Jakes Transformation

By Nifty Jake

Published on Jun 13, 2011


"Hmm hmm hmmm.. Haahummm hmm hmm" Adam was humming as we walked farther and farther from the forest, walking through the bushel. "Yaknow Slave, it's come to my attention that you've only cried from extremely agonizing pain. Most people would sob their hearts out if they were to do anything I force you to do. Why don't you? --Cry hardly at all, that is"

"Because rem.. despite my submissive nature, I don't like letting other people win, and sobbing is a way of handing over a victory.. kinda.. I think anyway.. A little bit.. Yaknow?.. ... Oh erm -- Master.." We were about halfway to the side walk.

"Is that so.. well today hasn't even started for you yet, perhaps I'll be able to force a tear or two out of you without physical stimulation."

"I doubt that, Master. Well, like, what I mean is erm... I'm a big picture person usually.. sometimes anyway.. Even if something right in front of me seems impossible, I know that eventually it'll be okay, and it'll just be another memory or something.. Master" I was staring at my feet the whole time I said this, it seemed a little awkward to say, kind of like a cheesy line from a movie.

"Well aren't you Mister Philosophical?.. Anyway, it's not a bad way to look at things, but I'm going to teach you to live in the moment. You're young as fuck, you have a nice body, cute face, and a sexy Master to punish you whenever," wink, "Stop worrying about the future and focus on the know, you'll have more fun that way." Why was he so concerned about what I though?... This was weird. Kind of like when you think you know someone, then Emeril Lagasse 'BAM!'.. They totally surprise you. Perhaps he does have a soft spot.

"I bet you're just saying that so I'll stop 'big picturing' everything and possibly freak out/cry one of these days with you, heh" I caught a half smile in my peripheral vision. Out of nowhere he lifted my trench coat in the back and slapped my ass hard, forcing a loud yelp from my throat.

"Address me as Master always, slave. Don't forget your place even when we have a semi-normal conversation. You are below me and you will treat me with respect 24/7, understood?" He went from friendly to serious, which slightly embarrassed me, turning my face hot and red.

"Yes Master..."

"Good. Now put on your game face, sidewalk's right there." With that we stepped onto the paved sidewalks and my eyes were shooting around a million miles a second, spotting every single person nearby, which luckily at the moment was zero. I knew that I would notice every single soul in nearby and would be wondering if they could see my slave choker, or my "chastity shorts". or what they would think when they saw a boy my height with hairless legs and leather cuffs on. The whole thought of everything tried to force blood in my cock, which resulted in some discomfort, but not enough to emit any vocal response.

The walk to his house was /almost/ totally alright. Yaknow here he is, lucky Adam, he can walk around proudly, for he has nothing to be embarrassed about. ME on the other hand.. blegh.. We were coming up to what appeared to be his apartment, which was actually a giant building with a bunch of lofts in it, I forget what they're called. But I swear to you that this wealthy building has no business being in my city! Way too rich.. And too clean..

Anyway, when we neared his apartment, my eyes discovered one of God's greatest arts of mankind history. It was amazing. If it was a movie, there would be ambient glow effects and strokes of light surrounding this art, with choir boy 'Ahhhhhh's playing in the background. This 'art' as I put it, was a drenched Filipino boy of what seemed to be 17 or 18. And he was wearing nothing but a skimpy little speedo. Pardon me, but I believe this calls for an entirely new paragraph to explain this miracle of a person.

This boy, as I said, was 17 or 18, 5'11'' or so, and very nicely tanned from genes, and sun exposure. He had beautiful muscle tone, mores than mine, with a small yet ripped frame. He had muscles on his shoulders, definition on his back, and his ass cheeks were so defined that they literally traveled a tiny ways up his back. His feet were cute as hell as well, and I usually hate feet. He had his goggles hanging on his neck, and his hair was completely wet. Ahh.. haa... mm.. hmmmm.. His legs were unshaved, however had very little hair on them, all of which was a nice golden brown from bleaching from the sun. The hair on his scalp, however, was jet black, to match his beautiful eyebrows which rested atop his ever-so-slightly asian-looking eyes, mixed in with a tad of mexican, and caucasion.. Philippine. Huaaaah!

We were walking up to the door and he had just exited the side gate from the pool when he greeted Master.

"Oh hey Adam, how're ya doin?" Ahh! His voice.. masculine yet young. I'm in love.

"Hey Alex, this is Jake" He motioned to me with both hands.

"Hey there, Jake, nice to meetcha," he extended his hand to mine and I reciprocated, which totally exposed my right leather cuff around my small, hairless wrist.

"Haeghergh," I cleared my throat.. God damnit.. I hate this inability of mine to speak, "Sorry heh, nice to meet you too.." He smiled at me and my heart melted, I'm just so.. his smile just poisons me with happiness.

"So hey Adam, tonight my parents are actually going to be in.. just tonight though.. so..--"

Adam interjected, finishing his thought, "Alrighty thanks for the heads up, I'll try not to be too loud.. maybe.." At that remark Alex laughed fully and Adam smiled. I just sat there completely entranced by this boy. He must be a warlock of some kind. Incubus.. or.. good god I never have Bieber fever over some random kid. God he is so beautiful though.

"Anyway, we should head up." Adam said, reaching out to comfortably grasp Alex's right arm, "See ya later"

"Count on it," Alex replied. After that, he looked down at my ankles, and then up to my eyes, and smiled coyly, "Nice jacket."

