James College Days

By moc.loa@9101namyrotS

Published on Dec 21, 2006


Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. It is a story that contains graphic sexual encounters between consenting young adult men. If you are not of legal age to read this kind of story, please leave now. If you reside in area where reading stories that include sexual situations between two consenting adult males are illegal, please leave now. This story is for entertainment purposes only. Any similarity to any person(s) living or dead is simply a coincidence. The author retains all rights to this story. It cannot be reproduced in any form without expressed written permission from the author (me). Copyright 2006.

James's College Days, part eleven

Kevin's story, part three.

We returned to Los Angeles. I joined my high school football team's pre-season football camp. As my father predicted, I had no trouble making the first string which the coach said was an accomplishment for a junior.

Renee and I emailed each other daily, at first. I had signed up to take Spanish before I left on the cruise with my parents. But, when I returned, I changed my mind and took French. It was part of my plan to return to Paris next summer; plans that soon seemed fanciful. With the passage of time, our emails were less often. We stopped speaking of longing for each other or spending time alone in misery. .

Renee returned to boarding school; an all boys school. Before long, he had a new boyfriend; news he was reluctant to share with me. But, as months passed, and the passion of our youthful love affair waned with distance, Renee explained that there was a boy at school who was expressing interest in him. I was despondent at first, blamed my father for what was happening and renewed efforts to make his life impossible but before long, my new found popularity soothed the pain. Renee and I did promise to remain friends and someday to travel Europe together. Both of us appreciated the experiences and the friendship we had shared.

I told Renee about the games me and my team were winning and how excited I was. I had become well know on campus and was invited to all the parties to which every high school student wanted to be invited. Since, my return, I had not seriously dated anyone. I was talked about as free to play the field. A status I happily embraced.

By December, my team had racked up an 8-1 record, losing only to the best team in our league. We had one more game to play, our homecoming game, and it was against our cross-town rivals, the Santa Monica High School Tigers. Practices were not going well and I, the co-captain of the team, was feeling a great deal of pressure. The tension in the locker room was more intense than usual.

The last practice before the big game went badly. The coaches were incensed. I was getting the greatest amount of criticism. When we left the football field, everyone was feeling exhausted, dejected and bad-tempered.

The cross-country running team had been working out on the track. They, too, were heading for the gym and the showers. As the two teams merged through the gym doorway, pushing and shoving took place. Football players were slamming lockers and the cross-country team members were trying to stay out of our way. As everyone undressed, trash talk started. One player, Gary, a senior, was particularly vocal. He began berating other players for their performance. It was to be his last game. I wrapped a towel around my waist, closed my locker and headed to the showers.

One of the cross-country team members, Danny, was standing with a couple of his teammates, showering.

Danny was about 5 10, look to weigh about 140 pounds, making him tall and lean. However, he was not skinny. His legs were lean but strong and defined, remarkably defined. His ass was also round and muscular. His waist was small, his chest, shoulders, and arms had definition. He was a typical runner. However, unlike the other runners on his team, in my estimation, Danny was hot.

Danny had sandy brown straight hair that he was wearing long, big brown eyes, a narrow face with high cheek bones and a generous smile with soft cushiony lips. When he smiled, his straight white teeth lit up his face. He was smooth all over, except for the hair under his arms, a patch a pubic hair and some hair on his lower legs. And, as I had previously noticed, Danny had a nice package that bounced and swayed as he washed his hair under the shower.

Danny was also a junior. But, other than saying a quick hello at times, we rarely spoke. As is often the case in a high school class of five hundred students, there were different cliques and rarely did boys from one group interact with boys from another.

As I stepped into the shower, I noticed that Danny's friends turned off their showers and grabbed a towel. I walked across the shower room and stepped up to the shower next to him.

"Hey, Danny," I said, as I turned on the shower.

"Hi, Kevin," he said smiling. "I was watching you guys practicing. Looked like you guys were getting read the riot act."

"Yeah, we were all fucking up. The coaches were pretty pissed," I said and smiled.

"How do you think you guys will do this week?"

"They're tough, but I think we'll do fine, if we play like we usually do."

"Well, I'll be cheering you on," he said and smiled.

"Really, you go to the games?"

"Of course, I do. I've gone to all your games. You're exciting to watch."

