James and Clark

By Greg Reese

Published on May 21, 2008


This is a work of fiction, the usual legal jargon applies. Thanks for all the feedback asking for the story to continue. As you know, the characters in this story do not have to deal with disease, the use of condoms is not portrayed. The real world is very different though, practice safe sex, use a condom. Get ready, get the lube and your cocks out, you're in for a wild ride as the story continues!

"Hey buddy!" Clark said to his son, Travis, as he entered the kitchen to grab something to eat before he headed for his last day of high school. "Morning Dad," Travis replied, his hair touseled, stretching and yawning, wiping the sleep out of his eyes. "You sleep good?" Clark asked, pouring his son a glass of orange juice. "Yeah, I slept OK, new place, new noises to get used to." Travis said as he absent mindedly scratch his balls through the jersey pants he used as pajamas. Clark and Travis had moved into their new place the weekend before, the house had sold quickly and the equity had been equally split between Clark and Marla as part of the divorce agreement.

The divorce had not taken long to be granted at all. The hearing was held in a local court in San Diego, it was where Marla had filed the papers. Both parties were in agreement as to the finances, division of property, custody of the minor children, etc. After their court hearing, Marla had invited Clark back to her place. The kids were in school so they had a chance to visit. It wasn't long though before they were both nude and Clark was busy diving on his wife's wet pussy while she sucked his cock and fingered his ass. Marla cried out as Clark's tongue quickly brought her to orgasm, something he hadn't been able to do in several years. She then lubed up Clark's ass, put on her strap on dildo and rode him to a quick finish. The sex they had just had was the best it had been since they were in high school. "Break up sex." Marla panted. "Yeah, ain't it great?" Clark panted back. The quickly dressed and chatted some more, neither Clark nor Marla harbored any ill feelings; they simply had gone in different directions, that's all. "Clark, I think you need to know something." Marla said. "Sure, what's going on?" Clark asked. "I've been seeing someone." Marla said, looking at Clark trying to guage his reaction. "OK, and?" Clark said, a look of curiousity crossing his face. "Ummm, well, that's just it, there's something about me that I am learning about." Marla said, fidgeting with her fingers, trying to figure out exactly what to say next. "Let me guess, you're a lesbian or you're bi." Clark chuckeled, not really thinking he would be correct in his assessment. "Yup! I think I'm bi, Clark. I met this married couple a few months ago and well, guess what? I like to munch on pussy as much as I like to suck cock!" Marla said. "Great....great Marla, just great." Clark said, sarcasm creeping in his voice. "I think I need to head out now." Clark suddenly said, standing making his way towards the door. "Clark, you OK with this?" Marla called after him. Stopping at the door, Clark thought for a moment, turned around and said, "You know, I have no business to judge you. I was taking a guy's cock up my ass while you were taking care of the kids and your Mom. Am I jealous? Yeah, I guess I am a little bit, not sure why, but yeah, a little bit. Are you happy Marla?" Clark asked. "I think so Clark, I'm still figuring this all out." she responded. "Well, look, if you need to talk, call me, I know what it's like to be stuck." Clark said as he opened the door and left, not looking back.

Clark and Travis gathered up their belongings and checked out of the hotel they'd been staying at. Clark had to admit, it had been damn tough watching Travis parade out in his boxer shorts, the fly often opening to reveal the identical cock that his father possessed. He had managed to catch a few glimpses of his morning wood and, having thrown an immediate boner, had to make a quick run for the shower, making sure the cum he shot on the shower walls while fantasizing about his son and Kevin, going at it, was washed completely down the drain. As they were traveling back to Palm Springs, Clark asked Travis what he wanted to do for his birtday, it was two weeks away and he'd given Clark no indication of any plans. "It's the big 18, the day you legally turn into an adult. There has to be something you want to do to usher the big event in." Clark said, reaching over to tousle his hair. "I got some ideas Dad. Dad? Do you trust me?" Travis asked, looking at his Dad. "What? Of course I do, why would you ask me a question like that?" Clark asked, a puzzled look on his face. "Cuz, I have an idea for my birthday, but you have to trust me Dad, I mean really trust me." Travis said. "Um, OK, but why the secrecy?" Clark asked. Travis let out a devious chuckle and said, "Trust me Dad, you'll enjoy it just as much as I will." The rest of the trip home was spent in silence as Travis hatched his plan while Clark pondered what his son was up to. They pulled into the driveway of the condo and Travis practically ripped the door of the truck off trying to get out. "C'mon Dad, I gotta piss!" Travis yelled as Clark was reaching in to grab his small suitcase. "Allright, allright, hold your britches son." Clark said. Clark had no sooner unlocked the front door when Travis ran past him, pushing him out of the way, and headed to the bathroom. As Clark entered the house he could hear the sound of his son pissing in the toilet and the long sigh accompanying him as his over full bladder emptied. Neither of them bothered to close the door when they took a leak and as Clark walked past the bathroom he glanced in. Travis was standing at the toilet, cock out, he'd finished pissing and was now slowly stroking his dick, pushing the foreskin up and over the head of his cock. Clark groaned as he walked passed, he failed to see the grin creap across Travis' face, having heard his fathers groan of approval. "Gotcha!" Travis thought as he stuffed his semi-hard cock back into his jeans and headed to his room. Clark had had a separate phone line installed in Travis' room. It wasn't cheap but he figured that Travis needed his own privacy and space and this was one way to make sure that happened. Plus the agreement was that Travis would get a summer job before he headed off to college and would pay his phone bill.

