James College Days

By moc.loa@9101namyrotS

Published on Oct 20, 2006


Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. It is a story that contains graphic sexual encounters between consenting young adult men. If you are not of legal age to read this kind of story, please leave now. If you reside in area where reading stories that include sexual situations between two consenting adult males are illegal, please leave now. This story is for entertainment purposes only. Any similarity to any person(s) living or dead is simply a coincidence. The author retains all rights to this story. It cannot be reproduced in any form without expressed written permission from the author (me). Copyright 2006.

James's College Days, part two

The next day, the dorm was teaming with activity. I met several of the guys who would be living on my floor. They seemed to be as nervous and as eager to make friends as I was. By dinnertime, most of their parents had left and the RA suggested that we all go into town for pizza.

Mark, a guy I noticed moving into the room across the hall from me, sat down next to me at dinner.

I introduced myself to him. "Hi, I'm James Moretti. I live across the hall from you."

"Hi, I'm Mark Barnett; good to meet you," he said, as we shook hands. Everyone at the table introduced themselves and talked about who was rooming with whom and what rooms they were in.

Between bites of pizza, Mark said to me, "James Moretti, sounds like a good eye-talian name. Do I call you James, Jim or Jimmy?"

"James is good," I said. I smiled and added, "I don't care for Jim, and Jimmy is only for those people who are wanting to have sex with me or who think they can kick my ass." I felt my stomach churn as I heard what I said. Was I flirting? I felt sad as I began to blush. I promised myself that I would not do this.

Mark smiled and asked, "So, Jimmy, who's your roommate?"

I smiled and answered, "He's not here, Markie."

Mark smiled and nodded. "My roomie hasn't shown up either."

I began to relax and was able to enjoy myself at dinner. Mark and I walked back to the dorms talking about high school, sports we played and girlfriends. He explained that he had left behind a steady girlfriend who he had every intention of marrying. When we all arrived at the dorms we squeezed as many of us as possible into the elevator. Mark was pressed into me, his butt pushed into my crotch. I could feel my package pressed hard against the left cheek of his ass. Can you feel my big dick, Markie? I wondered. He turned, glanced at me and smiled as if he could read my mind. The elevator doors closed. We all began laughing as the elevator creaked and strained from all the weight.

Mark followed me into my room. "You've got a roommate that goes both ways." He laughed.

I asked, "What the hell does that mean, Markie?"

Mark laughed and said, "Well, James, his name, Resser, is the same either way. He can go frontward or backward."

I nodded and said, "One thing for sure. He's not eye-talian nor is he Italian."

Mark laughed and said, "My very best friend is Italian."

I looked at him and said, "Really, I have a very best friend too, and he isn't," and smiled.

Mark nodded and laughed and said, "You're cool, James. You know we could go to the RA and ask him if we could switch so that we could be roommates. I could move my stuff into this room and we could just tell Resser that there was a mistake."

I took a deep breath. Mark seemed like a nice enough guy. He was an inch or so shorter than me; about five foot ten or eleven. He had dark brown straight hair and huge brown eyes framed by thick brows and long lashes. His smile was generous and his lips were full. He played high school basketball and looked to be in great shape and, from what I could see he seemed to have a full basket that sat tucked nicely on the left side of his jeans.

I was blushing again. I felt myself take shallow quick breaths. My attraction to him was strong. Fuck I thought,, I'd be wanting to be all over you ever night. How would I ever fall for a girl? I knew I had to say no. As I was about to do so, my door opened. "Hey," Gordon said, "I hope one of you is my roommate," as he stepped into the room with his backpack over his shoulder and two suitcases in tow. He glanced at both Mark and me as we stood up. "Which one of you is James?"

"I am," I said as I extended my right hand. He shook my hand. Mark introduced himself.

The three of us walked down to the parking lot to help Gordon with the rest of his stuff. Mark and I looked at each other when we saw his car. It was a new silver on black BMW 330cxi. Mark rolled his eyes; I smiled.

"So, Gordon," I said as we rode the elevator to our floor. "Where are you from?"

"You can call me Gordy," he said. Mark looked at me and smiled. "I'm from a small town south of Decatur; that's in Illinois. Where are you from?"

Mark answered, "Brooklyn, which is a borough in New York City, that's in New York." Mark looked at me again and smiled. Gordon gave him a quick glance and then looked at me.

I said, "I'm from Sherman Oaks, which is part of Los Angeles." Again Mark smiled.

"California guy. Hum, is it true what they say about you guys?" Gordon asked as we walked down the hall to our room.

"Every word of it," I said.

"Should I worry?" he asked and smiled.

Mark said to Gordon, "We could switch. I'll room with James and you can have my roommate. Then you'll have nothing to worry about," in a disdainful tone of voice that surprised me. Gordon did not respond. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

I'm not sure why Mark and I joined together to make Gordon out to be a rube, but we had. Perhaps, it was that red-state blue-state thing going, or the right-coast left-coast versus everyone-in-the-middle thing. Or, perhaps, it was beyond anything either one of us was willing to openly acknowledge.

