenings during the week. But, most weekends, he was gone. Either his girlfriend flew in from New York to spend the weekend. They would check into a motel, or he flew to New York to be with her. His parents did not know they were seeing as much of each other as they were. He said they did not approve.

Mark made sure that she came to South Bend whenever Notre Dame had a home football game. She joined us in the stands. I must admit, although I was a bit jealous, she was attractive, funny and seemed to be intelligent.

I knew I had to end my crush on Mark. It was becoming like my crush on Eric. Besides, Gordy set me up with Barbara who I was seeing regularly. She and Gordy's girlfriend, Vicki, were good friends, so we were double dating at least once on weekends. I believed I was on the path I wanted to be taking. I was on my way to being like everyone else: straight and curious.

The first weekend in October, Gordy told me he was driving home for the day. He said it was about a four hour drive. He asked me to accompany him. At first, I said that I had a lot of studying to do, but he looked disappointed, so I agreed to go. I always know when I am doing something I do not want to be doing, but I usually do it anyway. I hate disappointing people.

We left early Saturday morning. It was a beautiful day. He drove for first two hours and then let me drive his car. I had never driven a BMW before. It was awesome. Gordy drove the last 50 miles. The area was beautiful. When we pulled up to his house I was surprised. It was a large two story house. He said they had three acres of land and it was covered with trees.

His mom and dad greeted us at the door. They seemed nice enough, but stiff and proper. He told me that they were very religious Catholics and that I had to be careful of my language. He also told me that I was not to mention our girlfriends. I was surprised to see Gordy shake his father's hand and call him sir and give his mother what looked to be a very uncomfortable hug. If I were showing up and home, everyone would be hugging and kissing and asking me if I was hungry.

Gordon was the fourth of four children. He had two older sisters and an older brother, all of whom were married. Gordon and one of his older sisters were the only children to attend college. His brother, Nat, who was eighteen months older than Gordon, recently married and seven months later had a baby boy.

Mr. and Mrs. Resser showed me around the lower level of the house. Gordy took me upstairs to his room where he gathered up what he needed. He showed me the four bedrooms and three baths, one bedroom and bathroom had been for each of his sisters. The other bathroom was shared between two bedrooms. One bedroom was his, the other had been his brother's. The bathroom they shared was large. Their shower was large enough for three or four people to fit into and had two shower heads. His parent's bedroom suite was downstairs, as was another guest bedroom.

After we had lunch with his parents, Gordy and I said good-bye to his parents and headed out. About five minutes from his house, Gordy pulled onto a dirt road and headed into the hills and what seemed to be a stand of large oak trees.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"It's beautiful today. Up ahead is a stream where I and my friends would come to swim. The water should still be warm."

"You're going for a swim?" I asked.

"Yeah. Why not? We can go naked. We always did. No one cares."

We arrived at the stream. It was beautiful. It was surrounded by rocks and large trees. Gordy parked his car. We got out and climbed down to the stream. Gordy began to undress.

"How deep is it?"

"Well, usually 12-15 feet around here," he said. I nodded.

I looked around. No one else seemed to be anywhere in sight. I took off my shoes and socks. Gordy was naked. He walked out onto the rocks and then stepped in. "It's warm," he said.

I undressed and followed behind him. By the time I entered the water he was wadding out across the stream. I dove in and began swimming. I swam to the middle of the stream and began treading water. It felt great. I glanced up at the trees and noticed a rope that was tied to a large branch at one end and then went back to the trunk of the tree on the other side of the stream. "What's that?" I yelled, pointing to the rope.

"You can swing from the bank of the stream out and then dive in. We did it all the time."

I decided to see how deep the stream was before I dove in. I swam down to the bottom. It was at least 12 feet deep which was enough for me to dive in. I swam to the other side of the stream. I climbed out and climbed up the bank of the stream to the trunk of the tree. I looked up and saw the end of the rope tied to what looked to be an ax handle. I had to climb up the tree to get to it.

