James and Scott

By moc.loa@6949alucoJ

Published on Jun 30, 2005


If you are offended with gay or sexual explicit content then

I suggest you leave now. This story is fiction and if any names or similar situation that comes about in this story is

pure coincident. Remember that this story is fiction where

there are sexual transmitted diseases such as AIDS. Please

when engaging in any sexual activity practice safe sex, and

always use a condom and protect yourself and the future.

Chapter 2

Two is company three is a crowd.

Well, the alarm clock went off and it was time for me to get up and start another day of a new week. I stumbled out of bed and headed for the shower. I was extremely horny after the dream of James I had last night, so I did a hot but quick jack off session in the shower. After my shower I finished getting ready, ate some breakfast and I was out the door for work.

The work day was finally over and I had just the one errand to run, which was going downtown to pick up my clothes at the cleaners. I got to the cleaners and picked up my clothes, but on the way back to the car I decided to grab myself a razzmatazz drink at Jamba Juice. Since I had been going all day long I decided to sit down at a rod iron table and chairs outside the store to relax before going home.

As I was drinking my drink I looked down the street towards the theater complex and I saw a very familiar face walking towards me. Of course the guy approaching and smiling at me was none other than James. I stood up smiling back at him as I gestured for him to come over to sit and talk with me at the table.

"Hey James what are you doing down here?" I asked as we both sat down

"Well, I was supposed to meet someone for a date at the movies, but they stood me up. I guess the person decided I wasn't good enough for them for whatever reason." James said with a look of disappointment.

This little encounter with James was very informative for me, since I now know that he definitely single. "I am sorry to hear that you have been stood up, but it is not because of you are not good enough. You are a great guy James and very good looking. I mean who knows maybe the person had an emergency that came up and they had to cancel at the last minute." I said trying to console him

"Thank you. That is kind of you to say, but they have my cell phone number and I talked to them less than thirty minutes ago. Oh well, it isn't and probably won't be the last time that I will get stood up for whatever reason. I see you picking up your laundry and having a Jamba Juice." said James quickly changing the subject

"Yeah, I was supposed to pick it up on Sunday but hadn't had a chance until today; I figured since it so hot today I might as well relax and have a nice cold drink." I said

"Yes, it is hot and supposed to be hot the rest of the week and including the weekend from what I heard from the news. I really don't mind the heat in the summer when I have a little more free time and I am able to go to the lake up in the mountains to cool off. Unfortunately, with it being fall and having an extremely busy schedule I really don't have the time. I end up having to just grin and bare the heat until it cools down." said James

I once again got my courage up, since I felt this was yet another chance to bring up that I had a pool and hopefully nudge him to come over. "Well, James my offer still stands from the other day; my pool is open anytime you like to use it. I am usually home in the evening and weekends." I said

With a much unexpected answer James said "I could probably come over on Saturday early afternoon if that is okay? Said James

That would be perfect and we could swim, hang out and snack as we lounge around by the pool. I said in excitement

Oh wait, I forgot I already promised a friend that I would hangout with them on Saturday. I am sorry can we do it another time?" said James

I knew instantly that if I didn't get James to come over this Saturday that it would probably never happen. Were now in the month of September and summer is coming to an end, and there probably won't be another chance to ask him to come over. Who knows how many more hot days we will have left along with both of us being available to hangout. I knew deep down that it was now or never, so if didn't persuade him to come over even if it meant he had to bring his friend along the chance would be lost forever. I didn't really want to invite his friend over, but if I wanted to hangout with James to get to know him a little more then my only option was to invite them both.

"Well, bring along your friend he/she is more then welcome to come along." I said hoping he would reconsider on coming over.

James sat there and thought about my proposition for a minute and said "That's not a bad idea I would really like to hangout and swim, so I will ask Kara and see if it is cool with her."

"That would be great, how about Saturday around twelve- thirty?" I asked

"Perfect if you don't hear from me before Saturday then we will be there, but I will definitely call you Saturday morning to make sure everything is still a go if that's okay? James asked.

