James and Scott

By moc.loa@6949alucoJ

Published on Jun 22, 2005


If you are offended with gay or sexual explicit content then

I suggest you leave now. This story is fiction and if any names or similar situation that comes about in this story is

pure coincident. Remember that this story is fiction where

there are sexual transmitted diseases such as AIDS. Please

when engaging in any sexual activity practice safe sex, and

always use a condom and protect yourself and the future.

Chapter 1 Introduction

Our First Encounters

My name is Scott. I am in my late 20's (29 to be precise) gay, single, and hoping someday to find my true soul mate in this so called dating jungle. I have dated a few guys here and there along with a few relationships, that didn't materialize for one reason or another. I have done those so call hookups/flings in the past, but nothing really worth talking about. The few flings that I have done did nothing for me except made me feel empty and alone. Don't get me wrong I love being with and having sex with a man, but the one thing that is missing for me in a hookup is the emotions and the love behind the sex. I want to be with a guy that I care about and love and he feels the same in return; the sex isn't just sex but hot passionate love making. I am also one of those guys's who is a hopeless romantic. My ideas of spending time with the person I care about are to do romantic things together. For example, walking along the beach holding hands as the surf comes up and along our feet as we walk and talk. When coming home from a long day at work you open the door to find your significant other cooking a candlelit dinner with the table set for two. Even on a cold winter's night sitting and snuggled up in front of the fireplace with that special someone. But since I am not seeing or dating anyone special I have to settle with dreaming about them.

I also forgot to tell you that I am in pretty good shape being at a height of 5' 7" 135lb, 30" waist, along with brown hair and eyes. I workout five times a week, which includes running, biking, and weightlifting. I have a defined chest that is smooth along with a flat stomach (still working on that six-pack). My legs are muscular from playing several years of soccer. My arms are defined but not quite as big as I would like them to be, but I am slowly working on getting them bigger along with getting defined abs.

The summer was now coming to an end, which meant there wasn't much more time for swimming or lounging around in the summer sun. Unfortunately, for some strange reason the dating scene for me usually dies down during this time. I guess when the fall season comes I sort of go into hibernation mode until the spring. I think I tend not to date as much during this time for a few reasons the days are shorter, cooler weather, and the holiday seasons. I supposed during this time frame it also helps me to rejuvenate myself and to see where I am at in my life and where I want to go in the future. I really can't complain too much since I did manage to date a few guys over this past spring and summer, even though nothing really materialized with any of them for whatever reasons. The dating scene can be so complex and very fickle at times. When dating you can have one person feel physically and emotionally while the other person might not feel any connection at all. You sometimes can even have it where both parties don't feel the connection at all for whatever reasons. Let's face it there are tons and variables that play's a role when trying to find that right person. The one thing I do know is that it can and does happen on finding that one true soul mate. I just hope that one day it will finally happen to me.

Here it is the last weekend of August and there was no dating prospect's in my future, but I didn't let it get me down. I tend to keep busy with the daily grind of work, working out, the odds and ends of keeping up my house, and occasionally hanging out with friends.

It was late Saturday morning and I already had breakfast and straighten up the house, but I still had errands to run which included the grocery store. I took my shower got a short sleeve shirt and shorts on and headed out for my weekend errands.

I finally arrived at my last errand of the day, which was a specialty grocery store called Trader John's. I was a bit tired and was ready to get home and relax. Luckily I only had a few things to pick up here, so I knew it wouldn't take me too long. As I was making my way up and down the isle I came to the bread isle where I was going to pick up some healthy wheat bread; there in the middle of the isle was a young stocker squatting down putting the food items onto the shelf. He looked up at me and gave a little smile, and I quickly return the smile back to him. When smiling at him I had to take another glance at him, since he was a total hottie, but I rapidly turned my head facing it back to food items. I am a bit shy and I didn't want this guy to think I was some sort of freak of a customer staring and checking him out.