"Do I stand on this or hang from it?" I yelled, holding on to the handle.

"You can hang from it," he answered, as he kept treading water.

I untied the rope, held onto the ax handle with both my hands, leaned back and then lifted my feet. As I swung out, I kept my knees tucked to my chest. Realizing I had plenty of air between me and the bank of the stream I straightened my legs. At about mid-stream I let go, tucked and did a backward flip, and went in feet first. As I came up, I could see Gordy treading water. I headed for him and surfaced a few inches from him.

He smiled at me and said, "You're good."

I laughed and then reached over, put my hand on his head and pushed him under. He went down easily. He grabbed onto one of my legs as he began to surface and tried to pull me under. I am a strong swimmer. I pushed him away. He surfaced and laughed. I swam toward him. He tried to swim away. I was on him in seconds. Our bodies were in full contact. I felt my dick pressed into his side as I grabbed him again and pushed him under. This time, as he surfaced, he grabbed my dick and balls and squeezed and then yanked me down by the balls. I was both surprised and excited. I went down as he surfaced. Again, he swam away. When I surfaced he was laughing and making for the bank of the stream. With two strokes I was on him again. I pushed him down. As he came up I was all over his back. I reached around him, as he laughed and yelled, and grabbed his crotch. He seemed to make no effort to stop me. I wrapped my legs around his legs so that now he could not swim. My dick was pressed hard into his butt. I kept a tight grip on his basket.

I was surprised. His dick seemed to be getting hard. My first impulse was to let go, but I did not. We both went under as I held onto his dick. By now, we were in water that was shallow enough for us to stand. When I let him go, he got to his feet and started heading for the bank of the stream.

My dick was now hard. I decided to swim back out to the center of the stream. I watched as he climbed out onto the rocks. I was surprised to see that his dick was now fully erect. From what I could see, now that his pubes were wet and laying against his body, he seemed to be about average in length. He climbed up onto the rocks, stood and faced me and smiled. "You're a lot stronger than you look."

"I'm just good in the water. You could probably kick my ass on land," I said and laughed.

I tread water until my dick became flaccid again. I decided to climb up into the tree again. I made my way up the bank and into the tree. I climbed out onto a branch and shimmied out. He watched me and smiled. I sat down on the branch and looked toward him. From up here he looked very attractive. His dick still seemed to be hard, as it lay on his stomach. My dick began to get hard again.

Facing him, I let myself hang from the branch of the tree. I could feel my dick beginning to lengthen and rise up. I watched him staring at my crotch. I started my legs swinging back and forth, my dick began to swing upward and downward. I then let go and tucked my legs and did a backward flip. As I came out of the flip, I grabbed my dick and balls with both my hands and went in feet first.

When I surfaced, I glanced at him and he was smiling at me. I climbed out of the stream and toward him. My dick was swinging back and forth as I walked.

I sat down beside him, "This was a good idea. It feels great."

"You're great in the water. Why didn't you go out for swimming at Notre Dame?"

"I'm not that good," I said and glanced at him. He had his legs drawn up so I could not see his dick. "You used to come here with friends?"

"Oh yeah, all the time. We'd spend most of our summer down here. Me and three of my best friends would ride our bikes down here, get naked, swim and then sit out on the rocks. Sometimes my brother joined us, too."

"That's cool."

"You ever jerk off with your friends?" he asked.

The question shocked me, or caught me off guard. I just stared at him. Then I asked, "Did you?"

"Yeah, we'd come down here, swim, talk about girls, get hard and then play jerk off games," he said nonchalantly.

"What kind of games?" I asked.

"Who could cum the fastest, the furthest, the most. Stuff like that," he said.

"Yeah, I had a friend and we'd do that stuff, too."

"Yeah, I guess a lot of guys do that. Jerk off with a buddy," he said and laughed.

"Yeah, I think so, too."

"You want to jerk off?" he asked.

I felt my heart pounding in my chest. "Do you?"

"Yeah, if you do," he said.

