James and Scott

By moc.loa@6949alucoJ

Published on Jul 17, 2005


If you are offended with gay or sexual explicit content then

I suggest you leave now. This story is fiction and if any names or similar situation that comes about in this story is

pure coincident. Remember that this story is fiction where

there are sexual transmitted diseases such as AIDS. Please

when engaging in any sexual activity practice safe sex, and

always use a condom and protect yourself and the future.

Chapter 4

My Birthday

A few weeks past (now being the middle of October) and James injuries from his car accident began to heal quite nicely. His cuts, scrapes and bruises were all healed, but his ribs were still tender to the touch. During this time James and I talked on the phone on a semi regular bases. I would see him a few times a week but mostly on weekends and to drop him off and/or pick him up from work. It just depended on our schedules meshing together at a particular time.

Between both of us working, his schooling, working out, and the daily odds and end chores life was pretty full for the both of us; but we still manage see each other and go out on a few dates. We would end up doing dinners, the movies, played pool, go for drives to the mountains, and occasionally even stayed home and watched a DVD and cuddle. Each and ever time we are together is pure pleasure even without the sex; but at the same time it can be a bit of a torture having someone you truly care about and not being with intimately them. The only thing we have done in the past few weeks is just kiss, cuddle and a little fondling. It also doesn't help when the person has such a hot body like James right at your fingers tips. I will keep respecting James's wishes as long as I can, but I just hope it isn't too much longer.

I talked to James in the morning before I went to work, and he told me he didn't have to work tonight. I decided to have him come over to hangout for a couple of hours after my work and workout.

The day came and went quickly and before I knew it work was over and I finished my workout at the gym. I drove to James's place picked him up for our so called hanging out together date. Tonight's agenda was to eat dinner, watched some television, and relax for a few hours before taking him back home. James came out of his apartment and got into my car and leaned over to give me a kiss on the cheek. As I was driving home we decided to pick up some fast food, since we both were a bit tired and neither one of us felt like cooking.

We got home and ate our burgers and fries, and went into the family to watch some television. James sat at the end of the couch while I decided lay down on the couch and put my head into James's lap. As we laid there watching TV James gently ran his fingers through my hair, and occasionally he would bring his hand down to my chest and very lightly rub it through my shirt. Unfortunately, I was very tired due to a long day at work and the gym that my eyes were becoming very heavy, and before I knew it I was fast asleep in James's lap.

Around thirty-minutes later I woke up looking up seeing James's looking down at me with a soft smile. I sat up on the couch and apologized to him for falling asleep. I then asked him if it was okay if he could stay the night, because I was too tired to take him home. I told him I would take him home in the morning before work, and he was perfectly fine with it; since his tomorrow's class had been canceled.

We both headed down the hall to the bedroom. I pulled the bed back, and we both undressed and got into bed. As we got situated and comfortable in bed we both ended up lying on our sides, with me facing the wall and James was facing me. He immediately snuggled his body up close to me pressing the front of him against my back. I could actually feel his dick through his underwear pushing against the crack of my ass. It felt so good and if I was not so tired I would be teasing his dick with rubbing my ass backup against it. I would like to get him so horny, that he could not resist temptation to the point that we would finally make love. Unfortunately, for me/us will have to wait for love session for yet another day.

James gently put his arm around me and brought me even closer to his body making me feel that our bodies were becoming one. I took his hand into mine and intertwined our fingers into one another's, and I could have stayed like this with James's forever. As I laid there with James I knew that this was no longer just a crush, but I was falling in love with him. But before I knew it my eyes were closed and I fell fast asleep in arms.

I was lying on the sandy beach on a dark red towel gazing up at the bright blue sky; I could feel the warmth of the sun's rays beating down upon me. I for some strange reason I was feeling rather hot and horny, so I started rubbing my chest and playing with my nipples. I leisurely looked down towards my cock, and there was James in between my legs teasing my cock with his mouth. James put the head of my cock into his mouth and gradually went all the way down to the shaft while looking up at me. He popped my hard cock out of his mouth and gave me a devilish smile before he continued to go back down on it. James had one hand at the base of my cock while his other one started to roam freely upwards towards my abs and chest. I was breathing become a little heavier with the attention James was giving to my cock. While James continued servicing my cock I began scanning the beach area around me; suddenly I started questioning where we were, and why were we the only two people on this beach? Then the realization began that this has to be a dream, so I slowly woke myself up but still keep my eyes closed. I could feel my handed down at my crotch rubbing my dick through my underwear; I also felt a warm breath at my torso, so I slowly open my eyes to see James's face hovering over my chest . Before I knew it he began kissing and licking my nipples, and worked his mouth up and down my torso. James gently grabbed my crotch softly massaging my hard cock through my underwear.

