James and Clark

By Greg Reese

Published on Apr 20, 2008


This story is a work of fiction. The characters in this story live in a world without disease, the use of condoms is not portrayed. Our real world is very different, practice safe sex, use a condom.

My names is James Vandervoort. I'm 40 years old, six foot two, blue eyes, jet black hair that is just beginning to gray and I weigh 200 pounds. I keep myself fit and trim, hitting the gym four times a week. My chest is covered in a mat of jet black hair as is my ass and my crotch. I sport an 8X2 cock fully erect and can still fuck for hours, cumming three times before my cock has had enough. I'm versatile, loving to be fucked just as much as fucking and I'm a sucker for a man in uniform. Doesn't matter which uniform, soldier, sailor, marine, police officer, fireman, if it's a uniform I'm fucking hard as a rock. I'm also an architect, I work for myself and I have contacts across the globe. Up until a year ago I was partnered and we lived in a beautiful restored three story brownstone in Georgetown, Washington D.C. Up until a year ago I was madly and passionately in love with someone who was madly and passionately in love with me. That is until Christmas Eve. We were driving back from a Christmas Party thrown by a friend of ours when we were hit by a drunken driver. Madison, my partner, was thrown from the car, even though he was buckeled in. He lay in a coma for a week before he died. I spent the rest of the year in mourning, going through life in a fog. Working, hitting the gym, going home, that was my routine. I finally decided that what I needed was a complete change, hell I hadn't even jacked off but twice that year. I put the brownstone up for sale, notified my clients I'd be moving and headed to the West Coast. I hit Palm springs and decided this was where I would live. I soon found a home I liked, made an offer and within the week was having my furniture shipped. It would take about a week for it to arrive, which was fine, I wanted to put on a fresh coat of paint inside and have the outdated carpet removed and hardwood floors put in. In the meantime I made camp at the local Ramada Inn.

I'd been busy painting the walls with a primer when there was a knock on the front door. It was early April and the weather was beautiful so I had the house opened up to let it air out. Wiping my hands on my bibs (yes, I wear bib overalls when doing work) I put the paint brush down and went to the security door. I opened the door, standing there, casserole dish in hand, was a man and woman, appearing to be about my age. "Hello, I'm Marla and this is my husband Clark. We live next door and thought we'd bring you a houewarming gift (at that point her husband lifted up a six pack of beer) and something hot to eat." I opened the door, took the six pack and invited my new neighbors in. I introduced myself and, grabbing Clark's hand for a firm handshake, took a moment to size him up. "Umm..nice I thought." as I gazed over his hairy well built wife beater covered chest, the nice package on display through his bermuda shorts and the biggest pair of feet I've ever seen on a man. Easy size 13s, and he wasn't maybe but a foot or two taller than me. "What brings you to Palm Springs?" Clark asked. Looking over at Clark I smiled and replied, "Needed a change is all." "Where you from?" Marla asked. "Georgetown, Georgetown, Washington D.C." I responded. We stood there, silent, not knowing what to say to one another. I stole sideways glances at Clark and for the first time in a year, felt a familiar stirring in my crotch. "Well, we should really get out of your way," Marala said. "If you need anything, we're just next door. When will your furniture arrive?" she continued. "Next week, hopefully I'll have this painted and the new flooring in before it gets here." I replied. "Well if you need help painting, let me know, I'll be glad to pitch in." Clark offered. "Thanks, thanks a lot, I may just do that." I replied. "It was nice to meet you and I hope we'll be seeing more of you?" Marla said. "Yes, I'm sure you will." I replied, shaking Clark's hand again and thanking Marla for the casserole. I watched as they turned and headed out the door, checking out Clark's ass. "Ummm ummmm ummm...fine fine fine ass." I thought, my cock starting to rise in my bibs. I realized I was hungry and I was also covered in paint and sweat. I decided it was time to head back to the hotel so I cleaned out the brushes and rollers, washed the primer off my hands and closed the house up. Grabbing the casserole and beer I headed back to the hotel. My room had a small microwave and refrigerator in it. I had picked up some paper plates earlier that day so heated some of the casserole, popped open a beer and started to eat.