"That sounds great to me, so I will see you on Saturday unless I here otherwise." I replied

James left shortly after our little conversation due to already having made other plans with a friend once he realized that his date canceled for the evening. James and I said our goodbyes and I went home to get some dinner and relax for the evening. The rest of the evening I thought about James's canceled date, but the question was the date for James a guy or a girl? I know that he is single but is he gay or straight and if he is gay would he even be interested in me. Who was this girl named Kara that he was bringing on Saturday was she a friend or a girlfriend? Then the realization came to me that James will be coming over to my house. The thought of him coming over got me a little excited and nervous, since I have longed after him for all these weeks. Then I really grasp the concept that I will not only be hanging out and talking with James, but actually seeing him a bathing suit and shirtless. Just thought of James partially naked a got me instantly hard. This is could be a really dangerous for me, since just imagining him in a bathing suit was getting me hard let alone what it would be like when seeing him in one in person. I will have to be very careful on Saturday not to be too obvious, because I don't want to offend or scare him away.

Saturday morning was upon me and I woke up bright and early partly because I wanted to make a few appetizers; I wanted be ready before James and his friend Kara when they came over. The appetizers were not going to be anything big, but just some chips and salsa, and few raw vegetables with a dip. Another reason why I woke up early was once I woke up I couldn't go back to sleep due to the fact that my mind was going hundred miles an hour thinking about James. I keep thinking on how the day will progress and will turn out. A lot was riding on this day, because I was planning on finding out more about James, and hoping to get some sort of vibe on if he was gay and interested in me. I figured if he was and if I had a chance I would somehow as him out for an actual date.

The telephone rang and it was James, and my heart dropped at first thinking that maybe he was calling to cancel. But he called to say that Kara and he were finishing up some errands and brunch, and that they would be here at my house around twelve-thirty as planned. I hung up the phone and smiling from ear to ear knowing I was going to spend the day with James; not the usual quick hello or paper or plastic when at Trader John's.

After the phone call I decided to take a shower and get ready, because I wanted to have enough time to get the appetizers out on the table and be relaxed before they arrived. After my nice long hot shower I went through my closet and drawers and decided I wanted to be comfortable, so I put my red board shorts along with a gray fitted muscle t-shirt.

I had just finished putting the food out on the patio as James and Kara pulled up in front of the house. I opened the front door and greeted both James and Kara. Kara is 5'2" around 110lbs with a size five waist. She also had wavy auburn hair that went little pass her shoulder and brown eyes. She wore a white short sleeve shirt that showed her bellybutton with blue pair of shorts. It wasn't long before my eyes left Kara and scanned onto James. James is looking hotter than ever standing in the doorway in his white muscle shirt and a blue and white board shorts. This was the first time I actually saw James without sleeves; and his arms were fucking unbelievable. His arms had to be around 16" in size and cut. He was just standing there without moving or flexing his arms and I could easily see the muscle definitions of his biceps and triceps. From what I could tell his chest and legs also looked very nice under the shirt and board shorts. I suddenly found myself looking a lot longer than I should be and if I didn't stop soon I would be staring.

I finally broke myself away from James's body and directed them both through the house to the backyard and pool area. I showed them the table with the appetizer (if they got hungry), the outside changing room/bathroom, and the rest of the yard which include the pool and lounge chairs.

After I was done showing them around the yard we all sort of just stood there together and not saying anything. I knew if someone didn't quickly break the silence things would probably become very awkward. I decided to start the conversation going, since it is my house and I am the host.

"Well, the sun is not going to wait around for us while we stand here." I said smiling as I walked over to the lounge chair and began spreading out my towel.

James and Kara watched me for a second with little to no facial expression at first; but James smiles at me and looked over to Kara to show her that everything is okay. They both followed my lead began fixing their beach towels on their own lounge chairs. After James finished fixing the towel on his chair he then began peeling off his muscle shirt to reveal his upper body. I was still standing in front of my lounge chair and still fully clothed watching him without looking too obvious. I already knew what his muscular arms looked like and now I am patiently waiting to see the rest of his upper body. James slowly lifted up his shirt he began to expose his midsection. He revealed a perfect six-pack just as I had pictured and dreamt so many times alone in the past weeks. These abs were very well defined to the point you could probably use them as an actual washboard. James finished peeling off his shirt and exposed his smooth muscular chest that matched his strong arms and abs. He had a 44" defined and cut chest with broad shoulders, but his muscle mass was not too bulky or thick. I just stood next to my lounge chair frozen in complete awe gazing at James magnificent body. I suddenly snapped out of the trance that his body had put me into, and realized that I needed to contain myself. I didn't want to look like I am some sort of stalker and if I didn't watch out I would be trying to conceal a massive hard on in my board shorts.

