James and Clark

By Greg Reese

Published on May 3, 2008


This is a work of fiction. The characters in this story live in a disease free world, the use of condoms is not portrayed. The real world is very different, practice safe sex, use a condom.

Wallace and I quickly took care of our morning hardons, both us swallowing the others load at the same time. We quickly showered and dressed and I got ready to head out for my meeting. We were leaving our room at the same time as the couple next door were leaving theirs. They were an elderly couple, I'm guessing to be in their 80s and judging by the disapproving looks we were getting, must have heard our escapades from the previous night. Wallace and I exchanged our goodbyes and a long kiss outside of the hotel and we both climbed into different cabs, headed for different parts of the city.

My meeting ended after a couple of hours. While we talked, I had began to do a rough design sketch of the building that they wanted. Once we worked out some of the kinks and they were happy we ended our meeting and I told them I'd E Mail them the final sketch and once they approved that would begin the details of working out the blue prints. I headed back to the hotel, changed my return flight to leave the next day and decided to just spend the day lounging around. The hotel had a spa and a massage and facial sure sounded good so I phoned down to the spa, made my appointment and headed for the gym and sauna. The gym was empty and I enjoyed a hard workout before hitting the sauna. I looked at my watch and still had 45 minutes before my massage. There was another gentleman in the sauna as I entered, I sat on the opposite end of the bench, leaned back and just let myself relax. I heard the sauna door open, felt the draft of cold air and sensed the presence of someone sit down next to me. Within a few minutes, a foot casually brushed against mine and I felt a leg slightly brush again my own as well. Of course, my cock started to respond and I moaned as I felt a pair of lips cover the head of my cock and begin to gently suck my now rock hard cock. I kept my eyes closed, enjoying the impromtu blow job as the strange mouth increased its suction. I felt my load building up quickly and I began to thrust my hips, forcing my cock down the strangers throat. I felt the splash of cum against my cheek and turned in time to catch another splash of cum directly on my lips. My orgasm hit, I grunted and, shoving my cock down the strangers throat, unloaded, shooting my cum down the throat. I heard the door open and decided to take a glance around the sauna to see if I could see who my mystery cock sucker had been. I was surprised to see no one in the sauna with me, and even more shocked to when I reached up to wipe the cum off my face only to find that there wasn't any. My cock was rock hard, I hadn't shot my load. Had I fallen asleep in here and dreamt this? I left the sauna, grabbed a robe and headed for my massage and facial.

