James and Clark

By Greg Reese

Published on Apr 21, 2008


This is a work of fiction. The characters in this story live in a disease free world, the use of condoms is not portrayed. The real world is very different, practice safe sex, wear a condom.

I spent the week getting caught up on work. Working late into the evenings, on my clients designs, emailing them out, chatting with them on the phone. I collapsed in my own bed each night, thoroughly exhausted. On Wednesday, Clark surprised me by dropping by. I was out at the pool, chatting with one of my clients in the United Kingdom. He wanted me to fly over next week so we could go over some changes in person. Seeing Clark standing at the patio screen door I motioned for him to join me. I wrapped up my call and got up and walked over to give him a kiss.

"Hey gorgeous!" I said as I kissed him lightly on his lips. "Hey yourself." Clark responded. "Well," he continued, "I guess it hasn't been wild sex that's been keeping you away." he chuckled. Taking on my best, southern belle accent I put my hand on my hip and said, "My Mr. Clark, I do declare, are you a bit smitten with jelous bug?" fluttering my eyes at him. We both cracked up laughing as he pulled me into his lap, our eyes meeting, our lips gazing one another, the feel of his hard cock poking me in the back. "Umm, is that a log in your pants or are you happy to see me big boy?" I said in my best Mae West. "It's good to see you in such high spirits James." Clark said, slapping my ass as I got up. "Marla will be home tomorrow night." Clark said. "Yeah? That's great Clark!" I squealed. "So, about our plan..." Clark started to say. "Look Clark, ya know, I don't know about this. I know it's important for you and to be honest with you, I think it might be hot myself, but geez, don't these things always turn out bad?" I said, turning to get us a beer. Clark followed me back into the house, grabbing my waist as I reached into the refrigerator for two cold brews. "It doesn't have to be bad." Clark said, nuzzling my ear, knowing that that always gets me going. I can feel his hard cock rubbing between my ass cheeks and I groan as I move my hips back, feeling his hard cock. It's been two weeks since we've been intimate, since that night of the attack. "Whoa, easy buddy, I don't want you hurting yourself." Clark whispers as he moves to my neck, licking and nipping the back of my neck. "God I want your fucking cock so bad buddy. You have no idea how much I want to just have you shove your meat in my ass and just fuck the living daylights out of me, right here!" I moan, reaching back and grabbing his solid cock. Clark slides his hands into the back of my shorts, his finger finding its target, he gently begins to rub my hole. I groan, reaching back to kiss his tender lips. Clark groans and his tongue seeks out mine and I turn so we're facing, lips locked with lips, tongues duelling it out in our mouths. I'm hot, hard and my cock is beginning to leak. I want this man, I want my neighbor more than I can remember ever wanting another man.

Clark sinks to his knees and begins to fish my cock out of my shorts. Pulling my shorts down he guides the head of my cock to his mouth and gently begins to lick and suck the tender head of my cock. His finger still rubbing my back door, gently pushing in, checking to make sure I'm fully healed. I shudder as I feel his finger slide in, followed by another. There's no pain and I wonder if I'm ready to take his cock inside me. "Oh Clark, yeah, oh fuck, suck my cock, let me fuck your fingers." I moan as I begin to gyrate my hips on his invading hand. Clark spits out my cock and stands, taking me into his arms, planting his lips on mine, he picks me up, takes me back out the patio door and gently sets me down in his lap. On our way out, he manages to get my shorts off of me and as we sit down, he lowers his to his knees. I can feel the head of wet cock sliding past the entrance to my ass and I moan and shudder again, his tongue fucking my mouth. I lift up, he places the head of his cock at my entrance and I shudder again as I slowly lower myself onto his cock. I gently ease myself down, down until I feel his curly pubes brushing my ass, there's no pain, only pure pleasure and bliss. I lean my head back and howl as my cock fires, splashing his T'Shirt with my cum. Clark groans and bucks and I feel the fire of his cum shooting deep into my ass. Panting, we kiss as he gently massages my back. I stay firmly planted on his cock, even though we've both just had a rapid fire cum session, I'm not ready for his cock to leave my ass yet. I begin squeezing my ass muscles, milking his cock, sucking it back to life into my ass. I feel his cock growing again inside me and my own cock responds. Before long I'm bouncing in his lap, panting, begging for him to fuck my abused ass. Screaming his name I fire off another round. Clark lifts me up and starts power driving my ass with his cock, lifting me up and slamming me down on his thick fuck stick. "Oh baby, fuck baby, oh God, you feel good, I've missed this, oh yeah, take that fucking cock of mine, c'mon baby, ride my hard cock!" he shouts. He slams me down on his hard dick one last time and empties his nuts inside my ass.

