James and Clark

By Greg Reese

Published on Apr 20, 2008


This is a work of fiction. The characters in this story live in a disease free world, the use of condoms is not portrayed. The real world is different, practice safe sex, use condoms.

I had managed to avoid Clark the rest of the week quite by coincidence. I did see Clark leaving a few times, dressed in his police uniform, my mouth watering as I watched him get into his truck and drive off. I had just finished painting the last of the rooms when the guys arrived to install the wooden floors. I met them at the door, clad in his bib overalls. They were two young hispanic men, opening the door I called out to the driver who waved.

As the two men approached the door, I told the one who had been driving that they were a couple days late. The driver apologized, asked if I'd received their message about the delay in receiving the flooring, to which I had responded with yes. I showed the two men in, marveling at how these young kids could wear their pants so loose and baggy and they not fall off. The driver said they would start at the back of the house and work forward, they could get the job done in a couple of days. I nodded, told them they would need to work fast as the furniture would be arriving that Saturday and today was Thursday. While they went to work in the master bedroom, I went to work touching up the paint job I'd done in the master bathroom.

Both men were conversing with one another in Spanish. I had several hispanic clients, from Mexico, so had taught myself how to speak Spanish, both formal and the conversational slang. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself as the driver bitched to his friend about how his girlfriend wouldn't give him any head but damn sure expected him to go down on her. The conversation soon turned to their client, that would be me. I heard the other young man ask, "What's up with Mister Greenjeans?" The driver snickered and was getting ready to respond when I shouted back, in Spanish, that Mister Greenjeans was quite comfortable in his bib overalls. I looked around the corner to see two surprised and shocked faces staring back at me. I then asked, this time in English, if they even knew who Mister Greenjeans was? They shook their heads no so I took this opportunity to explain to them that once upon a time there was a childrens show called Captain Kangaroo. Once I was done with my education lesson for the day, the two men went back to work, in complete silence.

Lunch time soon arrived and the two men sheepishly approached me and informed me they'd be taking their lunch break and asked if there was some where they could sit and eat. I pointed to the pool in the backyard and the table and chairs that I had purchased and put back there. They grabbed their lunches and made their way. I decided I would join them so I too grabbed my lunch, three beers and headed back to the pool as well. I handed each man a beer, who politely declined explaining they were not allowed to drink on the job. I told them it would be our secret and they gladly accepted the bottles of cerveza. I chatted with them in Spanish as they continued to eat. By the time lunch was over I think I had won them over and we are all joking and laughing. I noticed the driver kept checking me out, each time he'd rub his crotch and adjust himself. His friend was watching the two of us intently and I soon began adjusting my hard cock through my bibs. The driver smiled, stood up and walked over to me. Standing in front of me he undid the belt that was barely holding his jeans up and let them fall to the ground. His rock hard cock was poking out of the fly of his boxers, a drop of juice beginning to form at the tip. I looked at him, then his friend who was rubbing his own cock, mouth open as though he'd never seen anything like this and I proceeded to lean forward and suck the young mans uncut cock into my mouth. I let my tongue wash over the skin covered head of his cock, then dipping my tongue into the folds of skin, proceeded to run it around the head of his dick. My young hispanic horn dog closed his eyes, threw his head back and let out a string of obscenities in Spanish. I proceeded to shuck the skin of his cock back with my tongue and started going down on this horny and well hung man. I fished my own cock out of my bibs and while my head bobbed up and down on his cock, my hand slowly fisted my own hard and leaking cock. I would pull off of his cock every now and then to gaze at it's brown beauty, stroking it I would look up at him, snear, and tell him all the nasty little dirty things I was going to do to him, all in Spanish. He was panting, begging me to suck his cock, begging me to let him cum. I'd bring him right to the point of cumming then back off, letting him slow down. His friend was now standing beside the two of us, stroking his own uncut hard cock, clear cock honey dribbling out the tip of his dick and hanging in a long thread to the cement pool deck. I knew I wasn't going to last much longer and I know my horny friend was getting rather frustrated that I wouldn't let him cum. I decided it was time to release this poor young lad from his torture. I went back to his cock, my head bobbing as fast as I could, sucking, licking, gnawing, chewing, doing everything in my power to get him off. I heard his friend grunt and groan and felt the spray of his cum as it hit the side of my face. I moaned, sending vibrations through the young driver's cock as my own load shot out, spraying the young mans boxer shorts with my cum. He groaned, grunted twice, shoved his dick to the back of my throat and unloaded. I pulled him back so I could taste and feel his load coat my tongue. The salty sweet taste of his cum was heady and I drank it all in. I hadn't tasted another mans cock and cum since Madison died and it was like an intoxicating liquor, I couldn't get enough. I licked and swallowed and stroked, coaxing all of this man's cum out of his cock. His breathing was returning to normal as I cleaned his cock off with my tongue and let go of it. "Fuck!" was all he could say. I stood, tucking my wet cock into my bibs and the driver grabbed my shoulders, spun me around and bent me over. Slapping my ass he explained to me that tomorrow, he'd be getting some of my tight man pussy for lunch and I'd be eating his friends chorizo. I looked over my shoulder, purring, I grinned and said, "It's a deal!" We all went back to work and by five the two young men had managed to get all of the bedrooms (there were four in all) and the hallway done. All they had left was the living room, great room and kitchen. It would be an easy day for them tomorrow. "Remember amigo! Your ass is mine tomorrow!" the driver told me as they made their way to their truck and headed off for the day.