"Yeah, sure," I said, looking around.

"Don't worry. We'd see if anyone was around. This is the only place for about a mile you can get down to the stream," he said as he lowered his legs. He was hard. He took his dick in his hand and began stroking. I lowered my legs and took my hard-on in hand and began stroking. He kept staring at my dick. He said, "I figured you were pretty big, but just how big is your dick?"

"I guess about nine or nine and half inches," I said, holding it out for him to gaze upon. "How big are you?"

"Fuck, I'm only about five and half," he said, pushing his crotch upward to give me a full view. He kept staring at my dick as we stroked. "I had a friend who used to cum a lot," he said, as he stroked and watched me. "How much do you cum?"

"I don't know I never measured."

"How many times do you squirt?" he asked. "My friend used to squirt seven, sometimes eight times."

"Yeah, about that," I said. "We can count when I cum," I added. "How many times do you squirt?"

"Usually four or five." We kept stroking our dicks. "My brother cums a lot, too"

"You jerk off with your brother?" I asked, sounding surprised.

"Well, he'd come down here with us sometimes. He's about our age." I nodded. "You shave and trim?" he asked. I nodded. "Why?"

"It looks better," I answered. "It makes you look like you've got more."

He laughed and said, "Like you need to look like you've got more."

"Besides, no one wants to be getting hair in their mouth when they give head. That's gross," I added.

"Doesn't it hurt or burn. I mean, can't you cut yourself?"

"I'll show you if you want?" I said.

"Yeah, okay. That would be cool," he said. We continued jerking. "Do you ever hear me jerking in bed," he asked.

"Yeah, I think I have. You ever hear me?" I asked.

"Yeah. I guess now we don't have to worry anymore," he said and smiled. "I like jerking off, so I guess it's cool to do it whenever, now. Right?"

"Yeah, sure. I love to jerk off, too. Jerk off anytime you want."

He smiled and nodded.

I said, "I'm getting close."

"Me, too," he said. He stood up and kept jerking, pointing his dick at the rocks. I stood beside him. He was jerking hard and began to grunt. I watched as he began cumming. The first shot was large and went splat against a rock. The second, third and fourth shots were smaller. His cum was thick and white. I glanced at his dick and a string of cum hung from it. He squeezed his dick head and shook off the rest of his cum. He took a deep breath and then let go of his dick. It was still hard.

"Damn, that felt good," he said and smiled. "Your turn."

I began stroking hard. He stood a few feet from me and watched. As I got close, my legs began to shake. I began thrusting my hips forward and moaning. "Oh fuck," I said as I felt my cum pushing out of my dick. I watched him watching me cum. I had not cum in three days, and that is a long time for me. This was going to be a big load. I felt the first shot explode from my dick. It must have shot five or six feet in front of me. More cum came spewing from my dick head as I moaned and groaned and pumped my dick hard.

"Fuck, James," Gordy said, when I was done. "Nine squirts," he said. My legs felt like noodles. I had to sit down. He was looking at my load that was now spewed over the rocks. My dick began to relax against my stomach. "Damn, my friends would love to see this," he said.

We swam across the stream and sat in the sun for a while to dry off. We then dressed and drove back to school.

I started feeling guilty about jerking off with Gordon. I did not want to get caught up in this stuff again. I wanted to have a crush on a girl. But as I thought about it, I realized that I did not really have a crush on Gordon. I thought he was a nice guy, but I was not feeling turned on by him. I smiled and thought that was good. Guys jerk off with guys all the time and have sex with girls. I wondered if Gordon was a virgin.

Most of the time in the car, we talked about jerking off.

I had to ask, "So, are you a virgin?"

"No. I lost my virginity when I was fifteen," he said.

"Really, wow, that's cool. How did that happen?" I asked.

"My brother took me `taggin' with him."

"What's that?" I asked.

"Well, he and a couple of his friends knew these two girls. They'd get together for an afternoon and fuck. He started taking me with him. We'd met up and the four of us would have sex with the two girls. We'd do it all afternoon."