Upon arriving in Palm Springs I quickly sought out a gym close to the house and signed up. After eating I decided I needed a work out so grabbing my gym back I threw it in the truck and headed over to the gym for a good workout. I entered the locker room, casually checking out the men in various stages of dress and undress, admiring muscular backs, tight asses and the occassion glimpse of cock. I spent about an hour at the gym, I needed to work off some built up steam and decided I'd hit the sauna before I went home. Wrapping a towel around my waist I headed for the steam. I walked in and found a spot on the bench, silently giving thanks that I was alone in the sauna. I wouldn't be for long as I heard the door open and another gentleman sit down. I had my eyes closed and was leaning back against the wall when I heard a familiar voice say, "James?" Opening my eyes I realized the person who had entered was my new neighbor, Clark. "Hey Clark! Funny running into you here!" I grinned, hoping that my rising cock wouldn't give myself away. "Hey since you're a member here maybe we can work out together." Clark offered. "Yeah, maybe." I responded, closing my eyes again and leaning back against the wall. We sat there in silence, both of us lost in our own train of thoughts as we enjoyed the cleansing benefit of the steam. I'm not sure how long we'd been in there but I had decided it was time to head out. I glanced over at Clark, who's eyes were still closed, and took this time to really check him out. I gazed at his firm hard chest, his pecs well defined, nipples brown and erect. I let my gaze wonder down to his crotch, he had let his towl fall apart just enough that I was able to catch a glimpse of one of his nuts, and what a delicious looking nut it was. Covered in brown hair it was the size of a small egg. Clark reached down to scratch his crotch, causing the towel to come further apart and I caught a peek at the head of his cock. He wasn't circumcised and his skin covered head looked just as delicious as the rest of him. "Well, I think I've had enough, I need to get going." I said, a little more urgently than I needed to. "OK James, catcha later." was all Clark said as I hurried out of the sauna, hoping my cock would deflate so I could get dressed. Thankfully the locker room was empty so I quickly dressed and hurried out of the gym and back to the hotel. The front of my shorts were wet with pre-cum by the time I entered the hotel. I looked down at the huge wet spot that had spread across the crotch of my shorts, I had dressed in such a hurry that I hadn't bothered to put on any underwear. "Shit, no wonder I was getting odd stares as I walked back to my room." I thought and bust out laughing. "Oh my God, I haven't laughed since Madison died." I thought. The laughter was soon replaced by the familiar sobs as once again, life without Madison came back to haunt me.

Ever since Madison had died I had had nightmares. The events of that night continued to play out in my dreams. Laughing with one another, holding his hand, kissing the back of his hand as I tell him I love him, the scream and the blinding lights followed by the crunch and sound of glass breaking and then the sensation of being spun around only to finally black out. Each night was the same and each night I'd awake, screaming, crying out for Madison and each night I fall back in bed, crying, sobbing myself back to sleep as the reality of him being gone came flooding back to me. My doctor had prescribed sleeping pills but they made me feel hung over and out of it so I quit taking them. Tonight was no different. Since I didn't need to be anywhere at any time the next day, I decided to take one of the sleeping pills after my first nightmare. Waking up at ten the next morning I felt the usual hang over that prescribed narcotics makes you feel. I opted not to shower, knowing I'd be heading for the house anyway, and simply brushed my teeth, rolled on some deodorant and hopped in the truck. I stopped at McDonalds along the way for a very unhealthy breakfast and a cup of very hot and strong coffee. As I pulled in the driveway, I saw Marla pulling out in the minivan with the kids buckeled in. I waved and smiled as she backed out of her driveway and headed down the street.