I had checked out of the hotel that morning and decided I'd just sleep on the floor at the house on a sleeping bag I had. The flooring crew would be here early in the morning as well as the moving crew the following day. I quickly showered, threw on some clean clothes and headed out of the house in search of dinner. Stopping at KFC I grabbed a box of chicken and went back to the house to eat. I had purchased a case of beer earlier in the week and since I wasn't much of a drinker, decided I'd pop open a beer and go take a swim. The houses were all one story homes, it was an older part of Palm Springs and everyone had planted hedge and the such along their fences so they could have privacy in their back yard. Taking advantage of that, I decided to strip and dive in the pool. I was laying in the water, floating, lost in my own tranquility when something splashed next to me, scaring the shit out of me. I instantly went under, coming up, coughing and spitting, clearing the water from my eyes, I saw Clark standing at the side of the pool. "Fucking asshole! You scared the fucking shit out of me! What the hell?" I shouted, genuinely pissed at my neighbor. Clark started laughing, apologizing he explained that I'd left the security screen door unlocked and when I hadn't answered and the house was wide open, decided he best check on me. He threw the nerf football at me to get my attention, not intending to scare me. I had now swam over to where he was now sitting, his feet dangling in the water, wearing a pair of surfer trunks and took the beer that he was offering me. I didn't even think about being totally buck assed nude, and when I did realize it, decided to let the tingling in my cock make the decision for me as to whether I dressed or not.

"Saw you leaving this morning in your uniform. Everything going OK?" I asked as I hauled my naked body out of the pool, paying attention to notice that Clarks eyes were glued to my cock and balls. "Nope, today was the results of the hearing." Clark started. I dried off and wrapped the towel around my waist and sat down, waiting for Clark to finish. He took a long draw off his beer, belched, excused himself then just started bawling. I reached over and placed my hand on my neighbors knee as sobs racked his strong broad shoulders. "Awe man, dude, I'm so sorry." I said, remaining silent as I let my neighbor sob. Sometimes the best thing to say is to say nothing at all. I sat, listening to Clark tell me about the hearing, how they had determined he'd used excessive force, and the worst thing of all for him to hear was that he was being stripped of his badge and removed from the police force. I continued to listen as he said he didn't know what he was going to do, being a cop had been his life, he didn't want to go work with his brother, he didn't know how Marla and the kids were going to take the news, he hadn't told them yet. I offered that they were his family and no matter what, his family would stick by his side. His sobs had subsided, I got up, still nude, walked into the kitchen and grabbed some napkins. Coming back I handed them to him so he could wipe his nose, "Thanks!" he said as I sat back down. "I feel like getting shit faced tonight, and I don't feel like being alone." Clark said, turning to me, tears still running down his cheeks. "OK," I said. "I don't have anything stronger than beer and I don't have anything comfortable to sleep on but the floor." I added, patting my neighbor on the back. "I'll be back." Clark said as he rose and headed out of the house. Coming back a few minutes later he had a gym bag with him. I was still sitting on the side of the pool, only now I'd put on a pair of shorts, and as he sat down next to me he reached into the gym bag and pulled out his trusty bong and a fifth of Jack Daniels. "I think this will do the trick!" He smiled as he handed me the bong while he took a swig off the Jack. I packed the bowl, lit the bong, took a long drag off of it and passed it to him while he passed me the Jack. I took a swig off the Jack and immediately started coughing as the burning liquid raced down my throat. "You OK?" Clark asked, patting me on the back. I shook my head yes and was finally able to catch my breath. We continued to sit in silence, passing the Jack and the bong back and forth between us, our heads beginning to swim and buzz from the alcohol and the smoke.