I still had not taken my shirt off, and I was now definitely feeling self-conscious. I don't have a bad body but compared to James's I definitely have a mediocre one. I had some muscle mass but not as much or as ripped as James. Now that both Kara and James had their clothes off and just in their bathing suits I knew I had to do the same, so I pulled off my shirt and got into my lounge chair as quick as possible.

We all were relaxing in our own lounge chairs soaking up the sun but again no one was really talking. When we did talk it was pretty much nothing but small talk, so I decided to get the conversation going once again. This time I was planning on trying to find out the real scoop between Kara and James if they were more than just friends.

"So Kara, how long have you known James for?" I asked

"We have known each other for at least fifteen years. Actually we known each other since second grade, and have been best friends ever since." She replied

Little did I know asking Kara that one little question would open the door for twenty questions. She began asking my age, what I did for a living, if I was single or married; and if I was single was I dating anyone and if I was married was I a widower or a divorcee. I was soon realized that the get to know you chat session had turned into an interrogation on finding out every aspect and details of my life. At one point when answering her questions I felt as if I was being accused of some sort of a crime. I was not amused from the drilling of Kara in my own home, and I was about getting to the point of telling Kara off.

After replying to some of Kara's annoying questions James interrupted her and came to my rescue. "Kara! That is enough! We are guest here at Scott's house." said James and gave her a harsh glance.

I after being a little irritated by Kara I felt it was a good time to head for the pool to cool off from her questioning. I got up from my lounge chair and mention to them both that I was going to go for a dip into the pool to cool off. I walked down to the deep end and dived off the diving board and into pool. I decided to swim back to and underneath the diving board, so I could cool off and relax while hanging off it. I brought my hands up and onto the diving board and held on as I let my body dangle into the water. As I was holding onto the board I watched James get up off his lounge chair and go to the side of the pool where he dived in and towards the deep end. He swam and met at the diving board where he grabbed onto the edge of the driving board to where both of us were hanging from the diving board. I needed to be extremely careful since our bodies were very closer to one another; I didn't want to accidentally brush up against James or get too many distracting thoughts about him. I definitely did not want to get a hard on being this close to him in the water. We hung on the board together and chatted for a few minutes about what had happen early with Kara and me.

"Scott, I am really so sorry about earlier, Kara was way out of line and I hope she didn't offend you too much. I also want to say thank you so much for letting us come over and use your pool today." said James

"It is okay James no harm was done, but I was beginning to get a little frustrated with all her questioning. You are a very nice guy and the house and pool is always open for you." I said reassuring him with a smiling.

"Thank you Scott. Since damage control has been done and that we are okay once again I think we should have a race." James said with a boyish smile

"I don't know you are younger than me and with the looks of your body you can kick my ass in a heartbeat." I said

"Oh come on it will be fun we will just race down to the shallow end. We can swim free style." James said in a pleading voice

As I replied back to James I began to think of some sort of a strategy to help me win. "Well, okay I guess we could race down to the shallow end, and I will say when to go. On your mark, get set." I then quickly pushed off the side of the pool took off swimming without saying go. I could hear James in the background yelling no fair! Cheater! You didn't say go. It certain didn't take James long for him to stop yelling and to start swimming to try catch up with me. He gave all he had to try to catch up to me and made up some of the lost ground; but by this time I was already at the end of the pool.

"Man you're a big cheater. You took off before you even said go." James said

"I got down here first so hey I still won." I said with a devilish grin.

Kara piped up from her lounge chair "Oh James, don't be such a big baby Scott won." as she continued laying on the lounge soaking up the sun.

James made a big sigh and replied "Okay Scott, you won that race, but let see who can win at doing the best and longest handstand."

"You are on James, and I will even let you go first." I said knowing good and well that I do a pretty good underwater handstand. I have great balance and I can hold my breath for a very long time.

