Jamals Journal

By Newton Daley

Published on Aug 29, 2011


If it is illegal, in your country, for you to be here or you don't like male on male sex, then please leave. This story has a little raunchy sex so if this is not your type thing maybe you should leave.

Bareback sex is great, but not using a condom opens you up to a number of sexually transmitted diseases, so please use a condom.

Finally this is a made up story and completely untrue. At least for me.

I was speeding. Like maybe 6 km above the speed limit and the cop still gave me a ticket. I even did some subtle flirting with the guy; thinking he looked like he could be a real good top and maybe the bonus would be him giving me a break. That was a wrong move right there. He walked to the back of my car checking the taillights, then came around the front and told me my headlights shouldn't be tinted. Fucking cop. The tint came when I bought the car, I tried to explain, but he said it was still an infringement on the road laws and blah, blah, blah then gave me another ticket. I'm never flirting with a cop again....maybe.

My name is Jamal Davis and I'm a 25 year old black guy. I have brown eyes, a broad nose and full lips that has given quite a few blowjobs.

So now here I am, on my way back home to the city, with the window down and the cool night air rolling in.

I was horny from thoughts of what the cop and I could be doing and maybe stopping on the side of the road and jerking a load off, when I spotted a man limping out of the bushes, on the side of the road, in a grey hoodie, blue jeans and a black backpack, sticking his hand out trying to hitchhike.

I wasn't sure if this guy had some nefarious plot, but I remembered a time when I needed help and got it. So I wanted to do the same for this guy and give him the benefit of the doubt. I stopped a little ahead of him so he had to run up to the passenger window to talk to me.

"Thanks for stopping. You headin to the city?" he asked as his eyes did a quick once over me and then another quick look to the backseat of my car.

"Yeah. Where you headed?" I replied, my eyes taking in the hitchhiker.

From what I could see, he looked to be in his teenage years. He had dark skin, brown eyes and thick lips. If my brain had a horny gauge, mine would be busted. My cock stood at attention from the wild thoughts my imagination started to cook up.

"Same place as you, the city. Could you give me a lift?" He asked.

I nodded and opened the door. He slid in while removing his backpack, placing it on the floor and brushed back the hood off his head. A faint sweaty scent brushed my nostrils as he settled in the front seat.

"Thanks. I've been walking for what feels like forever."

"I know that feeling." I said, sympathizing with him. "So what's your name?"

"Oh shit. Sorry. It's Fitzroy."

"Jamal." I stuck my hand out and shook his.

"So what're you doing out here so late in the night, Fitzroy?"

"I...uhhh...was just coming off summer work."

"Yeah?" I said, disbelief colouring that one word.

"So you live in the city?" he asked, ignoring my tone.

"I'm from the suburbs."

He just nodded his head and looked out his window and tapped his knees.

He reminded me of myself when I was a teenager for some reason. I got kicked out when I was sixteen because my parents didn't like the idea that their only son liked guys. I stayed on the street, prostituting myself for little over a year when I met the guy who would turn my life around for the better.

He took me in and at first I thought I was just going to be his boy-toy or whatever, but he made me go back to school and helped me get a job in his company. The same job I have today.

I looked over at the teenager next to me and made a decision to find out if I could help him. Life's too short to be a selfish prick.

"I don't mean to pry, but I saw you limping earlier. Are you in any problems?"

He stiffened before turning to me and said, "I fell."

There goes any chance of me helping the kid. He remained stiff and looked ahead, still tapping his knees.

I spotted a fast food restaurant and tried another angle. "Want something to eat?"

He shook his head.

"I'm hungry so I'm gonna stop for a while. You ok with that?" I asked.

He nodded.

I went into the restaurant and had my order to go in a few minutes before returning to the car.

I came back with a large paper bag in one hand and a paper tray with two cups of soda in the other hand. I placed the bag on top of the emergency brake and the sodas on the dashboard then took out my food and began eating.

The scent of my burger filled the car in no time (even with the windows down) while I popped fries in my mouth.

"You can help yourself to that one." I said, indicating the bag.

He shook his head and simply sat there staring ahead while I ate.

I finished eating and was driving through the parking lot exit when I heard him ask, "What do I have to do if I eat the food?"

I slowed down on my speed and looked over at him and said, "Not a thing but enjoy it. Oh and say thanks." I laughed a little then looked ahead.

"How do I have to say thanks?"

I looked at him for a while with a serious face then said, "Just by using the phrase `thank you' is good enough."

He nodded and took up the paper bag with a small smile and said, "Thanks."

"No problem."

He ate for a while as we drove then broke the silence by saying, "So how come you're out so late?"

"I was on a business trip."

"What kinda business?"

I looked across at him and saw an opportunity. "I'll tell you when you tell me why you're out so late."

"That's ok. I don't wanna know anyway."

"It's that bad?" I asked.

