James and Clark

By Greg Reese

Published on May 18, 2008


James and Clark - Chapter 14

This is a work of fiction. The characters in this story live in a disease free world, the use of condoms is not portrayed. The real world is very different, practice safe sex, wear a condom. All the normal legal statements apply to this story and those chapters before it.

Clark and I hadn't realized, nor planned, that Travis and Kevin would return to Clark's house that night. They had arrived at the same moment that Clark and I were exploring one another. The two of them walked out into the backyard of Clark's house and heard our moans and groans of sexual excitement. Our yards were separated by a concrete fence and a row of oleander trees, however, there was an area where the oleander had died back, affording the perfect view into each other's yards, providing you had a small ladder, chair, or something to stand on. Travis and Kevin decided it would be neat, and hot, to watch the two of us make love. They quickly disrobed and carried the patio table over to the fence. Climbing on top they were able to peek over and get a bird's eye view of my pool area and back patio. They were both stroking their hard teen age cocks as they watched me fist Clark. "Fuck, that's hot and look, my Dad loves it!" Travis whispered to Kevin. "Yeah, fuck, hey, let me try that on you!" Kevin said, reaching over and starting to massage Travis' tender young ass. "God your Dad has a great looking cock!" Kevin whispered, drooling over watching Clark stroking his cock while my hand slowly slid in and out of his ass. Kevin whimpered a little as Travis began inserting his spit lubed fingers into Kevin's ass. "Awe dude! Go easy back there!" Kevin cried out, a little louder than he ought to have. Kevin's cock was leaking teen cock snot, pouring out of the tip of his uncut cock and running down the front of his hand. "Hey, look, Dad's getting ready to cum!" Travis said, nudging Kevin to take a look. About that time, Clark shouted and the boys both groaned as they watched rope after rope of cum shoot out of Clark's cock. Kevin grunted and was soon painting the wall of the fence with his load. "Shit dude, you didn't last long." Travis whispered. "Fucking A, dude this is so fucking hot, I'm surprised you haven't shot yet!" Kevin whispered. "Shhh...watch, their trading places, now Dad is working his hand into James." Travis whispered. Kevin had returned to playing with Travis' hole, using his spent cum as fresh lube he managed to get three fingers inside his friend before Travis winced and clamped down on his fingers. "Take em out, Kev, take em out. That fucking hurts." Travis whimpered. Kevin slowly extracted his fingers, one by one, from Travis' hole.

"Here, do me." Kevin said, turning to offer his ass to Travis. "I'm used to having a cock up my ass," Kevin said, wiggling his ass in an attempt to get Travis' fingers inside him. For whatever reason, Travis didn't care too much for getting fucked. He rarely let his best friend and teen lover enter him with his cock. He would let him eat and finger his ass, but when it came to getting fucked, he really preferred being the one to stick his dick in an ass. "C'mon, they're gonna catch us, let's put the table back and finish this up by the pool." Travis said, quietly climbing down off the table and then helping Kevin down. They put the table back where it was and Travis instructed Kevin to stand on the edge of the pool and squat with his ass over the edge. While Kevin got in place, Travis grabbed the KY they'd snuck back with them from Kevin's mother's night stand and quietly entered the pool. Kevin's cock was rock hard again and he was leaving a trail of cock snot where ever he went. Kevin squatted down over the pool putting his at right at shoulder height with Travis. Travis lubed his ass up good along with his hand and began inserting fingers into him again. Kevin purred and quietly moaned as one by one Travis worked all of his fingers into his ass. It wasn't long before Kevin's ass was now fully stuffed with Travis' hand. "God that feels fucking good Travis." Kevin cooed as he started bouncing up and down on Travis' lubed hand. "You should see how stretched your hole is dude." Travis said as he watched, in pure amazement, as his friend bucked and ground his hips on his hand. "Travis I wanna suck your cock and drink your load. C'mon dude, get up here, let's 69. You can play with my ass while I bob on your thick cock." Kevin groaned. Kevin gently eased himself off of Travis' hand, grabbed a towel and laid it down on the pool deck. He then laid on his back while Travis took up position over him. "Shit Kevin, you're cock is rock hard. I've never seen it this hard." Travis said, grabbing Kevin's cock and guiding it to his mouth while Kevin sucked Travis' cock in down to the base. They both groaned as they quickly went to work, bobbing up and down on each others hard cocks, coaxing and urging the cum that was rolling and building in their teen nut sucks out. "I'm getting close." Kevin said. "Me too buddy." Travis responded and they went back to chowing on each other's cocks. Travis tensed and with one final thrust, blasted his load down Kevin's throat. Kevin had to pull his cock out of his mouth and let the rest of the cum shoot on his face, Travis' load was way too much for him to take. Travis sputtered and gulped as Kevin's cock erupted, flooding his mouth with his salty bitter tasting load. Travis was able to swallow the entire load, only a small drop oozed out of the corners of his mouth. Travis rolled off of Kevin, panting, while Kevin lay there, wiping the cum off his face and licking it off his fingers.

