James College Days

By moc.loa@9101namyrotS

Published on Dec 15, 2006


Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. It is a story that contains graphic sexual encounters between consenting young adult men. If you are not of legal age to read this kind of story, please leave now. If you reside in area where reading stories that include sexual situations between two consenting adult males are illegal, please leave now. This story is for entertainment purposes only. Any similarity to any person(s) living or dead is simply a coincidence. The author retains all rights to this story. It cannot be reproduced in any form without expressed written permission from the author (me). Copyright 2006.

James's College Days, part ten

(I'm having a bit of a problem getting any depth to Kevin as of yet. Maybe it is his age, or it might be the situation. But, hang in there with me. I'm hoping he'll come along. Also, I do not know French, but I tried my hand at it using an English/French dictionary and a dictionary of French slang. If anyone does speak French and wants to tell me what Renee might have said, feel free. I would appreciate it.)

Kevin's story, part two

Our first day in St. Petersburg was spent on bus tours and seeing the Hermitage. We went back to the ship for dinner. Renee and I decided to sneak off the ship and see if we could find a club. We could not, and decided to return to the ship and play. While checking us back in, the steward called our parents. We both were in a world of shit.

Our parents told us that we had to remain in my cabin the next two nights and would not be able to have the run of the ship. Oh well, I thought. When Renee and I returned to my cabin, he said, "I guess we'll just have to find something to do," and smiled.

He stripped out of his clothes and jumped under the shower before I had my shoes and socks off. When he stepped out of the shower, he had an erection. "Two nights locked in your cabin," he said, stroking his dick, "I think my friend here is going to not be horny."

I smiled and stepped under the shower. Drying myself, I watched Renee slowly rubbing his dick. I felt a hunger for him that I had never felt for anyone before. Earlier in the day, while walking through the Hermitage, I started feeling anxious as it occurred to me, or maybe became real to me, that I was gay. I had felt attracted to guys in the past, but reasoned that most guys felt shit like that. Each time being gay occurred to me I dismissed it. I reasoned that I had a girlfriend and had been laid several times. Gay guys can't get it up for girls, I assumed.

But, today, I realized that I had never felt so strongly drawn to a person before. I couldn't remember pulling wood when thinking about a girl, but just looking at Renee got me hard. And, it was the type of hard-on that would not go away. We walked, we talked and all I could think about was his dick. I thanked God that I was wearing loose fitting jeans, boxer briefs, and a long tee-shit. I wondered if he was hard also. I had to find out. When we stopped to look at some impressionistic paining, I bumped his crotch with the back of my hand. He smiled at me. He did not seem to be hard. He then leaned toward me to say something and bumped his hand against my crotch, hitting my hard dick. His eyes widened and he smiled. Moments later he whispered, "Do it again." I looked at him smiling, looked around and quickly grabbed his crotch. He was hard.

Our plans were to go back to my cabin as soon as we boarded the ship, but instead our parents decided we should all have dinner together. By the time we were done with dinner, we were planning our escape into town.

Now we were alone, hard and ready. Renee watched as I walked toward the bed. His eyes stayed focused on my dick. "You have such a pretty dick," he said.

I lay down and said, "I don't think we say dicks are pretty."

"What do you say?"

"I don't know. I guess, we'd say, `your dick is hot.' Yeah, hot, is good."

"Your dick is hot," he said and smiled.

We lay beside each other and watched as we stroked ourselves. I sat up, took hold of his dick and began stroking him. He stretched out and smiled. "You like my dick?" I nodded and laughed. His dick was rock hard. I played with his balls.

I looked closely at his pubic hair and asked, "Do you cut your pubes?" as I brushed my hand over them.

"Yes. I sometimes shave them off."

"Really? Why?"

"It looks pretty. No, I mean, hot," he moaned. We talked as I continued stroking his dick. He began breathing hard.

"Are you close?" He nodded.

I continued stroking his dick and I played with his balls. He began thrusting his hips upward. His legs tensed and began shaking. He moved his head from side to side and began moaning loudly. Grunting loudly, he let explode from his dick, a huge shot of white thick cum. It hit him on his neck. He was squirming. I kept stroking him as he kept cumming.

When he stopped cumming, I slowed my stroking. He looked at me and smiled and said, "You make me feel very good, very very good," and then started laughing.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Now, I make you feel very very good."

I stood, grabbed a towel, wiped my hand clean and tossed it to him. I lay down as he wiped himself clean. He sat beside me and took my cock in his hand.

