James and Clark

By Greg Reese

Published on May 23, 2008


This is a work of fiction, the usual legal jargon applies. As you know, the characters in this story live in a disease free world, the use of condoms is not portrayed. The real world is very different, practice safe sex, please use a condom. This chapter contains situations that cross certain lines. If you do not wish to read about the various sexual situations that do exist, please close your browser now.

I rolled over in bed, looked at the clock and decided since it was already noon, I really should get up and get going. I hadn't slept that long in such a long time and both my muscles and bladder were letting me know I was long overdue in getting up and getting the day started. I quickly realized that Clark and Travis were gone, a note had been left by the phone on the nightstand. "James, went to get breakfast, be back soon. Love Clark." I got up and started for the bathroom when Clark and Travis opened the door. "Well, good afternoon sleepy head." Clark chided. "Yeah yeah, fuck you." I said back as I turned the light on, lifted the toilet lid, slid my cock out of the leg of my boxer briefs and started pissing. I was suddenly aware of someone staring at me and I turned to the mirror. Clark and Travis were both standing off to the side of the door, staring at my pissing cock and rubbing each other's crotches. "Knock it off you two." I snapped and started to close the door when Travis said, "No don't! Dad and I realized last night while you were passed out that we love watching a guy take a piss. In fact, we kinda experimented a little and held each others cocks while we each pissed, side by side. Dad pisses like a race horse!" Travis giggeled, reaching for the fly on his dad's jeans. "Not now Travis, James isn't really in the mood for some reason." Clark scolded.

"James? What's wrong?" Travis asked. "Can I fucking piss in peace please, and without an audience!" I snarled and slammed the bathroom door shut. I finished my business, flushed and headed back. "James honey, what's up? I've never seen you this surly. Did we do something to piss you off?" Clark asked, sitting in the chair around the small table that was in the room. "For starters, you could have at least brought me back a cup of coffee." I started, "James, I have a pot brewing and if you look, you'll see a large Starbucks on the night stand. Course, it's cold because..." Travis started. "Zip it Travis!" I snapped, reaching for the cup of coffee, it was still warm at least. I drank about half of it before I continued. "Secondly, would you please explain to me what happened last night? Clark, it wasn't that long ago that you called me, all freaked out that you had had sex with Travis, what were you gonna do, blah blah blah. And Marla, what's up with you and Marla? You cannot tell me you've been having problems all this time, I refuse to believe it. And Travis, exactly how the fuck old are you and when did you turn that age?" I stormed. Clark and Travis both turned and looked at each other, "I think it's time we leveled with James, don't you son?" Clark asked. "Yeah, this suddenly went all wrong." Travis responded as he sat down in the other chair. I downed the last of the coffee, sat, no plopped, back down on the bed, crossed my arms and said, "Well? I'm all ears!" suddenly having doubts about this family, their mess and how I had been somehow, woven into some plan.

"OK James, we need to level with you. Should have from the start, but we just weren't sure how you were going to adjust to all of this." Clark started to say. "Adjust to all of this? ADJUST TO ALL OF THIS? What exactly do I need to adjust to?" I snapped, my anger rapidly increasing. "James, listen and please keep an open mind." Clark said, pausing to collect his thoughts and, I imagine, guage what he thought would be my reaction. My arms were firmly folded across my chest, legs crossed and I was angrily tapping my right foot on the floor, waiting for the explanation. If I had had my hair in curlers, dressed in a pink bathrobe with fuzzy bunny slippers, I would have resembeled the house wife, pissed off at her husband for staying out all night carrousing.