I ease myself off his still hard cock and dive into the pool, stripping his T-shirt off he joins me and we continue our love making. We're both still hard as a rock, still sexed up, still begging for release. Backing me up against the wall, Clark turns his back to me and eases his ass down onto my hard cock. "Awe fuck yeah! That's what my holes been needing, fuck yeah, c'mon baby, pound my fucking ass!" Clark shouts out. I begin slamming into his ass, twisting, turning, thrusting my hips so that my cock pounds each and every side of ass canal. Clark shouts and I grab his cock and start stroking him off just as he starts shooting another load into the pool. My own cock erupts and I start flooding his insides with my own hot load. Pulling off my cock, Clark turns and we kiss again. Our hands roaming over each other backs and chests. I pull out of him and gaze deep into his eyes, I see his soul. "Clark, if it means so much to you, I'll give it a try." is all I say. His smile beams and he kisses me again, thanking me for keeping my mind open, thanking me for giving him this gift. "I said I'll give it a try. I don't want you to be disappointed if I can't, you know, make this thing happen for you and Marla." I said. "I know, I know, I'm just glad you're willing to give it a try." Clark squealed. I had this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that this was going to be a mistake and my gut feeling told me to back out of this and do it now. I couldn't, I'd already given him my word.

Thursday arrived and I spent the day working off some very nervous energy. I watched as Marla's mini-van pulled into their driveway and Clark rushed out to greet his wife. I watched, like a voyeur, as they hugged and kissed, Clark picking up his wife and carrying her back inside, no doubt to slam her pussy with his hard cock. I went back to my tasks at hand and kept my mind occupied as best I could. The phone rang and I looked at the clock, 8 o'clock it flashed. I answered the phone and it was Clark, inviting me to dinner Friday night and to wear my swim trunks. I graciously and nervously accepted and continued with my work until midnight.

Friday arrived much too early for my likes and as I did some cleaning I thought about what tonights event might bring us. I decided to log on to the computer and maybe check out a few bi-sex sites; hoping that would prepare me for what lay ahead. I entered one particular site that dealt with bi-husbands and as I scrolled through the photos found myself growing hard quickly. I stared at each photo as they showed the couples in different poses. I thought I was going to cum in my pants when I hit the section of photos that showed the man getting his ass fucked while he fucked his wife. "Shit - I'm surprised that looks as hot as it does!" I said aloud. By the time I finished my cock was throbbing, begging for release. "Not now little fella, not now." I said as I patted my cock, my cock flexing and jerking as it responded to the attention. I clicked off the site, shut down the lap top and continued with my cleaning. I decided some home made cherry cobbler and french vanilla ice cream would be a good thing to take to the neighbors with me and I quickly showered and headed to the store for the ingredients I would need. I hadn't baked since Madison had died, he'd begged me to quit my practice as an Architect and open my own bakery. I always brushed it off though, not thinking I was that good to make any amount of money at it. At least not the income I'd been bringing in, which kept Madison and I at a very comfortable level.