He said, "Later, I can cut your hair and make you look hot." I laughed. "Then you can cut mine." I nodded. He began stroking my dick. I watched him.

He stopped stroking my dick, but held onto it. He looked at me and said, "Now, I make you feel very very good."

I watched as he head went to my crotch. I felt the most pleasurable sensation pass through my body as his mouth closed around my cock. It was not the first time my dick had been in someone's mouth, but it had never felt like this. I watch him bobbing up and down on my dick. We were moaning.

"Fuck, Renee. Oh fuck, that feels incredible," I moaned. He ran his tongue over my cock head. I felt it all over my body. "Fuck, Renee; oh fuck," I kept moaning.

He looked up at me, moved off my dick and said, "You are feeling very good?"

"Fuckin' incredible." He returned to sucking my dick. I watched him licking the shaft of my dick and then back to sucking hard on my cock. He began licking my ball sac as he slowly stroked my dick and again went back to sucking my dick. He was moaning. I had never been with someone who actually enjoyed sucking my dick.

"Fuck, Renee, you'd better stop or you're going to get a mouthful," I warned, as he sucked hard on my dick. He held my dick at the base and worked it with his mouth and tongue. He would get me close and then slow down, and then work me hard again. "Renee, I can't hold back any longer. Use your hand," I moaned, as I got to the point of no return.

Renee sucked harder, bobbing up and down faster. "Oh fuck," I yelled out. My body shook all over. I gripped the sheets. My legs tensed as I thrust my hips upward. I felt myself cum and I felt him swallowing. "Oh Fuck!" I groaned. I had never cum in anyone's mouth before. The feeling of his warm mouth and his tongue moving over my cock head as I came was so amazingly powerful that I found myself half sitting up and then falling back down as each shot of my cum erupted from my dick.

While this was happening, and above my own moans and groans, I could hear Renee moaning as he enjoyed my spunk flowing into his mouth.

I finally had to plead with him to stop. "Oh fuck, Renee, please, no more." He let my still hard dick slip from his mouth. He looked up at me and smiled as he licked his lips.

"I made you feel very good, didn't I?" he asked.

I laughed, "Fuck, Renee, you made me feel better than I can remember," I said, trying to catch my breath.

"Your cum tastes good," he said, smiling. "And there was a lot of it."

I stared at him. I felt like I was floating over my bed. My body was still coming down from my climax. I desperately wanted to kiss him, but for some reason I dared not. I had never had a crush on anyone like I had on Renee. And, in that moment, I could not imagine ever feeling this way about another person.

"Do you want to shave my hair off?" he asked and smiled.

"Your pubes?"I asked. He nodded. I smiled and nodded. I sat up.

"Can I cut yours off, too?" he asked. I laughed. "It will look hot."

"Sure, why not. Let's go for it," I said. At that moment I would have agreed to anything.

He opened his toilet kit and pulled out a pair of scissors and a razor and saving cream. He sat down on the bed and said, "Let me do you first. You can watch and then do me."

I laughed, blushed, shrugged and said, "Don't cut my dick." I watched as he cut my pubes until they were about half and inch long. He then shaved the little hair that was on the shaft of my dick and balls. I looked at myself in a mirror and smiled. "Fuck, it does look hot. My dick looks huge."

"It is huge," he said smiling. I laughed. "Now, do mine."

He lay down. I cut his pubes shorter than they were. As I did, his dick got hard. Holding it tightly, I shaved his balls. Wiping the shaving cream from his dick and balls, I slowly began stroking him. He lay back watching me. He was about to get up, when I pushed him down.

I had been feeling both excited and nervous about doing what I was about to do. It would be the first time I had taken someone's dick into my mouth. Although, I had wondered what it would be like, and had imagined it many times while masturbating, doing it was different. And, I knew, if I put his dick in my mouth I could not stop sucking him until I brought him to the place of pleasure he had brought me.

I began stroking him, again; slowly. He settled down and reached for my dick to stroke. I took a deep breath. I felt a hunger for his dick that made my mouth water and my body ache. I glanced at him and then at his dick. Bending toward him, I opened my mouth. I let his dick slide over my tongue as I closed my lips over the shaft of his dick. I heard him moan. I moved my tongue over his dick and began sucking. I loved the feel of his dick in my mouth. His dick was hard, but the skin was soft. His dick head was soft and spongy. I moved down on his dick, expecting to gag, but I didn't. He put a hand on my head and began playing with my hair. My dick hardened. I glanced up at him. He was watching me. I let his dick slide from my mouth and said, "I've never done this before."

