James and Clark

By Greg Reese

Published on Apr 21, 2008


This is a work of fiction. The characters in this story live in a world free of diseases, the use of condoms is not portrayed. The real world is very different, practice safe sex, use condoms.

The cell phone in the bedroom started ringing, interupting our sex session. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me as I jumped out of the shower and headed for the bedroom. "Hello?" I answer, a little gruff, not happy that I'm missing my chance to get in Clark's ass again. "You've got to be fucking kidding me! What the fuck am I going to do now?" I scream in the phone. "Insurance? How the fuck do you buy insurance for furniture?" I shout. "Yeah I got home owner's insurance!" I yell back to the voice. "Fine, I'll contact my home owner's insurance and let them know what's going on." I say as I fold up the phone. "Jesus mother of...if this don't fucking suck! Shit! Shit, shit, shit!" I growl. Clark turns the water off in the shower, grabs his towel and heads out to see why I'm cussing.

"What's up?" he asks, coming into the bedroom. "That was the goddamned moving company. The fucking station in Gila Bend that was holding the fucking truck waiting for the fucking part caught fire this afternoon and guess who's motherfucking furniture got burned up in it!" I shouted. "Ummm....Batman's?" Clark answers back, trying to put a little humor into the situation. I just glared at him, not appreciating the flippant comment. "So, you got home owners insurance, just file a claim." Clark says as he's toweling his hair dry. I walk into the bathroom, slapping his ass as I passed. "Ow! What was that for?" Clark yelped. "For being flippant." I snap back, dropping my towel and rooting through my suitcase for a shirt and pair of shorts. We got dressed and I grabbed my car keys and headed out the front door. "You coming?" I asked. "No, I think I hear a honey do list calling me. Besides I'm not so sure I want to spend the afternoon with you right now. You're pretty pissed and I don't want to be the target of your venom." Clark said, walking out the door and shutting it, making sure it's locked. "Suit yourself." I hissed back. "That's exactly what I'm talking about." Clark said. "I'll see you later." he continued as he turned and headed for his house. I watched him as he entered the house, turned and waived and disappeared. I climbed into the car and squealed out of the driveway and sped off, looking for a furniture store.

I ended up at the mall, wandering around I mostly window shopped and thought. I wasn't upset about losing the furniture, but all of our photos were packed and inside that van. I had one with me that I kept with me all the time, and that was it. I sat at the food court and called the insurance company. I gave them all of the information and was glad that I'd had the foresight to get the expensive stuff appraised and the appraisal filed with the insurance company. I would receive a check in 6 to 8 weeks. I then called Clark's number. No one answered so figured he was out goofing around or out by the pool. I left the mall and decided I needed to really find a furniture store, I wasn't going to be sitting on nothing for another 6 to 8 weeks. JC Penny had an outlet store in the mall so I decided to check them out. I was milling around, looking at living room suites, when the young salesman came over and asked if he could be of assistance. I told him what I was looking for and he showed me a couple different pieces. "Shit!" I said out loud to no one really, "I need it all, everything has to be replaced!" I continued. "I beg your pardon?" the salesman asked. "Oh, sorry, my furniture went up in smoke today, literally. The van burned, all of it, gone, toast, even the toaster, toasted." I said, giggling at the last sentence. "Uh wow, um, OK so let me show you some stuff then." the salesman said, clearly not as amused by my humor as I was. He followed me around, of course, his eyes flashed dollar signs with the amount of commission he was going to make off of me, offering his thoughts on various things. Four hours later, I had just purchased an entire house full of furniture again, to include silverware and dishes. "Where's your bathroom?" I asked. "Oh right over there." he pointed as he finished ringing everything up and was putting stuff in bags. I took off, my bladder was in dire need of release, and after finding the bathroom, taking care of business and washing my hands, I headed back. "I just looked at our delivery schedule. Most of the furniture you bought is in our wharehouse and we had a cancellation Monday. Would you like for us to deliver on Monday?" the salesman asked. "Hell yeah!" I fired back. "Is seven in the morning good?" he asked. "Yes, it's fine. I'm self employed so I'll be home. Thankfully I keep my computer with me!" I said, noting the look of "I don't care" on the salesman face. "This boy needs a good spankin, and fucking!" I thought, taking the receipt from the young mans hands. "Here, I'll help you out." he offered. We took the bags to my car, filled the trunk up as well as the back seat. "Here's my card, call me, anytime." He said, offering me his hand. "Um, OK." I replied back, missing the obvious subtle pick up line.

