James and Clark

By Greg Reese

Published on Apr 22, 2008


This is a work of fiction. The characters in this story live in a disease free world, the use of condoms is not portrayed. The real world is different, practice safe sex, use a condom.

It had been a few days since Clark stormed out of my house. I made it a point to keep my distance, whatever he and Marla needed to work out, they needed to do it without me around. This gave me the perfect chance to work on some new drawings I'd been asked to do. I had finished making the blue prints and was working on the contract for the client to sign when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered. "James? James, it's Marla." the voice said. "Hey Marla, how's your Mom?" I asked. "Not any better, the physical therapy is making her shoulder worse, they're talking surgery now." she replied. "I'm sorry to hear that, I'm sure she'll be.." Marla cut me off before I could finish. "James, sorry to stop you but I really need to talk with you. I'm worried about Clark, have you talked with him?" she asked. "I haven't talked to him since you headed back. I heard you two going at it in the driveway and he came over a little later, pissed off, started taking it out on me so..." I said. "James, what did he tell you?" Marla asked. I explained what he had said and how she'd been upset with him over the three way and that that was about it. "He told you that? I can't believe he told you that!" Marla exclaimed. "James, I wasn't pissed off about it, hell it's some of the hottest sex I've had!" she exclaimed. "Marla, I'm confused, what's, what's going on?" I said, a tone of annoyance entering my voice.

I sat down and listened as Marla explained that the following morning Clark and she had been talking about the night before and Clark was already planning our next adventure when she had told him that yes, it was hot and she really enjoyed it, but that was it, it was a one time thing as far as she was concerned. She continued to tell me that Clark immediately flew off the handle and started ranting and raving at her about shit that had happened years ago when they were dating and how once a month he has to put up with her PMS bullshit. "James, he made absolutely no sense. I don't get it, I still haven't figured out what triggered him to go off like that. I've been calling the house but no answer and he's not calling me back. James, I'm really worried, he took losing his badge really hard. You don't think he's done something stupid do you?" she asked. I told her that I didn't think he had as I'd seen him coming and going a couple of times, each time heading into the house as quickly as I could to avoid a possible confrontation. Just then my call waiting beeped, looking at the number it was Clark. "Marla, Clark's on the other line, let me call you back." I said. "No James, I gotta take Mom to her physical therapy and then get some groceries. I'll call you back in a couple of hours, James, thanks, I really do appreciate you being there." she said as she hung up. Clark had already hung up and as I started to call him back, the doorbell rang.

I opened the door to see Clark standing there, looking like a little boy who'd just lost his favorite toy. "Can I come in?" he whimpered. I didn't say anything as I opened the door and allowed him to pass, taking in his ass, my cock beginning to stir. "Down boy!" I silently said to myself. Clark didn't say a thing, just made his way to the refridgerator, grabbed four beers, two in each hand and headed for the patio. "OK, well this should be interesting." I thought as I closed the front door, locking it and headed out to the patio. I heard a splash as Clark dove in, I opted to sit down as I got out to the patio, cracking open the beers and taking a long swig from it. "Oh I'm so going to fucking need something stronger than this shit!" I thought to myself. Clark swam around for awhile, then hauled his massive, dripping wet frame out of the pool and sat on the side. Still nothing was being said and we sat, Clark's only communication to me was his stretching out his arm as a gesture to please hand him a beer. He downed it in one gulp and silently asked for the other. "Don't you have something to say to me?" Clark asked, refusing to look up at me. "Hi!" was all I responded back with. "Go on, tell me you told me so, tell me how wrong I was." Clark said, sounding more and more like a pouting child. I cleared my throat and got up to retrieve a few more beers and came back, this time sitting next to him. Reaching over and cupping his face in my hands and turning his head so he was looking at me, I gazed into his eyes. "I'm not going to tell you any of that Clark because it's pointless. You fulfilled a fantasy of yours and Marla's and quite frankly I found the entire thing to be incredibly hot. Clark, there's something else going on here that you're not telling me. Marla is worried sick about you right now Clark and she doesn't need to be trying to take care of the kids and her mom and worrying about you too. What the fuck is going on with you buddy?" I asked, watching as tears welled up in his eyes and began running down his cheeks. "I'm so fucked up James, so fucked up. I don't know what to do." Clark cried. I placed my arms around him and drew him to me, holding him as he sobbed. A few minutes later Clark pulled back, grabbing my head he started kissing me, forcefully. I started pushing back, "Clark, Clark, there's a time and place for everything and this ain't it." I said, a harsh tone in my voice. His sobbing began again, hanging his head I watched as his shoulders shook. "Fuck me all to hell." I thought, "this fucker has a case of guilt and doesn't fucking know what to do about it, bet you anything." I continued to think.

