James and Clark

By Greg Reese

Published on May 17, 2008


James and Clark - Chapter 12

This story is a work of fiction. The characters in this story live in a disease free world, the use of condoms is not portrayed. The real world is very different, practice safe sex, use a condom.

I woke up the next morning around ten. I yawned and stretched and rolled over to snuggle up to Clark only to find his side of the bed empty and note on his pillow. "James - it's about three in the morning, Travis called, he's having a meltdown. Gotta go, will chat with you as soon as I find out what's going on. Love ya - Clark."

I got up, threw on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt and stumbeled my way to the kitchen to make some coffee. I'd just finished turning on the coffee pot when the phone rang, "Hello?" I said. "Hey baby!" Clark responded. "Clark, everything OK?" I asked. "Yeah, he's fine. He fully realized what happened between the two of us and the danger of getting me in trouble with the law and he really freaked out. His friend, Kevin, called me. They'd been smoking weed and he was just getting way too deep, so the dumbshit gave him a Vicodine from his mother's medicine cabinet. He totally lost it after that." Clark explained. "So where is he now? Is he home with you?" I asked. "Yeah, I went over and picked him up. Kevin's mother isn't home, she's out on a two week cruise with her boyfriend. Just what these boys don't need, lack of supervision. I told Kevin to give his Mom a call today, pack some clothes and ride his bike over to the house. He showed up about 45 minutes ago." Clark continued. "Damn Clark, you've certainly had one hell of a night. Anything I can do?" I asked. "Nah, I'm gonna stay here for a little while. Travis is good, we had a really long heart felt talk about this. Ya know, it really was hot but that's it. Poor kid, I feel like I really twisted his mind, you know?" Clark said, his voice starting to choke up. "Clark, listen, you didn't twist his mind, it happened. You both are just going to have to work through this. Does his friend Kevin know anything about it?" I asked. "The whole story." Clark said. "Can he be trusted?" I asked, furrowing my brow at the thought that someone else knew what had transpired. "Hell, they've been fucking each other's brains out since they were 15. He's cool, in fact, Travis said he got so turned on when he was telling him about it that he dumped a load in his shorts." Clark said. I couldn't help but laugh, "Clark, you stud you!" I giggeled. Clark laughed back, we continued to chat some more. "James?" Clark asked. "Yeah." I said. "I meant what I said last night, I love you." Clark whispered. "Yeah, well Clark, we need to talk about that too." I said, cautiously. There was a long pause at the other end of the phone. "Clark? You still there?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm still here, just don't know what to say." he responded back, a hurt tone in his voice. "We'll work things out Clark. What about Marla? How is she....?" I trailed off, never finishing the sentence.

"James, Marla and I, Marla is...." he started. "Marla is filing for divorce James, we had a long talk while I was back there. She figured out I was in love with you long before I figured it out plus she's had someone on the side line for a long time now anyway." Clark said. "Oh...." was all I could respond back with. "It's OK James, we both know it's been a long time coming." Clark quietly said. I could hear Travis in the background asking Clark if they could head over to the park and shoot some hoops. Clark asked Travis if he was OK and I heard Travis respond back but couldn't make out what he was saying to him. I heard Clark tell the boys they needed to be back before six. I heard him call after them to behave themselves before he returned to our conversation. "What are your plans today James?" Clark asked me. "I was going to finish up my laundry and then work on these blue prints. I need to get them sent out by Tuesday and I really don't want to wait. Why do you ask?" I said. "Just thought you might like some company and then maybe we can talk about us." Clark said. "Well, I guess I can work on the blue prints tomorrow as well as finish my laundry. I guess you talked me into it you smooth operator." I giggeled. Clark chuckeled and said he'd be over within the hour, he had something he needed to take care of before he came over. "I'll talk with you then Clark." I said and hung the phone up.