"I didn't say nothin. Stop fishin."

I laughed then said, "You're a smart kid."

He finished chewing and said, "I know." He threw his garbage out the window and continued "And I'm not a kid."

"Yeah? How old are you anyway, Fitzroy?"

"Fifteen." He responded, but after a few minutes silence he asked. "Can I ask you a question?"


"Suppose I-I uhh...wanna...uhm, thank you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean doing something for you. Like right now."

"What are you going to do?"

"Like...no never mind it's cool."

Was he offering what I think he was offering? Or am I putting more to his words than I should?

I cleared my throat and said, "You know you can say anything to me right? I'm pretty open minded."

He looked at me for maybe a full minute then said, "I really wanna suck you off Jamal."

The car swerved and my cock, that had softened, woke up. I was really lucky that the road was clear of traffic.

I wanted to feel his lips around my cock but I didn't want that to happen because he thought he owed me. I wanted him to want it as much as me, if not more.

"That's ok Fitzroy. You don't owe me a thing."

"You don't want me?" he said and something in his voice made me look at him before he turned away from me to look out his window again.

"Off course I want you. Do you feel like you owe me? Is that why you're offering stuff like that?"

"I really wanna do it." He said, looking at me with shiny eyes.

"You're gay then?"

He hesitated then shrugged and said, "Yeah."

"How long have you known you're gay?"

"Since I was thirteen I wondered if I was, but when my mom caught me lookin at gay porn on the net a few months ago I kinda accepted it."

"Ouch. She whooped your ass?"

"Nah. She said it was ok if I was gay but..."

"But what?" I said when he hesitated for too long.

"She just kinda ignores it, like if we're watching a movie and there's a gay dude she'll just switch the channel or leave the room and my dad...well he isn't taking it too well."

"She told you're dad?"

This time when he spoke, he spoke slowly, like he was hesitant to tell me but still he pushed on. "I wish she did, then maybe I wouldn't be here now. Me and my dad used to go camping whenever we could and baseball games, like all the time. We did everything together. He was my Dad and my best friend, so I thought I could talk to him about anything, ya know? And since my mom knew, I thought, why not tell my dad too?"

"He hit you?"

Fitzroy sighed and said, "No but he looked like he wanted to."

"You're running away?"

"Not exactly. I'm just going back home. My mom and dad don't live together. I was visiting my dad. He went ape shit after I told him. He told me to get the fuck outta his sight right after I told him. Tonight he went out to the bar. When he's drunk he hits stuff and people, whichever one is closest. So I snuck out tonight so I could go back to my mom."

"We're almost at my house. Does the offer still stand?"

"Yeah." he said.

"You wanna wait till we get there? Or you wanna do it right here?"

"We can wait. My mom doesn't know I'm comin anyway."

I nodded and pondered my decision to take home a fifteen year old boy. Was this the right decision? My brain was jumping from no to yes but my dick was telling me a strong yes.

I drove up my short driveway, which was lined with white-washed stones. I had two rose bushes out in the front yard and a half done picket fence that I always wanted to finish but haven't.

"C'mon in." I said, opening the door and picked up my mail lying on the welcome mat inside the house, then closing the door when he came in.

I walked through the house turning on the lights as I passed the living and dining room and headed to my room at the back of the house.

"This is my room." I said and sat on the king sized bed.

My bedroom walls were painted sky blue and my bed sheets were coloured in green, brown, red and yellow dots on a white background. My sheets weren't `bachelor chic' but I liked them. Other than my bed the only other furniture in my room was the dresser and the two bedside tables.

"Nice place." He said after looking around my room and still stood in the door way.

"C'mere." I said and indicated it by crooking my finger.

He stepped forward slowly and left his backpack at the entrance to my room.

"Are you hurt?" I asked seeing him limp a little.

"It's just a sprain. I'll be ok." He said.

When he walked close enough, he got to his knees and immediately reached for my zipper.

"Hold up a sec. Can you take off your hoodie?"

"I'm just blowin you right? Plus I kinda stink man and I don't have anything on underneath the hoodie. I told you my dad found out about me a little over two days ago? Well I kinda haven't showered since."

I was shocked as well as turned on, but I didn't say anything. When I was a prostitute, I had sex with all types of guys that had different tastes. You name em and I probably did em.

He saw my shocked look and said. "I was scared of him. I didn't know what he'd do to me. So I stayed in my room and used wipes and ate the snacks I brought with me. Please you gotta understand." He looked up at me pleading and trying to make me understand.

I held his cheek and rubbed his soft lips with my thumb and said, "Its ok. I don't mind your sweat. Take off the hoodie. Please."

He looked up at me while he unzipped his hoodie and slid it off his arms unto the floor.

His dark, almost black, nipples drew my attention first as they came into view and stood out on his brown chest. Not a blemish or scar marred his skin from neck to waist and I couldn't help but want to see the rest of him naked.

