James and Scott

By moc.loa@6949alucoJ

Published on Jul 7, 2005


If you are offended with gay or sexual explicit content then

I suggest you leave now. This story is fiction and if any names or similar situation that comes about in this story is

pure coincident. Remember that this story is fiction where

there are sexual transmitted diseases such as AIDS. Please

when engaging in any sexual activity practice safe sex, and

always use a condom and protect yourself and the future.

Chapter 3

Our First Date

The next morning I woke up thinking about what I needed to do on this fine Sunday morning, and of course I was thinking about James. I was planning on heading to Trader John's, since I already knew that James was working from yesterday's conversation. When I get there I am going to make it a point to talk to him and ask him out on an actually date. I know I might be setting myself up for failure, but it is a chance that I have to take. If I don't find out if he is gay and interested in me I think I will go crazy.

It was now Sunday afternoon and I was once again at Trader John's doing my grocery shopping. As I walked into the store and I immediately saw James at the registers, so I quickly went through the store getting the items I needed on my grocery list. I wanted to get back to the registers as fast as I could to make sure that James would still be there when I check out.

As I came up to the line of registers, James was at register three ringing up a customer; of course that was the line I quickly merged into. While I waited in line I practice in my head on what I was going to say to James when I ask him out. I didn't want what I say to come out wrong and sound stupid.

I was finally that next customer to be checked out, and James started taking the grocery items out of the cart to start scanning them. As he was ring up my groceries he asked me how I was doing and thanked me again for yesterday, and said that Kara and he really enjoyed themselves. I told James that I was glad that they had a good time and that I too enjoyed myself. I felt this was the perfect opportunity to ask him out on a date.

"James, I was wondering if you like to go out to dinner with me, since we both had a goodtime hanging out together yesterday?" I asked

James stood motionless looking downward, so I could not see his facial expression on what his thoughts were of my proposal. James slowly looked up towards me with what appeared to be a forced smile and said. "Oh, thanks for the invitation it is very nice of you to ask, but I am sorry I am going to have to say no."

As the words came out of James's mouth I was now the one who stood there motionless. I began to feel my head spinning with each and every word he uttered began echoing loudly into my ears. By the time James finished ringing my groceries up I was in such a daze that I didn't even hear when he told me the amount of the groceries. Instead I just stood at the counter in shock from his rejection. I guess all those hellos, the wink, and yesterday's horsing around in the pool were not flirting, but instead just friendly gestures.

"Excuse me Scott, did you hear me? The amount is sixty- five dollars and thirty-six cents." Said James

I quickly snapped out of the daze I was in and apologized for my zoning out, and immediate began writing out the check. I was so embarrassed from the rejection that I wanted to get the hell out of there and crawl into a big dark hole. The bagger asked if I would like help out with my cart of groceries but I rapidly declined. James handed me my receipt as told me to have a nice day; I simply took the receipt, with no reply. I grabbed the handle of the cart and pushed it quickly through and out of the store.

I got to my car and began unloading my groceries from the cart, but the whole time that dreadful word no kept echoing through my head. I also continued to trace my steps back on all the so-called flirting incidences from the past few weeks from the smiles, the wink, bring my forgotten groceries to my house, and even yesterday swim. Each one of those incidences could easily be accounted as just gracious gestures and not flirting.

I finished putting my groceries into the trunk of my car. I then got into my car and gently rested my forehead onto the steering wheel sitting there knowing now that the possibility of being with James was pretty much nonexistent. It is just my luck that I would fall for someone that was way out of my league and didn't feel the same for me as I did for him.

I was just about to turn the key in the ignition to start my car when I heard tapping on my car window. I immediately turned my head to see who it was and my mouth dropped open seeing James was standing at the window of my car. James motioned to me to roll down the window. I reluctantly rolled it down and looked up at him waiting for a response on the reason why he came out from the store to talk to me.