I found the whole wheat bread I was looking for and grabbed the two loaves, and made my way to the organic vegetable section. As I was walking though the vegetables I looked down to check my list to see exactly what vegetables I needed for the week; when I heard a young man's voice asking me if I needed any help. I looked up to see the hot young stocker from the bread isle looking at me. Now, that I had a better look at him standing face to face with him, I could tell he was around his early twenties, 6'2" 200lbs blond hair and blues eyes. He had a young and an extremely good looking face with nice cheek and jaw bone. I took a quick glance down his body and he was wearing a pair of shorts and a short sleeve shirt. The shirt was a blue with white Hawaiian print (store uniform) and his shorts which were a pair of beige cargo shorts. The shirt fit very nicely and showed off his broad shoulders and chest, and the short sleeves revealed a nice size and well-defined biceps. The shirt was wide at his shoulders and gradually tapered down to show his 30" waist. The shorts he wore were on the baggy side and went down just above the knees. His legs were very muscular and covered lightly by his blonde hair. After the quick scanning of this guy's body I then noticed his name tag on his right shoulder which said James. I sort of just stood there in awe for a second taking all of him in. Between James's face, hot body and his demeanor he could easily be a model and extremely successful at it.

Once again James asked me "Do you need any help with anything?"

"Oh no, I am fine just getting a few thing before I head home but thanks anyway." I said wanting to kick myself after the words came out of my mouth. I should have made something up and said I needed help to make him stay for a little longer.

"Okay if you need anything just let me know. Have a nice day." he said and slowly walked down the isle and into the back of the store.

As I was picking out what I needed in the produce section my mind was preoccupied with the vision of James in my head. There was just something about his cute face, hot body, and the charisma that he had. I kept replaying the whole incident of him in the bread isle to him asking me if I needed help. Damn! Why couldn't I have said I needed help that way I could have talked to him for a while and possibly even flirted.

I finally finished my shopping and was at the checking out line, and caught myself the whole time looking to see if I could spot James one last time before I left the store. The cashier took my money and gave me my change back. My grocery items were all bagged, and I was ready to leave. I left slowly glancing around one last time to see if could get a glimpse of James, but there was no such luck.

I got home and was now unpacking my groceries and planned on staying in for the rest of the day and evening with nothing to do. I decided to watch some television, and as I was flipping through the channels for some reason every person I would see on the TV would remind me of James. It didn't matter whether it was the voice, hair, height, or even size I kept thinking and seeing James. It was actually start making me crazy, that I couldn't stop thinking about him. I mean he looked at me once and said ten words, and did it only because it is his job. Here I am obsessing over him and I don't even know him. I don't know his actual age, interests, if he is single, or even if he is even gay. Even if was all those things it doesn't mean he would even be remotely interested in me. Eventually my mind finally slowed down from thinking of James and I fell asleep.

The weekend came and went and the week was progressing just as fast with it already being Tuesday. I went to work and the gym (it was leg day), and in the midst of my squats I was thinking about all the things I still needed to do when I get home. This included what items I needed for dinner since I was making grilled lemon chicken and broccoli. Suddenly, I realized that during my distraction with James in the vegetable isle I forgot to pick-up the broccoli, so now I have to go to the store before I go home. I hate doing errands after work and the gym, but I really wanted the broccoli to go with the dinner that I was making tonight. After my leg workout I will be heading to the grocery store.

I walked in Trader John's didn't pick up a cart or hand basket, but instead went straight to the vegetable isle. I just wanted to get in and out of the store, so I could get home start dinner and unwind from the day. I also I didn't want to run into James due to the fact that I was coming from my workout and still dressed in my gym clothes. Right now I feel and look grubby, and I do not want to run into James looking the way I am. So my goal is to grab the broccoli, head to the cashier, and get out of the store.

I enter the checkout lines, which were three lanes and I was in lane one, which was the shortest one at the time. There was only one person ahead of me, and was already being checked out. I was just glad that I was at the homestretch and without seeing James. Meanwhile, I was waiting in line when I heard over the loud speaker "We need assistant on register two." As I looked towards my right and down the isle here came James walking towards the registers. All I could think was oh fuck James is here and he is going to see me here looking like shit.