He leaned forward after unzipping my jeans and fished out my hard uncut 8 inch cock.

Precum oozed out of my dick head when Fitzroy rolled back the foreskin a little way to expose the shiny head.

"Oh fuck that's a big dick. I never sucked on one this big before."

"You ever sucked a cock?" I asked

"Yeah a few times." He said and stroked my dick with slight pressure.

I raised an eye brow at this information and he smiled shyly.

"I told you I'm not a kid and I'm no virgin either."

"To sucking? Or fucking?"

"Both." He said and looked into my eyes while leaning forward to lick my cock head.

"Ohhhh...yeah Fitzroy. Uh-uhm...can I ask who took your cherry?"

"You wouldn't know him. A dude from my neighbourhood. We go to the same school and we tried suckin and fuckin each other too."

Fitzroy took the head of my dick into his mouth and sucked. My cock head dominates about an inch of my shaft, so he clamped his teeth where the head ends and the shaft begins (not to break skin but to hold it in place) and sucked hard on the head.

"Oh fuck, Fitz." I said and held unto his head when he slowly began to take more of my dick in his mouth but stopped when the head hit the back of his throat.

"Mmmm...yeah baby." I said and couldn't take my eyes off his brown eyes as they locked to mine.

He licked the main vein agonizingly slowly while he pulled back of my dick. He fondled my low hangers and sucked on each hairy sack.

"Let me taste your teenage cock."

"That's cool Jamal. I don't need that."

"No, but I want to do it. C'mon up on the bed." I said and patted the area to my left.

He got into bed and let his legs hang over the edge. I got between his legs and rubbed his hardon, still in his jeans, and leaned forward to lick and nibble on each of his nipples. Fitzroy's arm pits stunk but not the working-in-the-field-all-day scent. It was more like light sweat and natural teenage musk.

I unbuttoned his jeans and began to unzip it when I heard him say, "I have to shower first."

"I told you already. I don't mind sweat. Sweat is natural, just like sex." I said and continued to unzip his jeans and leaned forward to lick the hard dick through his yellow boxers.

"It's not just that. I'm sorta...dirty." He said looking shy again.

"Huh?" was all I could think of to say.

"Before you picked me up you saw me coming outta the bushes, right?"

I nodded.

"When I was walking...I sorta...took a crap...and I didn't have any paper so I used my tank top. That's why I don't have on anything underneath the hoodie."

"Let me check you out."

He stared at me his eyes bulging. "I don't know about that. It sounds nasty."

"Don't beat it until you've tried it."

I began to suck on his left nipple then moved my tongue up to his neck, leaving a wet trail to suck on it tasting the teenage sweat.

"Oh man. You're really diggin my sweat huh?" Fitzroy said.

"Yeah." I said, trying to strip him of his jeans, and then spoke softly in his ear. "Lift up a little so I can get your jeans off of you."

He kicked his sneakers off as I peeled his jeans off of his legs and let them crumple on the floor.

After his jeans fell to the floor, I eased his underwear off of his hips and down his legs. When I caught sight of his 5 inch uncut dick and sparsely haired low hangers, the heavy scent of his sweat and musk got free rein and went up my nostrils. He stunk so good.

I leaned forward and sucked his balls into my mouth and jerked his thick 5 inch cock. His foreskin rolled away and I got a closer look at his shaft and cock head.

"You don't have any head cheese." I said but it came out like a question.

I leaned forward to lick his shaft and then suck his cock into my mouth.

"Yeaaah..." came out of his mouth like a sigh of comfort. "I told you I used wipes."

"Go over more into the middle of the bed and make room for me."

He used his elbows and pressed his feet unto the mattress and slid more into the middle of the bed.

I got on the bed and held the back of his knees to lift them but felt him stiffen so I looked at him.

"Are you sure about this? I mean, you're gonna eat my ass, right?"

"It's ok Fitzroy."

His ass cheeks separated the more I pushed his knees to his chest and released his butt funk.

"Hold your legs back." I said and when he held back his legs I moved my hands to his ass cheeks.

I kissed each of his brown ass cheeks and licked them tasting some sweat before spreading them. I licked and kissed his moist hole alternately before pulling back, to start sucking on his dick again, when his hairless puckered hole flowered open and closed to release a fart.

"Oh God, Jamal, I'm so sorry, I-." He said, trying to get up but I pressed my hands to the back of his thighs and rubbed them indicating it was ok.

I changed my mind about going to his dick and went back to his ass. I started licking his hole and received a groan in appreciation. Fitzroy's ass tasted fantastic. It was a little bitter but salty at the same time and clung to my tongue. I pressed my index finger to his hole and continued to lick it.

"Yeah, Jamal, fuck that feels so good. Eat my ass."