I smiled and nodded as I pushed on the soap dispenser. I suddenly felt badly as I remembered that Danny lettered on the track team each year he went out and had lettered in cross-country, and that I had only seen Danny run a couple of times, and that was when he ran track. It also surprised me when he said, all your games. You're exciting to watch'. My games, I thought to myself, not all our games', meaning the school games, or all the football games. `All your games. You're exciting to watch', I repeated to myself.

"I've seen you run the mile," I said, as I rubbed the liquid soap over my crotch. "You're a quick ass mother," I said and laughed. Danny smiled. "I've never seen you run cross- country, though."

"No one comes out to watch us. I mean, I get it. We run around the track a couple of times and then take off into the neighborhood. Then we come back run around the track a couple of times and that's it," he said and laughed. "It's not a crowd pleaser. But I love running," he said and shrugged.

"Fuck the crowd. If you enjoy it, that's what counts. And I've heard the crowd cheering when you've run the mile."

Danny smiled, and was about to say something when Gary and several other football players entered the shower room. His entire demeanor immediately changed.

Gary walked up to me and growled, "You'd better get it together by tomorrow. If you're off, the whole team will be off."

I looked at him and stared. He stared back. I said, "Get out of my face. I know what I have to do tomorrow. You just make sure you do what you're supposed to do."

He glared at me, but stepped away. Cory, one of our running backs who was also a junior, turned on the other shower next to me. Cory whispered, "Ignore him." I looked at Cory and nodded. Cory smiled.

I turned to say something to Danny who was now standing facing the wall and rinsing off, when I noticed Gary walking back toward me. I rolled my eyes. Gary noticed. He tapped Danny hard on the shoulder and said, "Hey faggot, move to another shower."

Danny looked at Gary and reached to turn off his shower.

I felt a rage come over me. I had enough of Gary's shit. I'd been listening to his bullshit all semester. He was always calling someone a faggot, a girl or he'd point to someone and call them Nancy. I think as long as it was directed at someone on the team and not me, I just sucked it in. But, for some reason, when he directed it at Danny, I had enough.

I turned to Danny and growled, "You stay there." Danny looked at me surprised. I said to Gary, "Look, you fuckin' asshole. I'm fuckin' tired of your fuckin' shit. I've listened to your fuckin' trash talk all semester and I'm done with that."

He looked surprised but moved toward me.

"You know black people use the `N' word and that's considered okay. If you're gay, then this faggot shit that always comes out of your mouth is just fine, if not you'd better cut the crap, because I don't like it."

"You a fag?" Gary asked me sarcastically.

"Maybe I am. And maybe I'll kick your ass if you call someone a fag again."

Cory stepped between Gary and me. Danny took my arm and said, "Kevin, its okay. I was done with the shower."

I glared at Danny. "That's not the point." I turned and looked at Gary and said, "Use the word one more time and one of us is not playing tomorrow. I swear, I'll walk my fuckin' naked ass from here into the coach's office and tell him that one of us is not playing. And I couldn't give a shit if it's me."

Cory said to Gary, "You've been an ass lately, Gary. You were out of line calling Danny a fag and telling him to move."

Gary took a deep breath, looked at Danny and said, "Dude, nothing personal." Danny nodded. Gary looked at me and said, "You'd better play your ass off tomorrow," and began to walk away.

I was still pissed. Cory turned and said to me, "Fuck, Kevin, cool off."

I said to Gary, "You miss one block tomorrow and I get nailed, one of us is off the field." Cory grabbed me as I walked toward Gary. "I swear, Gary, if you think you're going to set me up, you'll be watching us win from the benches."

Gary looked back at me and gave me the finger.

Cory said, "What's with you?"

"I'm just sick and tired of his shit. I swear Cory, you'd better talk to him."

"I will," Cory said. "Come on, cool down. You know he's an asshole."

Danny turned off his shower. I turned mine off and said to Cory, "I swear Cory, you'd better talk to him," and followed Danny out of the showers. We grabbed towels and began drying off. I said to him, "I hate that shit. He's such a fuckin' asshole."

Danny laughed and said, "Thanks, but you didn't have to do that for me. I'm used to it and I've learned to just ignore it. But, thank you," and smiled. He wrapped his towel around his waist and said, "I'll be in the stands cheering for you."