"Scott, I am sorry for saying I was not interested in going out with you, because I really didn't mean it. In fact I would love to go out with you for dinner." Said James

"Really then why did decline my offer inside the store?" I said

"I didn't think you were interested in me, so when you asked me out you caught off guard. Then for some stupid reason I blurted out the answer no even though I wanted to say yes. To be honest I have been wanting to go out with you for weeks." said James

I thought for a second and then one again asked James if he wanted to go out to dinner with me.

"I would love too go out with you Scott, but I must warn you I do have a very full schedule with work and school. Not to worry though I will find and make the time for you, I promise." Said James

"Well, I am free every night after six and usually on weekends, so the ball is in your court." I said

James stood there for a moment in deep thought thinking about my proposition and replied. "How about we go out on Wednesday night around seven pm? I am out of school at three and will be done with my study group at five. Plus, I do not have to work that night."

I told him that was perfectly fine with me and to meet me at my house. James smiled at me as he agreed on our date. We said our goodbye and he quickly went back inside the store.

I sat there thinking it finally happened I finally got an actual date with James. No more having to stalk him at work just to get a glimpse of him in hopes that he says hi, or having to bring a friend along with him to be together. I am so ecstatic to actually be able to talk one on one with him. The hardest part for me now is the waiting period; I have three whole days of waiting and anticipating our first true date.

It was now Wednesday morning and as each day came and went I got a little more anxious on the anticipation of tonight's date. It didn't help that I have not seen or heard from James, since Sunday afternoon at Trader John's parking lot. I am a little mad at myself that I did not get James's number when we were making our arrangements for our date. I know he has my number, and I feel somewhat confident that he would call if he is going to cancel.

The phone began to ring and when I answered it, it was James on the other end. My heart dropped for a split second when I heard his voice thinking that maybe he was calling to cancel our date for tonight. I was relieved when James told me that he was just calling to confirm for tonight. I told him that it was still a definite go and that I was looking forward to it. I also told him that I made seven-thirty reservations at Gelato's (upscale Italian restaurant). You didn't have to wear a suit and tie there, but the clothes worn there should be a nice shirt and pair of pants.

I went to work and the day slowly dragged by to the point that I thought it would never end. I still had to go workout after work, but I did not really want to go with my mind being preoccupied about tonight. I also knew if I didn't go workout and try to keep my mind off of tonight I would be sitting home for two hours waiting for James's arrival.

I left work and went to the gym, which was chest day. This was definitely a good thing, because that means my chest would be nice and pumped up for our date. I think it is always good a thing to look and feel at your best when it comes to making first date impressions.

I eventually got home and took a shower and changed into a nice short sleeve shirt and a plain pair of cargo pants. I made sure the shirt fit nicely not too baggy or too snug either. I wanted the shirt to fit properly to where it showed off what chest and arms I have, but didn't want the shirt to be too tight to where I look like I going to a gay dance club on a Saturday night.

It was now six-thirty and I was all ready, and the only thing left for me to do was to wait for James arrival. I had about thirty minutes before he would be here, and I sat in the family room flipping through the television channels. As the time slowly dragged on and it was now a litter after seven pm I was becoming a little impatient and found myself pacing through the house. I was hoping that James would have arrived a little early to help easy the waiting tension but no such luck.

As I looked out the kitchen window I saw James drive up to the front of my house, and began walking up to my front porch. He was dressed very nicely in a short sleeve shirt and a pair of cargo pants that showed off his awesome upper body physic and his nice ass. I greeted him at the front door and quickly suggested on taking my car to the restaurant. I didn't want to rush things but there wasn't much time for chit chatting, since our reservations were less than fifteen minutes. James was perfectly fine with taking my car and me driving. I quickly locked the front door and we headed to my car.

I parked the car and we both went into the restaurant where we were seated at our reserved table. I ordered a bottle of wine, which was brought rather quickly; and then left alone to talk and look at our menus. We were sitting quietly waiting for the waiter to come and take our order. While waiting I decided it was time to start up a good conversation.