I started the timer on my wristwatch as James dove underneath the water to do his handstand. I watched him as both of his tan muscular legs erected straight out of the water. It was not easy to pry myself away from staring at his hot muscular legs; I knew I needed to focus on both the watch and his legs to make sure to stop the timer when his legs went down into the water. James kept his legs straight and was still under the water for over twenty seconds. If he kept this up I would definitely have to step it up on the handstand competition when it was my turn. Finally, when the thirty-second mark hit James legs started to wobble and within a second or two his whole body went into the water.

James quickly popped up out of the water. "Your time was thirty-five seconds." I said knowing that it was a pretty good time to beat, but I also knew if I focus I would be able to beat his time.

"Aw okay it's your turn." said James with a look and sound of disappointment in his voice

James started the timer on his watch as I plunged myself underneath the water. I carefully placing my hands on the bottom of the pool and erected my legs straight up and out of the water. As I was doing my handstand I found myself really having to concentrate on winning, since James bottom half was facing me underneath the water.

As the time went by I knew at least twenty seconds had gone by and I was still steady and with no urge to come up for air. Then suddenly there was a splash next to me as James fully plunged himself underneath the water; the next thing I knew I was face to face with him. With all the movement in the water from James sort of threw me off mentally and physically. I began to lose my balance but I refocused and steadied myself so I wouldn't fall. James quickly saw that I easily got my momentum back and he decided to take matters in his own hands by grabbing both of mine. He yanked my wrist right out from under me causing my whole body go into and underneath the water.

Both of us surface up and out of the water and were now standing upright with me still being a little disoriented.

"Oh look Scott your time is only thirty-three seconds, it looks like you lost and I won." James replied pointing at his watch with a wickedly grin on his face

James started to head for the steps to get out of the pool, but I was not about to let him get away with this, since I am not a good loser. I quickly dive underneath the water and grabbed both his ankles. James easily lost his footing and was completely back into the water. I came up out of the water smiling knowing that James didn't have the last say.

I looked over to Kara where she was laying out on the lounge eating some chips and salsa smiling and shaking her head. Then without warning James's two muscular arms wrapped around me and my waist pulling me backwards into the water. I was being tightly held by James where my back was pressing against the front of his body. I could feel his chest and abs muscle flexing as they rubbed against me with each and every movement that either of us made. If I could I would stay in James's arms forever, but I knew I couldn't stay in this position even though I wanted too. For one thing I didn't want James to think I was a wimp and couldn't break free from him; but the main reason was that I was getting so turned on being held by him. I knew if I wasn't careful I would be trying to conceal my hard cock. It would be different if I knew James was gay, and interested in then I wouldn't be so self-conscious, but I didn't want to offend James or embarrass myself. I began to wiggle my body back and fourth in the water, and each time I would feel James's wet muscles pressing and rubbing against me. I decided to do one last big tug downwards, and before I knew it I was free by sliding down and through James's arms.

We both stood upright facing each other in the shallow end of the pool. "Well, Scott I am very impressed that you can hold your own. Of course we will have to have a rematch very soon." Said James

"You can count on a rematch, but don't expect to win." I replied with a smile

James decided to get out of the pool and dry off. When he walked up the steps to get out of the pool the water quickly rolled down and off his body leaving his wet board shorts clinging to him. James's wet suit was adhering to him to the point that it was showing off a perfect outline his flawlessly ass. They looked so perfect and firmed like two round rocks. He then turned around to lie down onto the lounge chair with his suit still clinging to his body. When he began lying on the lounge I could easily see the appearance of his flaccid penis through his wet bathing suit. What I could tell James had a very nice dick that looked to be around three to three and a half inches soft with a nice thickness. I continue to stare at James's amazing body and assets as I was still standing in the water of the shallow end of the pool. While James was laying on the lounge chair the water droplets kept glistening off his body from the sun, and of course this made his muscles look even more riveting. Each time he moved to adjust his position to make himself more comfortable the muscles in his chest along with his six-pack would tighten and flex.

Thank God I am still submerged in pool, because all I could do was think about touching and rubbing my hands all over his body, and before I knew it I had a raging hard on. There is definitely no way in hell I was getting out of this pool anytime soon with a hard cock. I decided to do a few laps and in the process try to think of something else other than James. Meanwhile, I was swimming Kara and James went over to appetizer table and got some food and drinks. They brought it back with them to their chairs to nibble on as they continued to layout. I was finally able to contained my hard on, so I was able to out of the pool.

