James and Clark

By Greg Reese

Published on May 3, 2008


This is a work of fiction. The characters in this story live in a disease free world, the use of condoms is not portrayed. The real world is different, practice safe sex, use a condom.

I spent the next hour turning on my best charm trying to get into this kids pants. Everything I did was met with zero response, short of grabbing his crotch and telling him I wanted to suck his cock, I couldn't think of anything else to try to get his attention. I just knew he had to be gay, just knew, my gaymeter was pegged. Finally he arrived, smile on his handsome face, check in hand. He leaned in as he set the check on the table and proceeded to tell me that although he was extremely flattered, no one has worked so hard at trying to get into his pants than I had, but alas he was 100% straight and really not interested in taking a walk on the bi-side. I smiled, blushed, stammered, smiled some more, blushed a lot more and handed him fifty pounds. "I'll be back with you change." he said. "Keep it I replied." and got up to make a mad dash for the door. Had I bothered to look at the check, I would have noticed that my meal and beers came to roughly twenty-five pounds, there is an automatic gratuity figured into the bill, so even with that added in the total cost of the meal was now around twenty-eight pounds. I had just given my waiter over a twenty pound tip, not bad in his eyes I'm sure.

I arrived back at my room and headed for the shower. I looked at the clock on the nightstand, it was only seven o'clock in the evening, still too early to head for bed. I had learned that when traveling to Europe, jet lag is much easier to deal with if, on the day you arrive, you stay up until what would be your normal bed time. Problem is, I'm somewhat of a night owl so my bedtime can range from midnight to two in the morning. I knew I wouldn't have the staying power to go that long, so I figured if I could make it to at least nine o'clock, I should be OK. I quickly showered, and jacked off so my cock would leave me alone, dressed in my usual sleeping clothes, left a wake up call, and went over my schedule for tomorrow and made a few notes. I would meet with my client at nine in the morning. I estimated about a two hour meeting, that seemed to be the norm for most first visits, and then I would have the rest of the day to explore.

I'm not sure what time I dozed off but I was awaken by the phone ringing, it was my wake up call. I showered once again, dressed and headed out to meet with my client. As I was entering their building I heard someone shout my name, turning around I saw the man who had sat next to me on the airplane waiving and heading in my direction. "Great," I thought, "I was hoping to avoid Mr. Rabbitfuck." I put on my best artificial smile, waived back and turned to head into the building. I rushed to the elevator, pressing the call button rapidly, as if that would make the car arrive any faster. It didn't and we both boarded the car at the same time. Thankfully, there were many others waiting to get on as well, so the ride to the 10th floor was spent in quiet bliss. I met with my client and as I had estimated about two hours later I was in the elevator heading back to the lobby. I headed back to the hotel, quickly changed and decided I'd take a stroll. The sky was overcast and threatened rain, not unusual for England, so I grabbed a light weight jacket and an umbrella and headed out. I headed for Kensington Gardens, strolling through the Princess Diana Memorial Gardens, took in Kensington Palace and then made my way to Westminster. I know I spent several hours in Westminster, taking in it's grandeur, admiring the stone architecture and trying to imagine how they must have built this beautiful cathedral without the tools of today's modern world. I passed by the resting places of various royalty that were entombed in Westminster, Mary, Queen of Scots, Henry the VIII, the literary greats, Chaucer, Dickens, the Unknown Soldier and marveled at the Coronation Chair and how it is still used to this date, Queen Elizabeth being the last. From there I crossed the Thames and made my way over to The Tower of London. Paying my fee, I quickly went in and stood in front of the White Tower, the oldest building in the complex built around 1078. I went inside and wondered around, taking note of the dungeons, making note of how miserable it must have been to be imprisoned there and was stading in the Chapel, lost in thought. "Enjoying your tour?" a British accent said behind me, startling me. "Yes, this is incredible, just incredible." I replied. I turned around to see who had addressed me and was standing face to face with one of the Yeoman Warders (or Beefeaters), the staff of men who continue to guard the Tower of London. "Yes, the Tower is magnificent, especially when you stop to think of when it was first built." He replied. "Have you made it over to the Jewel House yet?" He asked. "No, I haven't, that was my next stop." I replied. "You might want to hurry, we've an hour left before we close, the Jewel House will close in about thirty minutes." He said, smiling and continued his stroll throught the White Tower.