"So James you said earlier this week that you are going school; what is your major? I asked

"Yes I am in my last year of schooling and I'm majoring in education. I want to teach physical education. I am looking into teaching either high school or college. My minor is in history, so I will have something else to fall back on just incase there is lacking of openings in physical education positions. I have taken most of the required classes for my major, so after the first of this upcoming year I am planning to get certified to become a personal trainer. As for right now those are some of my long and short term goals." James said as he smiled and picked up his glass of wine to take a sip.

"Sounds like you definitely have you have a plan and your goals are set. I really admire a person who knows what they want and goes after it. The interesting thing is that you are majoring in education, and that is what I do for a living. I teach psychology at the junior college level. I do have a full load this semester teaching five classes a week; I end up spending eight to nine hours a day there and at times I even end up taking some of my work home. Even though it is time consuming, and a challenge I love my work." I said

The waiter came and took our orders, which James ordered the salmon and I ordered the chicken. As soon as the waiter left we went right back to our conversation with ease. We were both learning a great deal about one another, and it looked liked that we both had a lot in common.

"If and when you become certified to be a personal trainer, you are going to have to show me some good eating habits and a few workout techniques. I have a pretty good workout routine but my eating habits can be horrible at times. I eat way too much fat, carbs, and not enough protein." I said

"No problem I can give you tips on what should and should not eat along with a few workout routines to isolate certain muscle groups that you want to improve. You will see a big difference in lowering of your body fat and muscle growth in the areas you want." Said James

"I would love to get some muscle mass on my arms and a six pack. So you are finishing up with school so that means you are around twenty-two, twenty three?" I asked

"That is correct; I am twenty-three years old. How old are you Scott?" James asked

I knew I would be getting this question in return even, and I was a dreading on answering it. I was a kind of worried of what he would think of me being almost seven years older then him. "I know I am older than you but here's my age I am twenty-nine years old and will soon be thirty years next month on October fifteenth." I said

"Twenty-nine is not old at all in fact I think it is a great age. You are still young but a little wiser from life's experiences." James said with a smile

The night continued to progress as we got our meal and to eat as we continued with our conversation. We finished our dinner and were drinking another glass of wine. I felt the night was going extremely well; our meal and service was perfect and our conversation went very smoothly. I could have sat there all night and chatted with him and never run out of things to talk about.

"Scott, I have a little confession to make. Remember the first time we saw each other at Trader John's in the bread isle? Well, I thought you were very cute, so I followed you to vegetable isle to ask you if you needed some assistance. This was my way of flirting with you in hopes that you would take notice of me. That is not all Scott remember the forgotten bag of groceries? Well, I deliberately did not put them into your cart, so I could find out where you live and talk with you one on one. I liked a lot and I wanted to get to know you more, so I thought that this was one way of doing it." Said James who now blushing

"James you are blushing and there is no need to be, because I was so glad that you did those things. I really liked you as well, I have had a huge crush on you from the beginning and wanted get to know you as well. In fact I have a small confession of my own each and ever time I went to Trader John's I purposely looked for you hoping that I would be able to see and talk to you." I said with a little chuckle

"What is so funny, why are you laughing?" James asked

"I think it is sort of funny that both of us really liked each other, but neither of us had the courage to ask the other out for a date. It literally took us weeks for us to actually go on our first date alone." I said and with that we both began to laugh.

We finished our last glass of wine, paid the dinner bill, and went back to my house. I drove up to the driveway and asked James if he wanted to come in but he was a little hesitant. He said it was getting a little late and he had to get up early due to full and busy day. I didn't want to end the date so I was very persistent and finally persuaded him to come inside for a cup of coffee and biscotti (Italian cookie).

I made the coffee and put a few cookies on a dish and we both went into the family room where we sat on the couch. We both sipped on our coffee and ate are biscotti as we talked. Without warning James leaned towards me on the couch, bringing up his hand to my mouth and gently bushed the corner of it with his thumb.