Travis picked up the phone and dialed Kevin's number. "Hello?" Kevin answered. "Dude, plan is in place." Travis quietly said into the receiver. "Yeah? What happened, tell me!" Kevin panted in the phone. Closing the door to his bedroom Travis filled Kevin in on their trip. Parading about in his underwear in front of his Dad, making sure his cock just happened to pop out of the fly of his boxers and the right time, stroking his cock and making sure his Dad would get a glimpse of it. "Cool!" Kevin replied. "So, you think you're going to be able to work your magic on James too?" Kevin asked, he had already pulled his cock out and was stroking it while Travis was giving Kevin the low down on teasing his father. "I dunno. I'm going to call him, plus I need to see if we can use his place for the party. Dad's condo is way too small and for what I have in mind, I doubt the neighbors will appreciate it." Travis said. "OK, let me know what's going on. OH FUCK! UNNNGGGGHHHH!" Kevin shouted into the phone. "You fuck! You've been stroking your cock this whole time?" Travis said. "Yeah, you should see the mess I made, WOW!" Kevin giggled back. "I told you, save your juice!" Travis scolded. "OK, OK, I will!" Kevin said back, sounding like a child who's just been scorned by his parent for getting into something he ought not have. "I'll call ya later horn dog!" Travis said as he hung up the phone. His next call was to James. "Hello?" James said. "James, it's Travis." Travis replied. "Hey buddy! You just get home with your Dad?" James asked. "Yeah, listen, can I come over and talk to you?" Travis said, cutting James off. "Uh yeah, sure, when?" James asked. "Now?" Travis responded. "Umm, OK, I'll be out by the pool. Come through the gate, just make sure it latches behind you." James said. "OK, see you in a few." Travis panted back and hung up the phone. Grabbing his cell phone, something else his Dad purchased for him, Travis shouted to his Dad that he'd be back in awhile and before his Dad could respond, he was out the door. "This is going to be the best fucking birthday!" Travis thought to himself as he practically ran to James' house.

Travis opened the gate and, making sure it latched behind him, headed to James' back yard and the pool where he and Kevin had watched James and his Dad fist one another. It was that night that got Travis to thinking about his 18th birthday and what he'd like most. "Hey Travis, c'mon over, I poured you a soda. Hope you don't mind!" James said, smiling as he saw Travis' gorgeous body. "Thanks James." Travis said as he sat down to collect his thoughts along with his breath. "So what's up?" James asked. "OK, you gotta promise me that nothing you and I talk about will be revealed to Dad. Deal? You promise?" Travis asked, looking at James with a hopeful expression on his face. "Uh, well, Travis, I can't promise something if I don't know what it's about. But I will tell you, promise you, that if you tell me what's going on, I'll tell you before you leave whether or not I can keep quiet. Is that fair?" James asked, extending his hand in the hope that Travis would enter a "gentleman's agreement" and shake on the deal. "OK, I can do that." Travis said, reaching out and grabbing James' hand and giving him a firm shake. "Well, it's about my birthday. First - I'm planning a party." Travis said. "You're planning the party? Shouldn't someone else be planning the party for you? That's kinda how this works Travis." James said. "Not this one, but I have to ask, can we have the party at your place? Our place is too small and I don't think the neighbors would approve of the noise." Travis said, searching James' eyes for an approval before he heard the words. "Yeah, OK, I don't see why not. Sure!" James said. "AWESOME! OK, so, here's my plan." Travis said, leaning into James. The way Travis was talking to James about the party and what the plan was, you'd have thought that Travis was revealing some national level secret. It might as well have been though for I'm not sure that Clark would be up for this scheme his son was working up for him.

