Jakes Transformation

By Nifty Jake

Published on Jun 4, 2011


"MMPH! NMMPH!! NUURRPPHH PHREEAASE DERNT!" Which in my head was 'No please don't!' but was about as easy to understand as it was to read. The back of my calves was burning from my bent over state, all of my muscles were tensed, because if I let all the way on my wrists, my arms would probably break.

"Listen Jake, you're gonna get a spanking no matter what you do. No. Matter. What. You. Do. So you need to be less bitchy and more, 'How can I please this Master so much so that he'll spank me less?' Got it? Although, unfortunately for you, I'm a sadistic son of a bitch who loves to turn nice white skin, such as yours, deep red. Not with blood though.. that shit is nasty."

Well there's one upside to all of this I guess.

"Okay now, before I get to work, we're going to make this a little bit more fun for you, and a lot more fun for me. We're going to play a game. Judging from how much time you spend on your phone playing Doodle Jump, I assume you like games right bitch?"

"Mmm hrmph"

"Fantastic! Well! I call this one... actually I haven't come up with a name for it yet. Perhaps once we finish you can come up with one. Okay so here are the rules. I am thinking of a number. I'll write it on this," he puts down his paddle, and then pulls out a notepad and a pen from his bag, "What's going to happen is this. I'm going to write down a number on here see, and if you can guess the number, I'll only give you that many spankings. I'll even let you have an orgasm today."

YAY! I'm going to be able to cum! After weeks of not coming! Or probably more accurately days! But feels like weeks! I'm going to orgasm!

"The number will be between one and five hundred."

wut... How the.. What? Five fucking hundred! My luck sucks as it is now I have to have a one in five hundred shot! Good god why!? I was going to cum!"

"If you do not guess the number, a couple things may happen. If you guess LOWER than the number, you're spanking will be triple the number on this pad. If you guess HIGHER than the number, I will take that number, increase it by half, and spank you that many times. Also, should you guess lower, I'll make some modifications to your current chastised state that I'm sure you would love if you were me. Unfortunately since you're you, you'll probably loathe them. Alright! Let me right down this number... and.. let the game begin!"

How the fuck am I supposed to guess this number. God. Okay. I look up and stare into his eyes, wishing to god that I get some sort of psychic vision.. Three hundred and forty two.. That's it! No.. I just came up with that number.. God damnit.. Okay Jake don't freak out. Don't freak out.. It's okay.. Just concentrate. If you guess high you get a lot of spankings. If you guess low, you can get a lot of spankings. If you guess high, you will get a lot of spankings.. Oh jesus.. What to do what to do..

Let's see.. if he set the rules like that.. he clearly things I'm not going to guess low, because I'll most certainly get a large amount of spankings. If he thinks I'm not going to guess low.. he'd probably set it low, right? But.. he's a sadist.. and he might want to spank me a ton, which would make him put a high number Let's see let's see... 50/50 shot of getting a massively high number or massively low number. Okay God my fate is in your hands.. please let this be right.."

"Waahngh fhamred whaaalfuh"

"What bitch boy? One hundred and what?"




"Haha good guess boy! Damn.. you sure got lucky I'm impressed."

NO. WAY. Jesus christ my luck usually sucks! Did I actually get it right? He shows me the number on the pad.

Two hundred and fifty. Even.

"By lucky, I of course mean.. well.. the opposite of lucky.. Guess this is going to be a long day!"

Adam tossed his notepad and pen on the ground and picked up the paddle.

"Boy I sure got my work cut out for me. Seven hundred and fifty. You should've guessed high Boy. Don't be blaming me now. This is on your ass. No pun intended."

He went around back and leaned down to my ass and gave each cheek a kiss.

"You really are perfect boy, they should have one of you in ever gay bar across the world."

With that 'compliment' he took aim, and slammed down hard on my ass.


Fucking hell! This guy is fit as hell why is he using full force on me!

"Alrighty bitch I'm going to let you keep goin off your head for 9 more spankings, but if you keep screaming after that, I'm hooding you."

9 strokes later, my ass burning hot, tears flowing freely out of my eyes, I can't making noise.


"Okay bitch time for the hood." He then went over to his bag, pulled out what looked like a leather head mask, with no holes but two tiny ones for each nostril. As he brought it over to me I noticed a big cock shaped thing jutting out from inside of the mouth.. And my heart sank. He took out my ball gag.

"Please Master please don't put that on me it's so hard not to gag when that thing is being shoved down my throat please Master please please please please."

"Bitch every please you just said just added another day to your chastity. Keep that in mind. If I want your begging I'll ask for it, now shut the fuck up and open wide."

He placed the hood up to my face, the whole thing being open from the back, and shoved the thick cock gag past my lips and down my throat. It tasted like rubbed and it was a little flexible, but it still damn near triggered my gag reflex when it went well past my uvula. I was afraid it was going to stop my breathing but it must be made to stop right before it. Everything went black as he tied it up in the back. The laces tie down, then are covered by the leather collar it's attached to, and then buckled shut. Snap goes the padlock and then he goes back to work.





Any noise I tried to make didn't make it very far past my lips. My ass was feeling hotter than my cock on my horniest of days. He would stop every now and then to rub my ass cheeks a bit, and then go on. He counted each and every stroke.

"Seventy-nine.. Eighty. Eighty-one... One hundred forty-seven. One hundred forty-eight.

