Jakes Transformation

By Nifty Jake

Published on Apr 27, 2011


I wake up in the morning and note that my cock is soft in its plastic prison, and that, even soft, the cage 100% hugs my penis… how did Adam manage to estimate this size so perfectly? One of the many things about my new predicament that just doesn't make sense.

I get out of bed and walk naked over to my dresser. I fumble through my undies and find the cutest one: a small pair of teal briefs with dark blue lining and little lego people on it.

I walk up to my mirror and notice the larger than usual, but still small, bulge in my undies. A chill goes down my spine when the knowledge hits me further that I literally can't do anything about my pent up hormones until Adam finds me … I'm a 17 year-old boy.. I can't go very long without an orgasm! Soon it'll be all I think about!

Anyway, the next few sentences are going to be similar to a montage, because over the next few days I went to that damn coffee shop and Adam was NOWHERE to be found! It was like he locked me in this thing and totally forgot about me!

One day went by.. two.. four… and finally six days went by since I had been locked into this cage and something strange happened. I went to the coffee shop, as usual, and was playing doodle jump drinking my coffee. All of a sudden I got a sharp pain in my gut and slammed my phone on the table and sprinted towards the bathroom. As I ran I noticed the high-to-low note sound that happens when you fall in doodle jump. Dammit! I was close to beating my high score too.

I get into the bathroom and sit on the toilet with the toilet seat down, clenching my gut. This happens every now and then, I don't have any bowel problems, but sometimes my tummy just gets sharp pains. The pain subsides and I get up to walk out and my hand brushes my right pocket and I realize that my phone is still on my table, up for grabs by any asshole! I hastily walk back to my table and realize my phone is just where I left it.

I pick up my phone and click my doodle jump app to see what happened. That's when my paranoia kicks in. I left this phone on this table with my app ON. My phone doesn't automatically just swap back to the main menu whenever it feels like it. I glance throughout the cafe and look at every single customer there, and they all look invested in what they're doing--not giving a rats ass about my presence.

I blame it all on my being crazy and just put my phone in my pocket and go home, another non-orgasmic day for this horny teenage boy.

At around midnight that night I got a text. I was asleep but I had my phone turned up high so the alarm would wake me up but unfortunately this text message noise scared the shit out of me and I woke up instantly. I looked at my phone and saw that it was a text message from 'Unknown.'

It read this: "Hey there slave. How's my little bitch's penis doing all locked up in that cage? I'm sure it's happy what with all the cute undies you spoil it with ;) Anyway, tomorrow you will come to the cafe as usual but you are to bring a duffel bag large enough for a shirt, pants and shoes. If you don't do this you won't hear from me for a month. Be there at 9am sharp, bitch. -Master Adam"

After reading this my breath deepens and my cock starts drooling again. I read over the text a couple more times before I set my alarm for 8am and pass out.

I wake up at 8 and take a shower. I spike my hair with matte-hair styling wax, so it looks dry when the product dries. I wear a tight blue T-shirt with thick white and teal stripes, along with some faded dark blue jeans. I grab a small duffel bag, large enough to house the items but small enough to carry inconspicuously, and then leave for the cafe.

I get there at about five till 9 and sit at my table and start playing doodle jump, although I keep losing with shit scores because my stomach is in knots. Last time, which was the only time, I saw this guy, he tied me up in an alleyway, shoved a cock gag down my throat, and forced a chastity cage on me. What the hell was he going to do this time to top that?

I keep my eyes glued on my phone, afraid to look anyone in the eye for fear it may be adam. A few minutes after 9 the sexy god of a man sits down at my table and attacks me with his eyes.

"Hello /jake/" The way he said my name was.. almost as if he was joking.

"Hagergh.." I clear my throat at my AGAIN failed first attempt to say anything, "Hi Adam…"

"Ah ah ah.. None of that. When we aren't in the immediate presence of anyone who doesn't know about your presence in life, you're gonna call me Master, got it? Just like I will call you bitch, fag, slut, cocksucker, cum bucket, piss hole, or basically any insulting thing I can think of. Yea?"

"Yes.." I clench my eyes and tilt my head down at my now destroyed pride as I mutter the word, "…Master.."

"Well I'm not going to say 'Good Boy' because your 'Master' was barely audible, but it'll do for the first time, next time say it louder or I'll turn your ass a nice deep crimson. Anyway, did you bring the duffel bag?" I hold it up and he nods his approval, "Good then.. Ditch your coffee and follow me."

I leave my coffee there, pack my phone in my pocket, and hurry after him, quickly glancing in a mirror on my way and making sure my hair is okay. I speed up to make sure I'm caught up with him and notice the he has that same book bag over his shoulder. We get outside and instead of going the route I am used to, towards the bus, we head a different way.

I didn't brush over this topic much in the last two stories, but I live in a mountainous region. The city I'm in right now is flat, but there are trees everywhere. Thick forests compliment our city and make it look like a perfect home for hippies.

