James and Clark

By Greg Reese

Published on Apr 21, 2008


This is a work of fiction. The charactes in this story live in a disease free world, the use of condoms is not portrayed. The real world is very different, practice safe sex, use a condom.

We stumbled our way back to where I had set up my make shift bed. As I checked to make sure I'd locked the doors on the house, I came back to find Clark softly snoring. The booze, smoke and sex having taken it's toll, he was now in that world of blissful sleep. I laid down next him, watching his chest rise and fall, envious that I couldn't experience the deep sleep that he must be having. He lay on top of the blankets, completely nude and my eyes roam over the length of his body. His limp cock laying to one side, his ample bull balls nestled between his parted legs. I scooted down and laid my head on his stomach, Clark made no move or sound, he was completely out for the count. I carefully move my hand to between his legs and let my fingers trace the wetness that surround his freshly fucked ass. I breathe in the heady aroma of sweat, cum and musk, my cock beginning to harden. I watche as Clark's own cock begins to plump. A soft moan escapes his lips and I wonder what erotic dream he must be having. I watch as his cock flexes and continues to grow, the tip of his dick beginning to nudge my lips. My cock immediately responds and I'm rock hard, the head of my dick gently thumping against Clark's thigh. "Oh fuck Clark, what did we do tonight?" I whisper out loud as I watch a drop of cum form at the tip of his cock. I stuck my tongue out, licking the sweet drop of his juice from the tip of his dick. Clark groans and thrusts his hips forward, his cock head parting my lips and entering my mouth. I sit up, taking his cock into my mouth as I began to give him head. I move my hand back to my ass and began rubbing my finger over my own wet hole, slowly sliding it in to the second knuckle. I bob my head up and down on Clark's rock hard cock while I finger my own hole, trying to remain as quiet as possible so as not to wake my sleeping horny giant. Clark soon grunts, his cock head swelling and he is pumping another round of cum in my mouth. My own cock fires, coating his thigh with my load. I nurse the cum out of his dick and scoot back up to let him sleep.

I lay on the pillow, eyes closed, as I start to drift off to sleep. The dream starts the same way every night. We were saying our goodbye's to our friends, chatting about Christmas which was tomorrow. We had made a deal years ago, long before it was law, that we would make sure one of us drove sober. Tonight was my turn. Madison had been fighting the start of a cold that week, so he had not consumed too much alcohol that night. Still though, one drop was too much as far as we were concerned. I held his hand as I started the car, smiling I looked over, leaned across the seat, kissing him on the lips. "I love you Madison. Do you know that?" I said. Madison smiled, squeezing my hand, replying, "I love you more." I start the car and we head for home. We're driving, listening to Christmas Carols on the radio. I turn onto George Washington Drive as a light snow begins to fall. "We're gonna have a white christmas sweetie." Madison tells me. I grab his hand, kiss it, and smile. I hear the squeal of the brakes before I see the lights. Coming at us, in the same lane we're in. I scream, slam on the brakes but it's too late, our cars collided, sending us spinning out of control along the highway. I hear the glass shatter and turn to see Madison is gone, his side of the windshield broken out, his seat belt and shoulder harness sliced with the shattered glass. I black out. I see lights, and I hear voices. "Madison, where's Madison?" I ask in my dream, just as I did that night. I give in to the blackness again.

I raise up off of the make shift bed, screaming, sweat pouring off my forehead and chest. "Madison, where's Madison?" I hear myself call out. The morning sun is peeking through the windows in the bedroom. I'm confused, disoriented, just like I always am after my dream. I look around, Clark is gone, the indent of his head on the pillow next to me being the only evidence that he was even there. I look at the ceiling, wide eyed, frantic, like a scared child who's just seen the monster that hides in the closet and then I realize, it was the dream, and I start sobbing again. I bury my face into my pillow and scream, hard, loud, I scream and I sob. I lay on my side, curled into the fetal position, crying softly, the pain of losing the man I so desperately loved coming back to me again and again, raw, fresh, as though today was the day after versus the day after a year and a few months later.