I was in seventh heaven as the massaeus' hands kneaded and massaged my tired muscles. I was still hard as a rock, but fortunately was laying on my stomach with a sheet over me, as long as I didn't have to roll over (which I knew I would eventually) the massaeus would be none the wiser. I purred and moaned as his strong hands moved down across my lower back, his fingertips reaching under the sheet and into the crack of my ass. "Did he just do what I think he did?" I thought, my cock pulsing harder, as if to answer me, "Yes he did! Now take care of me I need to shoot!" His hands continued to work my lower back, each time going further and further under the sheet until he was caressing the globes of my ass, his hands gently pulling my cheeks apart, his fingers lightly brushing my hole. The massaeus made no sound as he went to work massaging my feet and legs, his hands soon returning to my ass. I felt the sheet slide back and off me and he gently nudged my legs apart with his hands. He began caressing my balls and I instinctively lifted up, while he gently pulled my cock back and I laid back down. Now he was gently massaging the head of my cock, using my precum as natural lube while his fingers went back to work on my hole. I gasped as he slid his finger inside me and I gasped again as I felt, or thought I felt anyway, a tongue begin to lap the liquid up that leaking out of cock and gently dance over my cock head in circles. I soon felt another finger enter me and I raised my hips, swallowing the second finger up to the hand. They slowly and gently moved in and out of my hole while the tongue continued to massage the head of my dick. "Please roll over now," a thick german accented voice said. I wasted no time and was on my back in nothing flat. I heard the rustle of clothes, felt myself being pulled down to the end of the table, my legs being lifted and shoved back so that my knees were now resting against my chest. The tongue that had been working the head of my cock soon found it's way to my ass while a hand wrapped itself around my cock and started to slowly stroke my dick, causing more precum to ooze out and me to begin to moan and buck my hips on the tongue that was now fucking my hole. The tongue left and I soon felt the head of a cock slowly penetrating me. "Oh yeah, oh fuck that feels good." I whispered. "Yeah, slide that cock up my fucking hole." I continued. The hand wrapped around my cock continued to jack me off as the cock made its way inside my ass. I groaned and my cock flexed, a stream of cum shot out, as the head of the cock rubbed over my prostrate. Madison always loved doing that to me and marveled at how I could produce cum when my prostrate was rubbed without having an orgasm. The cock inside me began to increase in rhythm while the hand around my dick did the same. I began to shake, the feeling was incredible. As the cock increased in rhythm, so did the hand. I was at that point again, like I was last night with Wallace, where I was ready to cum, wanted to cum, badly, but the person fucking me was delaying it, getting to the point then slowing down and letting me calm down before doing it again. This seemed to continue forever, I'd reach the point where I was going to cum and the hand and the cock inside me would slow down, or stop. I was turning into a quivering mass of jello, moaning, whining, begging to please let me cum. The cock and hand sped up again, again I thrashed and moaned and panted as I climbed higher and higher towards my orgasm. I hit the point of no return and the cock continued to pound my ass, shoving me with force back up the table, the hand flying up and down my well lubed cock. I clenched the sides of the massage table and cried out as my cock shot, a rope of cumming landing on the pillow behind my head. I felt the cock inside me swell and knew he too was close. One final slam into me and the man fucking my ass groaned and I felt his cum shooting deep into my guts while my own cock continued to gush out cum, coating my stomach and sides. I felt the cock soften and pull out of my freshly fucked ass and in a few minutes felt the heat of a warm wash cloth as my cum was wiped up. I finally opened my eyes, staring back at me was Wallace! "Wallace! How the fuck?" I shouted. Laughing Wallace explained that he worked there as well. He saw me head into the sauna, checked the schedule and put himself down instead of Thom, the one who was originally scheduled. "But you would have liked Thom too. He's got an incredibly long tongue and an even longer cock." Wallace giggled as he leaned down to kiss me. "My GOD that was fucking hot Wallace!" I squealed. "Yeah, I like doing that. So, you nice and relaxed and ready for your facial?" Wallace asked. "Oh my God I don't think I can even move Wallace." I sighed. "Good, you don't have to. We cum to you!" Wallace. Kissing me again he bid me farewell and left to go get the employee who would be giving me my facial. I laid back and closed my eyes, enjoying my perfect state of relaxation, I didn't even look up when the therapist entered and said hello. I smiled, replied hello back and waited. A soft pair of hands began to gently massage my forehead and cheeks. "Umm, that feels so good." I said. "You have nice skin tone and great cheek structure. You must take very good care of your skin." the deep masculine voice said. I nodded yes and moaned as the hands continued to massage my face. I soon felt lotion being applied to my hands and they too were massaged, each one being slid into a warm mitten device afterwards. Next were my feet, I thought I'd died and gone to heaven as my feet were gently caressed and lotion applied to them. "You have some callouses on your heels, nothing unusual but let's get rid of them for you shall we?" the deep voice said. I purred as he continued to work on my feet, falling into a deeper and deeper state of relaxation. Once my feet were done, they were slid into a warm pair of slippers, well that's what it felt like, and whatever the lotion was he had used, it continued to act as a massage on my feet. I felt my cock begin to plump up again and wondered, since I was now on my back, how I was going to mask this. The more I focused on trying to keep it from rising, the harder it seemed to get. Before long I was sporting a full blown hard on, my cock tenting the sheet. "I take it you are enjoying your massage, judging my your erection." the deep voice said. "Sorry, I'm so embarrassed, it has a mind of its own." I replied. "It's OK, men often get aroused as they are massaged, it's natural. I often get aroused while working on my clients. It makes me feel good knowing I am helping someone feel good too." the voice said. More lotion was applied to my face and a dark mask was placed over my eyelids. "I'm going to put a heat lamp over your face in order for the lotion to draw out the oils and toxins in your skin. This mask will protect your eyes, you won't be under the lamp for long though." the voice said. "I'm just going to turn your head to the side of the table a little bit." the voice continued as I felt his hands adjust my head, angling me towards him. I felt something brush against my lips, a wet sticky substance coating my lips. I licked my lips and was surprised to find that it tasted like pre-cum. The heat lamp was removed and I soon felt the head of a cock part my lips. "Mmmmmm..." I groaned as I sucked the cock in. The sheet was once again pulled off of me as my head began bobbing up and down on the strange cock that was invading my mouth. I soon felt something being inserted into the tip of my dick and down my uretha, while at the same time something was being fastened around my cock and balls. I continued sucking on the cock in my mouth, not sure about what was going to happen next. I soon felt little shocks of electricity begin to course through my cock and balls. Spitting the cock in my mouth out, I gasped, "Oh my God what is that?" "It's an electro stim unit, do you like it?" the voice asked. I whined my approval back as the sensations continued to increase. "This will give you a mind blowing orgasm." the voice said, the dick parting my lips, wanting entrance back inside my mouth. I went to town sucking on his cock while the sensations in my cock and balls continued to build. It didn't take long for either one of us to reach our breaking point. I felt the head of the cock I was sucking on swell and start jerking as a river of cum began pouring down my throat. I managed a muffeled scream as I arched my back and my own cock fired. I didn't shoot much cum but I sure did buck and grind my hips as I practically hyperventilated through my orgasm. He wasn't kidding, this was intense and it seemed to be going on forever, along with the river of cum that was still pouring from this mans cock. I had ceased being able to keep up with it and more of his cum was pouring out of the side of my mouth than down my throat. He eventually lowered the settings on the electro stim unit, my orgasm quickly subsiding. In the mean time, I had pulled his cock out of my mouth, trying to catch my breath. The remainder of his load had ran down my chest as I heaved and panted. As I laid there trying to gather myself, he began to wipe me off and remove the electro stim device. "Feel better?" he asked. "I do, I'll bet your name is Thom isn't it?" I asked. "Yup!" he laughed. "Oh thank you Wallace, Thank YOU!" I said. "There's a shower next door, feel free to clean off. Drink lots of water today and don't be surprised if you are just completely worn out. You had a really good workout." Thom said, grinning as he left the room. I made my way to the shower, quickly cleaned up and headed back to my room.