I smiled at him and said, "I'll be listening for you, so yell loudly." He started walking away, turned toward me, smiled and nodded.

I followed him into the locker room, watching his tight ass move under his towel. He is hot, I thought.

We played Santa Monica High School and beat them handily. After each touch down pass I heard the crowd yelling my name. When stuff like that happens, we always played it cool and acted as if we cannot hear them. I must admit it felt good. After I threw the third touch down pass and started running off the field I glanced up into the stands as a group started chanting, "Kevin, Kevin, Kevin." As I glanced up I noticed my dad applauding but not cheering. I looked further through the crowd, trying not to be obvious and notice Danny standing on his seat and waving his arms as he yelled, "Kevin, Kevin, Kevin." I could not help but smile. I felt that warm feeling all over, but then glanced away. I had to be cool.

It was our homecoming game, so after the game, the coaches introduced the seniors. The crowd cheered as each one of the seniors was introduced. They walked up to the coach and shook his hand. I stood waiting, knowing that he would call me, the quarterback and co-captain, to the podium to congratulate me. He promised me that I would not have to say anything, but that I could if I wanted.

My name was called. I lifted my helmet over my head and ran up to the podium. The coach talked about our winning season and how I had helped rally the team and provide the needed leadership. He said he was excited about my coming back next year. The crowd cheered. I shook his hand. He said, "Say something Kev."

I had not planned anything. I took a deep breath and said, "I had a great team around me. All I had to do was throw the ball. They did the rest." Everyone cheered. I said, "We want to thank the coaches. Obviously, we could not have done it without them." Everyone cheered. I said, "I also want to thank my Dad. I give him a lot of grief and he's here at every game. Thank you, Dad," and my voice cracked. My dad smiled and waved at me. Knowing where Danny was sitting, I, for some reason, glanced up toward him. Again, he was standing on his seat. We made eye contact and smiled at each other. I ran back and stood in line with the team. Again, I glanced up at Danny. He was looking and smiling at me.

The next night was our homecoming dance. Both Cory, who recently broke up with his girlfriend, and I, decided to go without dates. As we perused the crowd I spotted Danny.

I asked Cory, "What do you know about Danny?"



"He transferred in at the beginning of our sophomore year. I've had classes with him."

"Yeah, so have I."

"He's smart, seems quiet and shy. I guess his friends are the guys from the track team. He's one of the best milers in L.A. Why?"

I glanced over at Danny who was dancing with an attractive girl. "Who's he with? I've never seen her before."

Cory laughed. "You're bad." He glanced toward Danny. "Oh her. I've seen them together at dances and stuff. But she doesn't go to school here. I guess she's his girlfriend."

"Oh," I said, disappointedly.

Cory poked me and laughed. "Down, horn dog. There are plenty of single girls here."

Spring arrived and the track team began running meets. I decided to accompany Cory to our first home meet. A friend of his ran sprints. I was curious to see Danny run.

Being cool, Cory and I, wearing our letterman jackets, walked to the top of the bleachers. People waved to us. We were watching the sprints when I noticed guys warming up for the pole vault. I said to Cory, "Damn, I don't know how those guys do that," pointing.

"I know. There is no way you'd get me to throw myself fifteen feet into the air."

I watched as this guy started running with that huge ass pole, stuck it into some hole in the ground, and then flung himself into the air. "Fuck," I said, as Cory and I watched, "he's falling `bass-ackwards'." Cory laughed. I continued watching. "Is that Danny?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah, he does the pole vault."

"Fuck," I said, watching as he ran and flung himself into the air. "Do they really do fifteen feet?"

"I think the high school record is just over fifteen feet. Danny is pretty good. I think his best is fourteen feet."

"Fuck, you're serious." Cory nodded. "I had no idea." Cory glanced at me.

I continued watching the meet, occasionally checking out the crowd. I noticed the girl, who was at the dance, climbing the steps of the bleachers. I watched her. A couple of guys waved to her. She joined them.

When it was time to run the mile, I asked Cory, "What's a good time for the mile?"

"Well, for high school, I guess 4 minute and 20 would be pretty fast. But, mostly what you'll see is around 4:30."

"You're kidding me. They run a quarter mile in a little over a minute."