I hear the truck pull into the drive and realize the men are back to finish the flooring. "Get a grip James, get a fucking grip" I tell myself. "No YOU get a fucking grip!" a voice says back to me, and the sobbing begins again. The doorbell rings, I rise as though I'm on auto-pilot. I pull on my shorts, ignoring the cum now dried and matted in the hair on my stomach and chest. The doorbell rings again and there's a knock on the security door. I open the door and it is the driver smiling back at me, the same one who's cock I'd tasted the day before. His smile soon turns to a look of concern as he sees my tear stained wet cheeks and hears the knot in my voice as I try to keep from losing it yet again. "Are you OK? I hear him ask. "Yes, bad night, bad dream." I hear myself respond. Opening the door they come in and quickly go about their business. I stand at the door, gazing out into the front yard, gazing out at nothing. "Get a grip James, get a fucking grip." I tell myself again. I turn and walk into the living room, realizing for the first time what a mess I must look like, dried cum, swollen puffy eyes. I tell the crew I'll put some coffee on for them, all I have are styrofoam cups I offer, they reply with their appreciation. I excuse myself, coffee perking, dripping from the basket and into the glass carafe, telling them I'm going to get cleaned up. I see the man who's cock was fucking my mouth the day before adjust himself. I turn on the water in the shower, waiting for it to warm up. Once warm I step in, close the glass door behind me making a mental note that the next project is to update the shower, and stand underneath the spray. Eyes closed I let the warmth surround me and wash over me, taking with it the horrors of the dream before. I start to soap up and sense that I'm not alone. Facing the shower door I see my two hispanic men, nude, stroking their hard cocks. I open the shower door, "Here to collect?" I ask. "Si" is the response. I'm still lost, somewhere between dream state and consciuosness, I feel a hard cock penetrate me and I lean forward, allowing the young cock inside me to slide further into my ass. I hear the young mans groans and grunts as he fucks my ass, I feel his buddy's hands bumping my hip as he strokes his cock. My own cock is hard, a mind of its own, it appears to be oblivious to the fact that I'm lost, lost again in my world of pain. I make no sound, no movement, nothing to indicate to my hispanic men that I am even aware they are there. I'm merely a hole for his cock right now, something for him to cum in. The pounding he's giving my ass increases as he gets closer and closer to the point of no return. I feel the cock belonging to his buddy spraying my ass cheeks with his cum and my own cock releases it's load, landing on the shower floor, to be swept down the drain. The cock in my ass expands and it slams into me, causing me momentary pain. I feel the heat of the cum as it shoots out of the cock inside me. Satisfied, the cock leaves the confines of my ass. I know I'm alone again and I slide to the shower floor, sobs overtaking me again.

I have these days, these days where I feel I'm in a fog. Outside of myself is more like it, as though I'm a spectator in my own life, watching me go through the daily grind. My therapist says its a combination of the grief and post tramautic stress. I laugh, post tramautic stress, that's what they call it when they can't think of anything else to say. I'm showered, somehow managing to soap up and wash my hair, not knowing how or by who's hands, they surely couldn't be my own could they? I'm now dressed and back, pouring a cup of coffee for myself I head for the patio. I spy the towel that I had massaged Clark on the night before, my fingers and cock taking his virginity. The day slips by me, I have days like these. "We're done sir." the man says to me, the one who's cock was spraying my ass cheek with cum. "Hum?" I respond. "we're done sir." he replies. "Yes, yes, so you are. Thanks." I respond. I hear the man telling his co-worker that senior is loco and I show them out the door. I have days like these. Standing at the door, watching the men drive off I turn, Clark's truck is not in the driveway. I close the door, lost again, lost still in the fog. I have days like these.

My cell phone rings, the voice on the other end tells me they'll be here at six in the morning with my furniture. I say thank you and hang up and I cry again. Sleep overcomes me. I sleep on the gray days that I have, I sleep to hide. Funny how the same thing that terrifies me also provides me escape at times. I feel a presence and I hear a voice. "James, you forgot to lock your doors again." the voice says. "James? You OK?" the voice continues. I stare at my neighbor, tears falling from my eyes. "Awe James, fuck James." the voice says to me and I'm soon gathered up into arms. I let my grief overwhelm me again and again the sobs rack my body. The arms hold me, gently rocking me, I'm transported back to my childhood and I feel my mother's arms around me. These arms though are powerful and strong and I nuzzle my face into them. I'm being lifted, lifted and carried and now placed back down again, my clothes are removed and I'm stripped to my underwear. The arms surround me again and a body presses up to me and I sleep.