He went straight to register two and started bagging up the woman groceries. As I kept glancing over to where James was I could hardly keep my eyes off of him. This time he was wearing a red short sleeve Hawaiian shirt along with a beige pair of shorts. The shirt he was wearing today showed off his upper body even more you then last Sunday; you could actually see the outline of his cut chest. The sleeve's of his shirt was adhering to his biceps, and each time James moved his arms to put an item into the bags his biceps would flex forcing the sleeves outwards. Of course I tried to take all this in with several short but quick glances without being notice.

As I was writing my check out and being rung up by the cashier I heard voice say "good evening how are you doing today?"

I replied "I am doing fine thanks how are you?" as I was said this I looked up and realized it was James talking to me as he was bagging my one grocery item. Talk about a double edge sword, because I was so excited to see and talk to him, but at the same time I was totally embarrassed on having him see me all grubby.

The cashier finished checking me out and James handed me my single grocery bag and I thank him and smiled. When James handed me the bag he told me to have a nice day, smiled and then winked at me. Before I knew it he was off to the next register to start bagging for that customer. I stood there for a few second not knowing what to think about the wink. I understand the smiling and saying have a nice day but a wink what was that all about?

As I drove home I kept thinking about the whole checkout incident and trying to figure out the whole wink thing. He came over to bag one grocery item and usually the baggers don't bother with just one item they let the checkers do it. The reality of the wink was probably just a friendly gesture like passing a stranger on the street and smiling at them and they smile back. James's wink could be nothing more than a friendly gesture. I mean I am just an average looking guy who is at least five to eight years older then him. Plus, I looked like total crap today after the gym, and what is the probability of someone to being that hot, single, gay, and interested in an average older guy like me.

I got home cooked my dinner (which was very good if I do say so myself). After I cleaned up the mess, did some odds and ends, and took a shower I headed for bed. I figured I would watch some television for a bit before going to sleep. After my shower I was already for bed with just my boxer brief underwear. I turned on the television and laid on top of the bedcovers. I flipped through the stations trying to fine something good on but everything was still a rerun since the fall lineup had not started. I was flipping through the channels for some reason there was a hot actor on the television that remind me of James; and from that point on all I could do was think of James and his hot body. It didn't matter what was on Television now since the vision of James was in my head. I envision James's hair, eyes, body, and how hot it would be to be with him at this very moment. Before I knew it I was putting my hand on my smooth chest and slowly started moving it down my body. My hand moved up and over my two pecs and down to my abs and before I knew it my hand slid under the waistband of my boxer briefs. I gradually wrapped my hand around my now semi-hard cock. Little by little I started stroking my seven inch cock inside my underwear. After several strokes and a raging hard on thinking about James I knew I have became too horny to stop and I had to finish the job. I gradually slid my underwear down and off my legs and went straight back to my hard cock where I left off. I was stroking with one hand while I rubbed the other up and down my body. I played with each nipple one at a time lightly pinching them. While I was doing this was imagining James's hot body standing in front of me slowly peeling off his shirt revealing his awesome physique. My cock was throbbing in my hand as I was moving it up and down its shaft. As I continued to visualizing James and his upper body my precum from my cock began oozing out and running down my hand. I then began to run my hand up and down my cock's shaft to get it nice and lubed. I had the mental image of James taking his hands and slowly rubbing them over his body, and with each movement of his hands his muscles in his arms and chest would flex. It didn't take me long before my breathing became heavy. I was now stroking my cock faster and before I knew it I began climaxing and shot my wad all over my stomach. As I lay on my bed I squeezed every last drop of my cum out of my cock. I began to gently rub my cum into my abs wishing it was James doing it. I eventually got up and cleaned myself off and went back to bed and fell fast asleep.

The week came and went and the weekend was once again upon me. This meant catching up with the household chores and errands, but this time I was looking forward to at least one of the errands. Of course it all depended if James was working and if I would see him to make that one errand worthwhile. I don't know why I am so hot and bothered by this guy. Yeah, James is very cute and has a hot body from what I can tell from his clothes; but he is more than just a pretty face he is nice and has certain charm about him that I really like.