The time finally arrived and I packed up the cobbler and ice cream and headed for Clark and Marla's. We shared light talk over an excellent meal of lasagna, cheese toast and Chianti. All three of us felt a little buzz from the Chianti and as Marla brought out the plates of cobbler and ice cream, Clark poured us each a small glass of Amaretto to wash it down with. We soon made our way to the patio and sat at their oversized table continuing our visit, laughing and giggling as Clark related the various mishaps that had befallen me shortly after arriving. Clark reached down, brought up the bong and lit it, passing it to Marla as he held the tranquil smoke in his lungs. There was a certain nervous excitement in the air and the smoke was beginning to work its magic on us as we continued to inhale each time it was passed before us. Clark made the first move, standing he quickly removed his wife beater and shorts, his cock already half hard and growing. I stared at Marla, her eyes glazed with the buzz of the bong, she began to untie her bikini top and rub her hardened nipples. My cock began to respond and before I knew it, I too had stripped down and was now heading to where Clark stood. Standing in front of my neighbor, I knealt down and sucked his hard cock into my mouth. Marla gasped, her hand rubbing the front of her still bikini clad pussy. I began to put on a show for her, licking, nibbling, sucking her husbands cock. Pulling his foreskin up and running my tongue up and underneath it. His moans and sighs giving me the encouragement I needed to continue. Clark gently pulled me off his cock and walked over to Marla, kneeling in front of her, he untied her bikini bottoms, removed them and began eating her pussy. Marla threw her head back, gasping as his tongue sought out her hardened clit, flicking it. I scooted closer, gazing at her shaved pussy, watching intently as Clark continued to dive on her muff. "Fuck that's hot Clark, fucking eat her pussy." I whispered. Clark pulled off of her and guided my head towards her wet crotch. "Go on, give it a try." he whispered. I placed my lips on the folds of her pussy, shocked that there was the same musky smell that Clark's cock had. I don't know what I was expecting as my tongue darted out, parting the lips of her wet cunt. She tasted sweet and I suddenly found myself devouring her pussy, my tongue digging deep inside her, darting in and out, flicking her clit. Marla was groaning, grinding her hips on my face, coating my mouth with her wet nectar. I pulled off and turned to Clark and shoved my tongue in his mouth. His lips covered mine and he sucked and licked his wife's pussy juice off my face. Marla shouted out as her orgasm hit her, her fingers flying over her clit. I watched as she bucked and ground her hips into the chair, her back arched, eyes closed. Clark moved to where she was and fed her his cock while she came. She immediately started sucking his thick massive cock. I moved behind him and bending him slightly forward dove into his ass. Clark groaned as my tongue hit his sweet hole. Marla could see what was happening to her husband and she leaned back further into the chair, spitting his cock out, she spread his legs and had him bend forward more so she could watch her husband's man pussy get tongue fucked. "Oh thats fucking hot Clark, oh fucking so hot watching James eat your hole!" she groaned, her fingers finding her pussy again, slowly rubbing the outer folds of her lips. "James baby," Clark said, "You need to stop, I'm getting too close and I don't want to cum yet." he continued. I eased off his ass and began licking his balls, coating the heavy sacks with my saliva. My cock was sending out a steady stream of pre-cum and I knew I wouldn't need to use much lube on Clark at all. "Baby," Marla moaned, "I want to see him fuck you." Clark leaned forward, kissing his wife full on the lips and moved around to the front of her. Facing her, he fed his solid hard cock into her wet pussy. They both groaned as his cock slid into her and he started to slowly move in and out of her. I moved behind Clark and sat down between his legs. I watched his balls bouncing back and forth, slapping her pussy as he fucked her. Clark looked back at me over his shoulder and gave me the nod that it was time.

My hands were shaking with lust as I pulled apart his ass cheeks and began to get his hole prepared with my tongue. Clark stopped thrusting and moaned and panted while I ate his ass out, my tongue darting in and out, my lips pulling and sucking at his ass lips. Clark's ass was soon ready for my cock and I stood, flexing my knees, I guided the head of my leaking cock to his hole. Clark stiffened as I slowly entered him, stopping to allow him time to adjust to me. I decided to stay motionless and let Clark back onto my cock when he was ready. He slowly began gyrating his hips, causing Marla to moan as his cock ground into her and me to moan as more of my cock was swallowed up in his ass. I was soon deep inside Clark and slowly began to thrust. Clark and I had a hard time at first finding our rhythm, each time one of pulling completely out, realizing that we should have been moving in the opposite direction. I remained motionless and let Clark do the humping. Each time he pulled out of Marla he backed onto my cock. Before long we were one writhing, bucking, grinding, moaning mound of flesh as our sexual fever climbed to a higher pitch. Marla came again, her cries echoing out across the back yard. Clark was getting close as well as his hips began to shake and he began thrusting into Marla faster and faster. His ass clenched around my cock as he hit his cum and started flooding Marla's pussy with his cock juice. I slammed into Clark shortly after that, my own cock erupting deep into his ass. I pulled out of Clark's ass and shot the rest of my load on his balls while he and Marla kissed passionately. Clark suddenly pulled out, spun around, grabbed me up and started setting me down on his still hard cock. I gasped as his dick penetrated me. clark gently lay me on my back on the deck of their pool, legs thrown up over his shoulder he began to slowly fuck me. My cock immediately responded and I reached down and started jacking my dick with his ass juice and cum. Marla got out of the chair and straddeled my face, lower her pussy onto my lips. I could taste Clark's cum on her outter lips and I dove into her wet cunt like a mad man. While I tongue fucked and sucked Clark's cum out of her, Clark leaned forward and started flicking his tongue across her clit. She came again, her pussy juice mixing with remainder of Clark's cum. I bucked and screamed as my cock suddenly fired, my cum landing on my chest. Clark stiffened and groaned and I could feel his cock flexing inside my ass, pumping me full of his cock honey.