"I've known since I was a teenager that I liked both pussy and cock." Clark started. "Marla knew that too and she also felt that she might have some bi-tendencies. Unlike me though, Marla was always too afraid to explore it. She loved watching me get fucked and eventually we graduated to getting her a strap-on and she'd fuck me with it. God James, that woman enjoyed fucking me with that so much that she'd cum so hard each time. And I enjoyed it too, there was something so wild about her dominating me with her strap on, begging me to suck her rubber cock, asking me if..." I interrupted. "The point Clark, get to the point." I snapped. "So we started introducing women into our play, thinking that once she tasted pussy, she'd accept that part of her life and we could go to more levels. She loved getting her pussy eaten but just couldn't get herself to the point where she'd respond back. Then we got pregnant and decided that we needed to limit or end that part of our lives. Well, it appeared to be working for her, I wasn't dealing with that so well and so I continued with my male to male sex. I had struck up a close friendship with my cop partner. He was single, was dating off and on, and one night when he'd come over for dinner, we had drank a little too much so we had him crash at the house. One thing led to another and the next thing you know, he and I are in a 69 and Marla is working his ass over with the dildo." Clark paused to take a breath and continue to collect his thoughts. By now, I was rapidly calming down and glanced over to Travis who was busy rubbing his crotch. "Travis, stop, or go to the bathroom, now is not the time." I said. Travis blushed and quit playing with himself as Clark picked up with the rest of the story.

"So, we continued the three-way for quite some time, until he met a girl and fell head over heals in love with and they got married. Well, about six months after their marriage, we got involved in a four-way with them one night and Marla finally went down on her first woman. She thought she liked it, wasn't sure, and we played that game with them until he took a job in the Los Angeles area and moved away. We had more kids, the kids got older, they took up our time, etc., etc., etc. We started growing apart from each other and didn't really re-connect until Travis announced to us that he thought he was gay." Clark stopped talking long enough to pour a cup of coffee and handed Travis a couple of dollars and told him to go get a soda if he wanted one. "Nah, I'm OK Dad, I think I need to stay." Travis said, waiving off the money being offered to him by his dad. "Before I continue though, I need to back up." Clark said, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Marla and I came from completely opposite backgrounds in regards to family and growing up. Marla's parents were very stern, strict and believed that sex was not for pleasure but for pro-creation. Marla had to rely on her girl friends to educate her, especially once she entered puberty and started having her periods. Hell, the only thing her mom did was put a box of Kotex on her dresser, that was it. No 'welcome to womanhood', nothing, not even a talk about what was happening to her body. I, on the other hand, came from probably the original pioneers of the free love movement. My parents were the ones that introduced me to sex and made sure I experienced both male to male and male to female sex. Their viewpoint was that the more I knew about sex the easier it would be for me to accept whomever I was, gay, straight, bi, they didn't care, as long as I loved myself and enjoyed the sex that was a natural result of being a human. It was nothing for me to be screwing my Mom while my Dad fucked me in the ass, and we never thought anything was wrong or dirty about it at all. I always thought that Marla's having a hard time about the possibility of being bi had a lot to do with how she was raised, where as I thought nothing about it. Marla and I both taught our kids that there was nothing to be ashamed of about their bodies, about puberty, about sex, nothing. Our kids had a head start on the birds and the bees long before their peers." Clark paused. "I can vouch for that!" Travis chimed in. "Guys," I interrupted, "I gotta piss, hold that thought." as I started to get up from the chair. Clark and Travis shared a knowing glance and then turned to look at me. "OK, I get the idea. C'mon, let's all do this together." I said. "But not all of us are going to fit around the toilet." I said, turning back to see if they were following me. "Yeah, but we will fit in the tub." Travis chimed in. "We need to be naked for this." Clark said as he pulled his shirt over his head and Travis dropped his trousers, his semi-hard cock bobbing out in front of him. We quickly stripped and headed to the tub and pulled the shower curtain around so we wouldn't splash on the floor. Clark made sure I was in the middle facing out while he and Travis stood on either side of me, facing towards me. "OK, now what?" I asked. "Simple, we piss..aaahhhh...." Travis said as he let his bladder loose, his warm pissing splashing over my cock. I jerked as I quickly found this scenario to be hotter than I thought. I soon felt Clark's warm piss splashing against my balls and my cock soon started growing. "Turn around James." Travis said, spinning me so I was now facing Clark. I instantly quit pissing and realized that both men had also stopped. I felt the head of Travis' cock nudging my ass and instinctively pushed back, the head of his cock stopping just past the ring of my ass. I was soon being filled with Travis' hot piss and my cock shot up immediately, slapping my belly. Clark let his stream go again and was washing my cock and balls in his hot piss as I let the rest of my bladder go. I now had Travis filling my ass up, Clark washing my cock and balls with his piss and my own stream was washing both Clark's and I's chest. I groaned and shuddered, "Now THIS is hot! Much hotter than I imagined." I said, right before Clark shoved his tongue in my mouth.