James saw that I was awake and with a big ass smile said. "Good morning babe. I hope you liked your little wake up call." He then slowly climbed completely on top of me pressing his semi-naked body against mine, and gave me a long passionate morning kiss on my lips.

"You are so amazing James. Thank you for that incredible wake up call. By the way what time is it?" I asked

"It is about six o'clock. Before I forget happy birthday" said James.

"Shit! I forgot to set my alarm last night. I am running so late. I needed to take a shower, get ready, eat breakfast, make my lunch and take you home clear across town with less than an hour. Fuck!" I said in a panic voice.

I practically shoved James off of me and started grabbing my work clothes and headed to the shower. As I quickly took my shower and was getting my clothes on I continued to run all the things in my head that I still needed to do, such as make my lunch, eat breakfast, and take James home and be at work in less then forty minutes. There is just no way that I am going to be able to do all these things and make it to work on time.

When I got back into my room James could tell that I was still totally stressing out, so he made a suggestion to try to easy my tension level.

"Scott why don't I just stay here and you can take me home tonight? This will save at least twenty minutes out of your time for you."

I replied back "James I don't get off work until three, I have an after work meeting, and then I am planning on going to the gym to workout. That mean I won't be home until at least five-thirty or six."

James replied in a more lively response "That is perf. I mean that's not a problem I can hangout here watch DVD and listen to some music until you get home; if I get too bored and want to go home I will call Kara or Daniel to pick me up if they are available."

I reluctantly decided let him to stay since it would relieve a lot of stress not to bring him back home before work. I finished up the things I needed to do from making my lunch to grabbing something to eat for breakfast, and with two minutes to spare. I was on the way out the door to start my day, but James grab hold of my waist and pulling me close to him. He turned me around passionately kissed me on the lips while his hand quickly moved down to my crotch. He gently massaged my cock and balls through my pants; of course it didn't take it long for James to get my cock nice and hard in my pants.

We broke our lip hold on each other and James looked deeply into my eyes and said. "I will be here waiting for you when you return home tonight, and happy birthday Scott."

I thanked him again for remembering my birthday and gave James one last kiss. As I turned around he gave my ass a little slap on my ass as I walked out the door. I turned my head and gave him a quick smile.

The day moved along at a pretty fast pace and before I knew it, it was time for my afternoon meeting. I was a bit anxiously hoping that the meeting would end quickly, so I could get to the gym and home to see James. Especially, with the possibility of us actually doing more that just kissing and making out tonight. Unfortunately, the meeting went over and I did not get out of the office until after four-thirty. I had to call James on the way to the gym and tell him that I would be home until around six to six-thirty. He was perfectly fine with it and told me to have a great workout.

I got to the gym and worked out my shoulders and back, which is one of my least favorite workout days. It is very hard for me not to just do a half ass workout and head home early to be with James, but I continued with my workout routine. As I was getting through the workout I thought about the day's stressful events that unfolded, such as I waking up late, the after work meeting that ran later than expected, and now here I am doing one my least favorite workout all on my birthday. Even though the day's events haven't been all that great, all I had to do was to think of James waiting for me at my house and all the mishaps and frustration of the day went away. I finally finished up my workout, and I took a quick shower at the gym and headed home.

As I drove up to the house and into the driveway I noticed that there were very little lights on inside the house. I could tell since the sun had already set, so I could easily tell if the lights were not on or not. I didn't think too much of it I figured that James was probably in the family room watching television, in the backroom listening to the music or on the computer. Then came the realization that maybe he got bored and called Kara or Daniel to come and pick him up to bring him back to the apartment. I hope that he is just in the back of the house and that he didn't go home, because I have been looking forward to seeing and spending time with James tonight.

I got out of my car and walked up to and opened the front door, and walked into a semi-dark entryway. I looked over to the kitchen area I saw the kitchen table set for two. The light above the table was very dim and on the table were two long stem candles slowly burning. There was also soft music was playing in the background, which were the carpenters "We've Only Just Begun." I looked up from the table and there was James stirring the food at the stove wearing a blue apron.

