James and Scott

By moc.loa@6949alucoJ

Published on Aug 11, 2005


If you are offended with gay or sexual explicit content then

I suggest you leave now. This story is fiction and if any names or similar situation that comes about in this story is

pure coincident. Remember that this story is fiction where

there are sexual transmitted diseases such as AIDS. Please

when engaging in any sexual activity practice safe sex, and

always use a condom and protect yourself and the future.

Chapter 5

Pumpkins Carving Time

The next morning I woke up alone in my bed. I rapidly glanced around the room but there was no James in sight anywhere. At first I thought maybe I dreamt the whole thing last night, but glanced around the room and saw the burned out candles and a few rose petals left on the bed. I quickly got up and walked down the hall scanning each of the rooms to see if James were in any of them. Halfway down the hall I heard a faint noise coming from the kitchen. I walked into the entryway of the kitchen and there was James standing at the kitchen sink in his underwear doing last night's dinner dishes.

"Hi babe, I thought I would get ahead start and get the dishes done before we have to head on out for our busy day. Go take your shower and I will finish cleaning up in here." Said James

As I slowly walked over to James I pressed my naked body against his at the kitchen sink and said "Not until I get my good morning kiss." I gently kissed his neck and nuzzled my body against his causing my cock to get hard against his ass. "See what you do to me when I get close to you, and I unfortunately, know we can't do anything or it will make us late." I said

"Well, Scott you do the same to me when I am near you." Said James as he turned around from the kitchen sink and stood there facing me with his hard eight inch cock that has started to escape out the top of his underwear.

I tried with all my will power to resist James as he stood there with his tasseled blonde hair, blue eyes, hot muscular body, and of course his rock hard cock. I knew if I proceeded with the temptation of him that I would most likely be late for work. I just could not resist him this morning after last night romantic events, so I dropped down to my knees and light pushed James's back up against the kitchen sink. I pulled down his underwear and began taking his hard cock into my mouth as one of my hands began exploring upwards over his defined torso. I sucked his long thick cock for a couple of minutes before James slowly slid down the sink to where we both ended up on the floor in a six-nine position. Here it was a little after five o'clock in the morning with both James and I on the kitchen floor sucking each cocks.

I was lying on top of James bobbing my head up and down onto his cock. I put my mouth on the tip of his cock and went all the way down to the shaft taking every last bit of his eight inches down my throat. As my face was buried into his pubes I would hold his cock in my mouth for a few seconds before releasing it. James was at the other end sucking my six half inch cock as it was sliding down his throat. We both were working each other cocks like neither one of had seen a cock in years, so it wasn't long before we both shot our hot cum loads into each others mouths. When James came I felt his hot cum shooting against the back of my throat, and swallowed every last drop. Right after James came I climaxed and shot a huge load in his mouth, and could feel James trying to keep up and swallow my hot cum as it filled his mouth. We both continued sucking to make sure we got every last drop of cum out of each other cocks.

We both stood up and put our around each others as we passionately kissed. As we continued to kiss our naked bodies pressed against one another's. I could have stayed liked this forever feeling James's smooth skin next to mine, but I knew that we both needed to get ready work. I reluctantly broke our release and we both went onto our morning tasks.

James finished cleaning up the kitchen as I went and got ready for work. It wasn't too long before we had switched to where he was in the bathroom getting ready and I was in the kitchen making my lunch and eat breakfast. Every so often we would pass each other by in a room or the hallway; when we did we would give each other a smile, a kiss, and once I even lightly slapped James's ass while he walked by.

It wasn't long before we were both ready to head out the door and start our day. We met and stood in the entryway giving one another a long passionate kiss before we left. Right before we were walking out the door James said I love you in a soft voice. Of course I was beaming inside and out from the words James just uttered to me, and I told him I loved him too. We then left the house so I could drive James home, so Daniel or Kara could take him to school and I could get to work on time.