"Clark buddy, listen to me, you've got to talk this out, whatever this is. Hanging on to it is not going to make it any better. C'mon, open up to me buddy." I said, trying to get him to get up and sit in the patio chairs. "I'm going to get the bong." Clark said, standing. "FUCK the bong Clark! That shit is NOT going to make whatever you're going through go away. Now sit the fuck down and let's get this shit out in the open!" I yell at him. I honestly don't know who was more surprised by my forcefulness, me or him, either way, he sat down. What seemed like an eternity of silence passed between us before he started talking again. "Marla and I were Freshmen in high school when we met." Clark started, looking up at me, a smile forming at the corners of his mouth as his eyes glazed and his mind went back in time. "I fell in love with her the first night we met, homecoming. We dated all through High School, we gave each other our virginity." he continued. I smiled back, being somewhat of a romantic this pulled at my heart strings. "We tell each other everything James, everything..can we please take a toke?" Clark asked, as though he were a child asking for permission from his parents. "Oh fine, you big baby, go get the damn thing." I replied back. Reaching into his pocket he pulls out a bag of organic tobacco and a pipe. "You asshole!" I say, slapping him on the back. He giggles as he gets the pipe ready, lights it and passes it to me. We take a couple more drags and then he continues. "She's the best fucking thing that has ever happened to me James, the best, not counting the kids of course." Clark says the smoke starting to take affect. "Anyway, we graduate high school and both of us head to college. I was a Sophomore, doing the partying thing as was she when I had my first male to male experience. It was nothing, light kissing, a little cock sucking, jacking each other off. But I kept thinking about it. We couldn't live in the same dorms, so we saw each other as much as we could and fucked anywhere we could find. I told her a couple of weeks later what had happened and she was really cool about you know?" He says, looking at me as he lights the pipe again. "So we start fucking talking about it and she asked me one night after we'd fucked each other's brains out if I thought I was bisexual. Course I just laughed. 'Me? Bisexual? Fuck no!' I remember telling her, but she didn't buy it and she didn't bring it up again." Clark said. I continued to listen, "So we graduate college, get married and I join the Police Academy and while I'm going through my training I keep checking out the other guys in the showers and locker room and I keep having these dreams at night about sucking cock and getting my ass fucked. I keep it to myself, thinking that it's just because I can't be with Marla and there isn't any privacy so it's not like I can jack off in the toilet or anything. So I graduate right, and I get teamed up with this really fucking hot cop on the department. Mike Jansen was his name. Fucking walking hunk who no matter where he goes, people stare at him, men and women both, and he knows it, the cocky bastard, he knows he's fucking hot, you can tell by the John Wayne swagger he's got. Too bad a couple of years later he gets shot while trying to arrest a drug dealer. See what happened was..." "Clark, get back to the point, give me the damn pipe, you're toasted man." I stop him, snatching the pipe out of his hands and smoking the last of the smoke in the bowl. "Oh yeah, so we're getting off duty and we're in the showers and the fucking dude starts stroking his cock, right in front me. I can't believe what he's doing, we're right there at the precint, anyone could walk in and boom, he's fucking gone man. So I watch him and my own cock shoots right up, I get so fucking hard I think the head of my dick is going to pop off and go flying across the showers that's how hard I am." I adjusted myself at this moment, I had already formed a mental picture of these two in the shower, massive boners pointing towards the ceiling. Huge hands wrapped around thick shafts, strong forearms and biceps rippling as they slowly stroke their cocks, their bull balls gently swaying beneath them. I have momentarily tuned Clark out as I run this porno through my mind. "...so we're shooting our junk on the tile floor of the shower and the next thing I know, he fucking reaches over, wipes the head of my cock on his hand and eats my fucking cum." I hear Clark say, "Damn," I think, "Missed some of the best part." "James, oh James? You in there?" Clark says, snapping his fingers to get my attention. "Yeah yeah yeah, I'm here, he wipes his hand across your cock, eats cum, got it. Go on." I reply back.