"Hahahahehehe.. erm.. clears throat thanks. Adam lent it to me."

"I know" he finished, and with a wink at my direction, turned around and left back for the pool.

"God he was.. hrmmm.." was all I could get out.

"Hahaha. Well hopefully you two can become good friends later, sort of, anyway."


"Nevermind Slave, we're almost to my loft. On we go!" He led the way through the big doors, passed the huge-mongous and expensive dining area (empty at the moment,) and to the elevators. To which he pressed a button, and up we went.

When we finally got into his loft I was amazed. Expensive furniture, huge spaces, and by the looks of it, many rooms. The windows were magnificent with softly colored maroon shaded curtains. The entire decor matched beautifully. I'm impressed.

I looked around a few moments and noticed no hint of bdsm material whatsoever. This living area would tell you that Adam is a clean, rich and nice guy. I was befuddled and, strangely enough, slightly disappointed. I was hoping it'd be something like 'AHH Real Dungeons!' but it wasn't. At least not yet.

"God I love it here. No matter how stressed I may be, or how many angry british women I may run into, I can always come here and just.. relax. Not for you though, if you ever see this room, it's going to be followed very closely by some... mmm.. Never mind, you're about to find out. Anyway, you don't need this anymore!" Adam then peeled the coat off of me, leaving my utter slave state available for Adam, and any creeper with a telescope, to see. It was weird having the clear sun beam through the open windows and bathe my near nude body. The forest was shady, so this feeling was still totally new.

"Cutie slave." Adam lightly rubbed his hands over my leather-covered ass, and had a change of heart, "Ya know, I actually think it'll be better for you to ditch the shorts.. for now anyway. Yea yea let's get those off so you can expose your cute little slave butt to anyone glancing into my windows." Adam presented the key for all the padlocks locking me in these chastity shorts and freed me of it. There I stood, naked with leather ankle and wrist cuffs on, a slave choker around my neck, and a chastity cage on. No doubt about it, I am a slave.

Adam led us towards a closed door and once inside all I saw was what looked like a study. A large study, bookshelves and desks, computers, brown leather chairs. The ambiance in this room shifted nicely from the entrance area before it. But still, no BDSM at all.

"You may think that this loft is cool and arranged nicely, but it took a lot of work to get it to look like it does today. Also had to do some... reconstruction, to make it flow nicer than initially possible. In any case, let's move on" my naked soles felt strangely comfortable on the carpet. Not in the normal way. Kind of like.. hmm I don't know, like I belonged naked.. it made sense, and was better.. If that makes any sense.

Adam walked over to a bookshelf against the middle of a wall, and I just knew he wasn't going to flip back a book and make the bookshelf open, revealing a hidden door behind. Way. Too. Cliché. Not to mention cheesy. But, behold, some people like cheesy. Adam pulled out an inconspicuous book with no title on its spine, and pressed a button behind a little nook on the shelf. You'd never see it if you didn't know it was there.

The bookshelf 'clicked', and Adam pulled the left side of it slowly, making sure as to not knock anything off of it. It left a big crease on the carpet where it dragged along.

"Nifty ain't it? Haha, this took me /forever/ to get done. Well a few weeks anyway. The button only works with the power on, but it can be opened manually if needed. If I'm ever extremely bored of punishing you and want to pass the time, I'll tell you how it works."

Behind the bookshelf was a door, but it look slightly more medieval than the others. It was made of wooden planks, with iron bars going across it. The top of the door arched and gave it a very 'dungeony' vibe. My heart started racing, what was going to be inside this dungeon? Another disappointment? Or something... else.

Adam fished a key from his pocket, and, with a swift unlock, pushed the door open.

"Slave boys first! Well.. actually Masters first.. but in this case you first, bitch. Get in there" He grabbed the back of my neck and lightly pushed me into the room. Pitch black except the ground still lit from the study. I walked forward a few feet where I knew safe, and then stopped.

"I can't see anything, Master"

"Yea hang on a sec." Adam pulled the bookshelf back to nearly shut, and then closed the door. Pitch black. I heard a click, and then a few lights turned on, dimly lighting up the entire room. Once my eyes started to adjust, my body started pumping adrenaline through my heart. This was.. amazing.

First of all, the room was huge. I suck at measurements so I'm not even going to try, but this room was ginormous. Lined on the walls were chains, whips, gags, crops, and some objects I didn't know the name of. In the corner of the room was a small cage, and that made my dick react in its confines. There was a St. Andrew's Cross against one wall, and a cage hanging from the ceiling, shaped like a person, but with nothing below the thighs. There were tons of other contraptions I wasn't familiar with, along with many shelves all around the room, but in the center of the room, slightly towards the back, was a long, leather coated table. It had dead bolts with looped hooks on each corner of it. In front of this, closer to the door, were two looped hooks screwed into the ground, and two in the ceiling. I looked down at my cock and it was drooling quite a bit.

"Like you're soon-to-be new home slave? You're going to spend a lot of time in here. While we will get around to using all of these things, we have to start small. So, bitch, get on the table. It's time to modify your chastity cage."

Thanks for your emails everyone! I enjoy reading all of your guys' critiques and welcome any and all suggestions! This chapter did go a little slower than most but, as you can see, the next one will pick up much faster! Please email me your thoughts at wunderousjake@gmail.com Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 6

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