Travis was continuing to talk a mile a minute when my cell phone rang. "Hang on just a minute Travis, I need to take this. The hazards of being self-employed." I said. "Hello? Yes, I'll wait. Mr. Stringfeld, what can I...?" I was cut off before I could finish my sentence. Mr. Rodney Stringfeld was a client of mine back in Georgetown. He was a total ass to work with and an even bigger ass to work for. He owned a high wheeling and dealing realty firm that catered just to the rich and famous. He was as arrogant as arrogant comes, claiming to be of direct lineage to Miles Standish, his mother's side of the family of course, he felt that that entitled him to treat everyone he met or worked with as though they were a mere insect stuck to the bottom of his shoe. I hated dealing with him, however, he did manage to bring a lot of business, and money, my way and since he was my first client way back when, I had to show some semblence of loyalty to the rat bastard. "Yes Mr. Stringfeld, of course. Yes, I will be there, not to worry." I said as I hung up. "Fuck!" I said, forgetting that Travis was still there. "Oh, sorry Travis. Listen, that was work and I'm going to have to run out of town. Tell you what, your secret is as good as gold with me. Your Dad has a spare key to the house, so feel free to let yourself in and out as you need. I'm going to be gone at least the rest of the week. Sorry I can't be here to help you plan and set up. Sounds like you've got this well in hand though and I'm sure you'll pull this off without a hitch. I hate to be rude, but I need to get going so I can set up my flight plans, etc." I said. Travis acknowledged his understanding, shook my hand once again, and left. I started to get up off the chaise lounge and felt a cold wet spot on the front of my shorts. Looking down I realized I'd been hard and leaking the entire time Travis was telling me about his plan. "You dirty little devil you." I chuckeled as I reached for the house phone and started making my travel plans. "Oh, before I do that, I need to give Clark a call and let him know....no, better not, don't want to tip Travis' hand." I thought and dialed Beth, my favorite Travel Agent. I had an early flight to Reagan National out of San Diego, so I quickly packed, and ended up calling it an early night.

I was just starting to doze off when the phone rang. "Hello?" I answered, sleepily. "James? Hey, it's Clark. Were you sleeping?" Clark asked. "Yeah, I have an early flight." I said. "Oh, sorry buddy, I'll be quick. Hey, did you give Travis permission to have his birthday party at your place? He just asked me for the key." Clark said. "Yeah, I told him it was cool." I said. "OK, you gonna be gone long?" Clark asked with a tone of sadness in his voice. "Rest of the week at least Clark." I said. "OK, call me when you get in. G'night." Clark said and hung up before I could say anything more. I'd just dozed off again when the phone rang, again. "Hello!" I barked into the phone. "James?" the voice said. "What? I've got a freaking early flight Clark, what do you want?" I barked again. "James, it's me, Travis." Travis said. "Oh, sorry." I groveled. "I just wanted to say thanks for everything, this is going to rock!" Travis said and hung up before I could say anything back. I laid back in bed, and after and hour or two of tossing and turning, decided the only way I was going to get to sleep was to jack my cock. I popped a porno in the DVD and as I watched the men on the screen sucking and fucking one another, I slowly started to stroke my cock. I was soon pulling and tugging on my balls and I stroked my cock and would move down to my hole and lightly rub the outer edge in between pulling on my balls. I keep my cell phone on the nightstand and it dinged, letting me know I had a text message. I popped open the phone, hit the message and up popped a picture of Clark, fully naked, hard cock in his hand a rope of cum shooting out of the tip of his dick. I came immediately, coating my stomach in pent up fluid from my previous conversation with Travis. I quickly wiped the mess up, turned off the TV and drifted off to sleep.