I was out all afternoon doing my errands and I finally arrived at good old trader John's. Of course right when I walked in I glance over towards the cash registers to scan them see if James was there bagging but there was just no James insight. I still have my shopping to do so maybe I will run into him out on the floor, or if not maybe he will be at the register the time I am done.

As I went up and down the isles picking up the items I needed from my grocery list I continued to look for James. Unfortunately, I just picked up the last item from my list and there has been no James stocking or helping customers out on the floor. I took a deep breath and let out a sighed and felt a little disappointed that I didn't see him today.

I pushed my cart to register two behind another person who was finishing up on getting checked out. Meanwhile, I glanced down to look over my grocery list to make sure I didn't forget anything on my list. Then I heard a voice in the background I saying I can help you on register one and before I knew it my cart was being pulled into that direction. I looked up to see James pulling my cart towards him and the register as he smiled at me. I was so shocked to see it was James that I stood there for a second in daze. Here I pretty much gave up all hope that I would see him today, but lucky for me James came out from the back at the right time. Once I got over the initial shock and got my composure back I walked up to the register counter and smiled back at James.

"How are you doing today" Said James.

"I am doing fine thanks. How are you? Have you been busy today? I said.

"I am not to bad thanks for asking. It hasn't been too busy today, I usually go on the register only when it gets busy and this is the first time for me today. The good news is I get off work in less than an hour." Said James smiling

"Sounds like you having a good day so far." I said

"Heck yeah, I can't wait to get off.work that is and have some fun (James giving me a wickedly grin). Your total is seventy-six dollars and forty-nine cents." said James. I could not believe I was actually talking to James and I was even a little giddy from it. I was looking at him thinking how hot he is, and how much I would love being with him that I totally missed his flirting. I only snapped back to reality when James told me the amount of the groceries, and began writing the check out to give to him.

James processed the check and handed me the receipt smiling at me and said "Here's your receipt Scott. Have a great day and hope to see you soon."

I left Trader John's even happier then I could have ever anticipated being; that right then and there I knew that I had a serious crush on James. I also knew if ever had a chance to date or be in a relationship with him I would in a heart beat. Of course it is highly unlikely that it will ever go any further then it has so far, so for now I will just enjoy my so called crush/obsession for the time being.

I got home unloaded the car and started putting my groceries away. As I was doing this I pressed play on my answering machine to listen to my messages that were left while I was gone. The messages started playing and the first one was a co-worker calling to see how I been doing and to talk. The second message was an automated solicitor saying I was one of the few lucky ones that have won a trip, but I deleted it before it was even finished. Those so called free trips are always bogus, you may have got an all expense paid trip but there is always a catch. When you get there most of your time is preoccupied by seminars and conferences. Finally, the last message was just about to play when I was noticing that I was missing a couple of items I bought at Trader John's. Meanwhile I heard a familiar voice on the answering machine "Hi Scott this is James from Trader John's and unfortunately, a grocery bag of yours was left behind here at the store. When you get this message please give us a call at 555-9711, and again we are very sorry for any inconveniences we may have caused you. Thank you"

I picked up the phone and called Trader John's to tell them that I got their message and that I would come right down and pick up my groceries that were left behind. The phone began to ring and a voice on the other end of the phone began to speak "Trader John's how can I help you."

"Hi this is Scott and I was in there a little while ago and I received a phone call from James saying that I had left a bag of groceries there." I replied

"If you would please hold I will put James on the phone, thank you." said the man on the other end of the phone.

"Hi Scott I am so sorry about your grocery bag being left behind and it is completely our fault." Said James

"Its okay and not a big deal I don't live that far away and I will be right there to pick it up." I said

"No need to do that Scott. Where about do you live?" asked James

"I live off of Briggs Road and Cavern Street, and may I ask why?" I said

"I feel totally guilty that this happen and I get off work in about twenty minutes; so on my way home I could easily stop by and drop it off. Scott this is the least I can do for your inconvenience." said James

I did not hesitate on accepted his offer and gave him my address. After telling him the directions that he needed to know I hung up the phone. Suddenly the realization that James will be coming to my house got me a little excited and nervous at the same time. I wanted everything to be perfect which included the house and me. I quickly finished putting the last of the groceries away, straighten up the house, and then made sure that I looked presentable when he arrives.