We collapsed on one another and lay there, blissful afterglow sleep soon over taking us. I woke up shortly after and saw Marla and Clark curled up next to me, sound asleep, and decided I should head for home. I gathered my clothes, put them back on and made sure I locked the front door on my way out. Walking into my own home, I locked the door behind me and made my way down the hall, falling into my overstuffed bed. I rolled onto my back and reflected on what had just happened. I couldn't believe it, I couldn't believe that I'd just fucked a man and had been fucked by a man while his wife was there. Even more remarkable, I'd eaten pussy, not just once, but twice. My cock had hardened again and I reached down, stroking it I replayed the night's events in my imagination. I quickly came, releasing my cock I rubbed my cum into my chest and nipples, licking the remainder from my hand. I fell asleep and dreamed again that night of Madison looking down at me, smiling, reassuring.

The next day I heard Marla and Clark arguing in their driveway as Marla prepared to head back to San Diego to take care of her mom. "Oh this isn't good, not good at all." I thought. I headed out to the pool, I didn't want to hear this let alone witness it. I heard a car door slam, tires squeal and an engine race and knew that Marla had left, angry. "Oh fuck Madison." I said to the ceiling. "What the fuck did we do?" I continued. I finished up a set of designs I'd been working on and emailed them to my client, hopped into the shower and decided to go do some shopping. As I was stepping out of the shower, the door bell rang. Wrapping the towel around my waist I went to answer the door, it was Clark. "Hey buddy." I said as I opened the door. "Here, I brought you back your dish and the ice cream you left." Clark said, thrusting the stuff at me. "Clark, you OK?" I asked. "Don't wanna talk about it, maybe later." he grumbeled back and left, heading back to his home, slamming the screen door behind him. "Fuck, I was afraid of this. Shit went bad, they can't deal with it." I thought, clicking my tongue as I shut the door behind Clark.

The rest of the day was uneventful. I did some grocery shopping, couple loads of laundry and was just sitting down to enjoy a grilled pork chop when the phone rang. I answered it, "We need to talk." Clark said. No hello, no hey, nothing, just "we need to talk." " Um, OK, when?" I asked. "I'll be over in a few." Clark said and the phone went silent. I put my dinner in the refrigerator and waited, sure enough the door bell rang and I escorted Clark in. He made a bee line for my refrigerator, grabbing a beer and storming out to the patio. I followed after him, "So, what's going on Clark?" I asked. "She hated it, woke up with a ton of guilt this morning and blamed me for the whole mess." Clark said. I stood there, not knowing what to say or do. Finally I reached out and laid my hand on Clark's shoulder. "Don't touch me!" Clark snapped back, throwing my hand off his shoulder. I sat down opposite him, "Clark, I don't know what to tell you." I started. "Well telling me I fucking told you so isn't it, THAT much I can tell you." Clark shouted, slamming his fist on the table, causing me to jerk. "Look Clark, I know you're upset but if you think coming over here and taking it out on me is the solution." I said. Before I could say another word, Clark got up and stormed out of the house, slamming my front door as he left. "OK, well. Well Madison? NOW what the fuck do I do?" I said, again looking at the ceiling.

Will this be the end of James and Clark? Stay tuned...... Thanks for the E Mails, I appreciate the feed back and keep them cumming!

Next: Chapter 6

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