James and Clark

By Greg Reese

Published on May 2, 2008


This is a work of fiction. The characters in this story live in a disease free world, the use of condoms is not portrayed. The real world is very different, practice safe sex, use a condom.

The first rays of sunlight peek through the blinds of the bedroom and right into my eyes, waking me from my sex induced slumber. Eyes closed, I begin to recall the previous night's sex. Smiling, roll over and without opening my eyes, reach out to feel the side of the bed that Clark had slept on. I find it empty; disappointed I open my eyes and call his name out but I get no answer. I climb out of bed, throw on a T-shirt and a pair of shorts and head to the kitchen to start the coffee. "Clark?" I call out again, still no answer. "Hmm...guess he woke up and went home." I think as I walk into the kitchen.

I stop dead in my tracks and stare at the noteboard I keep next to the calendar. "Need some time, I'll call ya. Clark." is all it says. Rolling my eyes I mumble, "Great, here we go again." and get the coffee going. While the coffe is brewing I open the back patio door and then head out to the driveway to retrieve the paper. It feels like it's going to be a hot day and for the first time I wonder why I came to Palm Springs and what a summer in Palm Springs will be like. I'm standing in the driveway, skimming over the front page when I hear the Clark's garage door open and watch as his truck backs out. I smile and wave, he turns his head in the opposite direction and ignores me. "Oh goody! More guilt drama!" I think to myself. I sigh as I head back into the house, brushing aside the first twinge my heart starts to feel.

Again I stop dead in my tracks as I enter the kitchen. "Fuck!" I yell out, breaking the silence of the house as the coffee maker spits out the last few drops of water. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I yell again, "I cannot be doing what I think I'm doing." I hear my words say. My heart twinges again and I realize I'm experiencing the first pangs of jealous love. "Oh God Madison!" I softly say, sinking into one of the chairs at the table in the breakfast nook. "Madison sweetie, I can't be falling in love, I can't. I'm not over you, please Madison, please." I beg as I also begin to sob. I cry, afraid of love, afraid of pain, afraid that I will lose the memory of the man I once shared a life with, a man who completed me. "This is fucked!" I babble and wiping the tears from my eyes decide I just need to throw myself into my work and be thankful for the momentary pause. I check my E-Mail and see a new message from one of my clients in London. They have a new project they want to start and want me to fly to London as quickly as I can and meet with them to discuss the idea and begin the planning stage. I look at the clock and realize that it is ten in the morning in D.C so I call my travel agent, Beth. "Rialto Travel, Beth speaking, what is your destination today?" the sultry, smoky voice says on the other end. "Beth!" I squeal in the phone. "Oh James! How the HELL are you? God I miss you, we all miss you, come back sweetie, come home!" Beth pleads. "Oh Beth, the things you say. I can't come back, you know that, it's not home anymore." I say, my voice cracking as I choke up again. "Oh hey honey, I didn't mean to, well, say, what can I do for you?" Beth says, changing the subject to get my mind off things. "Well, I need to get to London and the sooner the better, what can you do for me?" Beth and I continue to chat as she does the necessary searches for the best airfare. "James, do you want coach or business class? I can get you a smoking hot deal for business class!" Beth says, momentarily changing our conversation. I tell her I'll take it and she finishes making the reservations. "James, do you need a hotel?" she asks. "Oh crap, yeah, I forgot all about that!" I said, laughing. "Where will you be working at sweetie?" Beth asks. "Umm..downtown London, not too far from the Tower of London. I cannot for the life of me remember the name and address of the building but I know how to get there." I reply. "OK, you're all set, you're at the Hilton outside of Hyde Park. It's a beautiful area James, just beautiful and a short cabby ride to the downtown area. There's access to the tube just a block away from the Hotel and if you're going where I think you are, just get on the Brown line and get off at the King's Crossing stop. Anything else I can do for you?" she asks. "No Beth, as usual, you're a gem, I love you." I say. We continue to chat for another 45 minutes before I finally tell her I need to get going. Hanging up, I send my travel information to my client and begin to pack. The flight left that night and I had a quick layover in San Diego while we switched to a larger aircraft.