About an hour into painting and I heard Clark calling through the security door. I walked over to let him in and just about dropped my paint brush. Clark was not wearing a shirt and the shorts he had on were at least two sizes too small, the clear outline of his cock and balls on display for me to drool over. "Hey James, thought I'd give you a hand." Clark said as he opened the door. "Um, sure, you bet, grab a brush!" I said. As I watched him walk past I noticed a small tear in the seat of his shorts. A glimpse of a furry asscheek peeking through. "Oh shit, I'm so screwed." I thought. We quickly went about our work and before I knew it, we had finished with the primer and were now ready to go back and start painting the areas where the primer had already dried. I looked at my watch, "Shit! It's already six o'clock! Hey, where's Marla?" I said. "Oh she headed over to San Diego this morning. She and the kids, they'll be gone for a couple of weeks. She goes over there about every six months and spends a couple of weeks at her mothers. We don't get along, her mother and I, so I stay back and do the work thing." Clark said. "Ah, ye ole mother-in-law issues." I responded. "So what line of work are you in?" I asked. Clark paused, thinking about his response before he responded. "Well, up until two weeks ago I was on the police force." he responded. "Really?" I replied. "Yeah, I was involved in a shooting, the investigation didn't go well and right now I'm on paid leave pending the final results of the investigation." Clark responded. Before I could say anything, Clark continued. I watched, intently, as Clark proceeded to explain that he was responding to a silent alarm at a residential home. He had just entered the house when a shot was fired, he saw a shadow, took aim and proceeded firing. When the smoke had cleared and he had turned on the lights, a 16 year old boy lay dead in the home. He was a gang member from Los Angeles, breaking into the home was the first of his initiations into the gang. Clark continued to tell me that the boy fired once and the investigators counted thirteen spent cartridges belonging to his pistol. The boy was dead and he was being investigated for excessive force. Clark continued to tell me that this young kid was just a year younger than his oldest. I continued to listen as he told me that he'd been placed on leave and it looked like he would lose his badge, in spite of the fact that it was self defense. "The County District Attorney has zero tolerance for cops killing minors, regardless of the reason. If he has his way, I'm cooked." Clark said. "Damn, that's rough, I don't know what to say." I responded.

Clark was getting ready to respond when his cell phone rang. "Hello? Hey baby..." Clark said and then was cut off. "Damn, is she OK? Uh huh...uh huh..OK baby, no do what you need to do. OK baby, allright, talk with you tomorrow then. Bye, love you." Clark said as he closed the cell phone in his hands. Looking at me he explained that his mother-in-law had fallen as she was walking out to greet them. She's a widow, so they had taken her to the ER. Broken collar bone and her rotator cuff is torn. He explained she be there for about six months. "Looks like we're gonna be batching it for awhile!" Clark said as he slapped me on the back. "Say, I've got some steaks in the fridge. Let's grill them up, toss back a few beers and have a good time." Clark exclaimed. "Well that sounds good but I don't drink and drive." I replied. "It's OK, you won't drink and drive, you'll crash at my place, we have a guest room and I think I have some clothes that will fit you. C'mon, lets blow off some steam." Clark urged. "All right, a steak and some beer does sound good. Anything but take out!" I said, laughing. We finished up, cleaned everything up and made our way to Clark's house. I couldn't help but whistle as I walked into his home, it was beautiful. Large rooms, tiled floors, wood floors in the living room, game room and den. "Damn! You can afford this on a cops salary?" I exclaimed. Laughing, Clark explained that he did side work with his brother who owned his own construction company. "He's been asking me to come work with him for quite some time, looks like he might get his wish." Clark said as he pulled two beers and the steaks from the refrigerator. Clark and I chatted while he grilled the steaks and we ate. Steaks, baked potatoes and a salad, all too good, it had been so long since I'd cooked, mostly grabbing something on the way home, not really tasting it, just going through another motion.

We played a game of pool as our dinner digested. It had been a long time since I'd had anything alcoholic to drink and I was getting a good buzz. It felt good. Clark left the room momentarily and came back with a bong. Lighting it he took a long drag and passed it to me. "Shit, I haven't smoked since college!" I said, grabbing the bong and inhaling the heady smoke. Between the buzz of the beers and now the buzz of the smoke, I was feeling no pain. I was also feeling no inhibitions and made it more than obvious that I couldn't take my eyes off of Clarks crotch or his ass. I don't know if Clark noticed, if he did, he didn't react. We continued shooting pool, exchanging small talk. I sank the 8 ball and won the second game of the night. "So James, ever been married." Clark asked, leaning against his pool cue, his eyes blood shot from the effects of the bong. "No, I was partnered for about 10 years, but it ended." I said. Taking another hit off the bong and passing it to me, Clark said, "Partnered? You gay?" After I had drawn in the smoke I shook my head yes. "So what happened?" Clark asked, shifting his weight, causing his shorts to further outline his cock and balls. "He died, car accident, hit by a drunk driver on Christmas Eve. A little over a year ago. I moved out here to get away, couldn't handle the memories anymore." I said as I exhaled the intoxicating smoke. "Damn buddy, damn." Clark said, shaking his head. I started giggling, I couldn't help it, between the beer and the smoke, I was pretty giddy. "What's so fucking funny dude?" Clark asked, a stoned smile creeping across his face. "You, your head, when you shook it. Fucking funny man, fucking funny!" I exclaimed as I doubled over in laughter. "Dude, you're so stoned. I know just the thing for you." Clark said. He came over to me, picked me up and headed to the back yard and tossed me in the pool. I came up, coughing and sputtering, laughing. I soon quit laughing as Clark came out, peeled off his shorts and dove in, completely nude. I was able to take in his cock and balls as he dove in the water. It all appeared to be in slow motion. Before I knew, Clark was yanking my own shorts down, exposing my half hard cock. I wasn't sure but I swear he licked the head of my cock as he swam up, spitting water in my face. Laughing he said, "C'mon dude, it's just us guys. Fucking take your shorts off. Or are you afraid that my trouser anaconda is bigger than yours?" he laughed again, splashing water in my face as he dove under, again, I could have sworn he licked the head of my cock. Either way, I was now rock hard and I didn't dare get out of the water. I took off, making my way towards the shallow end of the pool. Clark had already swam that way and climbed out of the water, his semi hard cock bouncing and bobbing in front of him as he reached for his beer and the bong.