Mark finally got up to leave. He said, "Gordy, it's good to meet you."

"Yeah, the same here," Gordon responded without glancing up.

Mark signaled me to come out into the hall. I followed him out. He asked, "Do you want to meet up for breakfast and then hang out?" I nodded. "The commons close at 9:15. I'm going to get up at 8:00, grab a shower. So, let's be ready to go down at about 8:45."

"Sounds great. I'll knock on your door at 8:45," I said. He smiled at me and nodded as he unlocked the door to his room.

I went back into my room. Gordon continued to unpack. He glanced at me and said, "Guys from New York really can be assholes. Don't you think?"

I said, "He's cool," feeling a bit annoyed.

Gordon was about my height and looked to weigh about the same as me; one hundred and fifty pounds give or take. But it was not until he took off his shirt and pants that I realized that he was tight and defined. His hair was blond, his eyes were deep blue. He had high cheek bones and his nose was long and straight. He was striking except for the fact that he had no lips. As he walked around the room I kept checking out his smooth defined chest, his muscular back, his long defined legs and abs. When he spoke, I would glance at his face and fixate on his mouth. I had never seen a person without lips before. How the fuck can someone not have lips? I wondered.

We talked about high school sports, the sports we played (I was on the swim team, he played football), and about girls. He told me that he knew two girls who would be freshman at Notre Dame. He described both of them to me. He said he was interested in one of them, but would introduce me to the other. By the time everything was put away it was almost midnight.

"So, James," he said, looking around the room. "Looks like we're settled in." I nodded. "I think we'll make good roomies. What do you think?"

"I think we'll do just fine."

"Well," he said, "I'm ready to turn in. What about you?"

"Sounds good to me," I said, as I began to undress.

"I sleep in the nude," Gordon said as he pulled off his boxer briefs while facing me. "I hope that's not a problem for you."

I tried not to glance at his crotch as he walked to his bed, but I did. His pubic hair was light brown in color and very bushy. So much so, that his penis and scrotum seemed to get lost in them.

I thought, Fuck, dude, where's your dick? I shook my head. Damn, everyone I knew in high school shaved their balls and trimmed their pubes. If they didn't no girl would ever give them head. Fuck, it's like not brushing your teeth. I smiled to myself and wondered if he would begin to worry when he saw me naked. I trim and shave. I laughed to myself.

"Not at all. That's the way I sleep also," I answered.

I watched as he tossed his briefs onto the foot of his bed and then climbed in. He propped his pillow up against the headboard, sat back and said, "So, I never asked you what your major is."

"Biology," I answered as I pulled off my shirt and started unbuckling my belt. "What's yours?" I noticed him staring. I think when I am dressed I look skinny so people are surprised that I have such muscle definition.

"Physical Education. I want to be a high school football coach." I glanced at him and nodded and watched him watching me. "You trying to get into med. school?" he asked.

"No, I don't think I'd make a very good doctor," I said as I sat down and pulled off my shoes and socks. I stood and took off my jeans. I was wear boxers brief.

I stand at six foot one inch and weight one sixty. I have thick straight dark brown hair which I was wearing longer than I usually do. My eyes are grey-blue depending on the day. My nose fits my face, my smile is large and my lips are `kissable' as one of my girlfriends said. My teeth are straight. I wore braces. I must admit that God has been generous. He has given me a body that does not seem to hold onto much fat even though I eat everything in sight. I have a six pack that I did not do anything to develop and my lower abs are so tight and flat my hips stand out and make a v-shape. I am tall, lean, defined, smooth and both strong and limber. Swimming does that for you. And I was also given another gift: a dick that when flaccid hangs at about six inches and when erect is nine inches long and five inches in girth and a set of balls that sits close to my body but are the size of grade A eggs. All in all, it makes for a large package. My balls and the shaft of my dick are shaved clean and my pubes are trimmed to about one inch.

In high school, I was often teased about the length of my flaccid penis. My swimming coach often yelled, "Moretti, get that swinging dick of yours in the pool and start swimming laps." The guys on the team were always trying to come up with a new joke and used to tease me. They would say that even in Speedos, my basket must cut 10 seconds off my time because of the drag it created. One of my teammates tried to sneak into our senior year book under my picture: Most likely to be: A Porn Star; but one of the faculty members caught it. The irony in all of that, and it was pointed out to me by Eric many times, is that I graduated high school a virgin. He told me that he heard that when girls see my hard dick they think, `no way you're sticking that thing in me'.

I added, "I'd like to do research; eventually, get a Ph.D. in Biology and do medical research," as I pulled off my briefs and put them at the foot of my bed as he did his. I turned and looked at him. He glanced at my crotch, looked away and then glanced back again. "Lights out?" I asked and smiled.

He glanced up at me and said, "Yeah, sure," in an odd tone.

I climbed into bed and made myself comfortable. How strange to be sleeping in a room with someone I don't know, I thought. I guess I won't be jerking off tonight. Fuck!!!

He said, "Good night, James."