I pulled into the driveway and started unloading the car. Once I had the bags inside I decided to pop open a beer. I reached into the refrigerator and noticed how warm it felt inside. "Awe shit!" I groaned. "Not you too!" I said to the refrigerator, playing with the temperature controls. It was no use, the refrigerator was dead. I called Clark and asked if he knew anything about refrigerators, he said no but said I was better off just buying a new one. He offered to go with me, said he'd drive. I met him outside a few minutes later and off we went. We headed for Home Depot, he knew one of the salesmen there and said he would get me a good price on a quality item. Introductions were made and an hour later I was making the arrangements for a new refrigerator to be delivered, also on Monday. We got back in Clark's truck and headed for home. "James, why don't you crash with me tonight? At least sleep on a bed versus the floor." Clark said. "I think I'll take you up on that offer, plus you owe me a piece of your ass." I said. "Hey, sorry man about this morning, I shouldn't have taken it out on you." I continued. "Not a problem." Clark said, reaching over and squeezing my leg. "Umm...you do have some nice thighs on you boy." Clark said. We soon pulled into the drive and headed into Clark's house. "I'm going to order some pizza, anything you don't like on it?" Clark shouted out as I headed for the living room. "Anchovies, no anchovies, I hate those little nasty salty pieces of dried shoestring." I shouted back. "So tell me how you really feel!" Clark shouted back. Clark soon returned, beers and bong in hand and sat down on the couch next to me. We took a couple drags off the bong and I asked him if he'd finally said anything to Marla about his job. He told me he had, she was OK with it, felt bad for him but the force was going to let him run out his leave. Between his sick leave and vacation time along with comp time he would have a steady paycheck from the department for about four months. He also told me he'd talked with his brother and he'd have an office ready for him in a couple of weeks and could start with him whenever he was ready. "See? I told you, family is always there!" I said, slapping him on his back, making him choke on his beer. About that time the door bell rang, the pizza was here. "Damn! That one was a youngun!" Clark whistled as he walked in with a couple plates of pizza. "Yeah? Thinking you might want to pop his cherry?" I kidded. "C'mon, it's nice out, let's eat on the patio." Clark said.

We ate in silence, choosing to listen to the neighborhood noises rather than carry on conversation. "That was good. Great idea there Clark." I said, taking a swig of beer to wash the last of the pizza down. "Uh huh...say, I don't want to freak you out but I told Marla about you and I." Clark said. I looked at him, studying his face, "And?" I asked. "Dude, she fucking came on the phone!" he laughed. "We had fucking phone sex that night! Can you believe it?" Clark chuckled. I wasn't sure how to react to this news, I continued to stare at him. "What! What's wrong?" Clark asked. "I don't know Clark, I don't know if I can pound your ass with your wife there." I continued. "James, c'mon, it's just fucking sex." Clark said. "Just fucking sex?" I snapped back. "James, don't get all high and ethical on me now. Remember, it's MY married ass you been fucking." Clark snapped back. "You're right Clark, you are absolutely right, it IS your married ass I've been fucking but I sure as hell didn't here you telling me to stop either!" I fired back. "Was that what all of this has been about? Meet the new guy, earn his trust, flirt a little with him, get him drunk and stoned and then set him up to see where it's going to go? Hoping he'll fuck your ass so you can tell sweet momma about it and the two of you can fucking get your jollies off? Is THAT what this is about? And then what Clark? Then what the fuck what? Huh? I help you and Marla satisfy your curiosity and then what? Huh? Tell me, what happens then?" I shouted, anger causing my face to glow bright red. "Jesus Christ James! Shit, if I'd known you were going to blow up like this I'd..." Clark said. "You'd what Clark? What? Not even bother?" I snapped back. Clark realized at this point there was no way he was going to get me to see this any other way. He had put this conversation on a bad note to start with and was just making it worse. "Thanks for the pizza and fuck you!" I shouted, getting up and storming back to my house. I closed the door behind me, "Fuck you too Madison! Fuck you for leaving!" I shouted at the ceiling, tears of anger beginning to roll down my cheeks. I sat on the floor, fuming, crying. The door bell rang, "Go the fuck away Clark." I shouted. The bell rang again, standing I grabbed the door knob, flung it open and shouted, "I said go the fuck away... Oh, hello." It was the cute little salesman from JC Penney. "Nice," I thought to myself, just nice, probably thinks I'm fucking loony." "Um, sorry to bother you but you left your credit card at the store." He said, holding his hand out to show me the Master Card with my name on it. "Oh silly me, thanks!" I said back, reaching out to grab it.

