James and Clark

By Greg Reese

Published on May 17, 2008


James and Clark - Chapter 13

This is a pure work of fiction. The characters in this story live in a disease free world, the use of condoms is not portrayed. The real world is very different, practice safe sex, wear a condom.

Clark soon came back with an arm full of food, everything we needed for a good dinner he had, plus extras. "Travis called while I was at the house. He and Kevin wanted to crash at Kevin's house so I reminded them of the previous nights events and told them to behave themselves. I'm sure they're going to spend the night fucking, so they should be OK. You think?" Clark asked as he prepared the ribs for the grill. "Well, let's see what happens. Did you give him my phone number?" I asked. "Nah, I have my cell phone with me, told him to call that." Clark said, taking the ribs out and putting them on the grill.

Clark had made the best dinner, ribs, baked potatoes, cole slaw and strawberries and cream for dessert. I sat at the patio table, picking ribs out of my teeth, sipping on a beer while Clark cleaned up. "Man, that was some of the best tasting food I've had in a long time!" I exclaimed. "Glad you liked it baby!" Clark replied, as he took the last of the dishes into the house and put them in the diswasher. He came back out, beer in hand and sat down at the table. Stripping off his shirt, he sat back. "Phew, it is hot!" Clark complained. "What was it you told me earlier? Oh yeah, [What do you expect for June in Palm Springs]?" I mockingly joked back. "Fuck you!" Clark laughed as he flew me the bird. "Why is that an invitation I hear?" I shot back. Clark got up and took the chair next to mine. "Hang on, you've got some BBQ sauce on the side of your mouth." He said as he leaned over and instead licking the sauce off, which really wasn't there, he started kissing me. His kiss carried a stronger sense of passion, immediately igniting a flame within me and while his tongue searched for mine, I eagerly kissed him back with a longing that I hadn't experienced in quite some time. After a few minutes Clark pulled away from me and, searching my eyes, he said, "Umm, now that was nice. You've never kissed me back like that, I liked it." I blushed and giggeled like the proverbial school girl. We said nothing for a little while, content on sitting next to one another and watching the last of the suns rays dip below the horizon. A few minutes later a cool breeze began to blow. "Oh that feels nice." I said. "I think I'm going to take a swim." I continued as I stood and removed my clothes, diving in completely nude. "Thank God for trees and privacy." Clark shouted, but I didn't hear him as I was already under water when he said it. Clark had also decided to take a dip in the pool and, removing his clothes as well, dove in. He came up under me, pulling me under as I lazily floated on the surface of the warm water. I came to the surface, coughing and gasping. I splashed water in his face as he roared in a fit of laughter.

"You bitch! I fucking choked!" I shouted. We started chasing one another around the pool, splashing each other, laughing, acting like we were kids again. I was pulling myself out of the pool when Clark swam up behind me, with a mouthful of water, he spit it out in a manner that it landed against my asshole in a steady stream. I moaned at the feeling of the water hitting against my hole and before I knew it, Clark had grabbed my hips and was gently licking around my brown manpussy. I was awkwardly propping myself up while he ate my ass and soon told him I needed to change positions, otherwise I was going to fall back and land on his head. Clark let go of me and I hopped out of the pool and headed for one of the chaise lounges. Clark was hot on my heels, his hard cock leading the way. I no sooner had laid down when Clark stretched out over the top of me and started kissing me, my tongue fighting with his. "Oh fuck Clark, I do love the way you kiss and how you manage to turn me to jelly everytime." I said, breathlessly. "Yeah? You like that do you, well what about this?" he said as he reached down, and somehow, yanked my ankles so that now my ass was resting on the edge of the chaise lounge. He had my legs pushed back and his tongue back on my hole before I knew it. I groaned as my dick swelled and slapped against my stomach. Clark's tongue traced circles around the edges of my hole, occassionally flicking across my hole, making me squirm and gasp. I moaned and writhed as he gently and slowly ate my ass. "Oh God Clark, oh yeah, oh fuck, your tongue feels so good on my hole, yeah baby, c'mon, eat my ass out, fucking eat my ass." I cooed and purred, twisting my own nipples.

