
By Scott Edgerton

Published on Nov 20, 2002



James (A Fantasy)

I am Scotty. At 5'4" I am not especially tall, but that's okay, I have lived with this all my life and I am used to it by now. Unfortunately, most people are not attracted to short guys - why, I could not tell you. I kind of like short guys, but maybe that's because I am short. I have been told that 6 inches is about average, which just happens to be how long I am when erect, so I figure that if I am shorter than average, but as long as average then I must be doing all right.

So... there's this guy (isn't there always?) that I think is kinda cute, but I just haven't been able to figure out which side of the playground he swings on. I'm not fully sure if he even knows, or has admitted it. I don't blame him though. I am 23 and still have not come out to more than 3 people, and did not come out to myself until I was around his age (19). He is around 5'8" or 5'9", and has a medium build. He isn't built, he isn't fat but he isn't skinny, confused? You wouldn't be if you saw him. He's nice, yeah nice.

Okay, here's the situation... Since nothing has happened, as much as I'd like something to happen, I decided to get it all out of my system by writing a fantasy. I have never written a fantasy before - only true stories (check those out too - David, Kevin and Don and Robbie). However, just because I haven't written anything of this exact nature before doesn't mean that ii don't know the rules, but perhaps you don't so let me refresh you...


And so it goes...

The leaves were red, brown, orange and yellow. For the first time this year I was able to see my breath during broad daylight. I was really excited because I was wearing my new Mountain Hardwear fleece jacket and matching hat. I was also wearing a new pair of really super soft corduroy pants - yummy! The crunch of the leaves beneath my feet and the smell of wood-burning fireplace smoke lingered in the air. I was headed toward my class at the local junior college. I hurried across the parking lot to get to the empty building. As the T.A. For the course it was one of my jobs to move the furniture in the room around to facilitate the class. Basically I had to make room in the room. By my lonesome in the room, working at a hurried pace to get everything set. Behind me I heard a noise - a shuffling of tennis shoes on carpet. I turned around to see none other than James. He didn't say anything, and I did the same. He just flashed me that cool, confident smile of his. His eyebrows jumped quickly in time to his slight upward nod, accompanied by, of course, the smile. I backed up against the counter behind me. He stretched his arms out and his hands gently cupped my hips. He lifted me up onto the counter. James' hands found there way, slowly caressing, down my thighs and to my knees. He gently squeezed and separated them. His hands found there way back to my thighs, rubbing up and down, creating warmth from friction. Chills wen up my back and to my head sending my fair into a frenzy, standing it up on end. I could feel my heart rate increasing and could hear it beating in my ears. Continuing rubbing my thighs, smiling the smile, and looking into my eyes I worked my hands down to his belt, slowly undoing the buckle and removing one end of the belt from the other. He let out a little chuckle and gave me an approving glance before sliding his hands up to my belt and repeating my actions. I noticed a shift in the folds and bulges in the pubic area of his pants, and at the same time, in response to this sight, my own groin began growing. Undoing his button fly jeans and revealing an almost pulsing mound in his boxers. I rubbed his erecting penis. A shudder whispered out of his soft pouting lips as he leaned in and pressed them against mine. His lips parted and I could feel his tongue lightly brush lips. I opened his fly and extracted his hard, throbbing gland. I wrapped my hand around it and began to slowly move his foreskin back and forth over his swollen head. Our kissing became more passionate as his lips opened and closed and his tongue darted in and out of my mouth. As his tongue temporarily left my parted lips I sucked it gently causing a faint moan to escape his now gentle caressing mouth. My cock, hard now, was being massaged my his big careful hands. He unbuttoned the button of my pants and unzipped the zipper and rubbed the cloth penitentiary that is my boxer-briefs. James moved closer to me, now between my legs and crotches together. My covered dick rubbing against his bare flesh. James pulled down the elastic waistband of my FTL's and released me from my confines. Flesh against flesh I could feel his soft skin rub against mine. Looking down I noticed that precum was running down both of our penises, but I could not tell from whom it came. James pulled my pants off, broke our kiss and laid me down on the counter. Lifting my legs his tongue went to work on my shy, soft, pink hole. With the combination of the wet sounds and the feeling of the wetness and friction of my ass I started to breath heavier. James stuck his finger into my and worked it back and forth for a while. When the pain stopped I gave him a look of readiness. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of his jeans slid down his legs and hit the floor. I felt his soft yet firm head touch my rosebud and start to push in. Suddenly I was crippled with pain. He gave me a look of concern, but I nodded, telling him to continue, and so he did - slowly. In and in it went, almost 7' in length, it was quite a load for my virgin ass to take. Finally in he began to pumping himself in and out of my relaxing sphincter. I reached up and removed his shirt. I felt his flat stomach and his hardening nipples. He started to breath more heavily and began to lightly glisten with sweat. My hands rose and fell with the heaving of his chest. His hands pushed my shirt up and began to jack me in time with his ever increasing thrusts. Faster and faster he went. Suddenly I could feel my balls tighten up and knew what that meant. String after string of hot jizz flew out of my phallus and onto my neck and chest. While cumming I could feel my ass contacting in almost seizure like fashion around his thrusting cock. A low moan grew into a grunting in time to his. James pulled his dick out and pumped it faster than I had ever been able to accomplish on myself and spunk shot onto my chest and abs. He leaned forward and lay on top of me. Our cum rubbing and lubricating our heaving chests. James kissed me. Soft and gentle, he kissed me. And then, of course, came the smile.

Well that was my fantasy. I'd really like it if I could get some feedback, so... Write me!



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