"It's a beautiful day in downtown Palm Springs. All you lazy bones get out of bed!" the voice on the radio blasts. I open my eyes, the clock reads five. Clark's arms are still around me and I realize that yesterday was one of my lost days. I gently sneek out from underneath him and head to the kitchen to get coffee going. I admire my newly installed hardwood floors and I wonder what the two men must be thinking. I know when I have my lost days, as I call them, and I'm powerless to stop them. I watch myself from a safe distance, it's my minds way of protecting me, or so my therapist says. I feel a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist, and I hear Clark softly moan in my ear. "How are you doing today?" he asks me. "Good, better. Listen, sorry you had to see that yesterday. I sometimes get....some days I'm....fuck, Clark, some days are just bad days." I say, turning to see his unshaven face. Clark smiles, his eyes twinkling and he replies that it's OK, he's just concerned that I'm leaving things unlocked. "There's a lot of gang crime here in Palm Springs James, I just want you to be safe." I smile as I kiss the man who's hard cock is now poking my balls. Reaching down to massage his cock I say, "I take it you're OK with what happened and too bad there's no time." "I'm good with it, very good with it. My ass is a little sore but I'm good with it, and who says there isn't time?" Clark responds pushing my head down. I drop to my knees and pull down the front of his underwear. His cock bounces out, the sheathed head slapping my chin. I grab his bull balls and start tugging on them as I go to work on his cock. I have to be fast, the moving company will be here shortly so I find the one spot on his cock that I know will trigger his cum. It's the same spot on every man. I focus on his joy spot and am rewarded by his groans of pleasure and surge of sweet clear ball juice. "Fuck James, you're gonna make me cum soon!" Clark shouts and before he knows it, his cock is pumping a load of sweet man cream down my throat while my own cock, freed from the confines of my underwear, unloads, dribbling cum on his size 13 feet. I nurse on his cock until I know I've gotten all his sweet cock nectar out and then begin kissing down his legs until I reach the foot that is covered in my load. I quickly begin slurping and licking my own cum off the top of his foot as my cell phone rings. Clark answers and shortly hangs up. "That was the moving company, the van broke down last night outside of Gila Bend Arizona. Looks like your furniture is going to be another couple days late." Clark says. I continue cleaning off the top of his foot, making sure I get this toes and in between. Satisfied his foot is clean I stand up and Clark and I kiss, I share the taste of mine and his cum as I feel the head of his cock begin to bang against my balls. "Lets take a shower." I offer and, grabbing him by the hand, lead him to the shower stall. Clark has other ideas though and he guides me to the sink, bending me over he yanks my underwear down and begins feasting on my ass, his tongue quickly finding my hole and opening me up. I groan and buck on his tongue as he fucks me with it. My cock is rock hard and I'm smearing clear juice on the front of the cabinet doors. Clark stands and pushes his cock into me, I grunt as my ass attempts to get used to the intruding piece of meat. Clark backs off, allowing me to relax and before long I feel the head of his mammoth cock slide past my ring. The skin on his cock is still pulled forward and it adds another dimension of feeling as he starts sawing his cock in and out of my ass. I arch my back, leaning against his rock solid, furry chest. Reaching behind me I grab his ass cheeks and pull him into me, driving his dick further up my ass. His cock slides over my love nut and I start shooting my cum again, landing on the doors of the sink and running down, dripping on the newly installed wood floor. My ass clenches and grips Clark's cock as I fire my load. "Awe fuck!" Clark screams as his own cock unloads in my ass. Panting he pulls out, rubbing his cock up and down the crack of my freshly fucked ass. "Damn, I didn't want to cum that soon." He says, leaning forward to nuzzle my ear. I laugh, pull away from him and head for the shower. As we wash I start asking him about his wife and how is she going to deal with this when she returns. "Easy, ask her to join us." He replies. "What the fuck did you say? Get the fuck out of here! You are going to ask your wife to join in?" I ask in complete shock. "Hell yeah! She's been wanting to see me get fucked up the ass for a couple of years now. She thinks it'd be totally hot for me to be fucking her pussy while some guy is fucking my ass. We've just never explored it that's all." Clark responds. "Get outta here!" I say back again. "Seriously? You'd fuck your wife while you're getting your ass hammered?" I ask. "Yup, now get over here, my cock is rock hard again and my ass is twitching to feel your cock." Clark says, turning his back to me, offering me his ass.

What's a gay man to do when a hunk like Clark offers you his ass? Yup! You got it, go to town on it!!

More to cum..... Thanks for the E Mails. I know this Chapter is a little short, but bear with me - the moving men are on their way!!

Next: Chapter 4

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