"There was a cookie crumb at the corner of your mouth." said James as he brushed it away.

"Thank you James." I said in a whisper

We both looked longingly into each others eyes; with James still slightly leaning forward. I then began to slowly lean my body inward toward James to bring us even closer. We both turned our head slightly and our lips met. As our lips gently brushed up against one another we began to passionately kiss. Our tongues began to interject in and out of each other mouths; while our hands slowly moved to one another thighs. I gradually moved and rested my hand on his chest where I could feel his hard pecs through his shirt. James moved his hand inward from my thigh to my crotch. The kissing became much more intense that both of our breathing became heavier. I moved my hand gradually back down his torso and under James's shirt. Little by little I gently ran my hand up and over his six pack abs to his cut chest.

The next thing I knew James pulled away and leaned back. "Scott I can't do this. As much as I would like to continue this and even go further with you I just can't. I need to get going, because it is getting late and I have a busy schedule tomorrow." said James

With a puzzle look on my face I asked James If I did something wrong to offend or upset him. He reassured me that nothing was wrong and that everything was okay but he simple needed to get home.

James thanked me for a fantastic evening and that we need to get together again and very soon. He stood up from the couch as he picked up his almost empty coffee. I was a little thrown off guard to the point that all I could do was to follow his lead and picked up my own cup along with the cookie dish and head for the kitchen.

After setting the cups and the dish onto the sink James headed to the front door and turned around and said. "Thanks again for everything I really enjoyed it, and I will call you."

James walked out the front door got into his car and drove off while I stood there in the kitchen baffled; on just what happen in the last five minutes of our date. I thought everything was going so well with the dinner and the conversations. We got home and started kissing which was going great to the point that things were getting hot and heavy between us. Then James just abruptly stopped and didn't want to go any further for whatever reason. Maybe I was a little pushy on having him come inside, but I didn't force him. Maybe he really did have to get home due to an early and busy day tomorrow. After running every possible scenarios of what happen and why James left so abruptly I decided to call it a night and head for bed. I figured I will find out tomorrow when he will call's.

The next day (which was Thursday) came and went, and I did my normal routine of teaching my classes, grading papers, working out and heading home for the evening. I found myself constantly checking my cell phone all day long to see if I had missed any calls, voice messages, or even text messages. Each and every time I would glance at my phone to check it there were no miss calls. When I got home I went straight to the answering machine to check and see if he had left a message on it. Again there was no message left on my home machine either. I was starting to get a little concern that he did not call today partly due to the way he had left and ended our date last night. I know that he is a very busy and it can sometime be hard to slip away to make phone calls.

Friday was now upon me and still no phone call or message left from James. It especially didn't help that I only had two classes to teach today leaving me with more free time with paperwork and grading. During this time I found being constantly distracted on checking my cell phone every few minutes. By the time night came I was continually running over every possibility through my head on why James had not called. I was so furious at myself for not getting his phone number so I could call him. Instead I have to wait for his call or literally go down to Trader John's to catch him at work.

It is early Saturday morning as I lethargically rolled myself out of bed to started my weekend chores. I knew there wouldn't be much a chance to get me out of this gloomy mood today. It has been three days since I haven't heard from James, so I figured I would probably not here from him again. When there is no call within a day or two after the first date that usually means the brush off.

The time was moving very slowly to where I felt like I had been up all day long and it was still late morning. I continued to clean and do my laundry to keep my mind occupied as much as possible. The telephone rang but I really didn't fee like answering it, because I knew the probability would probably be a stupid solicitor, but I reluctantly answered it and said hello in a low monotone voice.

"Hello Scott? This is Kara." she said as my posture became suddenly erected as I was more attentive hearing her voice

"Hi Kara what's going on?" I said with curiosity on why she was calling. I never gave her my number and she had no reason to call unless it had to do something with James.

