James and Clark

By Greg Reese

Published on May 21, 2008


This is a work of fiction, the usual legal jargon applies. This chapter crosses some boundries that not all will like. Please be warned and read at your own risk. As you know, the characters in this story do not have to deal with disease, the use of condoms is not portrayed. The real world is very different though, practice safe sex, use a condom.

I dreaded answering the phone, but knew this had to be done. "Hello?" I sheepishly answered. "JAMES! I am absolutely outraged over the photo I just received, outraged!" Mr. Stringfeld barked over the phone. I had to pull the receiver from my ear as he was yelling so loud. "I knew when I signed you on my team that you were a poof, but I overlooked it. But THIS! THIS I cannot overlook! How DARE you send me something so vulgar, so vile, ohhh ohhh." He bellowed. "Was that 'ohh ohh' a sexual response?" I thought, I decided to remain silent. "You have..yeah like that, oh just like that...taken this too far James!" he continued. "Oh my GOD! He's getting off on the photo while bitch slapping me over the phone! THAT fucker!" I steamed. "Mr. Stringfeld, if you find this so fucking vulgar, then why, or rather should I say who, is helping you get your rocks off? You arrogant fuck! You dare scream at me on the phone while you're getting your fucking cock serviced!" I shouted back. "I...well...oh don't stop, please don't stop, yeah, just like that..." he breathed into the phone. "You sick fuck! You call me a pervert yet you're getting off on this aren't you bitch?" I shouted some more. "James...oh God...oh..." he panted. "You get off on this domination crap don't you? Who's taking care of your cock Mr. Stringfeld? Huh? Who? Your fucking butler! Mr. Stringfeld, I think it's time you and I parted company. I fucking quit you dirty bastard!" I shouted as I shut my cell phone. "That FUCK! That sick twisted fuck!" I shouted to the room, about that time there was a knock on the door. "Room service" the male voice said on the other side of the door. "Holy shit, great..." I said aloud as I stomped to the door and flung it open then stopped dead in my tracks. "Travis?" I asked. "Hi James, thought I'd surprise you." He giggeled. "How..when...." I stammered. "Can I come in?" he asked. I looked out the door, checking the hallway to make sure no one saw him and then let him enter. Shutting the door I asked, "Travis, what are you doing here and how long have you been standing at the door?" "Long enough to know." he said.

"Travis, I don't know why you're here. Does your Dad know why you're here?" I asked. Just then there was another knock on the door, "Room service" the familiar voice said. I shot Travis a dirty look as I opened the door and there was Clark. "Surprise!" Clark shouted, his face immediately falling as he saw my unhappy look at both he and Travis being there. "James, I thought we'd surprise you, guess...." Clark started to say. "Dad, James just dropped his biggest client. Seems one of the photos he sent you, got to that dick he works for, Mr. Stringbean whatever the hell his name is. From what I heard, the asshole was getting off on the photo while bitching James out about it." Travis explained. "Well allrighty then, exactly how long were you standing outside the door Travis?" I scolded. "Obviously long enough!" I waived him off before he could reply. "I can't stand that man, but he was my biggest client and had been with me the longest. God, if he talks to his friends they take their business elsewhere, I'm fucking screwed!" I said as I sunk back down in the chair. "C'mon James, let's go downstairs, a couple of drinks will help you feel better." James said, walking over to me and putting his arm around my shoulder. "Yeah, James, c'mon, let's go blow off some steam." Travis offered, winking at his Dad. "OK, allright, maybe one, I really don't feel like..." I started to say but was interrupted by my voice chiming, indicating I had a text message. "Hang on...holy shit! Guys, look at this!" I said, holding the phone up so they could see the photo that had just arrived. "Phhhewwww!!!" Clark whisteled, "DAMN!" Travis responded. It was a photo of Mr. Stringfeld, being blown by a servant, not sure which one it was, and a rope of cum flying out of his rather endowed cock and landing on the cheek of his servant. "Fucking asshole!" I said, "C'mon boys, I feel like getting shit faced tonight!" I said as I started to usher them out of the room. "Uh James...can we crash here tonight? We sort of did this on a spur of the moment thing and we don't have anyplace to stay." Clark said. "Sure! Let's fucking party!" I said, slapping Clark on his ass.