I tasted flecks of, what I assume to be, shit when I pressed my tongue into his moist fuck hole. I grazed my teeth across his hole and felt him shiver each time I did it. I reached for his dick and stroked it when I began to suck lightly on his hole.

"Fuck yeah. Cool it Jamal or else I'm gonna cum."

O.K. it was time for the big question. "Can I fuck you?"

"I don't know. That's a big cock Jamal."

"I'll go slow babe. C'mon you can take it." I continued to stroke in and out of his moist hole with a single finger.


I removed my finger, turned to the nightstand and opened the drawer to take out lube.

I squirted some lube on my index finger and some on his hole. I pressed my finger into his tight hole slowly immersing my finger to the first knuckle.

"Relax." I said, feeling his ass muscles undulating around my finger not allowing it to go deeper unless I forced it. "This is gonna feel good. I thought you lost your cherry already?"

His ass muscles relaxed a little to allow my finger to go deeper. "That's it. You're so fuckin hot Fitzroy."

His ass muscles continued to relax and I quickly inserted a second finger.

Fitzroy moaned when I grazed his prostate with my in and out strokes.

I leaned forward to suck his balls into my mouth, tasting the funky treat but started sucking his cock when I added a third digit to his hole. His hole stretched to accommodate the added finger but his hands reached down and pushed lightly at my shoulders to stop. I ignored it.

When I thought he was stretched enough I grabbed a pillow and got it under his butt. I squirted some lube on my cock and pointed it at his hole. I lay my chest on his, pressing him into the mattress while pushing my cock head to his hole. I sucked and licked his funky pits, but he had other ideas. He drew my face to his, joining our lips.

My cock head opened his hole, followed by about two inches of my shaft, then rested just behind his pucker.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh man, oh man, oh man. Fuck you got a monster dick."

I slowly pressed my cock into his tight hole, my cock being grabbed and released, grabbed and released by his ass muscles on the way up his fuck chute, but I had to stop when I felt like I was about to bust a nut if I pressed the last inch in.

Fitzroy was gritting his teeth and squeezing his eyes shut all the time my dick was opening up his fuck tunnel but as soon as I stopped moving he opened his eyes, looked at me and said, "F-f-fuck. Damn."

"Take a deep breath babe. You're doing great." I said and started stroking his dick but with one stroke his ass gripped my dick and moved from tight to very tight with the one stroke. "Fuck, you got a great ass."

"Mmmmm..." was all Fitzroy could mutter.

I pushed in and out slowly, about an inch, when his breathing seemed to go back to normal. With each stroke I slid out more and in just a little deeper with a firm grip on his hips.

Slam in deep, slowly pull out, slam in deep and slowly pull out.

"Uhhhh...fuck." Fitzroy said when I pulled out.

"Turn over on your belly and stick your ass in the air."

While he did as I asked and assumed the position. I looked down at my dick and saw smudges of shit all over it. A bit of shit was in my pubic hair, a little around my corona and more bits here and there on my shaft.

I'd never had shit on my dick before and I thought it would have been hot to see. It wasn't a turn off but it still wasn't much of a turn on for me either.

I replaced my hands on his hips and quickly slid back into his moist shitty hole. I welcomed the heat that surrounded my cock. Lust kicked gentility out of my head and took over when I had about half of my dick in his hole. I slammed the remaining inches into his stretched hole. My dark skinned hips met his dark skinned ass.

"Umph!" he said, muffled by the sheets in-between his teeth.

"Fitzroy, you are so fuckin hot babe."

I slammed my cock in and out of his shit hole, mercy thrown out of the fucking window, wanting to fuck this teenage asshole into complete submission. My orgasm caused me to see stars.

I felt cum churning in my balls, flowing up my shit stained dick and out into his hot vicelike asshole.

"Fuckin perfect." I said leaning forward to lick the rivers of sweat on the back of his neck.

I slowly extracted my dick and turned him over unto his back and saw his dick still saluting me. I had wondered if he'd cum from the fucking.

"Let me get that." I said and stopped him from stroking his dick.

I sucked his dick into my mouth, going down to the root, and slathered his balls. Fitzroy groaned when I swirled my tongue around his cock head and then stuck it into his piss slit.

I bobbed my head about four more times before Fitzroy's cock belched cum down my throat and boy was it a big load.

I coughed a few times but still managed to swallow most of it.

"Jamal, that was so fuckin good. My ass was burnin at one time and then my ass felt like it was gonna split for a while. I've fucked before but damn this was somethin else. Was I- was I any good?"

"Are you kidding me?! You have a great fuckin ass. Maybe we can do it again before you go home."

"I'm a little sore now but yeah, maybe."

We fucked two more times before he went home.

Thanks for reading. Send your constructive comments to newley_876@yahoo.com. Oh and I don't actually drive around throwing garbage out the window so even though I said it in the story I don't encourage it.

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