"I could use a fucking massage!" Clark spurted out, rearranging himself so that he was on the pool decking and laying down on his stomach. "Oh shit," I thought to myself. "You sure about that?" I asked. Clark leaned up on his elbows, grinned and motioned for the bong. Taking another long drag off it and exhaling he said, "Fuck yeah I'm sure, c'mon, help a buddy out!" as he laid back down, closing his eyes. I got up, straddeled him and before I sat down took a long look at his broad shoulders and back. I followed his figure as it tapered to a slim waist, a small patch of brown hair in the center of his back just above the waist band of his shorts. "Let me get some lotion," I said and I left to get the only lotion I had, suntan lotion with sunscreen. Coming back, I straddeled his waist again and sat down on his ass. The firmness of his cheeks felt wonderful, my shorts clad cock had managed to nestle itself into the crack of his cloth covered ass. "Hang on before you start." Clark said, lifting his hips up, almost throwing me off and back into the pool. In one swift motion he removed his shorts and tossed them to the side. "That's better." Clark said. "For whom?" I thought as my cock began to spring to life. I grabbed the Jack, took two long swigs from it and then squirted lotion into my hands and started working on his shoulders. His skin was soft, amazing to the touch, like velvet. His shoulders were massive and strong and I began to think how lucky his wife must be when he's fucking her. She gets to rub and carress this mans back and shoulders. My cock flexed in my shorts and I felt the first drop of fluid leak out. "Oh God, this is torture." I thought as I continued to work on his shoulders. I found two knots right in the middle of his shoulder blades and began working on those in earnest. "You carry your stress in your shoulders don't you." I said, the first hint of sexual excitement showing in my voice. "Yeah, I do." Clark said as he lifted to take a swig from the Jack. "Feels fucking good buddy, please don't stop." Clark said. I continued to work on his shoulders, applying more lotion as I began to move down his back. I was now at the small of his back, my hands shaking from being this close to his ass. I got up off of him and knealt to the side of him, admiring the two firm meaty globes that formed his ass. Like his chest, his ass was covered in a fine coating for dark brown hair with a thicker trail of hair leading down the crack of his ass. I decided to not massage his ass, especially not knowing how he would react. "I think it's time for a bong break." I said shakily as I wiped my hands off on the towel next to me. Clark had already lit the bong and was exhaling when he passed it to me, I took a long drag, held the smoke in longer than normal and exhaled. I took another swig of Jack and proceeded to start on his massive thighs. The rush of smoke and Jack was taking its affect on me and I was no longer as nervous and hesitant as I was before. I decided rather to start with his thighs I'd work on his feet first. I scooted down, taking one of his massive, 13 inch feet into my hands. I was now fully buzzed from the smoke and the Jack and I marveled at how long and slender his toes were. I heard him groan softly and saw his ass cheeks flex, lifting a little it appeared that he needed to adjust himself. I took my time with his feet, massaging the toes, balls of his feet and heels. His moans and groans of appreciation were beginning to sound somewhat like those of a man in the throws of passion. My cock remained rock hard in my short, the wetness on the front of my shorts growing exponentially. I moved to his calves and as I did so, he spread his legs wider and adjust again. I could see the outline of his massive balls, they were churning in their sack and I swear I could see just a hint of his flesh covered cock poking out from underneath. I drooled as I worked his massive calves, stopping every now and then to take another hit off smoke. I was at full buzz state and my inhibitions were zero, my cock was now beginning to call the shots and I decided it was time to remove my shorts. My cock slapped against my belly, smearing my navel with my juice. I watched, fascinated as a strand of juice dripped out of my cock head and landed on the side of his calf. I heard him moan and knew, just knew, he had to feel that. As I moved from his calves to his thighs, he spread his legs even wider. His cock was tucked underneath and I got a full view of it's massive head, a bead of cock juice running from the slit, the skin naturally pulled back. Clark was hard as a rock now and his mammoth balls were drawing up in their sack. My hands nudged his dick as I continued to work his thighs. Clark's groans were now taking on a heated tone and his hips were gently flexing, clearly he was turned on and relaxed enough that I might just get to take this to the next level.