The weekend came and went and I was not able to see James and I only briefly talked to him on the phone. It had only been a few days that I have not seen him and I already miss him, but I knew I would see and talk to him again very soon. I also knew that we both have very busy schedules especially James with work and school. James had to work all weekend long due to taking Thursday off for my birthday. Then in between work he had to start studying for his midterms. I was also busy with paperwork, errands, yard and house work that needed to be done. I sort had let things go around the house, since I have been seeing James so I was now playing catch up.

As the next two weeks progressed along I called James on the phone a few times, but our conversations were very short and sort of lacked. I had only seen him two times since my birthday and both times were to pick him up from work. The last time I picked him up I made sure that we made time to at least have dinner together before taking him back home. The dinner was brief to where we went to a restaurant order, ate, and drove him home.

I know that James is busy with school, work, friends, and his workouts (since his ribs have completely healed). I don't expect to see James everyday or talk to him on the phone for hours at a time. I care for him so much that I want to see and talk to him ever chance I can get. Unfortunately, I know that that is not possible with our schedules. If I want this relationship to continue to work I need to compromise and come to grips with what is feasible at this particular time. I just need to accept the time I can spend with James when I can get it, because I know James's school and work schedule will not change until next year.

The weekend was once again upon us and it was Saturday morning, and it was the last weekend in October making tomorrow Halloween. This meant today and tomorrow I would be carving pumpkins. I don't usually carve the traditional happy face pumpkins; I tend to carve them with lots of details. For example, I was planning on carving three pumpkins one with the word carved out say "welcome" the second one will have a carved out witch's face, and the last Pumpkin will be a ghost peeking from behind a door. Each one takes one to two hours to carve, but I have all weekend so I am not too worried on the time.

The morning was almost gone and I figured I might as well start carving the pumpkins. Before I start I wanted to call James, since I haven't talked to him for while.

I dialed the phone and James answered on the other by saying hello.

"Hi James how are you?" I asked

"Hi babe, I am doing well. How are you?" James responded

"I am doing pretty good, so what are you up to today?" I asked

James said, "I slept in this morning and just got up a little while ago. I am also finishing up some breakfast. What about you?"

"I am just straightening up around here and getting ready to carve some pumpkins for Halloween." I said in a somewhat unexcited voice.

"You don't sound too thrilled," said James as he sort of chuckled.

"I really don't mind carving the pumpkins even though it is very time consuming. I just really don't like cleaning out the insides of them." I replied

"Really, I love taking out the pumpkin guts that is my favorite part. Actually, I really don't like carving the pumpkins." James said

"Well, hey if you are not doing anything today you are more than welcome to come over and gut my pumpkins. I said with a laugh

"That sounds cool, what time should I come over?" said James quickly

I was a little shocked that he answered yes and was able to come over, so I quickly replied back "Anytime, I am just finishing cleaning up around here, and will set up everything up out in the garage to carve the pumpkins." I said

"My Daniel has to be at work at one o'clock, so he could drop me off at your house on his way there. How about around 12:30ish, if that is okay?" asked James

"That is perfect James; it will give me enough time to get everything set up in the garage." I said in much more enthusiastic voice knowing that James will be coming over and I will be spending time with him. Plus, I won't have to get all sticky and slimy taking out the pumpkin's insides.

"Okay babe, take care. I need to get ready so I can be over there in about an hour. Love you." said James

"Okay bye stud, see you soon and I love you too." I said as I hung up the phone.

I finishing up the breakfast dishes, and got everything ready out in the garage to carve the pumpkins. Now that I had finished everything the only thing left to do was to wait for James to walk through my front door.

It wasn't long before Daniel pulled up to the front of the house to drop off James. I opened the front door anxiously waiting for him to walk up to the house. James sat in the car for a minute or two talking before he slowly got out of the car and started walking up towards the house. He was wearing a nice fitted white shirt with baggy jeans. The shirt like always showed off his wide shoulders and defined chest, and every time he moved his arms his biceps would flex the tight short sleeves shirt. I stood at the door smiling from ear to ear watching James coming towards me who also had a huge smile on his face. Within a seconds James wrapped his arms around me and our lips immediately locked, to where I barely had enough time to shut the door before giving the neighbors a free show.