I spent the rest of the day packing and doing some quick laundry along with letting the credit card company know that I would be oversees on business and would be using my credit card for my business transactions. Once all of that was done, I made a note for Clark letting him know I'd be out of town on business for a couple of weeks and asking him to please keep an eye on the house and water the plants. I lock everything up and head out to the airport to begin the long flight. The nice thing with business class is that there is plenty of leg room, the flight attendants spoil you rotten and the chairs convert to mini-beds so it's a lot more comfortable and easier to get some rest on an overseas flight. This way you don't arrive at your destination already exhausted and then try to fight with adjusting to a whole new time zone as well as jet lag. I boarded the plane and was pleasantly surprised that my seat was on the left side of the aircraft with just another seat next to me. I got myself situated and waited for the flight to head out. I felt the presence of the person sit down next to me. Glancing over I about came in my pants when I saw the person sitting next to me. Red hair, muscular but not over muscular, long legs, large feet (oh how I do love large feet) and a very impressive crotch. I looked up and saw this pair of bright green eyes, white toothy smile with perfect lips staring back at me and blushed ten shades of red as I realized I'd just been caught checking this man out. He merely nodded while I sank in my seat, wanting to find a way to crawl into the baggage area of the plane. We soon departed and after a short 45 minute flight, was waiting to deplane.

I exited the aircraft as quickly as possible and ran for the next gate, which was just two gates over to my left, making myself look even more foolish. I quickly glanced around and was horrified to find my red headed hunk making a bee line in my direction. He smiled as he passed by me, giving me the once over, my face once again glowing bright red. We didn't have long to wait and the gate attendant began the boarding process. Knowing I was flying business class, and having flown business class overseas before, I knew we'd board first. Thinking this would be my perfect get away, I made sure I got as close to the front of the line as possible. Once onboard I quickly found my seat, elated in the fact that once again, I was on the far side of the aircraft, so only had to share my space with one other person. I got myself setteled and was chuckling to myself as I looked out the window when I felt the presence of a person sit next to me. Thinking I'd made my escape from Mr. Green Eyes, I looked over to see who I'd be semi-sharing my flight with and just about fainted when I realized it was Mr. Green Eyes. "Oh God why me?" I thought as I tried to sink as low in my seat as possible. "No need to be embarrassed, I'm quite flattered." this soft baritone voice spoke to me. I smiled weakly, giggled turned back to look out the window. "Geez James, you're so fucking stupid sometimes." I thought.

We soon departed and I kept my face glued to the window for at least the first two hours of the flight. So much so that when I finally moved, I had the worse crick in my neck. "No wonder you're stiff, you've been hugging the window for the past two hours." Mr. Green Eyes said. "Oh that voice! That voice alone could make me cum right now!" I screamed inside my head. And again, I giggled, blushed and giggled some more. "Here, let me fix you up." Mr. Green Eyes said as he reached over and started rubbing my neck and shoulders. My cock got rock hard immediately and I had to readjust how I was sitting before I ripped the seam in my jeans. After a few minutes of his excellent massage, my shoulders and neck relaxed. "Oh man, that felt great! I'm James, James Vandervoort." I said, sticking my hand out to shake his hand. Grabbing my hand and applying gentle pressure, he replied, "James, nice to meet you, I'm Will, short for William, Will O'Banner." We shook hands and I swear a thousand volts of electricity course through my veins. Will and I began talking and before we knew it, drinks were being served. I asked for a Jack Daniels and Coke and Will asked for a Gin and Tonic. Will told me he worked construction, major corporations, and was flying to London to meet with a client. I explained that I was in Architect and was also flying to London to meet with a client. Another half hour of conversation and we soon learned that only were our clients located in the same building but we were also staying at the same hotel. "Madison," I thought. "What the hell are you up to? This is too much of a coincidence." I continued to think as we continued to get know one another. Dinner was soon served and we continued to talk as we ate. After another hour of conversation and a few more drinks, I was beginning to feel the effect of the bourbon and high altitude combination and told Will it was time for me to close my eyes for a little while. He agreed and we both turned our lights off, made up our chairs into the makeshift beds, put blankets over us and I was soon dozing off.