He said, "It feels great."

"What should I do?"

He smiled and said, "Do what you like."

I began licking the shaft of his dick from bottom to top as it lay on his stomach. He took hold of his dick and said, "Lick the head," as he pulled his foreskin back. I lick around the corona of his dick head, and than licked down the shaft to his ball sac. He spread his legs. I stroked his dick and moved his balls around with my tongue. I became fascinated with his balls and kept licking them. He moaned, and with his hand, pushed one of his balls into my mouth. I sucked on it and then opened my mouth, sucking his other ball in. With both his balls moving around in my mouth, I kept stroking his dick. He kept moaning. "Kevvv-in, mon ami, you make me feel so good," as he kept stroking my head.

I went back to sucking his dick. I could taste his pre-cum. It had a mildly salty taste. I squeezed his dick, wanting more. I heard myself moaning as I began taking more and more of his dick deeper into my throat.

"Mon ami, Kevin, tu fais une bon pipe, very very good pipe." I looked up at him. He smiled, and said, "You give a very good blowjob to me." Without missing a beat, I continued sucking his dick. I could feel his dickhead hardening in my mouth. I became excited as I thought about his cum shooting from his dick. I moaned and sucked harder and deeper. He moaned, "Kevin, je tire sa crampe." He moaned loudly, "I am going to cum." He began making short thrusts into my mouth as he held my head. "Oh Kevin," he grunted and began shaking.

His cum splashed against the back of my mouth. I sucked hard. Again, his cum squirted hard into my mouth. I swallowed and kept sucking. More cum exploded from his dick and filled my mouth. It was warm, salty and thick. As I swallowed, I could feel it moving down my throat. I held on. He was thrashing around and squirming as I sucked the last drops of cum from his dick. "Oh Kevin, oh Kevin," he kept moaning. "Mon ami, no more, please."

I sat up, looked at him and swallowed the last of his cum. He glanced at me. We smiled at each other. I lay down beside him. "That was good for the first time," he said and laughed. "Very good."

He looked so happy lying there. His eyes were closed. His hair was messed. He was smiling. I took hold of his hand. He instantly closed his fingers around mine. I moved closer to him. He moved closer to me and pulled me against him. My dick pushed into his hip. I felt a deep longing for him. His beautiful blue eyes looked into mine. I moved my face closer to his. He smiled. Putting my hand behind his head, I held him still while I moved closer. Our lips met. We both sighed.

Our mouths opened and our tongues met. Sighing loudly, our tongues began dart back and forth. I ran my tongue over his lips and then deep into his mouth. He sucked my lower lip into his mouth and then my tongue. We kissed hungrily. Finally, I experienced the passion my friends talked about when they made out with a girl. My body was on fire. I sucked on his tongue, licked his teeth and lips.

Renee pushed me onto my back. It was the first time he was forceful with me. It made me anxious. I wanted to push back, but I didn't. I decided I liked it, which surprised me. He began licking my neck and ear. Slowly, I gave in to him. He kept licking and sucking and biting as he moved to my nipples. He sucked and bit his way to my cock.

I made him turn and move into a 69 position. We spent the night kissing, sucking, and swallowing each other. We cuddled and fell in and out of sleep until my phone rang. It was 8 am. and my father was calling, reminding us that we had a tour at 9:30. We showered, grabbed a quick breakfast and met out parents as they departed the ship.

We sailed to Estonia and spent the afternoon in Tallinn. Then we set sail for Poland. Renee and I spent each night wrapped in each other's arms and legs. We did not talk about the extent of our feelings but, rather, focused on the pleasures of the sex we were having.

With each night the depth of my crush and the longings I felt for Renee intensified. During the day, I found myself wanting to touch him. Sitting on the bus, we allowed our legs to rub against each other. We would brush against each other as we followed our tour leader through one museum or another. When having lunch on the tour, we would touch under the table. By the time we returned to the ship to depart for the next capital, we could hardly get our clothes off before we were all over each other. We seemed to be feeding off of each other's excitement. The more intense his passion was for me, the more I wanted him.