My hands were shaking as I applied more lotion, now to his ass cheeks. I heard Clark take a sharp intake of breath as my hands touched the furry globes of his ass. Kneading, I moved his cheeks in a way that I could be offered a glimpse at his pucker. I kept applying more pressure, trying to get his cheeks far enough so I could see. Finally I got my first glance and his beautiful, dark brown manpussy. Taking both hands, I put one on each cheek, right by his pucker, and began massaging them in a way that I could pull his cheeks apart. His pucker winked and me; Clark was now beginning to pant. I moved myself between his legs and using my knees, spread his legs as wide as I could. I met no resistance and was greeted with a full view of Clark's hard leaking cock, balls and now his sweet hole. Getting even bolder, I leaned in, darting my tongue out I tasted his pucker. Clark gasped but made no movement to indicate he didn't like this. I let my tongue linger on his sweet hole, as Clark whimpered. I started to gently lick the crack of Clark's ass, sighs and coo's escaping from him. He was gently beginning to grind his hips as my tongue traced up the length of his ass crack. Clark bucked his hips back, giving me more access to his backdoor. Before long I was devouring him, my tongue licking and darting into his manpussy. Clark was bucking and panting, moaning as I continued to feast on his ass. "Hang on." Clark said as he reared up on his knees. He took another swig of whiskey, another toke on the bong and then got in a doggy style position, ass up in the air, head resting on his folded arms. He spread his legs as wide as he could and I resumed eating his ass. I reached under him and grabbed his rock hard cock. It was thick, I couldn't get my hand completely around his dick and as I gently stroked him my tongue started fucking his hole. His cock was drooling, strands of clear liquid oozing out of the tip of his partially covered head. I gently pulled his dick back and started licking from his hole down to the tip of his dick, drinking in the salty musky taste of his cock juice. "Oh, Oh." Clark shouted as he bucked further back, forcing his cock down my mouth. "Awe fuck, fuck, fuck, awe yeah." Clark moaned as I devoured his cock, taking his thick juicy fuck stick to the base. I wet my finger and began tracing the outlines of his already wet and puffed up hole while I sucked his dick. Clark jerked and spasmed, his cock bucking in my mouth, more clear juice spurting on my tongue. "Yeah, that's it buddy, take that fucking cock in your mouth, c'mon, fucking work on that thick piece of meat." Clark panted. I began to gently insert my finger into Clark's ass and groaned at how tight it was. His ass lips sucked my finger in, Clark bucked as I entered his virgin hole. "Awee fffffuuuuccccckkkkkkiiinnnnnggggg yeah!" he shouted. "God DAMN that's fucking good!" he shouted as he humped my finger. I soon added two and before long Clark was bouncing his ass back and forth, shoving his cock further down my throat while he road my fingers. I attempted to insert three and I heard Clark wince in pain. "Easy buddy, easy, nothing's been in there before now." Clark purred as he slowly slid down my three fingers, stretching his hole. "Awe yeah, fucking feels so good, yeah, got my buddy's fingers up my hole, yeah oh yeah." Clark whimpered as he bucked faster and harder. I finally added the forth finger, again Clark wincing but still trying to accomodate with his virgin hole. "Awe fuck James, fuck yeah man. James, James." Clark panted and whined. "Oh fuck me, I wanna feel your cock inside me, c'mon fucking fuck my tight hole." Clark begged. I slowly removed my fingers and spit out his cock. Stroking his hard cock I asked him if he was sure. He said yes as long as I went slow. Rather than try to mount him, I scooted up between his legs so we were face to face, me on the bottom, him straddling me. "Clark, listen to me. First, are you sure? Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked. "Oh fuck yeah, fuck yeah, GOD yeah." Clark panted. "OK then, get your ass good and lubed as well as my cock. Then I want you to take the tip of my dick and place it at your hole and gently sit down on my cock. While my cock is going in, you push out, like you're taking a shit. Clark, it's gonna hurt." I explained. "Oh buddy I don't care, god your tongue and fingers, oh fuck James, just let me have your dick." Clark panted, leaning forward and shoving his tongue down my throat. We continued to kiss like this while Clark lubed himself up. Pulling off my mouth, he reached back and placed the head of my cock at the entrance to his ass. Clark reared his head back, closed his eyes and let out a long sigh as he slowly sat down on my dick. He'd taken about half of my length when his cock erupted. Massive ropes of creamy white cock honey sprayed me, coating my chin and lips. Clark leaned forward and began licking his cum off my chin, feeding it back to me as he took the rest of my cock up his ass. His cock was still bucking and jerking, cum dribbling out the tip and soaking my pubes and stomach. I was lost in the thrill of feeling a virgin ass, his ass was so tight I thought for a minute it was going to break my cock in half. "Oh fuck Clark, fuck your ass is so tight, so tight." I cooed, finding his hard nipples and gently tugging and sqeezing them as he started bouncing up and down on my hard cock. His cock was still rock hard and I watched it bounce up and down, slapping my stomach, after cum coating my thick hair.

