James and Clark

By Greg Reese

Published on May 17, 2008


This story is a pure work of fiction. The characters in this story live in a disease free world, the use of condoms is not portrayed. The real world is very different. Practice safe sex, use condoms.

It seemed like I no sooner placed the phone back in its cradle when the doorbell rang. I opened the door and Clark rushed in, shutting it behind him, I barely had time to turn around when he grabbed me and began kissing me. "God I missed you buddy!" Clark whispered as he continued kissing me. "I missed you too." I whispered back, reveling in the passion of his kiss. This kiss was not like his normal kiss. This was a kiss a lover gives his partner after being away for a period of time, was Clark falling in love?

I reluctantly broke away, "Clark buddy, you needed to talk. What happened?" "I didn't bring any brews over buddy, I need to lay off the stuff for awhile. Can I get a glass of ice water?" Clark said, turning away from me and walking into the breakfast nook. I quickly got us two glasses of ice water and sat down next to him at the small table I ate most of my meals at. An awkward silence passed between the two of us as I let Clark gather his thoughts. Clark soon sighed and with tears in his eyes, looked at me and said, "Travis and I slept with each other last night." Clark said, his voice choking. "How old is Travis?" I asked. Clark was sobbing at this point so I gave him a few minutes to gather himself. "He's 17 and gay. We've known he was gay since he was 15, that's when he figured it out and came out to us." Clark continued. "Fucking boy has a head on his shoulders, to figure this out at 15, man." Clark said. "It's a much different world these kids live in today Clark. Not like when you and I were that age." I responded. "So what happened?" I asked, fidgeting with my glass of water. "Well, as usual, I got shit faced. James, fuck, life has just been so fucking rough over the last few years. Marla and I, we've been having problems probably for the last five years anyway. Losing my job on the force and now her Mom's health crap hasn't helped either. Anyway, Marla had called right before you left, Travis had started sneaking out at night, he got busted with a fake ID. Marla figured he's bored so had me come over and pick him up. When I got there, Marla's Mom and I had a huge fight, no shock there. Anyway, I grabbed Travis and his shit, threw it in the truck and headed back, only to find you out of town ." "Sorry, I had business plus, I kinda got the feeling you were having another round of guilt." I responded. Clark shook his head no and continued telling me what had happened. "So, on the way back home I'm lecturing Travis. Course, he's throwing it back in my face the entire time, telling me about my drinking, knows I smoke pot, how hypocritical, etc. Anyway, we got home, he stormed off to his room and I stormed off to the kitchen and straight to the beer and figured, why stop there, let's have some whiskey too!" Clark paused to gather his thoughts and drink some water.

"So, I'm half shitfaced when Travis comes out to the pool and dives in. James, he's a spitting image of me when I was his age, right down to his cocky shitty little all about me attitude. Well, I got up, stumbeled to the pool and dove in as well." "You swam and you were shit faced?" I asked. "Yeah, pretty stupid huh?" Clark said, a dopey grin crossing his face. "Anyway, we got into a heated argument in the pool and the next thing I know James, we're in bed and he's plowing my ass. He fucked my ass like it was the last piece of ass he was going to get for 20 years. I'm still sore from the fucking he threw me James." Clark looked up at me and the tears were streaming down his cheeks. I could see the pain and the guilt in his eyes. "I'm the adult James, I'm the parent, this shouldn't have happened. I..." Clark started then, hanging his head as in shame, he just started sobbing. I reached over and grabbed Clark's hand, I had no words to say to him and couldn't think of anything to do but just hold his hand and let him cry. "Fuck James, I'm fucking my life up big time!" Clark sobbed. "What if he gets pissed at me again and goes to the cops James? What the fuck? Do you know what they do to cops in prison?" Clark continued. "Clark, have you and Travis talked about this yet?" I asked as I got up to make some iced tea, thinking that that would taste good later. Clark lifted his head, wiped his eyes on the sleeve of his shirt and nodded his head yes. "Yeah, we talked about that this morning and we still have a lot more to talk about. Come to find out, he'd gotten into my stash before he went swimming and was good and buzzed from my smoke, so neither one of us had clear heads. You know, he's says he's cool with what happened, said he's glad it happened, he's been hot for me, can you believe it? My own son, hot for me! Guess I still got it huh?" Clark giggled, trying to lighten the atmosphere. "Clark, how soon before Travis turns 18?" I asked. "Six months, why? You got the hots for my son?" Clark giggled. I laughed, "No Clark, don't take this the wrong way, but I'm not into chicken. So, how do you feel about this? I mean, Travis thinks it was hot, what are your thoughts?" I asked. Clark sobbed and started crying again. "I don't know James, I just don't fucking know. I mean, my head is so fucked up right now, so fucked up." Clark sobbed. I walked over to Clark, and just laid my head down on his back, between his shoulder blades and did my best to wrap my arms around him. I almost started crying too as I felt so helpless, I had no idea what to say, let alone even handle this situation.