When we docked in Germany, we were told that we had a long day ahead of us. We boarded a train to head south to Berlin. As Renee and I walked the length of the train, Renee said, "Follow me into the bathroom," and smiled. I watched him open the bathroom door, step in and close the door behind him. I looked around, opened the door and stepped in. He closed the door. We started kissing. He knelt down in front of me, unzipped my pants, pulled my hard dick out and began sucking. I was so turned on that I came quickly. He stood, smiled and kissed me. I could taste my cum on his tongue. I began to kneel before him, but he said, "No, we better go," and smiled. He opened the door and stepped outside. I followed him. A young man was waiting. He looked at me, then at Renee, smiled and stepped into the bathroom.

Berlin was interesting. I noticed Renee talking to the tour leader as we boarded the bus to head to a restaurant for lunch. When we arrived, she took Renee aside and pointed to a store. I asked him what was going on. He said, "Wait here. I have a headache and want to get something at the drug store." I waited outside of the restaurant and waited for him. He walked out of the store, stuffing a bag into this pack. He showed me the two aspirin in his hand. When we sat at our table, he asked from water.

That evening, as we rode the train back to the ship, I pulled Renee into the bathroom. I knelt before him, giving him a quick blow job.

We arrived at the ship at 11 pm. An hour later it left port. We would be arriving in port the next morning in the Netherlands. Renee and I were both becoming aware of the number of days left on the cruise. We focused our attention on the three days I would spend in Paris.

Renee and I said goodnight to our parents and returned to my cabin. We both tried to shower at the same time. Mostly, we spent the time grabbing each other. Renee lay in bed as I dried off. He smiled while watching me. Again, I felt a strong craving for him. I climbed in bed on top of him, lay down and began kissing him. As had been the case each night before, our kissing became very passionate. We bit, licked, sucked at each other's face and mouth, while grinding our crotches into each other.

I lay on top of Renee as he bit into my shoulder and I bit into his. He wrapped his legs around my waist and held me tightly. I pressed hard into him, my dick pushing against his ass crack. He sighed, "Fuck me, please."

I pressed harder into him and moaned. I watched as he reached under his pillow and pulled out a box of condoms and lube. I asked, "Where did you get those?"

He smiled. "In the drugstore, with the aspirins."

I sat up on my knees. I looked at him and said, "Are you sure?" He nodded. "I've never fucked anyone back there." He handed me the box of condoms. "Won't it hurt? Have you done this before?"

"No, never," he said. "I think it will hurt, but then it won't. That is what I heard. So, you have to go easy, please."

My face was warm with excitement. My dick was, once again, rock hard. I had fucked girls before, but I was never this excited. I unrolled the condom onto my dick. I watched as Renee began putting lube on his ass. He inserted his finger in his butt hole. I took the lube from him and applied it to my erection. He kept moving his finger in and out of his butt. I moved over him, and lay down on top of him. He wrapped his legs around me. I reached around and played with his butt hole. He sighed. I slowly slid one finger into his tight ass.

We kissed as he began slowly stroking his dick. I slid two fingers into his butt. His insides felt warm and soft. "Fuck me, Kevin."

I moved myself on his body. I held my cock, placed it against his butt hole, as we stared into each other's eyes. He smiled and said, "Have you fucked a virgin before?"

"No, never," I whispered. I kept moving my dick head around the outside of his butt hole. He continued stroking his dick. I slowly applied pressure to his hole with my dick. His eyes widened as he took a deep breath. I pulled away. "It's going to hurt," I said.

"It will be okay. Go easy."

Again, I pressed into him. I felt my dick slid in. I stopped moving. We looked at each other. "Should I take it out?" I asked.

"No, it's okay." Using his legs, he moved me further into him. I kept staring at him, looking for signs of pain. I was surprised how tight he was. I went further into him and stopped again. We both breathe hard. I moved further into him.

"Is there more?" he asked. I nodded. We started laughing. "Put it all in, but go slow." I took a deep breath and nodded. I slowly slid into him. At one point he tightened up. I stopped and began to back out, but he held me in place. He took a breath and then pushed up into me. I was completely in him.

We both lay still. I could not believe how tight he felt. We lay holding each other. We began kissing. Renee used his legs to push me into him. I began slowly thrusting. He moaned as he masturbated.

"Are you okay?" I asked. He smiled and nodded and went back to kissing me.

"Does it feel good?" he asked.

"Very, very good," I said, as I began thrusting deeper and faster. "I can't believe how good," I said, between deep breaths. We did not speak anymore. We held each other as he masturbated and I fucked him. We both moaned loudly.