He laughed. "The first quarter mile isn't the race; it's the last quarter mile. Last year, Danny ran a 4:29 I think."


Cory laughed. "You're such a snob."


"You think football is the only sport worth watching."

He was right. I felt embarrassed. As the gun went off, everyone stood and began screaming. I felt a chill run through me as I watched Danny pull into the lead. "Fuck," I said to Cory, "it looks like they're running a sprint." Cory nodded. I watched Danny moving along the track with a serene grace that surprised me. He wore a bandana that kept his hair out of his eyes. Cory told me it was Danny's `trademark'. The crowd began cheering again as they completed their first lap. I watched as someone pulled ahead of Danny. I glanced at Cory.

He said, "He does that. He likes to have someone else set the pace until the last half of the last lap." I nodded.

Danny stayed in second place as they finished the second and third lap. As they came out of the first turn of their last lap, Cory looked at me and nodded. I watched as Danny began to pour it on. The guy in first place looked to be getting tired but he was running hard. Danny was just sailing along and then seemed to throw himself into second gear and took off.

The crowd started screaming. "Fuck," I yelled, looking at Cory, "he's flying." Cory nodded. We were all standing on our seats and screaming. I started screaming, "Danny, Danny, Danny." As he crossed the finish line the crowd went wild. Everyone, including Danny looked at the time. He ran a 4:28:30. The crowd cheered. Danny slowed to a jog but kept running. He turned toward the crowd and waved. I hoped he would see me, but he did not.

Cory and I left the bleachers as the track team left the field. I said to Cory, "Let's get into the gym. I want to congratulate him."

"They usually don't let anyone in after a game."

"They'll let me in."

I followed the last of the track team into the locker room. The track coach was at the door. He glanced at me. I glanced at him. He nodded. I heard the guys on the track team yelling and laughing, just like we did after a win. I hung back looking for Danny. I noticed him walking toward the showers with friends of his. He had a huge smile on his face.

I walked toward him. He noticed me, and said, "Hey, Kevin." The looked surprised, but pleased.

"Fuck, Danny, you were awesome. Dude, you made it look effortless," I said, shaking my head. "And, I can't fuckin' believe you vault, too."

He laughed. "Thanks," he said smiling.

"Dude, watching you run was so fuckin' exciting. You kicked ass." Danny laughed. I put out my hand and said, "Well, I'll let you take your shower. I just had to come in and tell you that you were great."

We shook hands. He smiled at me and said, "Thanks Kevin, that means a lot coming from you" and blushed.

I went to all the track meets that spring; even the away meets. I noticed that Danny noticed that I was there. I also noticed `that girl' was always there.

Danny and I did not have classes together that spring semester, but every once in a while, I would run into him. We would talk about his last race and the upcoming track meet. Of course, each week he talked about how he was going to get his ass kicked by the other team's miler. But, each week, he won.

At the end of the semester, I again ran into Danny. He asked me about the upcoming year of football.

"When do you guys start working out, again," he asked.

"At the end of August, but I've got to start getting back into shape pretty soon," I said.

He laughed, "You look like you're in pretty good shape."

I smiled. "Yeah, I've been lifting weights and stuff, but I haven't been doing any real cadio. And, believe me, I've got to get back in condition."

"What do you do?" he asked.

"Well, my parents have a pool, so I'll swim everyday but I also have to run. But, unlike you, I hate running."


"I just get so bored."

He smiled and nodded. "Where do you run?"

I answered, "I run on the track."

He laughed. "Would you like to run with me?"

I felt that surge of excitement run through my body that I had not felt in almost a year. "Sure, but aren't you going to take the summer off. Track season is over."

"I run cross-country in the fall. I'll tell you what. How about if we do this? I hate working out with weights. I always feel like such a wimp." I laughed. "I'll help you cardio train and you can help me weight train."

"Dude! That would be great," I said smiling.

"Okay. Are you going to summer school this year?"

"Yeah, I'm going to take French and Advanced Composition."

"Oh cool. I'm taking History and Advanced Comp. How about this? We'll run Monday, Wednesday and Friday and lift on Tuesday and Thursday."

"Sounds great. Yeah, sure," I said with excitement.

"But I run on the beach."

"Fuck, that's tough; running on the sand," I sighed.

He laughed. "So is lifting weights."