"Where's Travis now?" I asked. "He took off this morning, he's spending a week over at a friend's of his." Clark said, wiping his eyes again. "Well, I guess that's a good thing, huh?" I said. "Yeah, I suppose. That will give me time to sort this shit out." Clark said. "James?" Clark said, looking at me with a pleading in his eyes. "Yeah?" I replied. "Hold me, please?" Clark said, as another round of sobbing overtook him. He wrapped his big bear arms around my waist and buried his face in my stomach. I just held him and his shoulders shook with his cries. "Oh Clark, man, Clark, geez, buddy..." I softly said. Clark stood and again, kissed me with that same tenderness as he had when he entered the house. "Do you hate me?" Clark asked. "Oh Clark, no. You weren't thinking, shit happens." I said. Clark looked in my eyes and for the first time, I saw something in his eyes that scared me. I saw deep into his soul and saw a man struggling, struggling with the events of the last few months. What scared me though was what I saw when I looked past the trouble, I saw love and it frightened me.

Clark stood, wrapped his arms around me and we started kissing again. His hands gently roamed up and down my back. His tongue gently caressed my own tongue as he kissed me with a passion I haven't felt in a very long time. I could feel the hardness of his cock through his shorts as he slowly began to grind his crotch into me. My hands softly cradeled his face, my own cock hardening. Pulling away from me, Clark gazed into my eyes again. "Buddy, I..." he started to say then stopped. "What Clark? What is it?" I asked, my eyes searching his for some sign of what he was thinking. "Nothing, buddy, nothing." He said, a smile crossing his face. "Listen, you're probably wiped huh?" Clark said. "I should go, you need to unpack and do whatever." Clark said as he let go of me and started heading for the front door. As he reached the front door, he turned and said, "James? Thanks, and please, don't say anything to Marla, OK?" "You're welcome buddy, and it's not for me to tell Marla." I responded back. "See ya tonight?" Clark asked, winking at me. "Come over whenever you want!" I responded, Clark turned and headed out the door. I stared at the door long after he'd closed it and was gone. Something was happening to me as well and I wasn't sure I wanted it to. My head and heart seemed to be in argument with one another, my heart telling me that I was once again in love myself while my head said it was impossible, "too soon!" my thoughts yelled at me. I shook off my stupor and proceeded to finish upacking and moved on to getting laundry started. I finished putting the first load of laundry into the washer and as I turned, finally realized just how tired and sore my muscles were from the long trip. Business class certainly is comfortable, but it still doesn't beat being able to fully stretch out in your own bed and freely walk about in your own home. I decided a long hot bath in my jacuzzi tub was definitely in order and within a matter of minutes was stripped, in the tub and relaxing as the jets swirled around my tired muscles.