"Is everything OK sir?" he asked. "Peachy! Everythings just fucking peachy!" I snapped back. "Um, well, OK then, have a good night." He replied back, a look of confusion on his face, turning he made his way back to his car. I slammed the door behind me. "Fuck!" I shouted again. I decided to head out for the night, not sure where but anywhere away from the house and away from Clark would be good. I called a cab, hopped in and asked him to take me anywhere there was pure raw man on man hot sex. "Shit! You don't need to go nowhere, just hop up here with me!" the cabby grinned. "Yeah, but, no." I snapped back. It was only a matter of minutes before he stopped in front of a bar, I could hear the music pounding inside. I gave him his cab fare plus tip and he gave me his card, telling me to call him when I'm ready to head for home. Once inside my eyes adjusted to the darkness and my ears to the music. It's just another typical gay mans bar, nothing spectacular. I head for the bar, once there I order three double shots of Jack Daniels and a beer. I slammed the shots before the bartender could even put the entire order down. "Easy there guy, you got all night in here! Rate your going you'll be puking up your guts in the parking lot in nothing flat!" the bartender says, taking the 20 dollar bill I hand him and bringing me back a quarter in change. "Fuck me!" I thought. "Goddamn drinks aren't cheap here are they!" Grabbing my beer bottle I start to wander around, my head beginning to buzz from slamming the shots of Bourbon.

I see a room off of the dance floor that men are entering and exiting from and I head over there. The room is dark, blue theatre lights are hung, haphazardly along the ceiling, their blue dim casting everyone into dark shadows. The smell of cum and poppers permeates the air while sound of cocks being sucked and asses being fucked can be heard. I can't see anyone's face, merely shadows of men in the various stages of anonymous sex. The flash of a wedding band can be seen off an on, indicating the presence of a husband, on the down low, here on business I imagine. I find an open space along one wall of the room and I stop and lean up against it. More to steady myself than anything else as the shots of Bourbon have now made me lightheaded, the aroma of poppers adding to my high. A pair of faceless hands reach out, unbuttoning my jeans, they reach into my underwear and pull out my cock. A warm wet mouth encircles the head of my dick and I sigh as my cock begins to respond. The faceless lips draw me in deeper and deeper, sucking my cock as a baby would suckle a mother's breast. I groan a little louder, a bottle of poppers is passed under my nose and I inhale, the effects instant, my cock rising to full hardness. The faceless hands reach around me, grabbing my ass they pull my jeans down to my knees and I feel a finger searching for my hole. I gasp as the finger finds its target and begins to lightly rub on my man clit. I buck, shoving my hard cock further down the faceless throat. I hear a groan and a gasp in the distance and know that a faceless cock has just dumped a load. Maybe in a faceless ass, maybe down a faceless throat, I don't care, I'm too wrapped up in my own faceless stranger. The poppers pass by my nose again and again I inhale, climbing higher. I feel a spray of wetness land on my thigh and I realize another load of cum has been lost. The poppers pass by again and I inhale. Driven by my lust I start fucking the faceless lips that are attached to my cock. I hear a gag and know I shoved too far and too fast but I don't care. All I want is to nut, to lose my load, blast my faceless throat with my cum. The poppers pass by and again, I inhale. I'm slamming my cock down the faceless throat and the throat groans, vibrations surrounding the head of my cock, sending me over the edge. I shove with all of my might and my cock erupts, wave after wave of hot man lava cascades down the faceless throat. I hear a groan, feel another vibration around the head of my dick and more wetness on my legs and I realize that a faceless cock is now shooting a load. My knees weaken as my orgasm ends and I start to slump but I catch myself. In an instant, the faceless throat is gone. Panting I pull my jeans and underwear back up and button myself shut. The poppers pass by, I don't inhale.