"Fuck me! Make me your girl," Renee moaned. "Fuck me like a man," he insisted. I began fucking him hard. He grunted loudly, "I'm going to cum," he groaned. I kept fucking him. He stared into my eyes and moaned, "Hard, it feels good, please." I began fucking him faster and harder and watched as he stroked his dick furiously. His hole tightened as he began to cum which made me reach my climax. We both moaned and groaned as he came all over his stomach and I filled my condom.

I collapsed on top of him. He wrapped his arms and legs around me, holding me tightly against him. We were both breathing fast and hard. I began to pull out of him, but he quickly tightened his legs around me.

We lay still until we both began to relax. I looked at him and smiled. He relaxed his legs and I pulled out of him. I sat up, looked at my chest that was wet with his cum and asked, "You okay?"

"I liked it. Did you?"

I laughed and said, "It was the best fuck I've ever had." I stood, pulled off the condom, holding it up so he could see all my cum. "I almost filled it," and laughed.

We both showered again, quickly. Dried each other off and climbed back into bed. "Does your butt hurt?" I asked.

"No," he answered. "Do you want to be the girl next?"

I had thought about what it might be like to get fucked. The idea intrigued me, and the idea of Renee being the first one to fuck me had been something I had thought about several times since we started sucking each other. But I instantly responded by saying no. In all my fantasies about getting fucked, I was standing, or on my hands and knees, or sitting on top of someone. The thought of having Renee on top of me excited and scared me. But once having said no, I knew I would not change my mind.

Later that night, we lay head to toe and sucked each other until we came. We lay in that position, holding each other until we fell asleep. During the night, I woke up feeling Renee sucking my dick. I glanced at him. He smiled and said, "It was hard," and shrugged. I had been using his leg as a pillow. I glanced at his dick. It, of course, was hard. Half asleep, I opened my mouth and began sucking him.

The next day, we walked all over Amsterdam. Renee had been to Amsterdam with his parents. Our tour took us to the red-light district. I had never seen anything like that before. Women, with almost nothing on, stood in windows waiting for a john. I asked him if there were men in windows, too. He shook his head and smiled. He told me that there were bars where working boys danced. I began to understand how differently the Europeans felt about sex in general and homosexuality specifically. I felt emboldened. Several times during the day, I thought about taking Renee's hand to hold, but I did not.

That night, as we sat with our parents at dinner, my father reminded me that I had to pack my luggage. We would be disembarking tomorrow and transferring to a hotel in Paris. My stomach twisted tight, as I thought about my trip coming to an end. Renee and I had already talked about spending every night that I was in Paris together. He was going to show me, `Paris at Night'.

After Renee packed his belongings, he joined me in my cabin. We were both feeling badly. The smiles, the high energy, the need to be at each other, were gone. He asked, "Will you have your own room in Paris?"


He smiled but looked sad. "We can spend time." I nodded. "I don't want us to end."

"Me neither," I said. I sat down next to him on the bed.

He took hold of my hand. "I'm afraid you will be angry at me."


"I want to say I love you," he said. "You have been such a good boyfriend." He lay his head on my shoulder and began to cry. "I want to be with you."

I put my arm around him and kissed him. "I'm not angry. I want to be with you, too. I never really thought I wanted to have a boyfriend, but I wish we could be boyfriends." We lay down beside each other fully clothed. But, before long, we were naked, and kissing. Again, I fucked him while he masturbated. And, again, we spent the night 69'ing.

When we disembarked the next day, we boarded the tour bus to Paris. When we arrived in Paris, my parents said their good-byes to Renee's parents. I told Renee what hotel we would be staying in. He told me that he would see me that evening.

I spent the next two days and nights running all over Paris with Renee. Of course, we made many detours to my hotel room. Usually, we gave each other quickie blow jobs during the afternoon, but each night I fucked him while he masturbated.

The morning before we were to leave, I had a conversation with my father. My mother was shopping with Renee's mother. I said, "I don't want to go back."

"You don't want to go home?"

"Right. I want to stay here."

"You can't. What are you thinking?" he asked, stupefied.

"I want to go to school where Renee is going. He lives at school. I can live there," I insisted.

"No you can't. It's a French school. You don't speak a word of French. Besides, they aren't going to just accept you. He goes to a very good private school. It takes a lot to get in. You can't just walk up to the door and say, `I'm here'."

"Well, we can figure something out. I bet there are American kids here going to school. Can't I do that?"

"I don't get you," he said, in exasperation. "You didn't want to come to Europe. You said you would hate it. Now, three weeks in Europe and you love it?"