"Fuck, you'd all fuck these two girls?"

"Yeah. We'd fuck them and drink beer. We'd see who could fuck the most times. My brother, Nat, always did it the most."

"Damn, that must have been pretty hot," I said, thinking about watching these guys fucking. My dick started getting hard.

"Are you a virgin?' he asked.

"Nah," I said. I lied.

When we arrived at the dorms we unpacked the car and decided we were hungry. We drove into town and got something to eat. By the time we returned to the dorms, a lot of the guys were hanging around the floor lounge. Gordon looked at me and said he was tired and was going to go to bed. I knew he was going to jerk off. I felt myself blush. I told him I was going to hang out for a while. He looked disappointed but left the lounge.

About an hour later I went to my room. Gordon was in bed reading. I was hoping he would be asleep. We talked as I undressed. I felt uncomfortable as I noticed him watching me. When I turned off the light and made my way to my bed I noticed that he had started masturbating. As he stroked his dick he began talking to me about Vicki. He told me that he was sure he would be fucking her soon.

"Have you gotten anywhere with Barbara yet?"

"No, not really. She said she wants to save herself for marriage," I said.

"They all say that," he said.

I felt my dick getting hard as I sat on my bed and watched him jerking. I began rubbing my dick. He turned facing me and asked, "What have you two done?"

"Just made out and touched each other," I said shyly.

"Has she given you head?"


"What are you waiting for?"

I shrugged. "I just don't want to push it with her." I did want to say that whenever we made out I had not been hard. When I touched her breasts, nothing happened for me. Nothing ever did before with any of my girlfriends. "I think when she's ready we'll do stuff."

"Damn, that's got to make you fuckin' horny."

"Yeah, it does. But, I've always got my hand," I said, and smiled.

Gordon got up from bed. He leaned over and turned on his desk lamp. He grabbed the briefs that were sitting at the foot of his bed, sat down facing me and began masturbating again. "Damn, dude, your dick looks bigger than nine inches," he said, staring at my crotch.

"That's because it's shaved."

"You've got to show me how to do that," he said.

"I will," I said.

He got up again, opened up his desk draw and took out a ruler. "Can we measure you?" he asked.

"I guess, if we can measure you."

I stood up and reached for the ruler, but he knelt down in front of me and then put the ruler up to my dick. He took hold of my dick and placed the ruler on top of it, pushing the ruler against my pubes. "Fuck, James, it's at least nine and a half, almost ten."

"No it's not. You're pushing the ruler. Just let it sit." He held my dick down and steady as the ruler sat on top of my dick. My dick measured almost nine and a half inches. He stood up and handed me the ruler. I felt myself feeling anxious as I knelt down. I took hold of his dick. It was rock hard and pointing upward. I pulled his dick downward and laid the ruler on top of it. I gently pushed it into his pubic hair. We both glanced down. "It's six inches," I said.

"Wow, cool. Last time we measured me, I was only five and a half inches. Maybe I'm still growing," he said and laughed.

"You and your friends measure each other?" I asked as I stood up and handed him the ruler.

"No, me and my brother. He's got seven and a half inches," he answered. I felt my face blush, but I was not sure why. Again, he put his hand on my dick and said, "I think you're thicker than me, too," as his hand went back and forth from my dick to his.

We sat down on our own bed, faced each other and watched each other jerk off. He cleaned his chest with his underwear. I cleaned mine with mine. We turned off the lights and said good night. I lay in bed feeling anxious and confused. I assured myself that this was okay. A guy jerking off with another guy, does not mean either one of them is gay. Eric jerked off with me for years and he is not gay. Gordon has been jerking off with his brother and his friends and they are not gay. I am jerking off with guys and that does not mean I am gay, I assured myself. Besides, I don't have feelings for Gordy, anyway.

I fell asleep wondering how Mark was doing in New York.

email me at Storyman1019@aol.com

Next: Chapter 4

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