He looked up at me and smiled and said in an energized voice. "Hi babe, welcome home and happy birthday. I will be right over there to give you your welcome home kiss, but first let me check the food in the oven."

As I was smiling my eyes began to focus in the dimly lit kitchen, and realized that James was not wearing a shirt underneath his apron. When he turned around to check the food in the oven he revealed even more than I was anticipating. James was actually not wearing pants with but instead only his white boxer briefs underneath the apron. I was now definitely smiling from ear to ear and admiring his fine ass; it was round, firm and was peeping through the backside of the apron.

After James was done checking the food he walked over and gave me a welcome home kiss. I couldn't help my hands from going straight to his ass to start exploring it. I cupped and squeezed both cheeks, and they felt just as good as they looked in his underwear. I was horny as hell due to the morning teaser and the anticipating the possibility of us going all the way, and it doesn't help that he is standing here cooking dinner almost completely naked. I moved the front of the apron aside and cupped his crotch with my hand and start rubbing his cock through his underwear while we kissed.

James gently pulled away from me and said. "We can't right now, dinner is almost ready, and we don't want it to burn." he gave me a devilish smile and turned around to go check on and serve the food.

After he put all the food on the table he excused himself, and said he will be right back and for me not to do a thing but just sit there at the kitchen table. I sat there thinking I am a bit over dressed compared to James. Here I am all dressed up in a dress shirt, tie, and slacks, and James was practically naked wearing only an apron. Ever time I visualized the view of him in his underwear wearing the apron put a smile on my face. While I continued waiting for James I began looking at all the food on the table, and it looked absolutely fabulous. He cooked lemon chicken, wild rice, stuffed artichokes, and a salad with Italian dressing. I knew James could cook, but I didn't know he could cook this well. Before I knew it James returned to the kitchen, but on his returned he was all dressed up, and wearing a dress shirt, a tie, slacks and even dress shoes. This just proves to me that James can wear any kind of clothes whether it dress clothes, shorts with short sleeve shirts, or even an apron with no clothes underneath. Regardless what he is wearing he is simply looks fucking hot! In fact the dress clothes he is wearing right now actually made him look like a young GQ model.

We began to eat our dinner in the candlelight while the soft music was still playing in the background. James had a bunch of love songs playing throughout our meal, such as "Because I Love You" by Celion Dion, "Hero by Enrique Iglesias" "Crazy for You" by Madonna, and "Everything I Do I Do It for You" by Bryan Adam. Everything was perfect the food, the candlelight, and even the music. This was turning out to be the best birthday I have ever had, and I could never have dreamt of anything better. James had put so much thought and effort into every single detail tonight and I don't think I will ever be able to express to him just how much I truly appreciate what he has done for me.

As we both were finishing up our dinner I decided to try to thank James in words. "James I want to thank you so much for everything you have done for me tonight on my birthday. This is the best birthday I have ever had, and I am so glad that you are spending it with me. Everything has been perfect from the food, the atmosphere, and even the music you picked out and are playing (I took a deep breath as I continuing on talking). To be honest James I think I am falling in love.no actually I am in love with you. I hope me telling you this doesn't ruin tonight by scaring you away, but I feel I have to tell you what I feel inside."

"Scott you are not scaring me away with telling me you love me, because I love you too. Why do you think I did this for? I did this for you to show you just how much I care for and love you. Besides your birthday night is not over yet." Said James slowly getting up and out from his chair

James smiled at me and told me to wait at the table until the KCi & JoJo song "All My Life" is over you can start following the trail. I looked at him with a puzzled looked on my face, as he gave me a passionate kiss on the lips. He told me I would understand when everything goes into motion. James quickly disappeared down the hall towards the bedroom as I sat the table finishing my glass of wine listening to the music.

The song was over so I got up from the table and went around the corner from the kitchen to the entrance of the hallway; there at my feet were a trail of rose petals on the floor leading me down to my bedroom door. I let out a happy sigh as my heart skipped a beat on the sight I was seeing. I was so amazed on just how romantic James can be, and wonder what else he had in store for me when I got down to my bedroom. I began to slowly walk down the hall following the rose petals to where I came upon my bedroom door. I push in the already slightly opened door and looked into my bedroom; the room was being lit with nothing but candles. The candlelight illuminated a warm sensual feeling into the room. I glanced over to my king size bed where it was covered with rose petals, and James lay naked in the middle of it holding a long stem rose to his chest. I felt like I was in some sort of romance novel when looking over at James seeing his naked muscular body being illuminated by the candlelight. The lighting from the candles gave a unique contrast on James's body making his muscles and definition look even bigger and more defined.