I continue to roam around the bar, finding nook and crannies too dark to see in but knowing, feeling someone is there. There's a show on the stage, a man is dressed in a leather harness and wearing leather chaps. I stop and watch as he parades and dances, showing us is long soft cock. A shot of bourbon is passed to me and a faceless finger points back into the direction of the bartender who winks at me. I smile, down the shot and give the glass back to the faceless hands, my gaze returning to the man on the stage. There is a table behind the leather clad man on the stage and he gyrates his way to the table. He quickly spreads his ass cheeks, showing us his shaved hole, making it wink to the audience. Someone gasps as he applies a well lubed finger to his hole, followed by another and another and another until eventually he is fisting his own hole. Another man groans, another load of cum is lost. The leather clad man removes his fist. He grabs an orange traffic cone and holds it above his head, proudly displaying it for everyone to see as he continues to prance across the stage. Another man groans and another load of cum is lost. I watch, mesmerized as he calls a man out of the audience. He hands him a bottle of lube and points to the traffic cone. The man pumps massive amounts of lube on the traffic cone. As a reward, the leather clad man allows him to suck his cock for a few minutes before he's dismissed from the stage. Another groan, another load lost. The leather clad man turns his back to us, straddles the cone and gasps spread out across the audience as he slowly sits down, the traffic cone penetrating his hole. Another groan, another load lost. This is too much for me to take in and so I leave and find my way back to my bartender friend. He is sitting at the end of the bar, two shots of bourbon waiting for us. His day is done and as I approach him, he graps my waist and squeezes my ass as he offers me the bourbon. I swallow it and we get up to leave. We're in a cab, heading somewhere, where I don't know, my head is swimming from the booze and the poppers. He pushes my head down into his lap and I gnaw and suck on his hard fuckstick through his jeans, getting the front of his jeans soaking wet with my spit. Another groan, the cabbie lost his load. The cab stops and we get out and I'm led up a sidewalk and into a house. I'm fucked up and revved up, my hard cock takes over the thinking for me. A bottle of poppers is passed under my nose and I inhale. I'm handed another shot of bourbon and I drink it. Forced to my knees I take a hard cock in my mouth. The head is wet and tastes of salt, did he just piss? I think to myself. I proceed to nurse on the thick head, my hands grabbing a ball sack, kneeding an ass. I feel my own clothes being removed and a wet finger making it's way to my precious hole. I try to look at my bartenders face but I can't make anything out, it's all fuzzy. I begin to lay back on what I think is a bed, pulling my legs up to my chest I hear myself tell my bartender friend to fuck my ass. A bottle of poppers is passed under my nose and I inhale. I feel his tongue at the entrance to my ass, licking, jabbing, tasting the inner walls of my ass. I soon feel the wet head of a lubed cock as it parts the lips of my manpussy and I groan. As he continues to push into my ass I feel the lips of my hole being stretched wider and wider and I wonder how large his cock must really be. He stops and allows me to relax; relaxed my ass starts sucking his cock in again. I hear another voice and I realize we are not alone and it's not one cock I'm taking but two. I'm taking two cocks inside my ass, two, my cock jerks and I feel the jets of hot cum landing on my face and I realize I just lost my load. The two cocks begin moving in and out of me. My head rolls from side to side, I pant, lost in the feeling of having two cocks stuffed up my ass at the same time. I cry out, my cock is jerking and shooting again, I'm bucking on both of my two dicks and I love it. I feel so full and I love it. "Fuck you Madison!" I shout in my head; "Fuck you for leaving!" I shout in my head again. "Fuck me please, oh GOD just fuck me!" I hear myself yelling out. "NOOOOO! Get off of him!" I hear someone shout, it is the last thing I hear before the black fades in and I am gone.

