James and Clark

By Greg Reese

Published on Apr 22, 2008


Ths is a work of fiction. The characters in this story live in a world free of disease, the use of condoms is not portrayed. The real world is very different, practice safe sex, use a condom.

I run my tongue under the fold of skin that circles the head of Clarks cock, drinking in the taste of the natural musk a man's uncut cock produces. It's like a sex potion for me and instantly fuels my own hard cock. "Oh fuck James, I love it when you run your tongue under my skin." Clark purrs, his hand gently stroking the back of my head, applying gentle pressure. "Oh fucking eat that cock James, yeah, fucking eat it." He moans as the first drop of clear juice begins to seep out. I stick the tip of my tongue into his piss slit, lapping up the sweet nectar he's feeding me. I fondle his bull balls, feeling them roll and churn in my hands, eagerly awaiting the load of cum they are currently churning up. Clark's hip begin to gently buck into me, shoving his dick further and further down my throat, I swallow his massive dick, my nose buried in his pubes, smelling the chlorine on his crotch from the pool.

Clark reaches over me and grabs my cock and gently begins to stroke it. I groan as his hand slowly slides up and down the length of my own hard and aching tool. Clark's cock bucks as the vibrations spread across the head of his dick, causing more sweet juice to run out the tip. I raise up off his cock and sit in his lap, facing him I lean forward, my lips touching his, his tongue meeting mine, the taste of his nectar in my mouth. My hands gently caress his rock hard pecs, my fingers running through the massive amount of hair that covers his chest. I groan again as I feel our cocks against one another, pulsing. I'm focused on his chest, my hands can't seem to get enough of running through the hair, stopping and gently caressing the hardened nipples. I pull off of his mouth and begin feasting on his chin, his days growth of beard scraping my teeth and scratching my lips. I move down to his neck and over to his ears and he moans again as I take one of his ear lobes into my mouth and gently bite and pull. "Oh fuck baby, you are making me wild baby." Clark purrs in my ear as he too nuzzles one of my lobes, nipping and pulling at it with his lips. "Oh God Clark, your body fucking intoxicates me." I whisper as my lips find one of his hard, hair covered nipples. Our cocks continue to pulse, a river of pre-cum pouring out, coating the undersides with a natural lubricant. I continue to feast on his chest, covering every inch of hairy flesh with my mouth, not stopping until his chest hair is wet and matted with my saliva.

"Stand up." Clark says, "I want to try something on you." Clark grabs the pipe, lights it, inhales deeply and places his mouth over mine, he shotguns the smoke into me as I inhale. "That's it?" I ask. "That's nothing new." I say. "No, that's not it." he says, gently slapping my ass with his hands. He shucks back the skin on his cock, grabs mine and as we stand facing one another, cock tip to cock tip, he slides the skin of his cock back over, covering both of our cocks with his foreskin. He then gently begins thrusting into me, our pre-cum lubing the inside of his skin, causing it to slide back and forth over the sensitive heads of our cocks. I throw my head back and groan, the feeling is intense. He's literally fucking my cock with his cock. "God Clark, where did you learn that?" I ask, panting. "It's called docking, I saw it in a movie not that long ago. It's fucking hot isn't it?" he says. "Oh shit Clark, baby, I'm gonna cum." I say as my cock starts shooting cum inside the folds of his skin. I shudder and grunt, my knees buckle, causing our cocks to pull apart, cum spraying the head of his dick and pubes. "Awe shit! Here I go!" Clark shouts out, stroking his cock. I fall to my knees, ignoring the pain that shoots through my knee caps as they hit the concrete decking on the pool. His dick shoots the first volley of cum, landing in my hair. Clark is bucking and groaning as his cock continues to shoot, painting my face with his cum. I throw my head back and let the rest of his load land on my neck and run down my chest. Clark bends over, kissing me, licking his load off of my lips, feeding it back to me. I grab his cum covered cock and stroke it, more cum running out and down my hand, mixing with my load. I bring my hand to my mouth and we both clean his load off my hand. Clark falls to his knees and starts licking the cum off my neck and chest, our cocks are still rock hard and Clark pushes me back so that I'm lying on my back. He straddles me and gently eases my cock into his ass. We moan and sigh as my cock enters into his tight ass, Clark leans forward and begins sucking on one of my nipples as my hands grap his hips and begin guiding him up and down my cock. We roll over, still lodged into his ass I pull his legs back and over his head, his feet touching the pool deck behind his head. His ass is completely upturned and I begin piston fucking him. "Awe fuck dude! OH yeah, pound my ass!" Clark shouts. He grabs his hard cock and to my delight and dismay, is able to run the head of his cock over his outstretched tongue. "Awe fuck James, I can lick my own cock. That's fucking hot James, pound my hole, pound my hole while I lick my dick. Awe yeah, I'm licking my dick just like a dog, shit, awe fucking shit James, goddamn I'm gonna shoot again, I'm gonna fucking shoot in my own mouth!" Clark squeals as his cock fires again, ropes of cum shooting on his tongue and down his own throat. "Get ready Clark, get ready, I'm going to spray your ass with my cum!" I shout, slamming into him again my own cock fires, filling his ass with my pent up cum, it running back out and down his balls. Clark shouts again, another orgasm is coursing through his cock as he feels my cum dripping off his balls. His legs are shaking, he's panting, on the verge of hyper-ventilating as the orgasm consumes him. I ease my cock out of him and bring his legs down, he's still panting as I start licking my cum off his balls, sucking in his sensitive head, pulling his foreskin back over with my lips, tasting more cum as it oozes out the slit of his dick. Clark lays there, trembling, his head rolling from side to side. "I tasted my own cock James." he murmurs. "Mmmm I know, it was fucking hot watching your tongue run over your own head." I say, easing myself down on top of him. I begin to lick the sweat from the cleavage of his pecs, his body still spasming from his orgasm. I hear him sob, emotion taking control now. "Damn Clark, this is fucking lasting you a long time." I whisper to him, my hand running over his panting and heaving chest. "Fuck," Clark pants. "Fuck, this is hot, I'm stuck in this, Oh God!" he screams as another wave hits him. His semi-hard cock rears up, I can see it flexing and jerking as it does when he cums, but nothing is spilling out. I move my head down to his crotch and nurse on his still semi-hard dick, my teeth nipping at the edge of his foreskin. My hands cupping and nudging his balls. I trace the crack of his ass, feeling the wetness from the load I shot deep in him, I begin to circle his ass lips, dipping my finger in from time to time, massaging the inner walls of his ass. Clark groans and bucks on my finger as another wave takes over, his body shaking, panting, moaning, he whispers over and over, "Oh fuck, awe shit, ohhhh." His cock flexes and pulses again, a small trickle of cum runs out and I lick it back up. I begin rubbing Clark's hairy legs, placing one of his feet into my own crotch I begin humping his size 13 foot. I groan, the soles of his feet are soft, not calloused as I thought it might be. I take his foot from my crotch and one by one I start sucking and licking his toes. Clark moans again, his breathing is beginning to restore, his cock though shoots to full hardness. "Bingo, another button!" I think. I continue giving his toes a tongue bath, my own cock rock hard again, ready for another release.