I smiled and nodded. We planned to start in two weeks, the first day of summer school.

We began our weekly workout schedule. I helped him in the weight room. He helped me on the beach. There was no way I could run the distance he ran. So, I ran as far as I could with him. But, he would time each run so that we ran the same distance faster than the time before, and then we'd ran further, each time. When we reached that mark, I'd slow down to a walk and he'd take off for his real run. I'd then sit and take the sun and wait for him on his way back. We'd again run together. It was pretty much the cool down part to his run. We typically ended our run with a swim.

Danny and I were getting to be pretty good friends. We talked a lot about growing up. He went to grade school in the San Fernando Valley. His parents divorced. His dad, a Psychologist, remarried and moved to the Brentwood area. He moved in with his dad and transferred to University High School. I was never clear as to why he decided to move in with his dad. He was always vague about that. It seemed to be very personal.

When I asked about `the girl' who always showed up at track meets, he said they had been friends since grade school, but again became vague.

I told him about my family. He asked who I was dating. I did that vague thing with him and he seemed to back off. Mostly, what we talked about was football, track, high school classes, and the people we knew.

Time came for my parents' yearly summer vacation. This year I was determined not to go. Summer school was over. Danny and I were still working out, and football camp was coming up. My Uncle Billy was going to be in town, but I decided I was old enough to stay in the house alone. Besides, our maid came three times a week, and our gardener was there twice a week. I was ready for a fight.

One night my dad broached the subject.

"Your mother and I are going on a Greek Cruise. I'm going to let you stay home this year. You can stay in the house. I told your Aunt and Uncle that I want you to check in with them daily and that you would have dinner with them at least two or three times while we are away. Martha will be her to clean up, as usually."

I smiled and nodded. "Cool."

"I'm going to assume that you will not abuse my trust. I don't want parties here."

"I promise," I said.

"Kevin, if you fuck this up, it will be a long time before you'll be given this kind of freedom again," he warned. "Think of this as a trail." I nodded. "I'll leave you money and phone numbers." I nodded. "Can I trust you?"

"Yes, dad," I said. "One question." He looked at me. "Can I have one or two friends over. To use the pool and have dinner." He stared. "Like Cory. You know Cory."

"Yeah, sure, okay."

"One more question. If he can, can he spend the night?"

He nodded, "If his parents know and say it is okay, yes, sure. As a matter of fact, it would be a good idea. But, remember,"

I interrupted him, "I promise! No parties and no trashing the house." He nodded. "Thank you, Dad."

He nodded and asked, "Are you and Cory boyfriends?"

"No, he's straight." He nodded and began walking away. He turned and looked at me and said, "Be careful." I nodded.

My parents left for their cruise. I told Danny that I was living at my house alone. When we were done with our run, I suggested that if he wanted, we could head up to my house and swim in my pool. I told him that if he wanted he could stay for dinner.

He seemed hesitant but then agreed. He followed me from the beach to my house.

My house is gated. I opened the gate. He followed me up the driveway. We live on a large piece of property which is set off from the street. It's a large house. He was impressed. I showed him the house and then headed to the pool.

"Fuck, Kevin, your house is awesome," he said, following me out to the pool house.

I opened the door to the pool house which was a changing room with a toilet and a shower, and where we kept towels, and pool equipment. He followed me inside. I pulled off my running shoes and clothing. He watched. "We should shower before we go in, to wash the sand off." He nodded and began undressing. Being naked around each other was not at all awkward. We had been showering together at school when we worked out with weights.

I grabbed a towel and handed it to him. I took one for myself. I opened the door and walked outside. He looked at me puzzled. "It's very private here. No one can see. I always go swimming naked," and waved to him to follow me.

He threw his towel over his shoulder and walked with me to the pool. As we walked across the grass, I shoved him and said, "The last one in is a pussy," and ran toward the pool. I watched him stumble and then start running behind me toward the pool. I dropped my towel and dove in. He jumped in behind me.

We swam to the side. He said, "Kevin, your house is awesome and I love your pool. I didn't know you had such a great place."