I swam to the edge of the pool and stopped right in front of him. He sat on the edge, legs spread, showing me all he had to offer. I stared at his enormous uncut cock, now fully erect. His egg sized balls drawn up in their sack. He passed the lit bong down to me and while I inhaled the smoke, he absetmindedly stroked his cock. Head tossed back he let go of his dick and began to massage his balls. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, my new, seemingly straight cop neighbor appeared to be putting on a show for me. I reached down and felt my own hard cock and started tugging on it. I heard Clark groan and then, looking up at me, he removed his hand, reached for the bong and took another drag off of it. He stumbeled back to the chairs that were set up around the table and sat back down then reached for his shorts, put them on, tucked his still hard cock in and offered me another hit. I walked up the steps out of the pool, my rock hard cock swaying in front of me, the first bead of clear cock juice beginning to form at the head. He stared at my cock, licked his lips, then drew another long drag on the bong. I sat down, he passed the bong to me and while I was taking a drag from it he left to get two more beers. When he got back I had also put on the pair of shorts that he had loaned me. We sat in silence for awhile, I didn't know what to say and obviously neither did he. "Well, I guess I'm ready for bed." Clark said as he stood, his hard cock still jutting out in front of him and left to go to bed. I was on his heels, thinking I might be able to taste this mans cock. "Your room is right here dude, see you in the morning." Clark said as he entered his bedroom and closed the door. I lay in mind, my mind racing, wondering if I had crossed the line with this man and if so, what the consequences were. It wasn't long before I heard the tell tale squeaks of a mattress spring and knew that Clark was in his room, jacking his cock. I got up as quietly as I could and snuck down the hall. I opened the door to his room enough so I could see him. The moon was bright and I could see him laying there in all his beautiful naked glory, rock hard cock, hand wrapped around it. His other hand twisting and pulling his nipples as he stroked his dick. "Fucking suck my cock James, c'mon, fucking take it all in your mouth." I could hear him whispering, moaning as his orgasm neared. "Oh fuck dude, yeah fuck, oh fuck I'm gonna shoot my cum in your mouth. Get ready to swallow my load. Here it comes, oh here it comes, I'm gonna shoot, oh yeah, oh fuck yeah." Clark moaned. He arched his back as rope after rope of cum shot out of his hard uncut cock. He was panting and wimpering as he imagined shooting his load into my mouth. I groaned silently as I shot my own load, my cum spattering on the door to his bedroom. I quietly and quickly closed his door and proceeded to lick my own cum off his door.

Sneaking back to the guest room I smiled as I dozed off, knowing that my new neighbor was thinking about me sucking his cock off. For the first time that night I dreamt of Clarks cock, of his thick uncut cock sawing in and out of my ass, of his cum shooting deep into my guts. I dreamt of me fucking his tight ass, stealing his virginity, painting his face with my own load. I awoke the next morning, dried cum on my chest and stomach and knew that for the first time since I'd been a teen, I'd had a wet dream. Knowing that he and I had plenty of time over the next few months, I began to think of how I was going to make his dream come true. I quickly left the house, checking in to find Clark still sound asleep, and made my way back to my hotel. I jacked my cock through my shorts as I drove back to the hotel, again, leaving a huge wet spot in the front of my pants and again, making people I passed wonder exactly what was up with me. That day I decided I would need to test the waters and hopefully push the envelope. The when and where though was going to be the difficult part to plan.

Stay tuned to find out what happens with Clark and James.....

Next: Chapter 2

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