Panting Clark begs me to stop, begs me to let him calm down and catch his breathe. Relunctantly I lay his foot down, licking up the inside of his leg I slowly move forward, not stopping until my head is firmly planted between his legs, my tongue licking the sweat and cum from his balls. They've drawn completely inside his body, his sack is tight. I dip my tongue into the crevice of his ass, he places his hand on the top of my head, whimpering, begging me to stop. I can't, I'm drawn to his body like a moth to a flame. I taste a mixture of cum and sweat and it intoxicates me. I continue to lick forward, starting at the base of his now flaccid cock and licking to the tip of the skin covered head, clear juice continuing to run out from the puckered skin. "James, please, oh God, please, stop." he continues to beg. I taste his stomach, dipping my tongue into his belly button I lick the remnants of our cum that has pooled inside. I continue, in a trance, lost in the rapture of this mans skin and hair. I continue to move up, his chest is covered in sweat, the hair matted, in drink him in as though I'm tasting a fine wine for the first time. Clark continues to whimper, my cock gets harder and harder and I think it might break in half. My balls have drawn up and I reach back to tug on the skin, my cock flexing, a shot of cum arcing out and landing at the base of his neck. I quickly lick it up and another shot is fired, landing somewhere on his chest. I move from his neck and over to the side of his chest where it begins to meet the arm pit. Clark moans and continues to pant, raising his arms and placing them behind his head, I doubt he's even aware he's done this, I have him wrapped in my blanket of pleasure. I nuzzle my face into his wet pit, tasting the saltiness of his sweat and I feast on the wet matted hair. I am lost, like a vampire feeding on the blood of his victim. My cock jerks again and another volley of cum is fired, it splashes my face. I move, crossing Clark's chin to the other pit. He arches his back and shouts, as he cums again. "OH GOD James, I can't take much more, please, oh please, I'm begging you, stop. This feels so fucking good that it hurts, baby, please?" Clark whimpers. I continue my feast and bury my face in his other arm pit. As I begin to lick, my hips start to tremble and my own breathing becomes labored. "Clark.... OH GOD Clark....OH FUCK!" I shout as I rear up, my cock begins to throb and jerk violently, cum runs out the tip and onto Clarks chest. My head is thrown back, my mouth is wide open and I make no sound, lost in the rapture, understanding what Clark means when he tells me it feels so good it hurts. I buck my hips as the waves of bliss and pleasure wash over me. I collapse on top of Clark, panting, sweating. He wraps his arms around me and holds me as the orgasm ebbs and fades. I cover his face with kisses, passionately and hungrily I fasten my lips to his and we roll on the pool deck, arms rubbing our sweaty bodies, hips grinding into one another as the final waves consume us. We lay there wrapped in each others arms, panting as we collect ourselves.

I finally find my voice and I ask, "What the hell was that?" Clark moans, his eyes closed. We doze, there on the pool deck, the cool night air washing over us, calming the flames of our spent passion. "C'mon baby," Clark says, "Lets go find the bed, I need something softer to sleep on." he adds as he pulls me up. We lock the house up, stumble down the hall and fall into bed. "Fuck" Clark says, "Fuck" I reply back. I curl up into the safety of his arms, my fingers tracing circles around his nipple. He gently places his hand over mine and says, "Say goodnight Gracie." "Goodnight Gracie." I reply back and we sleep.

PHEW! I know this is a short chapter but I think you understand why. :-)

Next: Chapter 8

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