I wasn't sure how long I'd been asleep when I felt a hand tugging massaging my crotch through my jeans. I wasn't even sure I was really feeling what I was feeling so layed motionless for a few minutes just to make sure. Since the hand was not unbuttoning my jeans and my cock was rock hard, I was pretty sure I wasn't' dreaming and I opened my eyes. "Hello." Will whispered to me. "Hello yourself." I whispered back, smiling. "That feels good." I continued. "You got a nice sized cock." He whispered back, leaning further towards me so no one could hear. I sat up a little bit and looking around the plane, realized the rest of the passengers in our close proximity were sound asleep and there was no sign of the flight crew. I leaned over, nibbeled his ear and whispered to him to watch the bathroom I enter. I quickly buttoned my jeans, adjusted myself and headed to the handicap bathroom. Once in I made sure he saw me and left the door slightly open. He soon entered, locked the door and I immediately sank to my knees and started to unzip his jeans and get his cock out. I had his jeans and underwear down to his ankles and was slowly stroking his beautiful cock. His cock was perfect in size but had a very large mushroom head on it that was pouring out clear cock honey. I licked this tip of his dick, savoring the salty bitter taste of his juice, and soon started bobbing up and down on his dick. Soft moans escaped his lips as he placed his hands on the back of my head and started guiding my head up and down on his cock. "I have to tell you, I cum really quick on the first go around." He whispered as he stiffened, grunted and his dick started pumping cum down my throat. I couldn't keep up with the cum his dick was producing and it was soon running out of the sides of my mouth and dripping down my chin. "I want to fuck you." He whispered, pulling me to my feet and in one fell swoop, yanking my pants down. We kissed briefly before he spun me around, spat in his hand, and started nudging his cock in my backdoor. I wasn't ready for his next step, which was to shove his cock inside my ass at once, giving me no time to adjust or get used to it. I bit my lower lip until it bled and clung on to the side of the lavatory as the pain shot through my ass. He made no sound and I knew I didn't dare make a sound at this point. He pumped his cock twice, stiffened, groaned and was dumping his cum up my sore ass. "That's it?" I thought. He pulled out just as quickly as he had entered, again, biting my lip, pulled up his pants, shoved his dick inside and went back to his seat. "The fucker!" I thought as I tried to let my ass relax. I sat on the toilet, checking myself, sighing in relief that I wasn't bleeding and cleaned myself up. I was rather steamed when I headed back to me seat and even more steamed to find him, sound asleep, snoring with a little dribble of saliva running out of the corner of his mouth. "Fucker!" I thought, as I too began to doze off.

I woke up a few hours before we were to land and looked over at Mr. Rabbitfuck. He was still asleep so I decided to be evil and took my airplane pillow and smacked him upside the head with hit. He jerked and jumped as he was startled into awakeness. Laughing to myself I did my best, "Oh I'm so terribly sorry, I was dreaming..." thinking that the asshole deserved more than that, wincing as I began to realize my ass was sore. We soon landed and he offered to share a cab with me to our hotel, which I politely declined, making up some excuse that my client was sending their limo. I didn't bother to tell him that the hotel offered complimentary shuttle service and the cab fare was going to cost him an arm and a leg, all in british pounds. I arrived at the hotel, relieved that I didn't run into him and checked in. Once I was in my room and unpacked, I headed back to the lobby for directions to a restaraunt that served fish and chips. Within a few short blocks, I found the restaraunt and again, found myself drooling as the waiter came to take my order. As I ate my meal and drank my ale, I noticed the my waiter gave me much more service than he did with his other customers. Deciding to be brave I asked him what time he got off work. He looked to be in his young twenties, legal age anyway. He told me he was off shift in an hour, I ordered another ale and smiled as I began to hatch my plan. This was one young catch who would be tasting my fresh tartar sauce tonight, that he could be sure of.

More to cum!!

Next: Chapter 9

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