Clark removed his mouth from my ass, got up and went to the head of the chaise lounge, adjusting it so it layed completely flat. I scooted myself back up and as I held my rock hard cock up for Clark to eat, he lowered his ass onto my own mouth so I could lap at this sweet hole. I jerked as I felt his mouth suck my cock in and as my tongue darted out, flicking across his sweet hole, Clark's moan cause vibrations to shoot up and down my hard cock. I let my tongue wash and caress the lips of his ass. I started digging my tongue into his hole, tasting the inside of his ass. Clark groaned and his cock responded by dribbling out a steady stream of sweet cock juice. I made quick work of cleaning the sweet nectar that was streaming from the puckered skin around his piss hole. Clark groaned again and bucked his hips as my tongue dug inside his foreskin and licked the underside, cleaning the head of his cock of any remaining juice. "God, you do know how to treat an uncut cock doncha baby?" Clark groaned. "Ummm.... I could suck your foreskin for all eternity." I replied back. "Oh fuck Clark, yeah, eat my cock, suck it in baby, yeah that's it, suck it hard sweetie." I said as I let me fingers begin to roam over his tight hole. Clark began to grind his hips on my fingertips, letting them dip in and out of his rectum. I slowly inserted the first, second then third finger into his ass, his hips increasing in speed as they ground on the imaginary dick inside him. Clark spit my cock out and asked, "Baby?" "Yeah" I replied, panting. "I wanna try something, feel like getting a little kinky with me tonight?" he asked. I responded that I was OK with that and he proceeded to fill me in on what he'd been wanting to try. I grinned like the Cheshire Cat at agreed to give it a whirl. Clark and I soon traded places and within a matter of minutes, he was on the chaise lounge, legs up, and I was fingering his hole.

I immediately started by inserting two fingers into his hole. Clark groaned as they slid their way into his ass, his hips bucking and grinding. Once I was sure he was used to two, I added a third finger, again, taking my time, making sure he was not having any problems adjusting to the increasing thickness. Clark was starting to get overheated and he ground his hips on the three fingers, twisting his nipples, his uncut cock, leaking juice all over his pubes. "Oh fuck" Clark kept moaning. I added a fourth finger and I thought for a minute Clark was going to shoot his load. As the pressure on his ass increased, he leaned up, shouted, his hips shook and quivered and he fell back, his head rolling from side to side, panting, moaning as he continued to twist and play with his nipples. I didn't dare touch his cock for fear that it might erupt and end what was beginning to turn into a very erotic episode. "More, give me more." Clark was moaning and panting. He soon had all five of my fingers inserted in him and his ass was slowly sucking them past the second knuckle. As he took more and more of my hand, his groans became louder and louder. Before I knew it, my entire fist was inside him. Clark was panting an writhing, moaning, cum was now pouring out of his cock. His eyes were glazed over and his tongue hung out of the side of his mouth as he ground and bucked and bore down on my fist. I couldn't believe my eyes, I had my entire fist in this man's ass and he was loving it. My own hole twitched and clenched at the thought of having something this big inside of me. Clark bucked hard on my fist, his body shot up and he cried out. Cum shot out of his cock, coating his stomach in its rich white thick syrup. I leaned foward, sucking his cock into my mouth, taking the rest of his load down my throat. Clark bucked and squirmed and humped his ass on my fist as his cock continued to pour it sweet nectar down my gullett. Clark fell back onto the chaise lounge, whimpering, I slowly began to extract my hand from his ass, causing his cock to jump and squirt more of his cum out of the tip. I gently pulled my hand out of his ass, standing I walked to the top of the chaise lounge and, pointing my cock at his face, started stroking my rock hard cock. I came quickly, ropes of cum shooting out of my cock and landing on his lips, cheeks and nose. His tongue shot out, catching as much of my load as he could. What he couldn't get, he merely wiped off with the back of his hand and then cleaned it off with his tongue. Panting Clark said, "Oh GOD, you should try that. It hurt a little bit, but DAMN, when your hand went all the way in me, my GOD it felt good!" We quickly exhanged places and Clark started to work on my ass, taking his time to get me stretched and ready as well as lubed up. I wasn't too sure at first as he was right, it was rather painful at first, but once I got used to it and he had me good and stretched it was like nothing on Earth feeling his fist slide past the ring in my ass. I came one more time as his hand slid past my ring. Clark remained motionless once he had his fist in my ass, allowing me to take what I wanted and when I wanted. It didn't seem to matter though, as soon as I knew I'd taken his fist in my ass, I shot my load again. My cum sprayed my face and my chest and coated Clark as he tried to clean it off with his own tongue. He was rock hard again and this time wanted to fuck my ass. Hell at this point he could have driven a semi in my ass and I would have cum. I felt his hips as they slammed into me. I was lost somewhere in an orgasm ozone as I felt him fucking me but I was too into my previous orgasm to really respond. I knew he was really fucking my ass hard as he kept having to pull me back down. I lay there, panting, groaning, spent as Clark had his way with me. My cock was still rock hard and judging by the angry reddish purple color of the head, was ready to explode again. I no sooner had finished that thought when my orgasm hit. I screamed, loud as the muscles in my cock and stomach tightened and began to convulse. I bucked and squirmed on Clarks rock hard cock as I fought my way through my orgasm. I didn't spit out any cum at all, merely went through the motions, and emotions, of the blessed event. Clark soon screamed out too and I felt his cock erupt, his cum shooting deep into my gut.