I soon felt Travis' cock begin to thrust in my ass and his mouth clamped down on one of my ear lobes as he began to gently nip with his teeth. I groaned while Clark's tongue fucked my mouth. Clark grabbed my cock and, pulling it down, began to dock the two of us together with his foreskin. "God James, your ass is so tight around my cock, you're going to make me cum really fast." Travis breathed in my ear. Clark still had some piss left in his bladder and started pissing again while our cocks were docked. Feeling the warm liquid surround the head of my hard cock pushed me over the edge. I shouted and started flooding Clarks cock with my cum, my ass clamping down on Travis' cock, causing him to start shooting his load deep inside me. My cum coupled with Clark's piss sent him over the edge, shucking his skin back, releasing his piss and my cum, he groaned and started spraying my cock with his load. Travis pulled his cock out of my ass, spun me around and started cleaning his dad's and I's cum off my wilting cock. Once we were calmed down, we quickly showered, got cleaned up and sat back down for Clark to finish filling me in on the rest of the story.

"So, you were telling me about your upbringing before we got distracted." I said as I sat back down on the bed, grimacing from taking a swig of cold coffee. "Yeah, OK, so when Travis said he thought he was gay, Marla and I had this big long talk with him about being gay, what society thought, asking questions about sex and had he had any yet, if so, what kind, etc. That's where Kevin entered the picture, in that he and Kevin had gone as far as sucking each other off but that was it." Clark paused. "Dad, can I pick up from here?" Travis asked, Clark responding with a nod of his head indicating he should go with it. "Well, while I was telling mom and dad all of this, I could see dad squirming and adjusting his cock. Dad, I've always thought you were hot and have always wanted to play with your big cock. Anyway, so dad asks me if he wants mom and him to show me some stuff. I'm all like, 'Duh Dad! Yeah!' and I can't wait to taste my dad's big ole cock, but first dad wanted me to taste pussy. I'm all, 'awe dad, I told you, I'm gay, do I have to?' and dad's all, 'yeah, just try it, you might realize you're really bi'. So, he and mom take me back to their bedroom and we get undressed and mom starts showing me her pussy and explaining what everything is and where a woman likes to be rubbed and licked and I'm thinking, 'yeah, I don't think so, let me have dad!'. Well, I started fingering mom and she started groaning so I decided to try eating it. At first I was all nervous and like not sure what to do but eventually I guess my instinct took over and before long, mom was begging me to eat her pussy and shove my tongue up her while she was fingering her clit and eating dad's ass." Travis paused and readjusted himself, his dick getting hard again as he relived that night. "Aaaahh youth, they can cum and be ready to fuck in a matter of minutes." I thought. "Well, I really wanted Travis to experience anal sex and knew the first couple times would be painful." Clark said as he took over the conversation.

"So Marla and I laid him on his back and we both started tonguing his hole while we played with his cock and balls. After awhile, Marla would suck his cock while I fingered his hole or ate his hole. I had managed to collect a various assortment and sizes of dildos and butt plugs so I started gently working the smallest one in Travis' hole." Clark said, taking another breath and sip of his now cold coffee. "Dude! The minute he pushed that first butt plug into my ass, I came everywhere! Mom grabbed my cock and pointed it at her face and let the last part of my cum shoot on her, then Dad cleaned my load off her face." Travis bragged, sounding like a little kid again. "Eventually I had Travis' hole opened enough that I thought he could take my cock, but I was wrong and I wasn't even able to get half of my head inside of him before he started pleading for me to take it out. Knowing how much enjoyment there is in anal sex, I didn't want him to miss out on anything so Marla and I decided to show him the ropes. Marla strapped on her dildo, lubed us up and I started talking Travis through the steps on how to relax, to breathe, push out like your taking a dump, all that stuff. Marla had me get into the doggy style position and had Travis crawl under me so he could see what was happening. Well, like any teen, rather than watch he decided to play so he started alternating sucking my cock and getting his head up between my legs far enough that he could eat Marla too. Before long he had my cock pulled back and was rubbing the head of my dick on Marla's pussy while she plowed my ass and he took turns licking both of us. Man, James, Marla and I came so hard that night. I covered Travis' face in my cum and the little shit, cleaned his face off and my dick before Marla could pull out of me." Clark said.