The time flew by and almost thirty minutes pasted when the door bell rang. There standing in the doorway was James holding my bag of groceries and looking hotter than ever. He had changed his shirt and now dressed in a light blue shirt with beige cargo shorts. His short blonde hair was redone and spiked on top.

I know it is my house and I am on my own turf, but for some reason I could not help from feeling a little nervous. I just hope with me being nervous that I don't make a complete ass out of myself by say something stupid. I thought to myself here goes nothing as I became to speak.

"Hi James come on in. Thank you so much for bring the groceries I forgot I truly appreciate it" I said

"Oh no problem Scott, it my pleasure and it is the least I could do. Besides it wasn't your fault it was mine I should have made sure that all the bags were in the cart. By the way you have a very nice house." said James as he glanced around the room.

"Thank you James I am glad you like it. I said

"Wow, is that a pool in the backyard? James said

"As a matter of fact it is a pool in the backyard. I try to swim and get some sun when have a chance but sometimes there is enough time in the day. I said

"I love to swim but unfortunately, I don't to get to swim too much, since I don't know anybody with a pool." Said James

Don't ask me where or how I got the courage since I am shy and a bit reserved, but the words just came out of my mouth. "You now know someone with a pool and you are more than welcome to use it anytime you like. The pool is always open to you." I said with a smile

"Thank you Scott that is very nice of you and I just might have to take you up on that offer one of these day." James said smiling back

"I am sorry, where are my manners, would you like to sit down and have something to drink?" I said

"Thank you for the offer Scott, but I really have to be going I am supposed to be over a friend's house very shortly." said James

"I am so sorry I didn't mean to keep you. Thank you again for taking the time and bring the groceries by." I said

"My pleasure Scott I have enjoyed our little chat and hope to do it again soon." said James.

With that, we said our goodbyes and James headed outside to his car as I slowly shut the door behind him. I leaned up against the back of the door smiling and happy like a little schoolboy that got his first A on a test. James is just so considerate, adorable and fucking hot. God! What luck that those groceries were left behind, so he could bring them to my house. It is just too bad that he had to go so quickly, because I could have talked with him all night long. I just hoped that I wasn't too pushy with offering of the pool, because I would hate to offend or push him away.

After James personal visit I could not stop thinking about him all night. I thought of him when I was cooking dinner, eating, and continued to think about him until I fell asleep.

Once again I found myself at Trader John's finishing up my shopping and for some strange reason all I could think is that I sure feel that live at this place and chuckled to myself. I rolled my cart to the register and James was waiting there with no customers waiting in line. James had a grey muscle shirt on with blue shorts and I practically got an instant hard on right then and there. I have never fully seen James's arms without sleeves. His arms were everything I imagine they would be with sleeves.

I pulled my cart up to the register where James greeted me with a smile. "Gosh it is sure dead in here tonight." I said while helping James unload my groceries.

"Well, Scott it is probably because we closed about fifteen minutes ago and everyone has gone home including the employees." Said James

I stood there with my mouth slightly open not realizing how late the time was. "I am so sorry that it is so late and that I have kept you here waiting way past closing." I said

"Oh no problem Scott, but if you were some cranky old person who did it on purpose then I would be mad; but it is you and I think you are a really cool guy." Said James with a wickedly grin

As I smiled back I said "I am glad you don't think I am some old cranky guy, and I like you too James. By the way I was hoping that you would be working here tonight." As I winked at James

"I am glad I am here too, because I always love to check you out." As James said this he looked my body over from head to toe. "Mmm I love what I see each and every time I see you." Said James

"I feel the same way, because I can never get enough of your hot fucking body." I said

"Is that so Scott (James putting down the head of lettuce and started leaning over the counter and towards me), because every time I see you here at work I have wanted to do this." Said James

