Jakes Transformation

By Nifty Jake

Published on Apr 16, 2011


And then it happened. My epiphany swam through my head over and over

again. I am no longer a regular 17 year-old boy. I am now a slave...

I can't believe this. What the hell!? Oh yea you readers out there may be high on life from my predicament, but this stranger, sexy as he may be, just took away my privilege to orgasm! For how long!?

After a few minutes of raging panic swarming in my brain, I packed my chastised penis back into my batman undies and zipped my pants up. I bent over to look down and deduced that this must be some sort of miniature chastity device thing because not only did it fit me perfectly, it didn't show through my pants much more than my naked 'goodies bag' did.

I walked over to the bus stop and sat down for a few minutes, aware of every single person walking near me. Can they see whats inside my pants? Are they gonna tell people about it? After a few minutes of doing this I put myself in their shoes and realized that my penis in a chastity cage is the last thing they'd ever think about!... right?

Ugh! Whatever I'll deal with these thoughts later, for now, it is bus, then home.

I got home and walked in, noticing my mom in the living room reading Bram Stoker's Dracula, for like the eight hundredth time.

"Hey ma, I'm back" I greet as happily yet nonchalant as possible.

"Mm, hey" She quietly mumbles, eyes glued to her book. Geez I feel the love in this household. I walk upstairs and note that its 6:48, dad isn't to be home for a few hours. I can go upstairs and try and get out of this wretched device.

Easier said than done! I took some round-tipped scissors and tried scraping this thing but it is so damn dense it didn't leave a single knick! After what must've been 15 minutes trying, judging from my sore wrist, I decided that if for whatever reason this stupid cage finally decided to give under these scissors, my penis would be in loads of trouble.

Okay so attempts to remove it are currently.. nonexistent. I decide to shower and try and wash off this foreign feeling I have plaguing my skin. I have someone else's object locked to my cock preventing me from cumming. Have you ever had this happen to you? It's a very strange feeling!

I take all my clothes except my undies and walk to the bathroom with my towel, noting the much larger-than-usual bulge protruding from Batman.

I take off my undies and step in the incredibly sexy shower. When I say sexy, I don't mean erotic, I mean awesome. Sexy=awesome. Most of the time. It's a lot like our english language. A rule means one thing, except for when it doesn't. For me, sexy means awesome.. except when it doesn't.. Just try to keep up with my rambles.

So as I was saying, I step into my shower and the first thing I notice is the noise the water makes as it clanks against my plastic encased cock. I look down and, having waxed all of my hair from the waist down (pardoning my small, trimmed patch of pubic hair,) actually get rather turned on by this image. I soap myself and make sure all of my body smells good, then I turn off the lovely heat and step out of the shower into the seemingly windy and cold bathroom.

We have a 6-foot mirror in our bathroom and what I saw was.. amazing.. It was just me... wet and with a chastity cage on. Was I ever THIS cute? I look so damn young.. 13 or 14? Pardoning my height, I could probably pass for it.

I got so hard in that cage and noticed how whenever I 'flexed' my cock to get more blood in it, nothing happened. I don't mean it hurt and failed to stiffen up, I just mean.. nothing happened. My cock just WOULDN'T harden inside this stupid cage! I'm so fucking horny what am I supposed to do!!

I wrap my towel around my waist and go into my room, door locked, lay on my bed naked, and begin playing with my balls. There.. at least I get SOME stimulation. That Adam guy is gonna pay! Oh shit.. how am I going to see him again?! He just said, 'Don't have too much fun without me,' and then took off! Jesus christ! I can't show this cage to my parents! They're gonna think I'm a fucking weirdo!

My parents accept my being gay but they are determined to make sure that I am the dominant one in any relationship. Yea uh.. that's not happening. I'm locked in a chastity cage for god knows how many days, weeks, or months, and the very thought of it is making my soft cock drool pre-cum from it's cage.

I decide to stop teasing myself and just go to bed.. I'll get the same coffee tomorrow and do everything I did today.. God I hope he shows up.. and I hope he lets me cum! This is so frustrating!

I put on a pair of superman undies and pass out early.. Being tied up in an alley and fondled with really exhausts a boy! Okay.. sleep now..

The next day I wake up and try to stretch some blood through my muscles but realize that I can't move my limbs. I look up and realize I can't see anything! I touch my wrists with my fingers and feel leather.. Leather cuffs? I wiggle my ankles and feel the same material.. I try to call out and this instantly triggers my gag reflex as I notice this 6 inch cock-gag shoved in my mouth and tied at my head.

As I move my head more I realize that my entire head is encased in leather.. A leather hood? After contemplating this situation further, I feel a hand on my stomach and I freak out!

"Jesus christ you are such a christmas present, boy." It's Adam! What the hell how the fuck did he get me from my room! "Look at your tiny cock, straining to get out of its cage. Yea boy you're gonna be locked up for a very, very long time. My goal is 3 years. Think back 3 years boy, you were in middle school. Long time ago to you, yea? Well! You ain't cummin' for the next 36 months boy. I, on the other hand, will enjoy your ass and mouth as much as I want. I'll also torture your nipples, cock and balls to my heart's content. There's nothing you can do boy, you are mine fore-"

Huaah! Oh god.. Oh god.. Okay back in my bed... 4am.. My cock is drooling once again. I look at it through its plastic prison and wish to god that that dream was coming true. Sure it's scary as hell and I would totally fight it if it happened, but.. I dunno.. This is weird.. Going back to sleep now.. going to.. have coffee.. to...morrow...

Don't worry guys! These chapters will pick up and lengthen as they go on! :] I appreciate ALL of your feedback and I read every single email you guys send! Please send me your feedback. I may or may not take suggestions but they certainly do not offend me and I appreciate them all! Please email me at wunderousjake@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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