The alarm clock rang way too early. I rose and greeted the long day that lay ahead of me. I dreaded the long flight from San Diego to D.C. but for some odd reason, this time the flight didn't seem to be all that long and before I knew it, I was on the ground, through baggage claim and on my way to meet Mr. Stringfeld. Halfway through the meeting my cell phone buzzed, indicating that I had another text message. I knew better than to look at it in one of Mr. Stringfeld's meetings, choosing to ignore it, I focused on what he was laying out and started mentally drawing some quick plans in my head. The meeting finally ended and as I was in the taxi on my way back to the hotel decided to see what the text message was. Opening my phone, it was another picture of Clark, only this time he had a dildo firmly implanted in his ass. Legs splayed wide, holding his rock hard cock up, I could see he had cum again. The stream of cum and ran down the underside of his cock, along the crack of his ass and some of had pooled on top of the dildo. My cock jumped and flexed in my slacks and I absentmidedly rubbed my hardening cock in my slacks. I heard the driver clear his throat and looked up to see two brown eyes staring back at me through the rearview mirror. I looked out the window, my face blushing with embarrassment. I looked back only to find that he had lowered the visor above him, a small mirror on the visor gave me a birds eye view of his crotch. He had managed to pull his cock out of his jeans and was slowly stroking it, since I was sitting in the semi-middle part of the back seat, I watched, mesmerized as he slowly stroked his cock, milking out a few drops of clear juice. "Mind if I snap your picture?" I asked, sexual excitement in my voice. "Just don't get the face." He responded back. I held my cell phone up and took a quick shot of his cock and then sent that to Clark. I looked up again, his cock flexed and another drop of cock honey formed at the slit in the head of his cock. My phone chimed, I opened, on the screen was, "Holy FUCK!" from Clark. "Feel brave and daring?" I asked the cab driver, giving him a wink. "Sure!" he said as he pulled into the parking garage of my hotel. He went to the very bottom floor of the parking garage and went to an area of the garage that was deserted. He turned off the meter, got out of the cab and opened the back door. "Buddy, you take care of my cock and the fare is on me." He growled, pulling his cock completely out of his jeans. "Deal!" I said and I leaned forward and sucked his hard leaking cock into my mouth. "Let me have the phone, I'll snap some pictures for you." he said and started taking various photo's of me giving him head. Photos of me licking the tip of his dick, my tongue lapping up the clear cock juice, deep throating him, pulling his balls out and tongue bathing them. I had pulled my cock out of my own slacks and was stroking my hard and leaking dick. "Fuck buddy, oh yeah, eat that god damned cock. Oh yeah, your bitch mouth feels fucking good on my cock. You get fucked?" he asked. "Hmmmpffff ummmppppffff" was my reply as I continued to deep throat him. "C'mon, take your pants off and get in the back seat on all fours. I want to slide my dick up your tight business suit clad ass." He growled, yanking his cock out of my mouth and slapping me on the cheek with it. "OH FUCK yeah...shove that cabbie cock up my ass." I groaned. I quickly removed my slacks and underwear and got on all fours in the cab, shaking my ass at it, begging him to fuck me. He licked his finger and ran it up and down the crack of my ass, pausing at my hole and rubbing his finger across it like it was a vibrator. I groaned, my cock flexed and a strand of liquid honey dropped down onto the leather covered seat. I yelped when I felt his tongue start at the base of my cock and work its way back to my rose bud. He quickly started fucking me in the ass with his tongue. Panting and moaning I bucked my hips back and forth, trying to get his entire face in my ass. "Let me see your cock." he said and reached underneath and yanked my cock back behind me. I yelped again and then moaned and bucked as I felt his moustached lips encircle the head of my cock and then slide down his throat. He sucked my cock in long slow strokes, his thumb circling my asshole the entire time. "You ready for a fucking?" He said. "Uhh huhh..." I panted, "Fucking slide that cock monster up my ass, oh fuck yeah, c'mon, give me your fucking cock. C'mon bitch! Right up my ass!" I shouted. I shouted out in ecstasy as he shoved the full lenght of his cock up my ass and started piston fucking me. I stroked my cock, matching his hips as he fucked me. He'd pull his cock completely out, rub the head over my hole then ram it back it. I grunted and moaned and bucked and shouted obscenities at him, begging him to fuck the living daylights out of me. To pound my ass with his cabbie cock. "Oh fuck yeah, oh fuck me fuck me fuck me." I groaned and panted.

"Get ready bitch, get ready, I'm gonna spray my fuck juice all inside your ass!" the cabbie shouted and he shoved one last time. I could feel his cock flexing and feel the cum shoot out of the tip. My own cock fired, painting the back seat of his taxi with my load. He shoved my head down into my cum, "Lick that shit up bitch, I don't need no customers sitting in your spunk!" He barked. I darted my tongue out, licking and cleaning up my cum. He yanked his cock out of my ass, used my underwear to wipe his cum and ass juice off and threw them back in my face. "Let's go, I got money to make." he said, zipping up his jeans as I pulled mine back on, choosing to leave the underwear off. He opened the trunk and threw my bags out, "Careful!" I shouted, "one of those is a computer you dick!" He shrugged as I passed him, his hand reaching out and firmly slapping my ass. My cock chose that moment to shoot another dollop of cum, just enough to paint a large wet spot right smack dab in the center of my slacks, an area that my jacket didn't cover. "Shit! I still have to fucking check it and it's looks like I pissed my pants!" I thought, trying to find a way to cover up or diminish the spot. I finally decided to throw the lap top over my shoulder and carry it in a way so that it would naturally cover it up. It seemed to work and within a few minutes I was checked in and changing clothes. I took my cell phone and forwarded the photos of the cabbie and I to Clark. I had attached the one of me, facing the camera, licking the pre-cum out of his cock and was in the process of sending it when I fat fingered the address and hit send before I looked at it. Thinking I had made a mistake, I quickly scrolled through the sent file and to my horror, discovered I had sent that particular photo to, of all people, Mr. Stringfeld.

My cell phone immediately rang, caller ID said it was Mr. Stringfeld, "Oh shit, here we go." I thought as I answered the phone.

More to follow! If you like the direction you think I'm taking the story in, please drop me a line! Thanks again for the feed back!! Hope you enjoy the reading!!

Next: Chapter 16

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