"Awe fuck yeah buddy, fucking yeah, oh fuck, I'm taking my buddy's cock in my ass, yeah, I'm riding my buddy's cock. Oh you feel so good in my ass, oh yeah. Clark cried, again leaning forward and shoving his tongue in my mouth. "Oh fuck Clark, your tight ass is gonna milk my cock, oh yeah baby, I'm getting close, so close. I'm gonna paint your insides with my fucking cum baby! Oh shit, oh shit, get ready, I'm gonna shoot!" I cried out as I bucked my hips into Clark, my pent up cum spraying deep inside him. "Oh fuck, oh fuck!" We both cried out and Clarks cock erupted again in a massive load. I grabbed his spitting dick and aimed it towards my mouth, leaning up a little I was able to get his cock to shoot it's load directly on my tongue. I let go of his cock, letting the rest of his load spray wherever, mostly on my stomach. Spent, Clark fell foward on top of me, both of us panting, covered in sweat and cum. I could feel my load begin to run down the back of my cock and onto my balls, I could also feel Clark clenching his ass, trying to keep my now wilting dick deep inside him. We kissed passionately as we came down off our high. I felt Clark buck again as his cock spit out more cum. To my surprise, my cock was hard again. Clark leaned up, "Oh fuck, yeah, wanna go again?" he said looking down on me. "Yeah, but I have an idea, I want to feel your massive cock inside my ass!" I panted. Clark lifted himself off me and got between my legs. Lifting my legs back and onto his shoulders his hard cock soon found my hole. His cock was leaking enough that he didn't need to lube me up as he slowly pushed his mammoth head inside me. I gasped as I felt his head slide past my ring and deep inside my ass. "Awe fuck man, awe fuck, your cock feels so good up my ass. C'mon, fuck me bitch! Fuck me hard!" I shouted as I squeezed and twisted my rock hard nipples. Clark groaned, "shit man, my fucking wife ain't this tight! I think you got yourself a new butt buddy James." Clark said as he began to jackhammer my ass. Our cries of ectasy echoed out both of us bucking and gyrating. Kissing, tongues fighting tongues, hands twisting nipples, his slapping my ass and he power fucked my hole. God it felt good, I hadn't been fucked in over a year and feeling my neighbors big ole cop cock up my ass was just what I had been needed. I grunted and panted and bucked and squirmed, begging him to fuck me, fuck me hard I would shout out. "Oh fuck, shove that big cop cock deep in my ass man, oh fuck yeah, c'mon, pound my motherfucking ass. Give it to me, yeah, ride that ass!" I shouted, my hand flying fast and furious over my cock. "Oh shit, Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum James, I'm gonna cum! Get ready, get ready, oh fucking yeah, yeah gonna shoot my load in your ass, oh shit, oh fuck, I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" Clark shouted as the slammed into me again. My own cock started shooting as I felt jet after jet of hot cum shoot deep inside my torn up ass. I bucked and bucked on his dick harder and harder as I shot my load. Clark pulled his withering cock out of my ass, grabbed me by the hand, stood me up and together we dove into the pool, letting the warm water wash the cum off our bodies. We stood in the shallow end, arms wrapped around waists, kissing, feeling one another, reveling in the after delight of pure raw sex. I pulled off of Clark's mouth, looked in his eyes and asked again, "Clark, are you going to be OK with this?" "Fucking A buddy!" was all he said as he pulled me to him, our heads resting on each other's shoulders.

Standing there I closed my eyes, I couldn't help but think that when the effects of the alcohol and smoke wore off that he would have a tremendous amount of guilt for what we had just done. I also couldn't help but think about whether I would experience guilt or not. I hadn't had sex since Madison died and now, not only had I just gotten by brains fucked out, but it just happened to be with my married, former cop neighbor. I looked to the night sky and silently called out for Madison.

More to follow!

Next: Chapter 3

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