We head towards one of the many thick pile of trees and start to walk through grass to get over to the forest. I start to slack behind and Adam notices this.

"Bitch if you don't hurry I'm going to make you go all day without those," Those? What are 'those'? And all day? My.. shoes? Yack! I seriously do NOT want to be walking barefoot in this forest. I rush up behind him and slightly to his left.

We finally reach the forest and once we start to enter I notice that this mass horde of trees spread across miles is actuality very thick. We go through and keep having to deter from a straight line to avoid hitting things. After walking for a couple minutes he stops and I accidentally run into his back.

"Watch where you going you clumsy fuck head. Okay so you're probably wondering why I asked you to bring a duffel bag. Remember what I said should fit it in? Hah! What do you know, everything you're wearing right now!"

No. Way. That's what he meant when he said 'All day without those.'

This guy was gonna have me be naked outside in public!? Well… not public.. but outside?! Jesus christ! I panic inside my head, again, but don't even bother fighting him on this. I may be slow on some of the pickup, but I'm not a dumbass.. If I argue with him, my short end of the stick will decrease even further in length.

"Shirt first boy." I take off my shirt, being careful not to screw up my hair, and hand it, and the duffel bag, to him. He opens it up and places my shirt in it.

"Shoes, socks, then pants," I give him these clothes, alone with my phone, and huddle my arms around me, trying to ward off the cold. "Jesus christ kid do you try to be so damn childish and cute? I mean… you can't be surprised that I made you my slave.." I blush at this compliment and stand there looking at my feet.

"Cute as they might be, take off your underwear now." I place both of my thumbs into my underwear and then hesitate. Can I really be fully nude outside like this? What will happen if/when I get caught! Oh god.. oh god.. oh god..

"I'm going to count to one, if your underwear isn't off by the time I do, I'll take out my scissors and cut up all of your clothes and force you to walk home in this state." Before he finished 'force you to walk home' my underwear was off and in his hands. He put it all into the duffel bag and then took out a big ass padlock, he locked the duffel bag's double zippers together and then placed it on the ground.

"You won't be needing these clothes for a while. Yknow if it were my way, shits like you wouldn't even be allowed to OWN clothes. A slave needs to learn his place, which is beneath a real man. Learn to accept it. Even if you were dominant like me, you wouldn't be a man yet, and the fact that you're not even old enough to BE a man… you're lower than a slave, bitch. Accept it."

My face feels boiling hot and probably looks beet red right now, but I don't argue.

"Yes Master…"

"Good then.. Anyway, its time to install some new toys on you and then we can get started!" He leans down and sits on his ankles and then opens up his book bag. Out of it he pulls so many toys most of which I haven't the foggiest idea of what they are. He lays them all out and then smirks evilly at me. God his face looks sexy no matter what expression he wears..

He picks up four leather ankle/wrist cuffs and, one by one, places them all on me.

"When you're at my place these will be on you at all times." He then picks up another pad lock (I swear this guy has dozens of them!) and then connects it to both of my wrist cuffs behind my back. My arms are permanently bound back there until Adam releases me…

Next he picks up a ball gag, with a neon green ball far too large to possibly fit in my mouth. He brings the ball up to my chin and forces my mouth all the way open. With a small 'clicking' noise, the ball passes through my teeth and my jaw is already sore from this painful state.

And then!, he picks up two tiny objects that I couldn't name. Didn't take long for me to guess what they were, as he pressed one on my nipple and my knees nearly gave from the surge of pain on that one tiny spot. When he placed the other one on I couldn't help myself and my let out a brief scream.

"Shut the fuck up bitch or I'll put the 8 inch cock gag in you" I make an effort to withhold any and all noises my body wants to make through my mouth.

After he finally placed these torturous toys on me, he moved me a little to the side, staring right above my head. I glanced up and noticed a huge tree branch about half a foot above me. Adam picked up a chain that was probably 8 feet long and looped it through my wrist cuffs, and over the tree. After this he pulled down hard, which forced my arms up, and my body down. Once I was at a 90-degree angle, he locked the chain off and lightly swatted my butt.

"Just one more thing, boy, and then we can finally start." He pulled out 3 short baton-looking devices, and then connected them all together to make one longer pole, probably 4 feet or so apart. I noticed that at both ends of the rod were two hooks. I knew this one, this was a spreader bar. He attached one end to my left leg, and then kicked my right leg further apart, and then locked it in that one.

I felt like a fool in my situation because he could easily see my asshole and my cock and balls. I was 100% helpless and at his mercy. I was gagged, bent over, trapped in bondage, and on display for the whole world to see.. well the forest anyway.

He picked up one scary toy I had glanced at earlier, but hoped he wouldn't use on me. It was a wooden paddle with holes in it. He rubbed my ass with it and I winced involuntarily, terrified over the fact that he is going to use it on me.

"Well slave, it's time for your first spanking."

Thanks for your feedback on chapters 1 and 2 guys! I read all of your emails and will start replying to each and everyone one of them! Please continue to e-mail me atwunderousjake@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 4

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