I took that as my cue and headed over to the Jewel House to see the Crown Jewels. The Crown Jewels were absolutely magnificent. I have never seen that many precious stones in my life and couldn't help but just stare, as best as I could anyway, at the Great Star of Africa diamond in the Sceptre. "Keep moving sir!" one of the security guards warned me, fearful that I might be casing the joint. I continued my tour, traveling on the conveyor belt as you pass by glass cases that contain the Queen Mother's Crown and the Imperial State Crown. I was being ushered out of the Jewel House sooner than I wanted to be, thirty minutes couldn't possibly have gone that fast, and made my way over to the area that once housed the scaffolding for the beheadings. I read the placquer making note of the famous men and women who'd lost their heads on this very spot for treachery and trickery or other charges leveled at them in the name of the King. "Did you get to the jewels yet?" the familiar voice said from behind, again, startling me. Turning I said, "You have this knack of sneaking up on us tourists and startling us, don't you?" I winked and grinned. Laughing he said, "Nah, not really, there's an air about this place that grabs hold of you the minute you enter. Tell me, do you feel as if you are being watched by many eyes?" he asked, a mischievous smile crossing his face. "As a matter of fact I do, it's kind of eerie!" I replied, giggling. "Aye! It 'tis the ghosts that haunt these grounds. They say the ghost of Anne Boelyn still wonders the Bloody Tower." he said. I must have paled a little because a look of concern soon crossed his face, touching my shoulder he asked if I was OK, I looked as though I'd seen a ghost. I laughed and told him I had, it was the ghost of fish I'd eaten last night with my chips. He chuckeled and said, "You Yanks have an odd humor about you. Would you like a private tour?" he then asked. "Umm, sure, but aren't you closing up?" I asked. "Yes, I'm getting ready to go off duty. I'll go change, we'll grab a bite, and I'll bring you back for a private tour." he said. Extending his hand he introduced himself as Wallace McCormick. I introduced myself and asked, "You're Scottish?" "Aye," he said. "Oh I really need to work on learning my accents, I could've sworn I heard a British accent when you first talked with me. Don't you stay here at the tower, like, 24 hours?" I continued. "Nah! I'm not a traditional Yeoman Warder, I work for the different museums, mostly giving tours while also keeping an eye on things. If you look close enough, you'll see that I'm not wearing the traditional Yeoman dress, there are a couple of things missing." he said as he pointed to different areas on his uniform, trying to explain to me the difference, laughing at the "deer in the headlights look" I was giving him. "C'mon, I'll escort you out, I'll go change and then meet you by Traitor's Gate." He said, last of his sentence taking on a sinister tone.

About a half hour later he arrived, dressed in jeans and a smart looking Polo shirt. I almost didn't recognize him and then when I realized who it was, quickly assessed my new host, my mind and cock quickly approving what I saw, my spine tingling over the fact he wore a neatly trimmed beard. I'd never slept with a bearded man and was hoping this would be the first. We walked a few short blocks to a pub he frequented. It was almost like a Cheers episode, everyone calling out his name as they did when he entered, much as they did when Norm would arrive and take residence at his favorite stool. We found a table in the corner of the pub and he went to the bar and brought back two pints of an Ale that was absolutely heavenly. A couple pints more and my head was reminding me that European alcohol has a higher alcohol content than what is allowed in the States. My stomach was also telling me that it had been quite awhile since I'd last eaten and if to please refill it and soon. We placed our order and I headed to the mens room to get rid of the first round of ale. My cock was already beginning to leak as I stood at the urinal and started to let my bladder empty. My host quickly stepped up to the one next to me and I noticed out of the corner of my eye, that he was checking me out. "Oh James, you lucky dog." I thought, my cock plumping a little bit as I shook myself and stuffed my cock back into my own jeans. I washed up and headed back to the table.