Travis was hard again in nothing flat and turning so he was now face to face with Kevin he rolled Kevin over on his side. "What're you doing?" Kevin asked. "What do you think? I need to nut again and I want a piece of your ass." Travis said as he slid his head into his friends well stretched ass. Kevin groaned and bucked back as Travis slid his cock up his shit chute in one quick movement, Kevin's cock also responding and getting hard again. "Oh fuck yeah Travis. Bury your bone in my ass and fuck the shit out of me." Kevin begged. "I found my Mom's vibrator, you wann try something?" Travis asked Kevin. "What?" he grunted as Travis fucked his ass in long slow strokes. "Wanna try taking it and my cock up your ass? You're wet enough, you shouldn't need to much more lube." Travis purred, nipping Kevin's ear with his teeth. "God yeah, that'd feel fucking great!" Kevin said. Travis withdrew his cock and Kevin rolled over onto his back, pulling his legs up to his chest, gasping as the cool night air washed over his lubed and stretched hole. Travis soon came back and once he had the dildo lubed up, he began feeding it into Kevin's ass. "That feel good?" Travis asked as he watched his friend's hole devour the rubber cock. "Ummmm Hmmmm...." Kevin sighed. Satisfied that he had the enough of the dildo in Kevin's ass, Travis then placed placed the head of his cock at the entrance to Kevin's ass and started to gently push in. Travis inched his cock in, letting his friend get used to the feeling of both the dildo and his cock. Kevin was slowly stroking his cock, rolling his head from side to side, moaning as Travis continued to feed his ass his cock, inch by inch. "Dude, you're fucking aweome, I'm about half way in. You OK?" Travis asked. Kevin just nodded his head and grunted. A few minutes later and Kevin could feel Travis' pubes tickling his ass. "Oh fuck Kevin, I'm all the way in you plus the dildo. God this is hot dude, this is fucking hot. I don't think I'm gonna be able to last long." Travis said as he started thrusting his cock in and out of Kevin's abused ass. Kevin had already lost his load, his stomach wet and sticky with his third load for the night. "Fuck me Travis, fuck me." Kevin panted and begged. "Oh God, I got your cock in me and your Mom's dildo, fuck dude, fuck. Oh my ass, my sweet ass dude. Fuck me." Kevin continued to moan as his hand continued to stroke his now flaccid cock. "Fuck Kevin, get ready, I'm gonna shoot." Travis said, slamming his dick into Kevin's ass causing another orgasm to shoot out of his limp cock. Kevin's ass was on fire as he felt round after round of Travis' load shoot deep inside him. Travis bucked and ground his hips into Kevin, his orgasm lasting longer than any he'd had yet. Travis collapsed on top of Kevin and started kissing him, their tongues and mouths fighting like two sword masters in a duel. "God that was good Kevin." Travis whispered, his breathing beginning to return to normal. Kevin had already started to doze off and before long, they both were softly snoring, Travis' cock and the dildo still firmly planted in Kevin's ass.