"Good night, Gordy," I answered and smiled, thinking I probably could not kick his ass, but also happy that I was not feeling overly attracted to him. He's not crush material, I thought. I took a deep breath and said my prayers. Then I thanked God that Mark was not my roommate as I lay there getting a hard-on while wondering if Mark slept in the nude and imagining what he looked like naked. I bet I know what he's doing now, I thought and smiled.

I remembered our breakfast date at 8:45 and Mark saying he would be taking a shower at 8:00. I rolled over and reached for my alarm clock. I set it for 8:00 and then covered myself again. I smiled. We have open community showers in our dorm.

Again, I felt a roiling in my stomach and a sadness wash over me. I rolled over again and re-set my alarm for 8:30. I made myself not think about Mark. Instead, I tried to imagine the girl to whom Gordon said he would introduce me. Finally, I feel asleep.

I woke up the next morning at 7:30. I glanced over at Gordon and he was still asleep. My dick was hard. Dare I? I wondered. I again glanced over at Gordon trying to make sure he was asleep. I could not see his face. He was on his side and facing away from me. As I stared at him in his bed I noticed his boxer briefs on the floor toward the head of his bed. I was sure they were on the foot of the bed when we went to sleep. My heart began to pound in my chest. I slowly moved out of my bed and reached for his underwear. I opened them and notice a wet spot. Fuck, when did you do this? I wondered and smiled.

I grabbed my briefs, lay down and covered myself, rolled onto my side facing away from Gordon and began slowly stroking my dick. As I got close I thought about slowing down, but then worried that Gordon might wake up and I would have wood that I could not lose. I grabbed my briefs, wrapped them around my dick and began stroking. The friction from my briefs sent me over the edge immediately. My legs shook as I kept squirting spunk into them. I forgot how hard it was to cum and not make noise.

I rolled over. Gordon was still asleep. My dick was still hard but I quietly stepped out of bed, grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist. I grabbed everything I need and slipped out of the room and headed for the showers.

In the bathroom, I hung my towel on a hook near the showers. I walked over to the urinal and with great pleasure peed. The door swung open. Mark walked in with his towel around his waist. "Hey, James," he said as he took off his towel and hung it up and joined me at the urinals.

"Hi, Mark." I stared at the wall in front of me. My face warmed.

He turned and looked at me and said, "I still think we should be roommates. You could move your stuff into my room before my roommate shows up."

I flushed and walked toward the showers. He followed me. I stepped into the showers. He stepped in and turned on the shower closest to me. We both stood under the streams of water. I thought, `thank God I just jerked off,' and sighed. However, that's never stopped me from getting a hard-on before. He again began speaking. I glanced at him. He was standing facing me. He was smiling as he began soaping up his chest and crotch. I was right. He was hung. His dick and balls danced in his hands as he soaped up his crotch. His balls and dick looked to be shaved and his pubes were trimmed. I took a deep breath, grabbed my soap and began to lather up.

Mark's body was just as I had imagined; tight, smooth, defined and lean. His butt was muscular and his dick was cut. "So, what do you think?" he asked as he stood their facing me, now with his soapy hands washing his ass.

What do I think about what? I wondered feeling myself blush.

"Do you want to move in before my roommate shows up?" he asked.

"I'd feel weird about doing it now. Maybe before Gordy showed up, but now it would be weird," I said as he bent down to pick up his bottle of shampoo.

"Yeah, I guess."

We showered and talked, standing under the running water for a long time. We both decided we should hurry or we would miss breakfast. Mark and I stepped out of the shower and began drying off. I watched as his dick and balls bounced around as he vigorously dried himself with a towel. Mine were doing the same and I watched as he noticed.

Dan, a guy who lived down the hall, stepped into the bathroom. Both Mark and I continued to dry off as he stepped between us to get to the shower. He glancing down and said to me, "Can you breathe through that thing?"

Mark looked at him and then at me. I answered, "Not very original," and smiled at him. Dan laughed and nodded and stepped into the shower.

As Mark and I left the bathroom he asked, "What was that supposed to me?"

I smiled and said, "When I was in high school some of the guys on the swim team used to say that one of the reasons I did so well when I swam the back stroke was that I was able to breathe through my penis."

Mark shook his head and said, "I don't get it."

They said my dick was like the trunk of a baby elephant. They gave it the nickname Bo, after Dumbo, the baby elephant. So, they'd say I could breathe through my dick which was why I was so much faster doing the back stroke."

Mark looked at me, blushed and laughed. "That's funny. I mean, you are hung," he said glancing down at the bulge under my towel."

"Yeah, well so are you."

He nodded and smiled and said, "No one teased me about it though. Did it bother you?"

"Not really. Actually, it was kind of funny. What I didn't like was when they started calling me JimBo."

Mark laughed. "JimBo. Now that is funny. JimBo. So, if I call you JimBo, are you going to kick my ass," he asked as we stood outside our rooms.

"That and other things," I said and laughed as I opened my door.

(Well, I hope you'll continue reading. Let me know what you think.


Next: Chapter 3

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