His cell phone rang while we were talking. I waited patiently for him to end his call. "I'm afraid I won't be able to give you that tour tonight." Wallace said. "Oh?" I replied. Wallace explained that the Queen would be in Parliament tomorrow and whenever she's in Parliament she's wears the customary dress, which includes one of the crowns. "The whole city practically goes in lockdown when they're transporting the Crown Jewels." Wallace said. He continued to educate me on the different royal customs as we ate our meal. We talked some more after we had finished eating and as I glanced at my watch, was shocked to see that it was now eleven o'clock at night. "Oh, I didn't realize it was so late." I said, "I have a ten o'clock meeting tomorrow, I should get going." I continued. I felt a foot brush up my leg and Wallace quietly asked, "Would you like some company tonight?" I beamed back and told him that I was hoping he would say that. We paid our bill and quickly headed back to my hotel room, via cab. We couldn't quite seem to keep our hands off each other while riding back and I'm sure the cabbie got a real eyefull of us grabbing each others crotches in the back seat.

We arrived at my room and as I closed the door behind us, Wallace stepped up to me, took me in his arms and began kissing me. He was gentle, tender, his tongue softly caressing mine, his hands gently and slowly rubbing up and down my back and softly over my denim covered ass. I melted in his arms, amazed at how soft his beard felt against the smooth flesh of my face and lips. I moaned as we continued to stand at the door, our mouths locked with one another, our hands roaming each other's bodies. I was amazed at how firm his back felt under his shirt, I pulled at this shirt, untucking it from his jeans and slid my hands up his back. His body was muscled and toned and I let my fingers play in the patch of soft hair that was in the small of his back. We quickly shed our shirts and I gasped when I saw his chest. He was smooth, no hair except for a pleasure trail that started at his belly button and traveled into the waist band of his jeans. His hair was an auburn color, the lights in the room catching glimpses of red here and there. I reached down and began rubbing his crotch, feeling his hardness, moaning again as my fingers traced the outline of his cock. Wallace quickly unbuttoned my jeans and thrust his hands inside, quickly grabbing my hard and now leaking cock. He pulled off me, "Hmmm, you have a great feeling cock. Can't wait to ride this hard log!" he said, in a hushed, sexed up Scottish brogue. I found the top button of his jeans, unbuttoned them, unzipped them and was soon freeing his rock hard and uncut cock from the confines of his jeans. The man was well hung I must say. He cock had to be at least nine inches, the thick head covered in skin, his clear fluid oozing out of the folds of his foreskin. I had to taste this man, had to suck his cock and I quickly dropped to my knees, yanking his jeans down to his ankles on the way down. I took hold of his cock, softly stroking it I gazed at it's beauty. He kept his pubes trimmed, making his cock and balls look even larger. I looked up to see him looking down at me, a look of pleading in his eyes as I stuck my tongue out and inserted it into the folds of his foreskin. He closed his eyes and hissed as he flung his head back. "Oh yeah that feels good." he said. My lips quickly grabbed his skin and started to gently pull on it, another hiss and moan escaping his lips. "Oh yeah, fucking eat my cock skin, oh I love it when a guy knows hot to treat an uncut cock." He groaned. Leaving the skin pulled over the head of his cock, I slowly began swallowing him, not stopping until my nose had hit his pubes and his cock was lodged down my throat. I flexed my throat muscles, he groaned. I slowly began to bob up and down on his beautiful hard uncut cock and while I did, I reached up to fondle his balls. "Let's get comfortable." He said, pulling at me to stand up. We quickly undressed and made our way to the bed. He had me lie down and he quickly laid over me so we could get into a 69. I gasped as I felt his bearded lips nibble and then suck in my cock. His beard was so soft and added to the feeling of his lips as they slid up and down over my cock. I groaned and panted, stroking his cock while we bobbed up and down on me. He shifted and managed to get my legs tucked behind up, upturning my ass so he could eat my hole. My cock jerked when I felt his tongue slide from my balls down to my hole. I quickly shoved his cock back in my mouth and went to town on his thick sausage while he ate my ass.