I gradually moved towards the bed untucking and unbuttoning my dress shirt. I then began to unbuckling my belt, and by this time I had made my way to the foot of the bed. I slowly climbed onto the bed while James moved the long stem rose off him. Little by little I began kissing every inch of him from his torso all the way up to his chest where I stopped at each nipple to lick and sucked each of them. I continued to move up to his neck and to his lips where we began to kiss. James finished unbuttoning my shirt and pulled it off of me. We slowly swapped positions as we were still kissing, but now I was lying on the bed shirtless and James was on top of me. He moved his way down my body and slowly pulled off my pants and underwear exposing my long hard cock. He put his leg over me and straddled my torso to where my cock was right behind his firm ass. He leaned into me and started kissing me as he rubbed my chest with his hand. At the same time James was pressing his firm ass against my hard cock having it slide up and down along the crack of his ass. Between the kissing and the friction of my cock along the crack of his ass that I could feel my precum starting to ooze out of my cock and slowly running down it.

James turned himself around and changed into a sixty- nine positioned to start working on my cock. He took his tongue and started tonguing my throbbing cock from the shaft to the tip of it. James licked up every bit of the precum that had oozed from my cock and then opened his mouth went completely down swallowing my whole cock into his mouth.

While James was working onto my cock and that his hard round ass was facing me I could give James a rimming he will never forget. I spread his firm cheeks apart and drove my face in between them. I began working my tongue in and out of his manhole. As I worked his ass James made sure that my tongue went deep into his hole by pushing his ass up into my face. I continued to rim his ass and could feel his balls on my chin as they hung in front of my face; I would occasionally lick them from time to time, and gently suck each one of them. I then grabbed his hard eight inch cock back towards me, so I could start sucking on it. I flicked my tongue out onto the tip of his cock licking off his precum that had oozed from it. I then took the head of his cock into my mouth teasing his knob with my tongue a couple of times before shoving his long thick cock halfway down my throat. I worked his cock in and out of my mouth a few times to get my mouth used to the size of his big cock; each time I did this I took his cock a little deeper in my mouth until I had the whole eight inch cock down my throat. After a few deep thrusts of his cock down my throat I began rotating back and forth from James's ass, balls, and cock making sure that everything was getting serviced.

As I was rimming James ass I decided to begin fingering fucking him. I slid one of my fingers into his ass and began working it in and out of his tight little hole. I continued to go back and forth with my tongue and finger working them both into his ass; I could tell James was enjoying it from his low moans. I stuck my tongue deep into his manhole getting it nice and wet, so I could start working a second finger into his ass. As my second finger slowly went deep inside his hole James went into pure ecstasy letting out a loud moan. I waited for a few second for his ass to adjust to my second finger, and once it did I began working both my fingers in and out of his ass at the same time.

After working my fingers in James ass for a couple of minutes he pulled it away from me and turned his body completely around. He straddled my midsection once again to where my cock was behind his ass. "Scott you have made me so hot that I want your hot cock inside me." Said James as he reached behind himself and grabbed my cock and slowly inserted the head of my six and half cock into his ass.

James let out a low moan as my cock slowly slid up and into his ass. He got half way down onto my cock and he lifted his ass back up to where the head of my cock was barely inside his hole. James once again slowly eased himself back down onto my hard cock, but this time taking every inch of it up into his ass.

James leaned over and we began kissing with my dick still deep inside his ass; I began thrusting my hips upward working my cock into his ass at the same time. He kissed me on my neck and gradually moved along to my right ear lobe where he nuzzled and gently suck on it. As he moved his way down to my chest where he gently licked and sucked each of my nipples. The way James used his mouth to work my nipples sent electric shock waves throughout my body.

When James was leaning his body onto mine I could feel his hard eight inch cock pressing on my stomach. It wasn't long before his cock was sliding between our two stomachs due to his it leaking precum. James sat straight up making every last inch of my cock slide up and into his ass. He then proceeded to begin rubbing in his precum from his cock that was left onto my stomach.