I laughed, "Actually, it belongs to my mom and dad." We both laughed. I climbed out of the pool, walked over to the diving board, stood at the end and then began running. I dove in, fully aware that my dick and balls were bouncing as I ran across the board. He climbed out. His ass was spread wide as he lifted his leg onto the edge of the pool. I could not take my eyes off of him. He ran across the board and dove in. We dove, swam and splashed at each other for about a half hour.

"Let's get in the Jacuzzi," I said. He nodded.

We walked to the Jacuzzi. I turned it on as he slowly lowered himself in. I sat across from him. A couple of times our feet brushed against each other's. I looked at him and said, "Can I ask you something?" He nodded. "You said you moved in with your dad. Did something happen between you and your mom?"

He looked tense, but said, "No. It's cool between us. I stay with them on weekends."

I nodded. "So, then why did you move in with your dad?" He looked upset. He started to get out of the Jacuzzi. "What's wrong?" He shrugged. "Danny. You don't have to tell me. It's cool. I was just curious." I moved toward him and grabbed his leg as he began to step out of the Jacuzzi. "Danny, get back in. Really, forget I asked."

He turned around and sat down on the steps. I sat down again. I didn't know what to say. We sat silently. He wouldn't look at me. "Danny, I'm sorry. It's none of my business."

He looked at me. "No, I should tell you. I was going to tell you before we went back to school in September. Maybe we should get out and get dressed and then I'll tell you."

I stared at him. I laughed and said, "Don't be so dramatic. Get your ass back in here and tell me what's going on." Suddenly, I heard, once again, what he said in the shower that day when Gary called him a fag. My dick started getting hard.

He moved back into the Jacuzzi, but still wouldn't look at me. I stared at him. He sighed and glanced at me. I said, "Well, if you have some big dark secret to tell me, I guess I should tell you that I have one to tell you, too." He looked at me quizzically. I laughed and said, "Maybe you were right. Maybe you'll want to have your clothes on." He cocked his head and looked confused.

"Okay, here goes, and I'm going to trust you to not tell anyone. You promise?" He nodded. I took a deep breath and said, "I'm gay."

His head snapped back as his eyes widened. He stared. Then he smiled and said, "You're funny," he said, nodding. "So, you did know."

"Know what?" I asked.

"That I'm gay," he said.

"Actually, I thought you might be at one time, but then I thought you weren't," I said.

He looked a bit distressed. "Would you still have wanted to be my friend if you knew I was?"

"Yes, and I'm not kidding. I'm gay."

Again, he stared at me. He smiled and said, "No way, you're on the football team."

I laughed. "Yeah, so! I mean they don't know. But someone can be gay and play football."

"You're not kidding?"

"Not kidding."

"Oh fuck!" he said, staring at me. I noticed him blushing.

We both sat silently. Then I said, "This probably wasn't the best place to talk about this." He looked at me. "I'm thinking that we're both about to melt in here and one of us is going to have to stand up first."

He laughed and nodded his head.

I said, "Okay, we both stand up on the count of three." He smiled again and nodded. I counted, "One, two, three," and started to stand up but stopped. He stopped also. We both laughed. I said, "Fuck it, here goes." I stood up. My seven inch dick was pointing toward the sky. He watched as I then sat down on the edge of the Jacuzzi. He stood up, and his dick which looked to be about the same size as mine, was sticking out straight in front of him. He sat down.

I said, "You said that you were going to tell me before we went back to school."

"Yeah, I thought you should know, because there are kids at school that know I am gay and, well, I thought maybe I should tell you first." I nodded. "When I was in ninth grade I told my friend Carla that I was gay. She had this crush on me, and I thought she should know. She was pretty upset and talked to a friend of hers. Well, she, in turn, told other people. Everyone at school knew about it and it got pretty bad. Carla was really upset. Not about me being gay, but about people getting on my case. I got beat up, one day on the way home from school," he said and shrugged. "I didn't know how to handle it. It pretty much freaked me out. My dad suggested I switch schools."

"Wow, that's fucked up."

"It worked out fine. I'm happy at Uni. Some of the guys on the track team know, but I guess most don't know. But, I figured if you continue to be my friend someone is going to say something and then people will think maybe you're gay."

I nodded. I glanced at his dick and he was still hard. He noticed me checking him out and laughed. I moved from where I was sitting and sat next to him. He smiled at me nervously. I asked, "So, do you have a boyfriend?"

He laughed and said, "No."