"God Scott I have missed you so much" said James while still embracing me.

"I have missed you to James more that you know, and I am so glad that you are here." I replied

"Scott, I am sorry for not being around that much," said James in a low voice.

"It's okay James I know that you have a lot of things on your plate with school, work, friends, and the gym. Plus it is the middle of the semester and I know you have research papers and midterms. Not to say I haven't missed you because I have missed you a lot, and I wish we could spend a lot more time together. We both know that we have busy schedules, but we will some how figure out to how to balance it all out for the both of us." I said

"You are okay with me being so busy?" Asked James

"Yes I am okay with how things are for now, because I know you are at a stage in your life with finishing school and will soon be starting your career. I am not saying that it is going to be easy, but we all have to deal with what life give us. I do wish things were a little different to where our lives would not be so busy; but I love you James and nothing will stop me from loving you." I said

"Thank you Scott. Don't worry winter break is coming up soon, and by middle of next year I will be done with school to be able to spend a lot more time with you. I want to spend every waking moment with you that I can." Said James

James embraced his arms around me and put my head on his shoulder. From the embrace he gave me I knew that he did truly meant every word. As much as I wanted to stay in the embrace of James arms I knew the pumpkins needed to get done. I gave him a kiss and slowly released the embrace, and suggested that we start the pumpkins so we could have the rest of the day to relax. James agreed, so I led him to the way of the garage where I had set up a big card table with newspapers and carving utensils.

We both got started on carving the pumpkins; I was outlining the word "welcome" while James was taking the insides out of another pumpkin. We talked while working and were catching up on what we have been up to from the past week. I looked up and over at James watching him taking out the insides of the pumpkin; James glanced up at me with his bright blue eyes and smiled. He then asked me what I was thinking, so I told him I was thinking how glad I was that he was here to help me with the pumpkins. James told me that he was just as happy to be here with me; as he continued to take the seeds and pulp out of the pumpkin.

Between talking and working on the pumpkins, time was flying by. I was half way done carving my first pumpkin and James was cleaning out the second one. By this time James's hands had become very sticky and slimy from pulling out the inside of the pumpkins. When James tried to release the stingy pulp and seeds from his hands, but only to have it stick to him. I could tell he was getting a little frustrated as I chuckled to myself, because I didn't like having goopy hands do to cleaning out the pumpkins. James continued trying to get the stringy pulp and seeds off his hands but no such luck. He decided to make a quick flick downward of his hand towards the table to try to get the stuff off his hands; as he flicked his hands the stringy pulp and seeds flung on and across the table splattering onto my shirt.

"Hey there, watch what you doing; you are getting the pulp and seeds from the pumpkin all over place including me" I said in light heart voice.

"Oops! I am sorry I was trying to get the stuff off my hands." James said as he blushed.

We both continued back to work to get the pumpkins carving done. I was now outlining my second pumpkin "the witch's face", and James was cleaning out the last pumpkin. Once again James was getting frustrated trying to get the pumpkin guts off his hands, but this time he flicked his hands even harder and a giant glob of pulp flew across the table landing on me. I had pumpkin pulp on my shirt and even a string of it hanging off my arm. I stood there with my mouth open in shock that he did it again and even got more of it on me.

"I cannot believe you just flicked that shit on me again." I said now in a frustrated voice

"I am so sorry Scott, I truly am." James said trying to hold back his laughing.

I was not thrilled that I had pumpkin pulp on my shirt and myself, and it didn't help matters that James thought it was funny to the point that he was starting to laugh at me. "That is okay shit happens" I said smiling as I moved closer to James until I was right in front of him. I nonchalantly scooped up a hand full of seeds and pumpkin pulp and slap it on James's chest. James stood there with his mouth open and stunned while I stood there smiling.