James grabbed his cock and started stroking it with one hand while rubbing my body with his other hand; he massaged my pecs and playing with my nipples. James took long hard strokes and squeezed up to the tip of his cock to where a glob of precum came out of it. He took his finger and wiped the precum off the tip of his cock and rubbed it around each of my hard erected nipples. James moved his mouth directly to each of my nipples licking the precum off each of them. He then brought his mouth up to mine and began kissing me on the lips and I could easily taste his sweet precum. Meanwhile, I was pushing my cock in and out of his ass. I can tell by the heavy breathing, the moaning, and the intensity from both of us that it would not be too much longer before we both would climax.

James leaned his body in upright position and started riding up and down on my cock, while continuing to stroke his cock. The harder he bounced onto my cock the faster he stroked his own. I could feel my cum backing up inside of me until I couldn't hold back any longer, and my cock exploded shooting hot cum deep inside of him. Then almost simultaneously James climaxed shooting his hot load from his long cock onto me. The first shot of cum went all the way up to my neck and chest, while the last few squirts of his cum landed onto my stomach. James slowly squeezed every last drop of cum out of his cock and smearing the fresh cum it into my chest and abs.

James slowly got off my cock and lay beside me putting his head onto my chest and began to talk. "Thank you so much James for everything tonight; this is the best birthday I have ever had or could have every imagine having." I said.

"Your welcome Scott, but your birthday celebration is not quiet over." said James. With a devilish smile James got up out of the bed, and told me to not to move that he would be right back.

I sat there thinking about all the events that had unfolded this evening from walking into the house seeing an elaborate candlelit table, a fabulous dinner, and with soft soothing music playing in the background. Then I ended up followed a trail of rose petals to my bedroom to make love for the first time to a man who I deeply love. I truly have feel as if I had died and gone to heaven, because right now this is the happiest I have ever been in my life.

I was looking around the illuminating room from the candles I notice that the darken doorway started to grow in brightness; within seconds James came through the doorway singing happy birthday with a chocolate cake lit with candles. As James brought the cake to me I sat up, made a wish, and blew out the birthday candles. James took the cake and cut a piece of cake.

"Excuse me, but where is your piece?" I asked

"I don't feel like a whole piece of cake, so I was hoping to share this piece with you." James replied

I went to take the plate from James but he immediately pulled it away from me, and nudged me to sit back in a reclined position. "It is still your birthday, so I am still catering to your every need." replied James with a smile

James was lying on his side next to me on the bed with one arm holding the plate with the piece of cake on it and in the other one was holding a fork. James cut the piece of the cake with the fork and slowly fed it to me with each bite being moist and delicious. While James was feeding me the piece of cake he was also feeding himself taking a bite in between feeding me. We smiled, laughed, and giggled the whole time while we ate, and before we knew we were down to the last bite of the piece of cake.

"It is the last bite, you eat it James." I said

"No it is your birthday and it is your cake so you should eat the last bite." replied James

James put the last piece of cake onto the fork (which was mostly frosting), and slowly brought it to my mouth, but halfway there it fell off the fork onto my chest. We both began laughing and with that James picked up the piece of cake with his fingers and gradually fed it to me. Little by little I ate the last piece of cake as he inserted his fingers into my mouth; I made sure that I left nothing on them by licking and suck the chocolate frosting off of James's fingers.

"Looks like you enjoyed licking the frosting off my fingers." James said as he slowly leaned over to kiss me.

As we were kissing and sharing the after taste of the chocolate frosting; James broke free for a brief moment and moved his mouth down to my chest. He began licking up the frosting and the cake crumbs off my chest, and giving it a good bathing before coming back up to kiss me once again.

We stopped kissing and looked into each others eyes and James said in a low voice. "I hope you have enjoyed your birthday celebration?"

"I loved it. I want to thank you so much for everything you have done for me. Word can not describe my feelings for you and what you have done for me. I love you so much James and I wish this night would never." I replied

"I am glad that you really liked what I did tonight, because this was one way to show you just how much I love you." said James

James then rested his head onto my chest and we both put our arms around each other. We continued to talk for a while until we both fell into a deep sleep for the rest of the night wrapped in each others arms.

I want to thank everyone for taking the time on reading my story, and emailing me with such positive feed back. I would love to continue to hear from everyone to let me know what they think so far. This lets me know that people are reading my story (chapters), and it also gives me the incentive to continue on writing. Please feel free to contact me at Jocula9496@aol.com

Next: Chapter 5

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