I smiled and moved closer. He blushed again. I moved closer to him. My arm was pressed against his. He did not move. He just stared into my eyes. I moved my hand onto his leg. He moved his hand onto mine. I leaned toward him, cocking my head. I heard him sigh and watched as he opened his mouth and closed his eyes. I closed my eyes as our lips touched. Our tongues met. We both sighed loudly.

I had not felt like this since I last saw Renee, and it felt wonderful. We both lay down immediately. Unfortunately, it was on concrete. I rolled on top of him and kissed him passionately. His kisses were different from Renee's. Renee always lay back and followed me in my passion. Danny pushed back. Using his leg for leverage, he rolled me onto my back, got on top of me and began kissing me.

I began to laugh. He looked at me. "We can go inside. We have five comfortable beds to choose from." He laughed. We stood up, grabbed our towels but didn't wrap ourselves in them. As we walked back toward the house we both watched each other's erections swing and sway.

We ran upstairs to my bedroom. I pulled the covers down and pulled him into bed. We, again, started kissing, rolling around on top of each other, grabbing and stroking each other's erections. I rolled him onto his back, and held him down. I looked at him and smiled. I looked down at his cock. It was cut and beautiful. I glanced into his eyes as I began licking his chest.

He sighed as I slowly moved my tongue down to his hard dick. Without touching his dick with my hand, I began licking it from his ball sac to his cock head. Each time my tongue circled the corona, his dick pushed back against my tongue.

"Oh fuck, Kevin, I'm getting close."

I smiled. I knew that feeling of getting to the point to orgasm far sooner than I wanted. Without taking his dick into my mouth, I kept licking his cock head. He kept pushing upward. I licked the pre-cum that was oozing from his dick. It made me want his cum. I kept licking. He grabbed my head and said, "Kevin, watch out."

I immediately took his dick into my mouth and began sucking hard.

He moaned, groaned and squirmed as the first shot of his cum flooded my mouth. I greedily swallowed as I kept bobbing up and down on his dick. He kept cumming and I kept swallowing. I took hold of his dick when he stopped cumming and licked the last of his cum from his dick.

I lay beside Danny. He was still breathing quickly and hard.

"Fuck, Kevin," he said, shaking his head. He rolled toward me and kissed me. He took hold of my dick and began stroking. He looked at me and smiled. He shimmied down and took my dick into his mouth. He began moaning as he sucked. I lay back and enjoyed what he was doing. I played with his hair as he sucked me.

He had obviously done this before, because he got me close quickly. I pulled him off my dick and said, "I'm close," as he looked up at me. He nodded and went back to sucking my dick. He sucked hard and I came even harder. I had forgotten how great getting head could be.

We lay wrapped in each other's legs and arms. He started laughing. I asked, "Why are you laughing?" He laughed even harder. "Why are you laughing?"

He rolled off me, lying on his back, and said, "I just gave a blow job to Kevin Anderson, the hottest guy at Uni. High. The hottest guy who is the quarterback." I rolled over, sat on his chest and said, "Not only that, but that quarterback just gave, who he thinks is the hottest guy at Uni. High and the fastest miler in town, a blow job." I started tickling him. He laughed. "And it won't be the last one, either."

He looked at me and said, "Really," in a serious tone of voice.

"Yeah, why, don't you want to?"

He said, "Yeah, sure, but,"

"But what?"

"I don't know. I just figured. I don't know."

I moved and sat down on his crotch. His dick was hard. "You're hot," I said.

He laughed and said, "Me?"

I said, "We've become good friends, right?" He nodded. "You still want to be friends, don't you?" He nodded again. "So?"

"Does anyone know that you're gay?" he asked.

"My dad."

"Does anyone at school know?"


He looked at me and said, "Kevin, you can't let anyone know."

I stared at him. "Okay, I won't let anyone know. But I want us to be boyfriends."

"You're nuts. How can we do that? People will figure it out. I mean, we never hung out together. If anyone knows we're hanging out, going to a movie or stuff, they'll figure it out. Some of my friends know I'm gay. If they see us hanging out, they'll know."

"So, you don't want anyone to know?"

"Kevin, I don't care if everyone knows. Fuck, me dating the hottest guy in our high school. Why wouldn't I want everyone to know? But, Kevin, if people know that you're my boyfriend, they'll know you are gay. If they know, then everyone on the football team will know and you can't let them know. You know how those guys are."