I bucked and groaned as his tongue slid across my hole. He'd lick from side to side and up and down and then flicker his tongue right in the center. I spit his cock out, yelling, "OH FUCK! Goddamn that feels fucking good Wallace! Yeah, fucking eat my ass, get your tongue up my hole!" His tongue soon found it's mark and he started fucking me with the tip of his tongue. I rode his face as though his tongue was a hard cock. "Fuck yeah!" I yelled. I continued to stroke his cock while I fucked myself on his mouth, bucking, groaning, trying to practically shove his entire face into me. Without warning my cock erupted, my cum shooting his neck. He leaned back, sucked my cock in and bobbed up and down, taking me through my sudden orgasm. I felt his own cock flex and jump and thicken more and realized he would soon be shooting his load as well. I wanted him to cover my face with his cum. "Oh yeah Wallace, fuck yeah, oh GOD! Yeah drink my cum bitch!" I said as he started slowing down on my cock. His cock gave one last swell and I quickly pointed it towards me, the first rope of cum landing on my chin. I placed the head of his cock on my lips and let him paint them with his load, smearing his cock head across my lips as though I was applying lipstick. Wallace's load wasn't a heavy one and as the last of his cum dribbeled out, he scooted back and we began kissing. He'd kept my load in his mouth and as we kissed, he cleaned off my face, our tongues exchanging the taste of our cum. I remained hard, as did he, neither of us was ready to call this night to an end. Once he had cleaned off my face, Wallace quickly spun around and offered me his ass. He was completely shaved, the skin soft, not even the tell tale sign of any stubble. I quickly spread his cheeks apart and dove in, my tongue tracing around his hairless hole. Wallace closed his eyes, threw his head back and groaned his appreciation of the work my tongue was doing. Before long I was tongue fucking his hole, his hand flying over his hard cock, his balls drawing up into their sack as another load would soon be emptied. "Ayyeee!" Wallace shouted as he slammed his hips on my face, his hole quivering over my tongue, his cock erupting again, shooting cum on my pillow. Wallace ground his ass on my face as he went through another orgasm. While still in the throws, he scooted back, grabbed my hard cock and sat on my dick in one quick movement. His cock spurted another rope of cum as my cock slid into his ass. He took his fingers, wiped it off from my stomach and took turns feeding the sweet cream to the two of us. "Awe fuck your rock hard cock feels good up my ass." He said in his Scottish brogue. "Awe yeah, fuck yeah, Oh I'm gonna ride your hard cock until you're shooting your cum way up my sweet ass. God your cock feels good, oh fucking A!" he shouted. He continued to slam his hips down on me, riding my cock hard, harder than I thought was even possible. We both were shouting, him begging to fuck me, me begging him to ride my cock with his tight Scottish ass. We screamed as we came at the same time, cum running out of the end of his cock on into my own bush. Each time my cock fired up his ass, he would groan and a stream of cum would run out the end of his cock. He collapsed on top of me, panting, sweat pouring off his body. We kissed while the flames of our sex cooled and we continued to come down of our orgasmic high.