The sun shining in my eyes causes me to stir. My head is pounding as I lay there trying to open my eyes. "James?" I hear someone call. I roll over and the pain in my ass begins immediately. I bolt upright, screaming as the searing pain cuts through me like a hot knife through butter. "Oh GOD James, oh GOD, I'm so sorry I'm so fucking sorry." I hear a familiar voice sobbing and I feel arms around me. "Clark? Clark is that you? I can't see you." I say. "Yes baby, yes, it's me, you're safe. Do you remember anything about last night?" he asks me. I sit up, trying to put the fire out in my ass but sitting makes it worse so I lay back down. "No" I respond. "James, you went to the worst bar last night. You were drugged and then dragged into the alley; a group of men were taking turns, fucking your ass, two were on you at the same time, when a buddy of mine came upon the sight. He fired a warning shot, scaring them off but before they left they slammed your head into the dumpster. He went to look for your wallet but they had taken it and he found your cell phone instead. When he came across my name and number he called. I rushed over, put you in the truck and brought you back to the house. You were bleeding bad so I called an EMT buddy of mine who came over and took a look at you. You're going to be OK but taking a shit is going to be rough for awhile." Clark said. "I owe you my life Clark, fuck man, I was so mad at you when I left." I said. "I know, but it's OK, I shouldn't have said anything to Marla until I'd talked to you first, I'm sorry, fuck man I'm sorry." Clark said, emotion and tears causing his voice to shake. I reached out for Clark's arm, of which he offered. Putting his arm around my shoulders I hugged him as tight as I could. "Clark, I'm the one that made the bad choice, it's not your fault." I said. "Ssssh..we have plenty of time to talk about this later. C'mon, let me help you up, you need to get some food in you." Clark said as he gently lifted me out of bed. I screamed out as the pain in my ass and head tore through my body. Clark held me there, motionless as I regained my momentum. "Shit Clark, the deliverers, today's Monday, FUCK! What time is it?" I said in a panic. "It's OK, they've been here and left already." Clark said, "and it's one in the afternoon." he continued. We made our way to the kitchen and Clark gently set me down and began to feed me. I stayed with him the remainder of the week and by the following weekend my eyes had returned to normal size, although they were still black and blue and purple and my ass had healed as well. Clark had already called my credit card companies and the bank and had everything stopped and replacement cards were ordered. It was now Friday and Clark and I were sitting in his kitchen, eating breakfast. "Marla's coming home next weekend for a quick visit." Clark said. "Oh good, it'll be good to see her again. Are the kids coming too?" I asked. "Naw, they'd rather stay with their grandmother. She spoils them." Clark said. "So listen," I started, "About you and Marla and me." "Forget about it," Clark responded, "It was just a stupid fantasy." "So does that mean you and I are done?" I asked. Realizing Clark was about to step in it again, he chose his words carefully. Leaning across the table and grabbing my hand, Clark said, "James, I really value our time together, I truly do and I think you do as well. Yes, it would be hot to have a three way with you and yes, I can think of no other man I'd want pounding my ass while I pound my wife but if that isn't something you're comfortable with, then so be it. Where's the pleasure in that? And as far as whether or not I'm done with you? Oh hell no James, not even. You've done something to me, something I would never have thought possible, but something none the less." I smiled at Clark, tears welling up in my eyes. I didn't know what to say, all I could do was gaze at this gorgeous man and think how lucky I've been to have to great men in my life, Madison and now Clark.

That night I dreamed of Madison, his eyes gazing down upon me, a smile on his face, his quiet reassurance that I was going to be OK and my life was moving on.

Next: Chapter 5

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