I poured a cup of coffee and began to analyze my feelings for Clark. I felt something for him, not sure what it was though. It resembled the feeling of love but at the same time, I didn't see the fireworks or experience the butterflies in my stomach as I did when Madison and I met and we were falling in love. I summized that each situation must be different, there were, afterall, many different types of love. I certainly missed Clark when we weren't together, that was a sign of love. My heart did beat quicker whenever I saw him, that was a sign of love wasn't it? Well, I quickly changed my mind and realized that that could also be as a result of the extreme attraction I had for him. Clark was definitely a gorgeous man, any red blooded, man or woman would certainly feel a race in their pulse anytime they were around him. I just didn't feel like doing somersaults or cartwheels when I was with him and there certainly wasn't any of that giddy holiday greeting card gibberish talk either. I didn't want to don a raincoat, grab an umbrella and tap dance in the street while it was raining. There weren't any feelings of wanting to do handstands or back flips at all. There were no feelings of gazing into the wading pool and swishing a piece of pink stationary around like Olivia Newton-John had done in Grease. But damn, I sure was at ease with him and I melted each and every time he kissed me. His touch was pure electricity, sending little shocks coursing through my veins with each touch. I could gaze into his eyes for all eternity and never tire looking deep into them and there was being held by him. No where and at no other time did I feel safer than when he had me enfolded into his arms.

The ringing of the door bell soon interrupted my thoughts. I had managed to get a semi-hard erection as I stood there in the kitchen, thinking about Clark, adjusting myself quickly I opened the door. "Hey baby!" Clark rushed in, grabbing me and kissing me hard before I could get the door closed. I melted into his arms, my legs turning to quivering puddles of jelly, my heart skipping beats all over the place, my face flushing with the warmth of his kiss. "Awe crap." I thought to myself. "I am in love with this big ole goober." and I giggeled quietly to myself. I finally pulled away, "My my my Mr. Clark, but you do have a way of making yourself an entrance." I curtseyed, fluttering my eye lashes and replying in my best southern belle accent. Clark chuckeled, "You're such a goof!" he said. "Uh hello? Pot calling the kettle black, party of one!" I responded. Clark turned, "Listen, I know we agreed to lay off the stuff for awhile, but I brought my pipe with me anyway. A couple hits won't hurt anything, will it?" Clark asked, looking to me as a child would look to his parent for permission. "Oh I guess not." I replied as Clark lit the pipe and we passed it back and forth. "C'mon, I'll pour us an iced tea and we can sit by the pool and talk." I offered, heading to the kitchen for glasses and the tea. Clark made his way to the pool and decided to strip down to his boxer briefs and get some sun. I just stared at his gorgeous ass as he removed his shorts, two full globes of pure solid muscle covered by a fine sprinkling of dark soft hair. The pleasure trail leading from his back down through his crack, giving the viewer a glimpse of the sweet tight hole that lay hidden in the valley. "Oh GOD it's hot in here!" I said to myself, fanning my face with my head. I poured the iced tea and headed out to the pool to sit next to Clark.

Clark was stretched out on one of the chais lounges, his sweat making his chest hair shimmer and glisten with the rays of sun. His eyes were closed and my own eyes traveled the length of his body, taking note of his perpetually hard nipples that peeked out from underneath his mat of black curly hair. My mouth watered as I feasted my eyes on the bulge his oversized cock and balls made in the crotch of his briefs. I was amazed at how, as large as his balls were, they could completely disappear inside him when we were fucking, leaving the skin tight and drawn firm against the base of his cock. I took in his massive tree trunk thighs that, as big as they were, allowed me plenty of room to drive my dick into his ass as they were propped, resting on my shoulders. His legs were long, his calf muscles as thick and firm as his thighs. His legs narrowed at the ankle before tapering out into massive, size thirteen feet with long toes, also covered in his jet black fur. My cock jumped and flexed, "Not now." I silently scolded my dick. "Enjoying your view?" Clark asked, his head turned, his eyes also roaming over my own body. I blushed as I sat down and without saying anything, poured the ice tea into our glasses.