I noticed Travis jab his Dad in the ribs, lean foward and ask him a question. "Yeah, OK, it's almost your birthday, go ahead. But if you get caught, I don't know you!" James said. "What?" I asked. "Oh he freaking brought his damned fake ID and he wants to use it." Clark said, rolling his eyes. I couldn't help but bust out laughing. "What's so funny?" Clark asked. "Yeah James, what gives?" Travis added. "Clark, did you forget that you were almost 18 once? You mean to tell me you never had a fake ID, trying to act all 21 and shit?" I asked, continuing to laugh. "As a matter of fact, no dumbshit. The drinking age WAS 18 back then." Clark snipped back. I quit laughing, mentally counting back the years I realized that not all states had the same drinking age, and more than likely, where he was living at when he was 18, probably had a drinking age of 18. "OH yeah, huh..." I said, blushing with embarrassment. We entered the hotel lounge, found a quiet spot and ordered our drinks. I opted for a Vodka Martini while Clark and Travis selected beers. We chatted and laughed and I asked Travis about his birthday plans, playing like I didn't know what he had already revealed. "Well James, since you asked, I kinda thought I might start celebrating a litte earlier. Like tonight." Travis said, exchanging a knowing glance with me. Clark was oblivious to what we were talking about, instead he was busy checking out a couple, man and woman, who were shooting pool. "Hey guys, mind if I go shoot some pool? Any of you up for a game?" Clark asked. "Well, I don't know how to play pool." I responded. "I'll teach you James." Travis chimed in. "Great! Let's go get a table." Clark said, getting up from the bar stool and heading for the second table.

Travis set the table up and went over some of the basic to shooting pool with me. While he was doing that, Clark started chatting up the couple next to us. Before long, introductions were being made. Their names were Paul and Cheri, they were from Santa Barbara and I guessed their ages to be in their mid-twenties. They were in D.C. celebrating their first wedding anniversary and, since they hadn't been able to take a honeymoon, had booked a suite for their stay. We started shooting pool and, after one martini, decided to switch to drinking beers. Before long we had gotten a good buzz going, to include Travis. We were laughing and joking, have a great time, but at the same time, I kept noticing Clark would have hushed conversations with Paul and Cheri. It was as if they were sharing a secret and to a certain extent, Travis was in on it as well as I noticed several glancing being exchanged between Clark and Travis, as though they were hatching a plan. "Hey, let's go back to our suite and continue this party there." Cheri offered. "Great idea!" Paul added. "Yeah, great idea, c'mon guys, let's go." Clark said, winking and nodding to Travis. "But, I was just getting the hang of the game." I added, trying not to sound like the party pooper. "C'mon, let's play another game." I added. "James, c'mon, we can go upstairs and...pffffffttttt.." Clark said, making a motion as though he was sucking on a joint. "Oh...OH! OK!" I added, placing my pool stick on the table.

We were soon in the elevator and I noticed that Paul and Cheri had started making out. Cheri rubbing Paul's crotch while Paul grabbed and gently rubbed her tits. I was a little uncomfortable and wasn't sure if we should be standing here watching this or getting off on our floor and heading to our room. I noticed out of the corner of my eye, Travis was pulling and adjusting himself. We arrived on the 25th floor and Paul and Cheri led us to their suite. We entered their suite and I have to tell you, it was plush! Anything and everything you could want was there, I could just imagine that it must be costing them a pretty penny. "James, before we start, I have a business proposition to make." Paul said, clapping me on the shoulder. "Umm, OK, what would that be?" I asked. "Well, I need you to design me an office building. See, we just inherited my family's money and I'm going to open my own construction firm." Paul said. "OK, sure! I'm in room 113, stop by tomorrow and I'll give you a business card." I offered, shaking Paul's hand. Cheri had now disappeared and Clark was busy making us a round of drinks. Clark brought the drinks over to where we were sitting in what I suppose was the living suite and said, "Wait, I've got something else to add to the party!" and pulled out his pipe and a bag of smoke. "Clark! How the hell..." I said. "Remember? I was a former cop? I still have some privileges, airport security being one of them." Clark chuckeled as he loaded and lit the pipe. After inhaling, he passed it around for the rest of us, to include Travis, of which I was not keen on the idea, but said nothing. We continued to chat and Cheri came out wearing a pair of tight short shorts and a very low cut teddy type blouse - no bra. Paul excused himself and he soon returned wearing a pair of tight running shorts, emphasizing a very impressive bulge and a wife beater that showed off the light blonde hair on his chest. We continued to smoke and drink and before too long, we were feeling no pain at all.