I got out of the pool and sat down in the lounge chair to let the sun dry me off. We all began talking with ease for a few minutes; until I decided to go grab something to snack on since I was a bit hungry. As I got up from the chair I asked James and Kara if they wanted me to bring them anymore food back to them, but they both declined. Unfortunately, I got another response from James and Kara that I was dreading to hear but I knew was inevitable. They told me that they had to be leaving very soon due to Kara having to work. For a split second I felt my face showing disappointment, but I quickly regained my composure and smile to reassure them I understood. I was really enjoying this day and I did not want it to end, because I loved seeing, talking, and just being with James. I felt that we did not spend enough time together, but even if James spent all day and night I would still feel the same way. I guess I should be grateful on the time that I did get to spend together, but I just hope that there will be other times. The question is that would we hanging out together again. I have met guys and hung out together and things seem to go great, but then never hear from them again for whatever reason. I just hope that doesn't happen with James and me, because I feel such an incredible connection.

I excused myself from the both of them and headed for the patio to the food table. I decided not to eat but instead started cleaning up and bring the food inside the house. I made two trips inside the house but the last trip I heard the screen door open saw Kara coming in the kitchen.

"Hi Scott, first of all before you say anything I want to say thank you for inviting James and I to hangout by your pool this afternoon. Secondly, I want to apologize for the asking all the questions and literally drilling you for answers out by the pool. I hope you forgive me and that you do not hold it against James, because he had nothing to do with me interrogating you." said Kara

"Thank you for apologizing, because you did make me feel a very uncomfortable." I said

"I sometimes tend to go a bit overboard and be a little overprotect when it come to James. I have seen James give his heart and soul to so many people that he has really cared about, but only to get hurt in the long run. I was just trying to make sure that you are not another one of those types of people who uses others for their own agenda, and discard them after their needs are fulfilled. Scott, James is my best friend and I will lookout and protect him anyway I can." Said Kara

"Well, one thing I would never do is hurt James. I think he is one hell of a guy and I hope to get to know him even more as time goes by." I said I was trying not to say too much, but at the same time letting Kara sort know that I liked him. I also felt this was good way to feel her out to see if she would say anything concrete on if James liked guys and was interested in me.

Kara replied back "From what I saw out there in the pool I think you and James will do just fine together. I just hope one of you will make." Before Kara could finish the sentence James walked in to informed Kara that it was three-thirty and that they needed to go immediately if she wanted to be on time for work.

Kara let out a sigh knowing that she would not get a chance to finish our conversation. She walked outside to the backyard to collect her clothes and towel, while James and I began to talk. James had his muscle shirt and flip flops back on while holding his towel in one hand. "Thank you again Scott for having us over and letting us use your pool it was greatly appreciated; hopefully we can all do it again sometime soon." said James

"I think that would be great.if we could all hangout and doing the swimming thing again." I said

I felt this was my chance to ask James out on an actual date, because if I didn't do it now I never would. I was going to continue to extend an invitation on having dinner together, but once again my luck was just not with me today. Right when I was going to ask James out Kara came walking back in from the backyard. I was already nervous on asking James out, since I was not sure if James was gay and even interested it me. Now that Kara is standing next to James I didn't have the balls to ask him out with the possibility of getting rejected from him. Plus there is Kara's mouth of hers that is loose cannon in its self, because I know if I say one wrong thing to James she would not hesitate to say something crude to me.

Now that Kara was back inside the house and was already to go we said our goodbyes and they left. I slowly shut the door behind them thinking there went yet another chance to get closer to James. As I stared out the kitchen window and watched them drive off; I realized that after spending time today with James I knew that there was much more to my so-called crush. I also knew that I had to someway or somehow get James's attention to find out if he was gay and interested in me.

I want to thank everyone who took the time to read chapter one and gave me positive feed back. Again please feel free to contact me Jocula9496@aol.com to let me know what you think of chapter two and the story so far as a whole. This way I can tell if people are reading my story and hopefully want me to continue on writing more chapters. Tim

Next: Chapter 3

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