"I cannot believe you just did that Scott, this is the only shirt I have and of course it would have to be a white one. I was actually thinking about going out tonight with Daniel when he gets off work, but now I can't with me looking like this." James said in a little irritated voice.

"Oh calm down we will find you a shirt in my closet if you need one." I said as I turned back around to go back to craving my pumpkin. Then all of a sudden I felt a big glob of wet pumpkin hitting my back. I turned around to see James standing with his arms folder a huge smirk on his face.

We both looked at the table at the same time and lunged to grab as much pumpkin guts and seeds that we could get our hands on and began throwing it at each other. Within a matter of seconds we were covered in pulp and seeds from head to toe, which included the garage floor. At this point it was pretty much a draw on who was winning, so we decided to pick it up a notch. We both grabbed a handful of pumpkin guts in our hands, and lunged for one another. We pushed and shoved and tried to maneuver anyway possible to get the other person caught off guard to get the pulp onto them. Unfortunately, with the garage floor covered with pumpkin seeds and pulp we began slipping and sliding until both us ended up onto the ground. Even though we were on the ground neither one of us were going to give up and were still wrestling; or at least trying to with us slipping and sliding around and laughing hysterically on the ground. By this time neither one of us had anything left in our hands, but instead trying to get the other person pinned down to the garage floor. I grabbed James waist as he tried to grab mine trying to break free of my hold. I was position myself to pin James down to the ground. We were both giggling and it made it much harder for me to keep a firm hold on James, since he is much stronger and bigger than I am. Suddenly James made a strategic move and was able to break free, and before I knew it I was the one down onto the garage floor; to where James was on top of me straddling my torso. He quickly pinned my arms down to the floor of the garage with his knees. I could no longer move my arms or my body; I was basically at the mercy of James and he knew it. I laid there with him on top of me knowing good and well that he could do anything he wanted to me.

"Ha I got you just where I want you." James said in a confident voice.

"Not if I can help it" I said in unsure voice.

I was trying to think of a way to maneuver anyway I could to get unpinned. I tried lifting upward with my body towards James to see if I could get free, but the only thing it did was flex every muscle in my upper body. James saw and felt my body flex as he had his hand on my torso.

"Well, well, well, look at that chest bulge through your shirt, feels like someone has been working out his chest." said James

He put his hands on my chest and was lightly fingering down between my pecs to my abs as I was still trying to get James off me. "I can really feel those six packs flexing as you try to lift me off of you." James said while rubbing my abs with his hands.

James still on top of me leaned over and gently kissed me on the lips. His hands went under my shirt, and gently started rubbing my abs as they slowly moved up to my chest. He slowly raised my shirt up towards my shoulders to expose my entire torso. At the same time he released my arms, so they were no longer pinned down by his knees. I no longer cared that I was free to be able maneuver James off of me. Instead, I moved my hands up and underneath James's shirt and began pulling it off of him.

The James was still straddling my torso, and once again leaned forward to kiss me. Unfortunately, the pumpkin pulp was now starting to dry onto our skin making it feel crusty. I slowly got up and told James to take off his shoes and pants and follow me. He gave me a slightly puzzle look but did what I asked. We both got undressed down to our Abercrombie and Fitch underwear. I took his hand and walked into and through the house to the master bathroom.

I turned on the shower to get the water hot, and as I turned around we embrace into each other's arms. We began to passionately kiss as our hands explore each others bodies. It was not long before we had each others underwear down to our ankles, and grabbing and groping each others cocks and asses. We slowly moved ourselves into the shower where the water was nice and hot. We both stood under the shower head with the water running over and down our bodies to soften up the crusted pumpkin pulp as we were kissing. We briefly moved apart and as I looked at James I could see his tan muscular body glistening in the shower. This reminded me when James and I being in the pool and hot he looked when he got out; but he is even hotter standing right here in front of me in the shower.