"I am sorry to bother you, but I thought you would like to know that James was in a car accident on Thursday evening." Said Kara

My heart dropped when I heard the shocking news. I immediately asked Kara how he was and if he was okay? Not knowing how badly James could be hurt or if he was dead or alive. Then I suddenly realized why he has not called.

"He is doing okay. He was in the hospital late Thursday night until late Friday. He is more alert and doing better today, and he asked me to call you." said Kara

"I am so glad that you called and let me know what had happened. Is there anything I can do? Can I come and see him, that's if he wants any visitors." I asked

"That is another reason why I am calling, because I know he would love to see you. I really think it would cheer him up if you could come by sometime today. He is a depressed from wrecking his car, being injured and bedridden for the past few days." she said

"I will be right over, just give enough time for me to take a quick shower and get ready." I said Kara gave me directions to James apartment, and I quickly got ready and I was out the door to go see James.

During this time my emotion and mood were all over the place. I was down and depressed this morning thinking James was not interested in seeing me, and after one phone call I am happy and relieved that was not the case. At the same time I am a little worried, because I really don't know how bad of shape he is in from the accident. I know that his injuries are not life threatening, since he has been sent him home from the hospital to recuperate.

I arrived at James's apartment and a guy answered the door and he said "Hi you must be Scott I am Daniel"

"Hi there, I am Scott nice to meet you (as I shook his hand). Is James here? I replied

"Yes he is in his bedroom." Daniel said just as Kara came out of a bedroom.

Kara came up to me and pointed to what bedroom James was in and told me that he was awake. I thanked her and walked down the hall and stood in his bedroom doorway. As I looked into the room the bed was facing the doorway, so James could easily see me standing there.

James saw me standing there smiling as he motioned to me to come into his room. I slowly walked to the side of his bed where I pulled up a chair and sat down along side his him. I looked at James as he laid there shirtless in bed with the sheets only halfway pulled up to his stomach. Of course seeing his smooth bare chest made me wonder what the other half might bring under the sheets. It made me wondering if he was or wasn't wearing any underwear under those sheets. Regardless, I had to focus and not be distracted with James's body.

"So is this your way of trying to get out of not calling me for a second date (smiling with a big grin)? No seriously with all kidding set aside what happen? Are you okay?" I asked

James smiled with a little chuckle from my teasing him about the second date, but it quickly faded due to the pain. "I was driving home from work Thursday night and it had been rainy that day and part of the night. I wanted to get home quickly for a couple of reasons; one was that I wanted to call you since I hadn't had a chance all day, and I had tons of homework for an up and coming class on Friday morning. I was driving a little too fast for the wet roadways. When I went around a corner a little too fast and I hit a puddle and hydroplaned; I rapidly lost control of my car and crashed into a big sycamore tree. The next thing I knew I was in the hospital. My injuries ended up being only scraps, bruises, three fracture ribs and a concussion. From what I been told I was very lucky that I was wearing a seatbelt."

"Thank God that you are okay and you were not seriously hurt." I said

"Thank you. I am just sorry that I couldn't call or see you until now. I couldn't call or talk to you due to all the tests they took on making sure nothing was seriously wrong with me; and then kept me doped up for the pain. I just hope that you are not too mad me." Said James

"I am not at all mad at you. You couldn't help what happened and even though I didn't hear from you for the past few days I wasn't mad just sort of sad. I thought maybe you decided that you weren't interested in me and didn't want to see or talk to me anymore. You did abruptly leave on Wednesday night right in the middle of us kissing." I said.