The morning sun caused the two resting teens to stir awake. At some point over the course of the night, Travis had rolled off of Kevin but the dildo still remained inside of Kevin's ass. Clark and I were just starting to wake from our early morning fuck when we heard a soft groan come from what sounded like Clark's backyard. The gates in the fences that allowed entrance into our backyards were both on the same side of the house. Clark put his shorts and T-shirt on and quietly went to investigate the noise. I quickly dressed and followed as well. We were careful to not make any noise as we opened both gates and were even quieter as we snuck down the side yard. Clark stopped dead in his tracks and I just about fell into him as he rounded the corner that opened into the back yard. Reaching behind him, Clark grabbed me and made a motion for me to be very quiet. I peeked around him and had to stifle a gasp at the sight that lay before us.

Travis was on his back, legs up in the air while Kevin was working the dildo up his ass. "Go slow dude, go slow." Travis quietly begged. "Awe fuck." Travis sighed, throwing his head back as the dildo obviously was past the ring of his ass. "You ready?" Kevin quietly asked him. "Not yet Kevin, fuck me with the dildo a little bit." Travis responded. Our own cocks were quickly rising as we continued to watch the two teens go at it. After a few minutes of Kevin fucking Travis with the dildo, Travis thought he was ready for Kevin to start sliding his cock in his ass. As Kevin started to apply gentle pressure, Travis tensed with pain. "Take it out, take it out, I can't, it's too much" Travis said. Kevin slowly removed the dildo from his friends ass and once again started sliding his hard cock up Travis' ass. Travis sighed and moaned as Kevin made quick work of planting his cock deeply into Travis' backside. I gently ran my hand down Clark's cloth covered crack and started to play with his hole. He immediately clamped his cheeks shut and winced in pain. "What was that?" Kevin asked, stopping his thrusting. Clark and I quickly ducked back around the corner and as quietly and quickly as we came, we found our way back out the gate and into my back yard. We heard Travis moan again and realized that Kevin must have started pumping his cock back into his ass.

Clark and I quietly opened the screen door and went inside the house. "Is your ass sore?" Clark asked me. I reached back and once my fingers made contact I too winced. "Yup!" I said. "I feel like I shit out a fucking telephone pole." Clark said as he rubbed his sensitive ass. "Yeah, I guess I do too. C'mon, let's put on some coffee and go get cleaned up. I'll suck you off in the shower if you want." I said. "Oh with an offer like that how can I refuse?" Clark said as he ran back to the bathroom. I quickly made a pot of coffee and while it brewed I headed to the shower. Clark already had the water running and was leaning against the wall, letting the warm water wash over him, his cock rock hard, jutting out of his black bush. I stepped in, squatted down and started working on his cock. He grabbed the top of my head and guided my back and forth on his cock. "It's not gonna take long." He groaned, "Fuck, I'm there James, get ready, I'm there." He shouted as he slammed his cock down my throat and shot a rather small load down the back of my throat. I'd been stroking my own cock and it too fired off, a few drops of cum landing on the top of Clark's feet. I stood up, grabbed the soap and began lathering Clark up, paying careful attention to stay away from his hole. Once he was good and soaped up, I handed Clark the bar of soap and he quickly went to the task of getting me lathered up, also paying careful attention to stay away from my hole. We quickly rinsed, dried off and got dressed. I made us a plate of scrambeled eggs and some turkey bacon and we sat in silence as we both ate and drank our coffee. "I love you." I said, looking over at clark. Clark looked up from the newspaper he was reading, smiled and said, "I love you too!"

I'm thinking of ending the story with this chapter. Let me know what you think. If you'd like me to continue, please drop me a line! Thanks!

Next: Chapter 15

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