We both grab the soap and started washing each others bodies. I start on James's arms and shoulders, and gradually moved my way down wash along his hard muscular pecs. I could feel his muscles of his chest through the washrag, but I gradually slowed down to almost a complete stop to give him a long passionate kiss on his lips. I continued to wash James's body, and I made sure that I was getting every nook, cranny, and crevices on his front torso. I had him to turn around so I could begin washing his back. I made my way down his back washing it from the top of the shoulder blades to the small of his back right above his firm ass cheeks. I could not resist those two perfect round mounds staring up at me; so I slowly ran my rag over ass cheeks rubbing each of them. I then had James turn around so I could work on his lower front half. I reached for his cock to wash it and began stroking it as it began to grow into a full raging hard on. During this time James was washing my body as well, and he was making sure that he did not miss an inch; this included my chest, abs, ass and cock. As James started rubbing and washing my cock it was not long before my cock was rock hard.

I was now squatting down in front James as I was washing over his thick muscular quads and calves with James raging eight inch cock pointing directly into my face. I finished washing his legs and stood back up, so James and I could rinse off our soapy bodies underneath the water. We held each other close and caressing one another's bodies underneath the water. We began kissing as our hands immediately went to our hard cocks to start stroking them. I moved my lips down James's neck to his wet nipples and began to lick and gentle suck them. I continued to slide my tongue down between his clean hard pecs and to his six pack abs. My face was at James abs and right below my chin was James hard cock just waiting for my mouth. James was standing in front of me with the water from the shower pouring on to his back; I kneeled down onto the shower floor with my back against the wall. I grabbed the base of James's cock and stuck his big cock's head into my mouth. I continued to play with it with my tongue, licking it and teasing his piss slit before swallowing the whole cock into my mouth and down my throat. James's hands were on top of my head guiding me and mouth onto his cock as I was sucking it. James started thrusting his hips pumping his cock in and out of my mouth. He took his hands off my head and put them onto the shower wall as he moved his body closer to me. My back and head was now being pressed against the wall as James continued to thrusting his cock deep inside my mouth with his hips. He continued to face fucked me with his hard cock. I loved the way he would pull his whole eight inch cock out of my mouth, and then shove it all the way back in burying my face into his trimmed pubes. I put had my hands on his hard ass cheeks helping to guide his cock down my throat. Occasionally, I would slide a hand off his ass and give my cock a stroke from time to time.

James pulled his cock out of my mouth and I had him turn around to face the other side of the wall. I spread apart his ass cheeks and started eating and fingering his freshly cleaned ass. I began licking his pink manhole and stuck my tongue deep inside of him. I slowly inserted a finger into his hole while stroking my hard six and half inch cock. It wasn't long before I had a finger all the way into his ass pushing it in and out a few times. As inserted my second finger into James he let out a low moan. I was worked both of my fingers in and out of his ass for a few minutes to get his hole nice and ready for my hard and waiting cock.

I slowly stood up stroking my hard cock knowing that James's ass was ready to be penetrated. I took my dick and rubbed it along the top of his ass, and I then slid my hard cock vertically between the crack of his hot ass cheeks. As I was holding onto the base of my cock I took a small step back and then moved forward to slide the head of my cock in between his ass. I was teasing his manhole with my cock's head as I gently pushed the head of my hard cock up into James's ass. My cock glided into his ass with ease and began fucking him long and hard. I held onto his hips pulling his ass towards me with each thrust of my cock going deep inside of him. I leaned into James and moved my arms and hands around James's muscular body to begin playing with his erected nipples.

I pull my hard throbbing cock out of James's ass and turned him around having him face me while he leaned against the shower wall. He spread his legs apart as I once again pushed my stiff cock back into his ass. As my cock was completely inside him I pressed my body against his, and passionately kiss each other on the lips. I could feel James's eight inch hard cock pressing against my stomach as our bodies were touching one another. I slightly pulled away from James's body, so I could start working his ass with my cock. I held one of his legs up with one hand and positioned my other one onto the shower wall. While I was pushing my cock in and out of James's ass he started stroking his big cock and rubbing my body at the same time. He also lightly pinched and teased both of my nipples while I continued to work my cock inside of him. I pulled my dick all the way out to where only the head of it was still in his ass; I then shoved my whole cock back up into him and began fucking him faster and harder. I kept the fast pace tempo on fucking him until I shot my hot load into his ass. As I was cumming into James's ass he continued stroking his hard cock and began shoot his load all over my chest and lower stomach.