"Okay let me explain two things. One I like you a lot in fact I am hoping to have another date and hopefully continue to date you. I like your personality, I think you are handsome, funny, and have a great heart. I also loved when we kissed and in fact I could have kissed you all night long. I knew if I kept kissing you that night I would have gone a lot farther than just kissing. When I get sexually involved with someone I tend to put all my emotions and feelings it. I do this regardless if there is a relationship or not, so most of the time I end up getting hurt. I would really like to take it slow to make sure that both of us care about one another and are compatible before we actually have sex. When we do finally have sex I want it to be us making love not just sex; I want it to be the romantic kind where two people are in love not an act of two people getting off. I hope you understand where I am coming from and that you are okay with it." James said

"I totally understand James and I can't agree with you more. I want to continue dating you and hopefully have a relationship with you that will continue to develop and grow." I said

James smiled was faint to where I knew something else was bothering him more than just the pain, so I asked him what was wrong and he said. "I am so glad that you came over and that you forgave me on not being able to call. I am also grateful that everything is back on track with us, but I am just a little down about this stupid ass accident. I missed two classes yesterday so now I am behind in my schoolwork. I have to miss few days of work, which money is already tight enough, and I am going to have to miss several days of working out due to my ribs. To top it all off my car was totaled so now I have no car for transportation to school, work or the gym." James said in a very discourage voice.

"You only missed one day of school, and you can catch up in no time. You will be off work a few days and it is probably a good thing sounds like you needed the rest, since you are always on the go twenty-four seven. As far as not being able to workout you are lucky that it is only for a short time and not indefinitely. You also know you have Kara, Daniel and I to get you from place to place for a little while until u get a new car, so stop acting like it is the end of the world. The car accident could have been much worst then just a totaled out car, you could have broke bones, been crippled or even killed. Once you get through this little bump in the road everything will be back to normal you will see. Besides you have me to help you through it." I said with a big smile

James smiled and whispered thank you to me and motioning me to come closer to him. Even as I leaned in closer to him he still kept motioning to me to come closer to him. Before I knew it his arms wrapped around me bring my face to his to kiss me. It was not long before both of our tongues danced around in each others mouths. We kissed for a good minute or two before I pulled away from him. I knew if I kept that up that I would not be able to stop and would want to do a whole lot more than just kiss. Unfortunately, that was not an option with James being hurt and wanting to take things slow.

"Sorry James but I had to stop, because you were getting me going and it doesn't help seeing that hot torso of yours staring up at me." I said

"Awww was I making you too hot Scott, because certainly looks like I was." said James looking at my crotch

I looked down to see my pants bulging as my cock trying to get out. I must have turned ever shade of red, because when I looked up at James he knew I was embarrassed.

"Hey no worries Scott because from the look at that bulge in your pants you have a nice package, and besides you got me all hot as well." said James The next thing I knew he lifted up the covers and revealed is bottom half. He was indeed wearing a white pair of boxer briefs. You could totally tell the shape of James's cock in his underwear. His cock was laying sideway and only semi-hard at around six inches. I wanted so badly to grab it and start fondling it but I restrained myself.

After staring at James's cock for the longest time I finally pulled my eyes off of his crotch and gradually moved along his upper torso to his face and I smiled to show my approval. James smiled back at me and said "Do you like what you see? Well, you can't have it, well at least not today."

He pulled the cover over his crotch and we both began to laugh. Unfortunately, James winced in pain due to his cracked ribs. I knew James was hurting and he needed his rest, so I told him I was going to leave and gave him a kiss on the forehead. I also told him I would call him later since I now had his phone number.

I left for home and happier than I have been in a very long time. I was contented knowing that both of us liked each other and wanted to continue dating in hope things will turn into a solid relationship. The only thing is that James wants to take the intimacy slow and not have sex right away, which I totally respect and love the idea. At the same time it will be excruciatingly hard for me to hold back with me liking him so much and being so fucking hot; I just hope that the temptation will not be too great for me. I know sex is so much better when two people our in love. I will respect his wish and take it slow for James, because I want to give him all the space and time he need. One thing I do not want to do is screw up what could possibly turn into a long term relationship.

I want to thank everyone who took the time to read the first two chapters and gave me such positive feed back. Again please feel free to contact me Jocula9496@aol.com to let me know what you think of chapter three and the story so far as a whole. This way I can tell if people are reading my story and hopefully want me to continue on writing more chapters. Tim

Next: Chapter 4

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