He paused at three hundred to take his shirt off.

"Damn boy! You sure are giving me a work out. You can probably feel it from the air, but your skin is completely covered in a nice sexy sheen of sweat. And did you know that you got a faint 6-pack coming in? Too perfect! Okay. Back to work!"

I'm getting a, MMPH!, 6-pack? I do a, MMPH!, few crunches in the morning and at, MMPH!, night usually, but I didn't, MMPH!, know that I was, MMPH! MMPH! MMEEMMPH!, getting a 6pack!

"Four-hundred-forty-three. Four-hundred-forty-four... Five hundred. Five-hundred-one. Five-hundred-two."

My mind is nothing but pain right now, pain and horniness... I never knew that spanking could get me THIS horny.. Every stroke makes my cock pulse. I know because it hurts inside my tiny cage for my tiny cock every god damn stroke.

"God damn bitch I wish that you could see your ass right now. It's redder than a cheap hooker's lip stick! Don't worry bitch, we're sorta almost done!"

MMPH! My lips are only going 'MMPH' but my mind is screaming fire. Nothing but the next stroke. My body tenses every single time he spanks me. But... I feel like I want to thank him for it.. He's spending so much effort on spanking me.. It must be hard for him..

"Six-hundred-fifty-nine! Six-hundred-sixty!"

I can't really think at this point.. my whole body is limp and he's practically spanking a moaning corpse.

"Seven-hundred-four! Seven-hundred-five!...Seven-hundred-twenty-five! Almost there Slave! Your ass looks on the verge of sobbing blood. You have good skin, most others would have blistered or bled long ago. Then again, despite what you believe, I HAVE been holding back. Since you've been so good, let's give you a treat and do the last twenty-five nice and fast eh"

Oh god.. it's almost over.. I can't believe I've lived.. I can't believe I've--





"Oh jesus.. Good god almighty I'm tired. Remind me not to spank you so much that really drains a man. Your ass looks nice. Looks like I accidentally spread to your upper legs as well. No worries. The more red the merrier. Man.. whew! Okay.. Let me.. rest a second.. Need some water..."

I grunt, letting him know of my thirst.

"Yea you'll get some in a second. Enjoy the water while it lasts slave, soon I won't give you very much of it." With that he unlocks my hood, unties it, and pulls it off. The cock is completely covered in my saliva and he briefly brings it to my back and wipes it all over my ass.

"Here drink, slave. Y'know.. I'm actually kind of proud of you. Not only did you not bleed or blister, you didn't pass out. Not sure I could even do that. No matter, you're a slave and I'm your Master. And that's capital 'M', in case you ever need to spell it. Lower case 's' for you bitch. Now.. let's get you home."

He unties me but leaves my cuffs on, however he lets my wrists flow freely at my sides. Every step hurts my ass as my ass cheeks bend and stretch. I brush my hands on my ass and am amazed at how fucking hot it is. I glance back towards my ass and even in the corner of my eye can very easily see how god damn red it is.

"Now I know you took your spanking like a champ.. Well actually you moaned and screamed the whole way through.. Whatever.. Anyway, I know you took it, but you still got chastity modifications to look forward to boy."

We started to get close to the edge of the woods so he threw two things at me. I examined them and one was small leather choker with 'Slave' engraved on it. The other thing was what look like leather short shorts. Although they were strange. They had little holes for padlocks around each leg opening and around the waist.

"Put those on bitch"

I put on the collar first, noticing it's tight, but comfortable fit on my neck. I then stepped each of my feet into each leg hole and then pulled it up. It got really tight near the top of my legs and I had to squirm a bit to be able to get it on through the pain in my ass. Once I got the shorts on, Master,... I mean Adam, padlocked the shorts on and I knew I wouldn't be able to get them off until he let me. I examined them further and saw a zipper starting right above my cock that went all the way to about one quarter up my ass. Just enough room to go to the bathroom both ways.. This freaked me out because it told me that he was going to keep me in these for a while. I looked up in the sky and the sun was still way high. My parents wouldn't expect me home for a couple hours, if at all.

"These shorts are going to stay on until we get to my place."

His place!? We're going to his place!? Oh jesus christ this is getting out of hand! He fished through his bag for a few moments, pulling a couple things out that I couldn't lock my eyes onto, and then pulled out a bigass leather trench coat. I swear this guy's bag is like Mary frickin Poppins. On top of /that/ he also pulled out some flip flops.

"Put these one bitch, button the trench coat all the way up so no one will see your sexy self. But be careful, if you spread your legs too far they'll catch a glimpse of whats underneath."

I put the trench coat on and realized that my ankle cuffs were still COMPLETELY conspicuous on my hairless legs. On with the flip-flops and I felt so ridiculous. Sexy.. but ridiculous. I look down at myself and there's no WAY no one wouldn't know I'm not his slave. Sure the collar on this giant ass coat covers my slave choker, but the ankle cuffs are still so easy to see! Jesus christ..

"Okay slave! Let's walk back to my house, shall we?"

Sorry for the long delay everyone! I had finals and was crunching in so much studying I just didn't have any time to get to this story! I hope that you like this chapter! Chapter 5 will be up soon as well! Please email your thoughts and critiques to wunderousjake@gmail.com Thank you for reading!

Next: Chapter 5

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