James moved in closer to me to started kissing me on the lips. We unlocked our lips and James began moving his mouth downward little by little from my neck to my nipples. James tongue was still protruding outward from licking my nipples; he then moved his tongue in between my pecs and briefly stopped to lick his fresh cum off of my chest. James eventually trailed his tongue downward towards my abs where he made sure that he did not leave a drop of cum on my stomach before standing back up to kiss me. While James was kissing me I could taste his sweet cum in my mouth. We continued to kiss and fondle each other as we rinsed off bodies and got out of the shower.

We got out of the shower and dried each other off and got dressed. We both decided to go commando and not wear any underwear. I did give him a pair of my cargo shorts to wear while his clothes were in the washing machine getting washed. Neither one of us put on a shirt, since the house was warm enough to go shirtless.

It was late in the afternoon and both James and I were getting a bit hungry after our pumpkin carving wrestling and shower escapade. We both looked in the refrigerator to find something to eat, but neither of us really wanted to cook. James and I decided to order a pizza, so I called and order the pizza to have it delivered. We talk while waiting for the pizza and decided to sit and eat on the couch in the family room. It too wasn't too long before the pizza was delivered.

James and I were eating our pizza watching a movie while. We order a large pepperoni and half pepperoni with olives, sausage and mushrooms. I really don't care for a lot of toppings on my pizza, so I was planning on sticking on the pepperoni side of the pizza. Of course James was thoroughly enjoy his pizza with all the toppings on it and insisted I had to taste it.

"God this pizza is exceptionally good tonight." said James

"I agree it is really good tonight, but the pizza might be exceptional tonight, only because we are both hungry from are pumpkin craving wrestling match and our little showering fun. I said as I chuckled a bit and took a big bit of my pepperoni pizza.

"Scott, you should really try a piece with the all the toppings on it, it is so good." said James as he leaned in closer to me.

"No James, I really don't like all that other stuff on the pizza, I will stick with my pepperoni and cheese pizza but thanks for offering." I said

"Oh come on one small bite for me." James said in a pleading voice as he cocked his head. He looked at me with his baby blue eyes to try to persuade me to take a bit of his pizza.

Of course James pointed the pizza right in front of my face to where I had no other choice but to take a bite. I opened my mouth and took a small bite of his pizza, and as James pulled the pizza away from my mouth the cheese began to stretch from the pizza to my mouth. Eventually the cheese tore away from the slice of pizza and landed onto my chin.

James smiled at me and said, "Looks like you need a little bit of help there with that cheese dangling from your chin."

I sort of blushed and started to bring up a napkin to my face to wipe the cheese off, but James intercepted and pushed my hand away. He took his finger and scooped the cheese off my chin and slowly fed it into my mouth with his finger. I gently sucked and licked his finger making sure that I left no cheese on it. We looked longingly into each others eyes and softly smiled at one another. James then leaned slightly forward, and kissed me softly on the lips.

We sat finishing the pizza and watched a movie, and before we knew Daniel was here to pick up James. I grabbed James's clothes out of the dryer so he put them on, and with a long passionate kiss he was out the door.

I finished the last pumpkin the next day, and that night I set the pumpkins outside and lit all three of them. As the trick or treaters and their parents came up to the door, they all admired and commented on the creative carvings of the pumpkins. Little did any of them know what or who went down during the pumpkin carving session (if only those pumpkins could talk).

Once again I want to thank everyone for taking the time to continue to read my story, and emailing me with positive feed back. I would love to continue to hear from people to let me know what they think and how I am doing with the story. This lets me know that people are still reading my story (chapters), and it also gives me the incentive to continue on writing. Please feel free to contact me at Jocula9496@aol.com

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