Clark continued, "It really was more than Marla could handle, afterwards she really had a hard time dealing with the guilt of seducing her husband and son. Before long, Marla was growing more and more distant with me and to a certain extent with Travis too. Travis thought maybe he'd done something wrong so he too pulled back and that was the last, well up until a few weeks ago, that he and I did anything with each other. Marla's mom getting hurt and my firing from the police force pretty much sealed the end of our marriage. Then while she was over there taking care of her mom, she met the couple next door and they started having a three way. Marla finally gave in to her bi feelings and well, you know the rest." Clark stopped talking, reflecting a moment on what I assume had been their marriage. "So, why the big birthday plans, why the big, 'James, I gotta talk to you, I had sex with my son, I feel so bad.' game?" I asked. "James, I had to guage your reaction and see where you stood on this issue. Travis had started opening up to me while he was away and one of the things he wanted to do was have sex with the three of us. He'd also been experimenting with piss play, on himself..." Travis jumped in at this point, "in the shower, I got really hot and would shoot cum all over the shower when I was done." he giggled. "He wanted me to try it with him and he wanted you to be a part of it as well. You didn't react negatively when I told you what had happened so Travis thought he would approach you as well. That's when he cooked up the whole idea of this phony birthday party and that he wanted you to talk to me about having me as his birthday present." Clark continued. "Then you had to come here on business and we just decided to bump everything up a week." Travis added. "And the couple last night? Was that part of the plan too?" I asked. "No, that was completely and totally out of the blue. I was just as surprised, pleasently I might add, about that as you were." Clark said, throwing his hands up, palms facing outward, showing the, "I know nothing" sign.

None of us said anything for several minutes. They were both waiting to see what my reaction to all of this was going to be. "And Kevin? Where does Kevin fit into all of this?" I asked, looking right at Travis as I did. "We're fuck buddies James, plain and simple." Travis said. Looking back and forth at Travis and Clark, I said, "I have one more question. How old are you Travis and when is your birthday?" "I'm 18 and my birthday was two weeks ago, honest truth." Travis said. I sat in complete silence as I replayed all what they had just told me along with the events that had been happening to me since they entered my life. "Was I truly in love with Clark? Was Clark in love with me? Could I handle being with a man who liked to be with women and his son? Hell, I enjoyed my night with Marla, it wasn't so bad, oh crap, maybe I'm bi too!" I frowned as all of these thoughts roamed aimlessly through my head. The stillness of the room was apparently more than Travis could handle and so he reached for the remote on the TV and turned it on. Clark shot him a dirty look and he just shrugged. I got up off the bed and headed for the door. "James? Where are you going?" Clark asked. "Out, for a walk, I need some fresh air and I need to think." I said. "James, please..." Travis started. "Travis, Clark, I don't know what to think here. Part of me is extremely turned on over the prospect that I could be sharing the two of you, part of me is turned on over the prospect that the three of us could share a woman and a very large part of me is saying, 'What the fuck over?' I've grown up knowing, or at least thinking I knew, that I liked men, plain and simple. I'm in love with a man who I think loves me back and well..... I just need to think. I'll be back, I have my cell phone with me." I said, walking out the door, letting it shut behind me. "What the fuck, I mean, WHAT THE FUCK!" I screamed inside my head. "What am I really upset about? Is it the openess of it all or is the fact they played me?" I continued to think as I headed for the elevator. My mind continued to churn and I suddenly realized that somehow, I had walked out of the hotel, down three blocks, had gotten on the Metro and was now standing at the base of the Washington Monument. "James, you better come up with some answers." I said to myself as I turned and headed in the direction of the Lincoln Memorial.

Next: Chapter 18

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