"So, I freak out, I mean I freak out and run out of the shower, throw on my clothes, putting my T-shirt on inside out and backwards, and run out of the precinct. I get home and Marla is laughing at me but also can tell something's up with me so I tell her what happened. Dude, she gets so fucking hot that she starts playing with her pussy right there, reaching over and grabbing my cock. Course, I'm fucking rock hard again and while she's fingering herself, she hauls my dick out and sucks me off right there in the kitchen. So, we both look at each other and I finally tell her that I think I'm bi." Clark ends the story and looks at me, waiting for a response. I lean forward, thinking there's more to this than that. Realizing there isn't I sit back up, take a swig of my beer, look at him and say, "That's IT? What the HELL does that story, as hot as it is, have any fucking thing to do about you and the bug that has crawled up your ass and taken residence there? Huh? What Clark? What the fuck?" I shout. Clark stares back at me, too stoned to focus in on the fact that he has just totally missed whatever point he had in telling me this story. "My point is, Mister Itchy Britches..." Clark starts to say. I bust out laughing, "Mister Itchy Britches? What the fuck, where on God's green earth." I trail off as I double over in laughter. "Itchy Britches!" I shout, slapping Clark on the back. I then proceed to get up, hands on my hips and begin prancing about, "Oh look at me, I'm Mister Itchy Britches! I got itchees in me britchees." I double over again, laughing so hard I start to pee my pants. Seeing this, Clark begins to laugh, "That'll teach you to laugh at me bitch!" Reaching down Clark picks me up and throws me in the pool, clothes and all. "Now, what do you think about THAT Mister Itchy Britches!" Clark howls. I immediately start laughing again and head for the steps of the pool, Clark reaching out a hand to help me out. Taking the opportunity I yank on his outstretched arm, pulling him off balance and laughing even harder as he tries to do his best swan dive and fails miserably, ending up in doing a belly slam. I've removed my wet clothes and am sitting back at the table, naked, dripping wet, attempting to light the pipe when he hauls himself out of the water, tossing his wet shorts at me as he also strips. We look at each other and bust out laughing again, Clark standing next to me, pulling me up out of the chair and wrapping his bear like arms around me. I look into his eyes and smile as I see the twinkle, knowing that whatever issue he was having, we'd just laughed through it. Clark leans forward and gently kisses me, pulling me back he smiles and says, "My point is that I've been fighting the worst case of guilt and I had no idea how to work through it." Clark says, "I knew that." I respond. "Really? You knew that did you? Well did you know this?" Clark says as he once again picks me up and tosses me into the pool, him diving in right after me.

I swim under water and come up right in front of Clark and spit a stream of water in his face. Taking his hand, he splashes water back at me, "Come here bitch!" Clark growls at me, pulling me into his arms. I nuzzle my face in his hairy chest, my cock beginning to harden. I start to reach down to grab his cock when the phone rings. "Shit!" I thought, "Marla was supposed to call back!" as I swim to the edge of the pool and pull myself out, running into the house to grab the phone. "Hello?" I answer. "James, is Clark there?" Marla asks. "Oh Hi Marla, say how's your Mom?" I loudly say, hoping that Clark hears me and Marla picks up on my subtleness. "Oh got it," Marla replies letting me know she's supposed to play dumb when she talks to Clark and not say anything about calling me earlier. "Yes Marla, Clark is here and I think everything is OK. Do you want to talk to him?" I ask, already knowing the answer. Clark comes in, grabs the phone, "Hey baby." I hear him say as he heads back to the patio. Giving them their privacy, I head back to the master bathroom to dry off, throw on some shorts and grab a towel for Clark. I head back to the patio, being careful to make sure I don't interrupt anything and I hear Clark say, "OK baby, I love you too honey. Yeah, I'm OK, James is a good guy, don't worry." He ends the phone call, hands me the phone and I see tears in his eyes. "I got the best fucking wife," he says as I watch the first tear fall and roll down his cheek. "You OK Clark?" I ask, handing him the towel as I sit down next to him. "I'm fucking great James, I'm the fucking luckiest guy in the world right now. I have an awesome wife and an awesome fuck buddy!" he says, grinning as another tear rolls down his cheek. I lean in and place my lips against his, parting his lips with my tongue as I reach over and start stroking his rock hard cock. Clark moans as he kisses me back our lust and passion for each other taking hold, erasing any of the hurts and anguish Clark had been feeling. I pull off, look into his eyes, smile and say, "I think I'm going to like being your fuck buddy." and I lean over his lap, drawing the head of his uncut cock into my mouth.

More to follow! Let me know what you all think so far!

Next: Chapter 7

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