I soon fell into a dream like state. That state of where you're not completely asleep but you're not awake either. I could still hear the various sounds the house made, the ticking of the clock on the bathroom counter, the creaking and groaning of the house as it heated, it's walls and joints expanding. I could even make out the sounds of the neighborhood children playing as they enjoyed their summer break from school. As I fell into a deeper state of relaxation, I was soon transported to a meadow, a light breeze was blowing, causing my white linen shirt to ripple against my bare skin, black-eyed susans were in bloom all around me and the air was sweet with the fragrance of french lilac. In my semi-dream state, I took in my surroundings and soon noticed a large oak tree, its trunk gnarled and twisted as a testament to time. A familiar figure sat in the shade of the old oak tree, waving to me, calling me, "James, over here James." I made movement towards the oak tree and the figure beneath it only to find myself instantly standing before the seated person. "Madison?" I said. "Sit down James, come, have some lunch with me. Look, I packed all your favorites, cold fried chicken, cole slaw, celery and carrot sticks, and for dessert, cheese cake." Madison said, beaming at me as I sat down. "Madison, you look incredible!" I said, "Your wounds, they're gone!" I continued. Madison laughed for a few minutes. "Isn't heaven great James?" He asked, flashing that familiar devious twinkle in his eyes. "Am I dead too?" I asked. "No James, you're not dead. Just dreaming." Madison said, giggling. "Oh Madison, I miss you so much Madison." I said, my voice choking as the tears began to well up. "James, I miss you too and we'll be together again, some day, but you need to move on now James. I'm happy, and as you can see, I'm well too." Madison said, reaching out to grab my hand. "But Madison, I love you, I love you so so much." I said as the tears fell from my eyes and streamed down my cheeks. "I can't do this anymore Madison, I can't, I hate being alone, I hate not having you here." I sobbed. "James honey, you always were a bit melodramatic about things. It's time to let me go James." Madison said. "No, NNNNOOOOO!!! I won't Madison, I won't....." I shouted, my shoulders heaving with my sobs. I was soon being cradeled in Madison's arms, he was rocking me just as a mother rocks her frightened child. "James honey, what we had will never end sweetie. I'll always carry a place in your heart, always. I'll only be a thought away. You'll remember something that we did and a smile will cross your face and you'll know that I'm still here, with you. James, Clark needs you right now." Madison said. I jerked away from Madison and in doing so, jerked myself awake. "Madison! Madison!" I cried out to the stillness of the house. My only response was the ticking of the clock in the bathroom.

"Oh God no! No more Madison, please, no more!" I sobbed. "Honey baby, if you really are with me, make this pain go away, please? I'm so tired of hurting, so tired." I sobbed some more. "James?" I shreiked and jumped, splashing water out of the tub and onto the bathroom floor. "James? You OK?" It was Clark. "Shit!" I thought. "Clark? Where are you?" I called out. "In the bedroom, can I come in?" Clark responded. "Umm, yeah." I called back. Clark came in, saw the water on the floor and my tear stained cheeks. I looked at him, the tears welling up in my eyes again. "Oh James, buddy, c'mon, let's get you out of that tub, you look like a 40 year old prune." Clark said as he handed me my towel. I opened the drain to let the water out of the tub and stepped out of the tub onto the, now wet, floor mat to start drying off. Clark had gone to get the mop and was now back, ushering me out of the way so he could mop up the water. I quickly dried off and with the towel still wrapped around my waist fell onto my bed, burying my face in my pillow as another round of sobs overtook me.