It was then that Cheri got up and took off her shorts, revealing she was wearing a pair of silk lace crotchless panties. At the same time, Paul got up and removed his shorts, revealing he was wearing a leather jock strap. "You like to play?" Paul asked as he reached over and started massaging Clark's crotch. "Hmmmm..."Clark moaned. I looked at Clark and then to Travis. They both looked at me like, "See? This was our secret!" and before I knew it, Travis was at my side, rubbing my hardening cock through my jeans. Clark stood up, removed his shirt and then his jeans and revealed he was not wearing any underwear and was sporting a fantastic hard on. Travis soon did the same and, like his Dad, wore no underwear. I was amazed at how much their cocks looked alike, hell, I was amazed at how much they looked alike period. Cheri had started fingering her pussy and was quietly urging Paul to suck Clark's cock. The tip of Paul's hard cock was now peeking over the waistband of his leather jock. "How old are you Travis?" Paul asked. "I'm 18." Travis responded. "Yeah, next week." I added. "James, his birthday was last Saturday, we were going to celebrate this weekend but..." Clark said. "Travis, you ever had any pussy?" Cheri asked, spreading her legs to reveal her shave pussy. "No Cheri, I'm gay, I'm more interested in cock than in your pussy, no offense." Travis said, stroking his hard cock. My hands had a mind of their own and I'd already pulled my jeans and underwear down to my knees and was slowly stroking my own hard cock while I watched Paul begin to suck on Clark's massive hardon. "C'mon Travis, try it." Cher said, spreading open the lips of her pussy and revealing the hard clit and pink wet skin hidden in the folds of her lips. Travis looked at me for a response, I nodded, indicating he should try it. He tentatively scooted over to the sofa that Cheri was sitting on. I glanced over at Clark and Paul and they were now on the floor in a full 69, slurping and sucking on each other's cocks, their low moans of approval letting the other know they were doing all the right things. I climbed off the chair and scooted next to Travis, my hand reaching over and wrapping around his hard 18 year old wet cock. Travis groaned as I touched his cock and he stared at Cheri's pussy. "Stick your tongue out sweetie. Lick it like you'd lick an asshole." she cooed. Travis moved closer, inhaling, the musky scent of her cunt filling his nostrils, firing his pistons. Sticking his tongue out, he began to lick her pussy, just as if he was eating Kevin's ass out. Cheri groaned, "Oh yeah baby, yeah, eat my pussy, lick it baby, give me your virgin tongue." I watched, fascinated as Travis began to eat her cunt in ernest. His tongue traveling around the lips of her vagina, darting in and out of her, flicking up and down and over her clit. Cheri squealed and shouted, bucking her hips onto Travis' invading tongue. I leaned over and sucked Travis' young cock into my mouth. "What am I doing? He's old enough to be my son." I screamed inside my head. "Shut up and suck." I answered back. I felt Travis wrap his hand around my own hard cock and I groaned, the vibration shooting through his cock, making him squirm and grunt while he continued to eat Cheri's pussy. "Yeah, oh fuck yeah, eat my ass." I heard Paul shout. Pulling off of Travis' cock I looked over and saw Paul, on all fours, Clark's face buried in his ass. "Baby, scoot over here, help this young stud eat your babies pussy." Cher said. Paul got up, his hard wet cock waiving in front of him, kneeling down, he and Travis both started eating Cheri. I gasped as I felt a tongue on my own asshole, turning around I saw Clark behind both Travis and I. He had nudged Travis up on all fours and was moving back and forth between us, taking turns eating our asses out. "Oh...oh..oh baby, you're gonna make me cum, oh fuck...oooooohhhhhhh aaaayyyyyeeeee..." Cheri shouted as Paul's tongue triggered the first of her orgasms. "Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh fuck Paul, fuck, oh baby, yeah, eat my fucking pussy." she continued. As Cheri calmed down, she told her husband, "You know what I like to see baby, c'mon, show me what I like to see." Paul pulled off of her pussy, leaned down and pulling Travis off of his cock started kissing him. Before long, Paul was on his back, legs up in the air and Travis had his face planted on his hole, devouring it. Paul was stroking his cock, writhing, begging Travis to eat his ass out. "C'mon James, take a taste of Travis' ass, it's so sweet." Clark said, nudging me. I got between Travis' ass and started licking at his hole. He was already wet and the lips of his ass were beginning to puff up from the expert tonguing that Clark had already given him. I heard Travis groan as my tongue began to gently wash his pouty ass lips. "Yeah, that's it, fucking eat his ass, eat Paul out, make him cum." Cheri said as she straddeled her husband. Travis pulled his head away while Cheri mounted Paul, his cock sliding in to her pussy. "Ohhh fuck." Paul groaned. Travis had to do some maneuvering, but he was able to push Paul's legs back enough so that he could continue eating his ass. "Let me have some of Travis' sweet hole again." Clark pulled, nudging me away from the young mans delicious hole. Clark leaned forward and started to slowly insert a finger inside his son's hole. Travis groaned and bucked his hips, indicating to his Dad that his finger inside his hole felt damn good. Cheri started screaming again as another orgasm hit her. "Fuck! Women are lucky, multi-orgasmic!" I thought. I wanted to taste Travis' cock again but at the angle Clark had him, it was out of reach. I was starting to feel left out when Cheri got off of Paul and grabbing a dildo that no one had noticed she had brought, along with lube, began to work on my hole. I sighed as her fingers entered me, lubing me up. Cheri grabbed the dildo and gently started sliding it inside me. I screamed at the pleasure, my cock, shooting a thin stream of clear juice out the end, landing on Travis' thigh.