James continued leaned over the counter towards me and I followed by leaning in towards him. Our and lips slowly met and we began to kiss passionately on the lips, and our tongues started to work in and out of our mouths. We broke away for a very short time, but only long enough so I could go around to the other side of the counter. Once I reached the other side of the counter we immediately started kissing. Our arms wrapped around each others waist, with both of our hands on each others asses. James began lifting my shirt up and over my head, and I followed by doing to the same with his shirt. With both of our shirts now off revealing our upper bodies; all I could do was just stared in complete aw at James's chest. His chest was thick and cut along with rock hard abs. I took my hand and rubbed it along his pecs and down to his abs feeling each and every ripple and bump that his muscles made through his skin. After we both got done feeling each other bodies we began to lock lips once again. Just the few touches and passionate kisses from James made my cock hard as a rock. As we continued to kiss our bodies began to press against one another's, and I knew James was enjoying this as much as I was, due to his hard cock pressing against mine. Our hands slowly went down to each others pants and began unbuttoning them. With both of us having each others shorts half unbuttoning could tell that neither one of us were not wearing any underwear. It wasn't long before both of our pants were around are ankles leaving us with two raging hard cocks pointing up in the air. We went back to kissing each other but this time grabbing and stroking each other cocks. James leaned me up onto the counter and started working his way down with his mouth. His lips and tongue stopped at each one of my nipples servicing them by licking, nibbling and sucking them. He moved over my abs and onto my hard cock that was pointing up to his face. He opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue licking my cock's head a few times at different angles. He moved his head down just a bit service my balls by licking them. He then gradually moved his way up from my balls licking the shaft of my cock with his tongue. Before I knew it James opened his mouth and popped the head of my cock into his mouth. He played with my cock's knob with his tongue before taking my whole cock into his mouth. As James began deep throating my cock I brought my hands up to his head and started guiding him onto my cock. Every time he would go down onto my cock I was in pure pleasure. I could feel my balls tighten up and I knew it wouldn't be long before he would make my stiff cock to explode.

"Fuck James, you have the hottest fucking mouth. God, you have me so hot and hard, and if you keep this up much longer I am going to cum." I said as I moaned

James gradually took my cock out of his mouth looked up at me and said. "Well, that is my plan for you to shoot your hot cum down my throat." As James was looking up at me he smiled and gently licked his lips; before going back down on my hard throbbing cock. He started sucking my cock harder and faster to the point that I was just about to cum. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw a guy come around the corner and said "What the hell is going on here?"

James and I were both startled as we looked over to the guy. Then something strange happened, I was no longer in the grocery store, but in my own bedroom and bed. I was a little disoriented for a few seconds until I realized that James and I getting it on in the store was all a dream. I took in a deep breath and exhaled a big sigh, because the dream felt so real damn real. Here I am lying in bed and still with a raging hard on. I laid there for a few minutes thinking about James, and what and why I am so attracted to him. I am so fixated on him that now I am actually having sexual dreams with him in them. Of course he is very good looking and young, but there was so much more than just his looks and age. I don't care if a guy is younger or older then me or if they are drop dead gorgeous or just an average Joe. I think it is important that one another personalities mesh together, similar interest and somewhat physically attracted to each other. As I thought in bed for a couple of minutes I realized that yes I am physically attracted to James, but what really intrigued me about James is his sweetness and charm. He so polite and he has this charisma about him that pulls me closer each and every time I see and talk to him. Even though our conversations are brief I just can't seemed to get enough of him. I just know if he is single and gay and if he gives me a chance to date him that we would hit it off without a doubt. I think I am probably looking for a miracle, because what are the odds of a young stud like James which is, good looking, single, gay, and interested an older and average guy like me. Even thought of us being together is pretty much a fantasy and a dream at least I have that for the time being, and who knows maybe one day my dream will come true.

Please feel free to email me at Jocula9496@aol.com to let me know what you think of the first chapter. I would love to hear comments of what others think of my story so far. I hope most people will like my story. I do have some chapters in the works, and if I get a good response of people liking the first chapter I will continue with the story. Thanks you Tim

Next: Chapter 2

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