I couldn't control my breathing and I soon began to hyperventilate as my orgasm continued to consume me. "James? James! Stay with me James! James!" I heard Clark shout followed by the sharp sting as he slapped me across the face. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as strayed closer and closer to unconsciousness. "JAMES! STAY WITH ME JAMES! JAMES! OPEN YOUR EYES JAMES!" I heard followed by another slap. I saw grey and the sounds I heard next sounded as if someone had put a 78 speed record on 33 1/2 speed. I felt movement, as though I was being carried in slow motion followed by being surrounded by warm wetness. I caught glimpses of light and shadow in my peripheral vision, all I could hear was the steady beat of my heart, first fast then slowing, slowing until finally it was normal again. I continued to hear my name being called out but it continued to sound as though someone it was in slow motion. I became aware of arms wrapped around me, holding and the sensation I was lying on my back, still in a warm pool of water. I flicked my eyes open and saw Clark staring down at me, his lips moving, attempting to make sound. I reached up and ran my hand along the side of his face, soon I heard his voice calling my name. "JAMES! GOD DAMN IT JAMES! RESPOND TO ME!" he shouted. "OH GOD, what did I do?" he asked, his eyes filling with tears. I coughed, much like a newborn coughs as it breaches the birth canal, it's lungs filling with it's first supply of air. "Clark?" I sputtered. "Yeah baby, I'm here, I'm here!" Clark responded back. "OH MY GOD Clark! Oh, fuck me, fuck me Clark!" I screamed out. I soon felt Clarks cock enter me and I gasped again. Clark had been holding me in the pool, when I came to. I now had wrapped my legs around his waist and was bouncing up and down on his hard cock. My mouth devouring his, my hands grabbing his ass cheeks, pulling them apart and allowing the pool water to enter his still stretched hole. "Fuck me Clark, fuck my hard!" I cried out as I continued to ride his rejuvinated cock. "I'm cumming James, oh fuck, I'm cumming again, gonna fill your ass again with my cum baby!" Clark cried out. I slammed down on his hard cock as he unloaded inside me. My own cock erupted, spraying my load into the pool, the sticky cement like substance clinging to our body hair. "AAAAYYYYEEEEE!" I screamed as my final orgasm shook me again, like a 9.0 earthquake. Clark held me in his arms as we came down off our high. "Fuck Clark!" I panted. "I have never..." I didn't get to finish my sentence, Clarks mouth was over mine as the last of his orgasm subsided, his now spent cock falling out of my own stretched hole, his load gushing out and sinking to the bottom of the pool.

We climbed out of the pool once we had calmed down and collapsed in each other's arms. "Clark," I purred, "I love you." That was the last thing I remember before sleep overcame me. We awoke the next morning, in the same spot as we had collapsed. Clark was gently pumping my ass with his morning erection. His hands twisting and tweaking my nipples. My own cock was rock hard and as it slid through his pubic hair, it left a trail of pre-cum. I felt Clark stiffen and felt the all too familiar feeling of a cock flexing and pumping as it shot load after load of cum into my ass. I sighed, stiffened and my own cock shot. A few drops of cum leaking out of the head was all I produced. "God I love you!" Clark purred in my ear as his cock softened. "Mmmmm... I love you too." I replied back, we dozed off again.

Stay tuned for more.......

Next: Chapter 14

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