I heard Paul cry out and looked up in time to see him shooting his load, his cum firing out of his cock, landing on his chest and lips as Travis slowly entered his ass. Clark was still fingering his son's hole, I couldn't help but also notice that he had three fingers inside him, remaining motionless as Travis continued to slide into Paul. "You like this, you think this is hot?" Cheri asked from behind my ear, her tongue licking the inside of my ear, her lips nipping at my lobe. "Uhh huh....oh yeah, fuck me bitch." I murmured. "Look, Travis is in Paul and now Clark is sliding his dick into Travis." Cheri whispered. "Why don't you go fuck Clark, and while you men are fucking each other I'll finger my wet pussy and cum for you all. Oh James, I'm so fucking close to cumming while I fuck your ass." Cheri continued. "Oh James, oh fuck James, oh yeah, I'm fucking your ass and I'm.... I.....I....." Cheri howled again as another orgasm shook her body, causing her hand to quiver and further shove the dildo up my ass. I arched my back in pain/pleasure, growling I began to buck on the invading dildo. "Ohhh...ohhh...oh yeah fuck..." I moaned. I looked over to Clark, Travis and Paul and watched in pure fascination as the three of them began fucking each other, at first clumsily, then as they found their rhtymn, working like a well oiled machine. Travis was laying on top of Paul, kissing him, his tongue fucking his mouth with the same force that his dick was fucking his ass. Each time he shoved forward, it caused his Dad's cock to slide out and each time he pulled back, he took more of his Dad's hard cock. Cheri pulled the dildo out of my ass, I sighed as I felt the emptiness it made. She walked over to her husband and told Paul she wanted to watch us all cum on me. Travis was the first to pull out, followed by Clark. "Travis, fuck me, fuck me please." I begged. Travis came over and, pushing my legs back to my chest, slid his cock into my already wet and stretched ass. "OH YEAH Travis! Fill me up with your spunk! Oh yeah, fucking cum inside my ass!" I shouted as he began to fuck me. Paul and Clark were kneeling to me side, their cocks pointed at my face, their wet pre-cum flying out the end and landing on my lips. I licked the sweet juice off my lips, twisting my nipples with one hand I continued to furiously pound on my cock with my other. I could feel my balls pulling up in their sack and knew I was close. I shouted and cursed and begged for Travis to ram his cock in me, to fuck the living daylights out of my ass. He complied and continued hammering my abused hole, making me scream louder and louder. Paul and Clark were frantically stroking their cocks, their breathing becoming ragged and harsh as they neared their peak. "OH fuck, Oh fuck, I'm gonna shoot!" I shouted as cum flew out of my cock, spraying my chest, landing in my hair, on my nose. Travis shouted he was cumming and with one final shove started to unload his pent up cock juice in my ass. Each pulse of his cock, each jet of his cum that I felt caused me to shoot even more. I soon felt the spray of Paul of Clark's loads as they finished coating my face with their junk. Cheri was the last to cum, getting on on her own fingers, frantically rubbing her clit while we all shot our cum.

Travis collapsed on top of me, his cock still flexing and hard in my ass. Panting, he started kissing me. "Oh God James, that was hot, GOD that was hot." he kept saying. I heard him grunt and opening my eyes, saw Clark entering his ass again. He started fucking his ass causing his 18 year old cock to harden again. His dick was well lubed with his own load as he started to fuck me. I heard Clark groan as Paul entered his ass, followed by Cheri inserting the dildo in Paul's ass. We started fucking again, each of us rapidly getting closer to another cum. Like clock work, we shouted, my cock spasmed and cum dribbled out of the end, pooling at the base of my cock in my pubic hair. Paul shouted out and slammed into Clark, causing him to slam his cock into Travis. The three of them came again at the same time. Cheri came over and sat on my face. I was practically hyperventilating as I came down off my orgasm. I shoved my face in her pussy and she quickly ground her hips on my lips and tongue. She came again as my tongue fucked her hole and my fingers flicked her clit. The four of us collapsed in a pile of sweaty, panting bodies as we came down off our high. Once we regained our composure, we dressed and left, heading back to my room. The three of us were exhausted and after we had stripped, we piled onto one bed, curled up in each other's arms and quickly dozed off.

I awoke the next morning to feel movement of the bed. Opening my eyes I looked over and saw Travis, fucking his Dad's ass. I closed my eyes again and dozed back off to sleep, too hungover and still satiated to worry about greeting the day yet. My last audible sounds were of Clark and Travis shouting as they came together.

OK guys, I told you this would cross some boundaries and would be a ride. Let me know what you think. Thanks for the great feedback!

Next: Chapter 17

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