Once Clark had my mess cleaned up he came over and laid down next me, placing his head in the middle of my back. "James, you OK?" he asked, his hand softly stroking the back of my leg. "Uh huh." I said. "Another dream?" Clark asked. "Yes," I responded, rolling over on my back, Clark lifting his head and placing it now back on my chest. My towel had come undone as I rolled over and I lay there, partially uncovered while I continued to collect myself. "Wanna talk about it?" Clark asked. "No." I said, my voice choking as another wave of tears hit. Clark was now gently rubbing my stomach, his hand caressing my furry belly. Clark soon scooted up so that he was now nuzzling my ear. "It's OK James, everything is OK." he softly whispered, his hand now caressing my chest, my nipples automatically hardening with his light touch. "Shhh...baby...shh...." Clark whispered, gently kissing my neck. I turned my head and, gazing into Clark's beautiful eyes, leaned in to kiss him. His kiss was gentle, passionate, much like it was when he first saw me that afternoon. His hand soon found one of my nipples and I sighed as he began to gently flick it with his fingers. My cock was beginning to harden and as it rose, it pushed the rest the towel off of me. I could feel Clark gently grinding against my thigh, his cock hard, trapped by the shorts and underwear he wore. "Oh Clark," I groaned as we continued to gently kiss one another, our breathing begining to speed up as the passion we were sharing continued to heat. "God James, I missed you." Clark sighed back. I reached down, finding Clarks hardened cock, I began to gently massage it through his shorts. "Take your clothes off baby. I want to feel your naked body next to me." Clark panted. Clark released me and quickly removed his clothes while I threw the wet towel over the side of the bed. Clark returned, climbing back on top me. I spread my legs and wrapped the heels of my feet around his waist, I could feel the tip of his skin covered cock against my wet hole. Clark leaned foward and began to gently lick and nip my nipples. I sighed and purred, thrusting my hips forward in an attempt to get at his cock. "Oh baby, baby, baby." Clark moaned and purred. "You feel so good against me." he sighed. I moaned as he thrust his tongue back into my mouth. His tongue gently caressed mine and I licked the inside of his mouth, trying to get as much of his taste in me as possible. I soon felt the tip of his now wet cock start to enter me. I gasped and arched my back as the first few inches of his cock slid past the ring of my ass. As thick as Clark's cock is, I normally had to take things extremely slow, allowing myself to relax as he entered me. Not this time though, my ass wanted his cock inside it, I wanted him inside me. A loan moan escaped my lips as he continued to slip inside my hungry ass. "Clark baby, oh fuck, your cock feels so good inside me. Oh fuck, give me your hard cock baby, c'mon, fuck me." I begged. "Not this time James, this time, I'm going to show you just how I feel about you." Clark whispered as he gently began to make love to me. I cried out in ectasy, I hadn't had a man move like this inside me in a long time. Up until now, we had fucked with wild abandon. Two men, wanting to fuck, simply fuck, and so our movements were fast and furious. This was completely different, Clark took his time. His thrusts were gentle, softer, he wanted us to feel the passion that we obviously had been storing up for one another. "James, oh God James. This feels so wonderful. James, baby, I love you." Clark purred. "Let me make love to you honey." Clark whispered in my ear. "Clark...." was all I could say as another well of tears formed and spilled from my eyes. "Shhhh.....just enjoy this baby." Clark said as he kissed me again. Our timing with one another was perfect. As Clark pushed his cock inside me, I thrust my hips towards him. I was lost in the rapture and beauty of two men making love to one another. My hands caressed his back and grabbed at his firm, hairy cheeks, my fingers tracing the inside of the crack of his ass, causing Clark to shudder and groan. We continued our slow love making, our passion taking us higher and higher. There was no dirty talk between us, just cooing, sighing and moaning as our two bodies worked together as one. Our breathing increased, the flames of our love making causing us to further heat up. I pulled off of Clark's mouth, shuddering, I said, "Baby, oh God, I'm close baby." Clark grunted and he began to pick up speed with his thrusts. I reached between us and grabbed the base of his cock, his balls were fully drawn up inside the sack of their skin. "Clark...Clark..." I shouted at the first signs of my approaching orgasm. "James, oh God James, Oh fuck! James, I'm gonna cum, Oh baby, I'm gonna cum!" Clark shouted. I screamed out as my orgasm hit me, my cock erupting, shooting my load up between our two bodies. Our stomachs becoming coated in the hot fluid of my cum. Clark leaned forward, sucked my tongue into his mouth, groaned and slammed into me, his cock shooting it's load up my ass. I groaned again as I bucked my hips, faster and harder, on his erupting cock. We pulled apart and both of us howled at the ceiling as our orgasm finally peaked. Clark collapsed back on top of me, sweating, panting, he was kissing and nibbling my neck and ear. I continued to caress him, grinding my hip as far into him as I could, hoping to trap his cock inside me forever. Clark rolled off of me and onto his back. I rolled with him so that I was now partially laying on top of him, my hand gently stroking his softening cock, milking the last of his load out and onto his belly. We continued to kiss as we ebbed from our orgasm. Clark's breathing soon slowed and I could tell that he was now lost in the post bliss of sleep. I too soon found myself dozing off and I lay there, my head on Clark's chest, listening to his soft beating and the gentle thumping of his heart. Our cum drying on both of us. I dreamed, I was back in the meadow, the faint smell of french lilac in the air. "Go James, I release you." I heard Madison's voice whisper to me as slight breeze tosseled my hair. I felt him move through me and I let go.

Stay tuned for more as James and Clark continue to explore their love with each other. Thanks again for the great feed back! Keep it cumming!!

Next: Chapter 12

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