Wallace rolled off of me, my cock plopping out of his ass. "Oh GOD I've never had a Yank fuck me that good!" He exclaimed. "And I've never had a Scottsman fuck..come to think of it, I've never had a Scottsman." I said, both of us laughing. We continued to hold one another, our hands roaming across our backs and asses, our mouths locked in the post bliss. Wallace had managed to lodge his cock inbetween my legs and I soon felt it begin to stiffen. "Good God Wallace, so soon?" I chuckeled. "Ummm...my willie wants to know if Yankee ass is as good as Yankee cock." He said, smiling and winking at me as I felt his cock slide towards my ass, the head of his dick beginning to rub against my own hole. I shifted so he could enter me, face to face, on our sides, my leg thrown over him, I gasped as I felt the head of his uncut cock begin to part the lips of my hole. We continued to adjust our position as his cock slowly slid past my ring and entered my ass. I bucked and groaned as his cock slid past my ring and over my love nut. A small stream of cum ran out of the tip of my dick, coating his trimmed pubes. "Oh man, your ass is just as sweet as your cock." Wallace purred in my ear. He gently rolled me on my back, placed my legs over his shoulders, leaned in and kissed me as he gently moved his cock in and out of my man pussy. I groaned and cooed as I felt his cock slowly working inside me, my hands roamed his strong back and grabbed at his ass cheeks. "Fuck Wallace, oh yeah, oh your cock feels good inside my ass." I moaned. "Fuck me Wallace, fuck me hard!" I begged. "Oh I have a surprise for you my Yankee friend." Wallace said, his eyes glowing as he stared down at me. Wallace took his time fucking my ass. This was not a man after a quick nut but a man bent on showing another man the sweet pure bliss of passion. He fucked me with long slow strokes, taking me to the edge then stopping and letting me calm down. I begged for him to fuck me, to just fuck the hell out of me, and he continued to resist. Our passion climbed and grew yet his rhythm continued to remain the same, slow steady rhythm. My ass sucked and cleched at his cock, begging him to increase his speed. "OH GOD Wallace, oh fuck yeah, I'm gonna cum Wallace, I'm going to fucking......" I shouted as I threw my head back into my pillow, my eyes rolling into the back of my head, the small of my back arching. Wallace remained motionless as my orgasm hit. I bucked and ground my hips on his cock, my cock flexing and jerking, yet spilling no cum. I shreiked and screamed and clawed at the sheets, sweat pouring off my brow. Panting I reached up, grabbed his head and pulled him to me. I kissed him hard, sucking his tongue into my mouth while I still ground my hips on his cock, he continued to remain motionless. "Fuck Wallace, Fuck. What the hell....?" I tried to say as I continued to thrash and hump, lost in my orgasm. I finally began to calm down, panting, sweating, I looked up at him. "What the fuck was that and how did you..." I was asking as he leaned foward and kissed me, resuming his slow gentle thrusting. I groaned again in his mouth as another wave washed over me. He quit kissing me and moved down to my rock hard nipples and began to gently bite and lick them. I shouted again, arched my back and this time my cock erupted, ropes of cum shooting out, hitting his chest. Wallace picked up his rhythm as I jerked my cock to the last of my orgasm. "Get ready, get ready baby, I'm going to fucking shoot in your ass!" Wallace screamed as he slammed one last time in my upturned ass. He howled as he shot his load deep in my ass, he pulled his cock out, letting it flop up, the rest of his load spilling out and washing over my cock and balls. He rolled off of my and I pounced on him, licking the cum from the tip of his cock. Wallace groaned and bucked and I was rewarded with another shot of cum. My own cock was still rock hard and I was pounding it furiously as I continued to lick and nurse on his leaking cock. I groaned and stiffened as my orgasm hit, but nothing came out of my cock, it was empty. We lay next to one another, panting as we came down off our high. I looked at the clock, "Shit! Wallace, it's three in the morning, we've been fucking this long?" I said. "Ummm, what a way to pass the time." he said, drawing me to him. I laid my head on his chest and listened to the beating of his heart and his breathing. We fell asleep like this, lights still on in the room.

The phone rang sooner than I wanted to, the automated voice on the other end telling me it was my wake up call. I looked over to see Wallace laying on his side. "Man oh man!" I thought to myself. Getting up I headed to the toilet to empty my bladder. I came back, Wallace was sitting up in bed, the head of cock bouncing against his stomach. I just looked at him, smiled and said, "How'd you know I like Scottish sausage for breakfast?" We laughed and I made my way back to bed.

More to cum! Thanks again for the great feedback! I really appreciate it!!

Next: Chapter 10

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