Clark got up from the lounge and walked over to the patio table where I was sitting. I couldn't help but notice the half hard cock that was snaking it's way down his left thigh. My cock flexed and jumped again and I felt the first drop of pre-cum soak into the fabric of my own shorts. "Geez it's hot today." I said. "It's the middle of June, what do you expect for Palm Springs?" Clark chuckeled. Clark looked over at me and reached across the table to grab my hand. Looking into my eyes, Clark started to say, "James, I know I can't.." but I cut him off before he could finish. "Clark, sorry to interrupt, but before we can talk about you and I, we need to talk about you and Marla. I'm single, I have no children, but you and Marla have, had, a life together. A life that bought a house, had kids, no doubt you have some bills, I mean, how's this all going to work?" I said. "James, OK, I understand where you're going with this. Well, we're going to have to sell the house. In fact, it'll be on the market next week. The girls are going to stay with Marla and I'll visit them on weekends, have them during the summer etc. Travis will be 18 in six months. He wants to stay here, graduate high school and then get his Associates degree. It's a lot cheaper to do junior college here than in San Diego. We've got it all worked out James, and since we're filing our own papers and there's nothing being contested then the courts really won't interfere." Clark explained. "But, you're so matter of fact about this Clark. I mean, aren't you sad? You and Marla had a life together, you were high school sweet hearts, you don't just walk away from that and go, "Poof, I'm done". It doesn't work that way." I said.

"James, what are you afraid of?" Clark asked, looking me straight in the eye. My eyes welled up and the tears came again. "Clark," I sniffeled. "What if..." and before I could finish the sentence, Clark interjected, "...what if I die? Is that what you're afraid of?" Clark asked. I looked up at Clark and looked away, blinking the next round of tears back I looked back at him and nodded my head yes. "Clark, I can't go through that again. Madison, when he died I...." I choked out. "Madison died because of me. He died because I couldn't rescue him, I wasn't there to keep him from harm. I was in the car, stuck in my seat belt, going in and out of consciousness, calling for him, telling him I'd be there, "just hang on Madison", I kept saying, "just hang on", I'm coming. And I didn't Clark, I didn't. He laid there dying because I couldn't save him." I sobbed. "I'd promised him I'd keep him safe and I didn't Clark, I fucking didn't, I let him die Clark and I can't do that again." I cried. Clark held me as I cried and sobbed, my chest heaving as the grief and pent up guilt I'd been feeling finally let go. "My God James, you've been carrying this around with you all this time? Look at me James," Clark said, gently grabbing my face and raising it so our eyes met. "You were hit by a drunk driver. Madison was thrown from the car, the impact occured on your side of the car. There's no way you could have gotten out of the car and the fact that you weren't seriously injured is just amazing." He said with quiet comfort. "James, I love you and I think you love me too. I'll go as slow as you need for us to go." he continued. "How...how" I managed to say between sobs, "how did you know about the accident?" I said, looking into Clark's eyes. "I was a cop, remember? I made a few calls." Clark said. "But your house, you have to move, I don't think I'm ready..." I started to say. "..for us to move in together? No, neither one of us is ready for that step yet. Which is why I bought a condo a few blocks over." Clark said, a gentle smile crossing his face. "James, you asked me if I'm sad. Of course I'm sad, Marla and I still love each other but we fell out of love. Yes, I've shared my life with this woman, I'm not closing a door and walking away from this thinking that it's done and over with. Shit, I bawled my eyes out just this morning in the shower over all of this. I'm not some callous jack-ass James." Clark said. "Oh Clark, I know you're not, I knew...the first time I saw you I felt something ignite in me that hasn't been there since Madison died." I said. "James, we'll be OK, and if we aren't meant to be with one another then that's OK too. I just don't want to walk away from this, this is like, I mean, I have never felt this way about anyone, not even Marla!" Clark joked. "Please James, just, just let this happen. Give us a try, OK?" Clark asked, a certain pleading and insecurity flashing across his eyes. "OK Clark, OK, but I swear to God, if you up and die on me I'll fucking kill your dead ass!" I said, giggling as I said it. "Deal you silly bitch!" Clark said, pulling me up from my chair and kissing me full on the lips with that same force of passion that he had shown me the night before. "C'mon, I'm hungry, let's rustle up some grub." Clark said as he pulled away from me. "I've got some ribs in the refrigerator, you light the grill and I'll be back." Clark offered as he left to get the food.

"Madison," I said, looking up into the early evening sky, "I release you, rest my love, I love you." I said as I turned and entered the house to get the tongs and find something else to go with the ribs.

I know this chapter was a little heavy, but ya gotta get that stuff out of the way before you can move on. Stay tuned.......

Next: Chapter 13

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