"I don't love Europe. I love Renee and he loves me. I want to stay here to be with him."

My father sat silently for a time. I was surprised at the ease with which the words flowed from my mouth. We stared at each other. "You are in love with Renee?" he asked. I think I knew he would not be angry, but I expected some kind of reaction. I nodded. "You're saying that you are gay?" I nodded. He looked upset. Maybe more surprised. "And, I guess, Renee is gay?"

"Yes, he is."

"His parents know this?"

"No. Well, as far as I know, they don't." I answered.

He took a deep breath. "Well, then, I imagine this will make leaving Paris difficult for you, but I can't leave you here. You can't go to school here. Renee will be going to school in a few weeks, anyway. I'm sorry, but you are asking the impossible." I kept waiting for his reaction.

"You made me come on this trip. I would have been happy to have stayed home, but you made me come. Now, I want to stay and you're making me go home," I growled. "All you do is make my life miserable." Even though I knew he was right, I was angry at him.

"Really? Is that all I do?"

"I try to be a good son, but I'm not going to anymore."

"Well, I try to be a good father, and I'm going to continue to do so, regardless of what you do." I sat there steaming. He had always been a great dad, but in some way that drove me crazy. He was always fair, caring and reasonable. My mother, on the other hand was easily upset. "Will you see Renee tonight?"

"Yes," I answered.

"I guess he will spend the night with you."

"We were planning on it. He told his parents and they said okay." My dad nodded. It occurred to me that he might say that Renee could not spend the night, but that was not like him. "Dad, I really care about him."

He sighed. "Can I ask you something? I nodded. "You had a girlfriend last year. You and I had a long talk about being responsible when having sex. I assumed that you then were," he hesitated, "sexually involved with her." He looked at me. I nodded. "Now you are sexually involved with Renee?" Again, I nodded. For as long as I could remember, my dad made efforts to talk to me about things that most dads would try to avoid. I, in turn, found it easy, albeit uncomfortable, to be honest with him. "Well,"

I interrupted him and said angrily, "You're not going to say this is a phase, or that maybe this just happened." He looked at me. "I've been with two girls. I've been with one guy. I've always thought I might be gay, but when I was with these girls I thought maybe I wasn't. But to tell you the truth I enjoyed jerking off more than fucking them."

"And it's different with Renee?"

"Very different. Very different," I said calmly.

He breathe deeply and nodded. "Okay, I believe you. But you know there is nothing I can do. You have to come home."

Again we sat for a while. "Are you angry?" I asked.

"About you being gay?"


He sighed, and said, "No. I am surprised. Worried mostly. Sad, I guess."

"Why are you sad?" I asked. I was ready to fight.

"Your life is going to be difficult. I'm your father. Life is difficult enough." He looked at me and asked, "Do you want your mother to know about this?"

"Not yet," I answered. I got up to leave the room. I looked at him and said, "Don't worry. I'm not stupid."

"You're my son. I worry about you. That's just part of what I do. And it's because I love you."

I nodded and opened the door to leave. I turned around and said, "I love you, too. And, I'm still going to stop being a good son and make your life miserable," and smiled.

"Yeah, well, that's not new, is it?" and smiled. "Its just part of what you do."

I left him and went to my room. I sat and cried. I wanted to fight with someone. I wanted to make someone hurt. Sometimes I wished my dad would be unreasonable so that I could hate him. Maybe, I thought, I should tell my mom. She'd surely give me the reason I needed to get nuts.

Renee joined me at the hotel. I told him about the conversation I had with my father. He said he wished I could go to school with him, but knew I could not. He told me that his mother knew he was gay and that he thought his father was figuring it out. We went out for the afternoon. We had dinner at a small restaurant his parents always went to. Then we went to the hotel and spent the night making love, talking, and making promises to stay in touch. We planned that I would come back to France next summer and that he and I would travel all over Europe. Neither of us slept.

The next morning my phone rang at 5am. It was my dad. We had an early flight back to Los Angeles. Renee and I kissed good-bye. He cried. My eyes filled with tears. I never let anyone see my cry, anymore. When I joined my parents, I began what I planned would be a six to eight month pout. Then I would spring my plan to travel Europe with Renee on them. I figured that they'd then do anything to make me happy.

I watched as our plan lifted off. Again, tears filled my eyes. I sat back and stared straight ahead. I noticed my dad looking at me. I glanced at him. He looked concerned. I looked away.

Email me at Storyman1019@aol.com

Next: Chapter 11

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