I spent the rest of the day packing and getting to head back home the next day. Before I knew it, it was time to get up and head for the airport. I still felt wiped out from my massage and facial, and what a massage and facial it was too!. I knew I'd probably sleep the majority of the way home and sure enough, it wasn't long before I was being rousted as we were getting ready to land in San Diego. Another two hours and 45 minutes and I was soon walking through the front door of my house. I noticed a card laying on the counter in the kitchen and as I went to see who it was from, recogized Clark's handwriting. I opened it up and read it, "James - sorry about the way I left things. I went to San Diego for a few days to be with Marla and the kids. We need to talk, really need to talk, more has happened since you headed out. Call me when you read this." "Hmmm....wonder what this means." I thought myself as I laid the card back down on the counter and dialed Clark's number. "Hello?" Clark said. "Clark, it's James, wha.." I was cut off before I could say anything else. "Dude, buddy, I gotta talk to you, some serious shit happened last night. I gotta come over, can I come please, oh dude, fuck, I gotta talk to you." Clark said, his words firing out of his mouth as fast as bullets fires out of a machine gun. "Clark, man, I just got home..." I said, again cut off. His voice cracking on the verge of tears, "I know James, but listen, I wouldn't bug you...oh fuck James, fuck me fuck, James, please really, I really need to talk to you!" Clark said, I could now hear the sobs in his voice. "All right Clark, all right, come on over. Bring some beer, I don't have any and I think I, we, might need a couple brews." I said, the only response being the click as he hung up the phone. The door bell rang a few minutes later. I let Clark in and he grabbed me, "Dude, I fucked up, I fucked up big time! I slept with my son!" Clark shouted.

Sorry to leave you all hanging, but this is the perfect place for the proverbial cliff hanger. Stay tuned......

Next: Chapter 11

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