"Okay, just answer me this. Do you want to be my boyfriend?" He laughed. "Say yes or no."

"Yes, but,"

"Okay, so we'll be careful." He sighed. "Do your parents know?"

"Of course, they do," he said and then looked around.


"Fuck, what time is it? My dad is expecting me."

"Call him," I said. I got off him. He moved toward the phone. "Can you spend the night?" He looked at me and blushed. I smiled. "Tell him we're going out to get dinner and then coming back to swim and then you want to spend the night." He kept looking at me. "You do, don't you?"

He dialed his dad. "Hey, Dad. Yeah, I'm fine. I'm at Kevin's. No, I won't be home for dinner," he said, looking at me. "Well, he asked me to spend the night." He looked at me. "Let's talk about it later," he said to his dad. "I'm fine dad. I want to stay the night. Dad, I'll talk to you about it later, okay." He looked at me and nodded. "Yes, Kevin Anderson. Yes, the guy I've been working out with." He sat there listening. "Dad, can we talk about this tomorrow." He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Yes. Yes. Yes." He sighed and looked at me and shrugged. "Dad, I know, I told him what happened. Yes, his parents know. Okay, Dad. Yes, I promise." He hung up.

I laughed and asked, "What was that about?"

"I can't lie to him. I've promised. He asked me if you and I were," he hesitated.

"Come on, what did he ask?"

"If we were dating. I said, yes," he said shyly.

"Good, because we are."

He smiled. "He asked me if your parents knew. I told him they did. He reminded me of what happened last time. He worries about me."

I smiled and said, "So, we're boyfriends," and laughed. I pulled him down onto the bed and started kissing him.

He said, "Are we going out for dinner, or are we just going to have sex all night?" and laughed.

"Are you hungry or horny?"

"Both," he said and laughed. He grabbed my dick and said, "I can make a meal out of this."

I said, "I'm hornier than hungry, so let's mess around and then we can make something for dinner or go out and then come back and make out some more."

He smiled, "Fuck, not only is my boyfriend, the hottest guy at school, and the quarterback, but he's horny. And I love sex."

"Shut up," I said, laughed and began kissing him. He began laughing again. I looked at him and asked, "Now what?"

He laughed and shook his head. I began tickling him. "Okay, okay, I'll tell you." He took a breath. He smiled and said, "You know, before that day in the showers, once in a while, mostly after a game," he said smiling, "I'd lie in bed and jerk off, thinking about doing this with you."

"Doing what with me?" I asked and smiled.

He laughed and said, "Kissing you, sucking your dick, swallowing your cum," he hesitated.

"Go on."

"Oh yeah, cumming in your mouth while you sucked my dick, that was always good to get me off," he said and smiled, "and other stuff."

I laughed and said, "Ahhh, and other stuff. That sounds like fun." I poked him. "That was before the shower?"

He laughed. "Yeah, after that; after you stuck up for me, it was every night."

I smiled. "Yeah, well I've squirted a lot of juice in this bed thinking about that hot ass of yours." He laughed and started kissing me. "I'm not kidding, Danny, I think you're really hot," and started kissing him. He sighed.

We spent the next hour all over each other. We tried to take a quick shower but we were again all over each other, this time in my shower. We finally did make it out the door and drove into town and had a pizza. When we returned, we undressed and went swimming.

We returned to my bed, lay with each other, kissing, holding and touching each other. Again, it became clear to me that Danny would not be passive in bed. I liked the way he took over, but allowed me my time to take the lead.

At one point, when I was on top of him, pushing my erection into his groin, it occurred to me that I would be fucking him sometime soon. It was clear to me that he wanted to fuck me, too. I smiled thinking about how incredibly hot that would be. I felt hot all over thinking about fucking his hot ass and about getting fucked with the weight of that hot ass behind his thrusting dick.

When we exhausted each other, we fell asleep with my head on his chest and his arms around me. I woke up. He was asleep. He was still holding me. I thought that it was odd for me to be held. I'm more the kind of guy who does the holding. But, oddly, it felt wonderful. I lay my head back on his chest and went back to sleep.

Email me at Storyman1019@aol.com

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