Jakes Transformation

By Nifty Jake

Published on Apr 14, 2011


Hello to all you readers out there! My name is Jake and what you are about to read is, in a nutshell (whatever that means,) my transformation from a regular 17 year-old boy to a.. well you'll just have to read to find out.

So on top of having travelled around the sun seventeen times, I am also 5'11" with 135 pounds on myself. My eyes combine the colors brown, green and blue to make a unique hazel that sometimes generate seemingly awkward stares in my direction, which sadly lead me to believe I have food on my face.

I often clothe my body with dark skinny jeans, cute and bright briefs, colorful V-necks, and a necklace from which hangs a small cross. I'm not religious or anything, I honestly just like the way the T-shaped symbol looks.

I've graduated high school too early so now, instead of searching for a job like any 'responsible' person would, I sit at home and politely free-load off of my parents. I spend many of my days staring at a computer screen or eating popcorn in front of a television. You wouldn't know these things by looking at me though, which I personally think is a good thing.

Anyway, enough about who I am. Now that we got the boring things out of the way we can start on how I started my transformation.

Man it seems like a lifetime ago.. but in reality it was only four months. It's strange because as I've started to get a little bit older I've noticed time fly by.. but the past few months have been the longest of my life, and not in a bad way.

So this one day I was at starbucks drinking my soy vanilla frappuccino, legs crossed, at my own small table. I was playing doodle jump on my phone when my personal bubble was breached and someone sat in front of me. My eyes shot upward and met with his. Instinctively my eyes tried to avoid his, but I mean come on. Some random stranger sits in front of you across this tiny table, how well can you really pretend they don't exist?

After a few seconds of deliberating whether or not I should converse with him, he broke the ice.

"Hey there, I'm Adam" His voice sounded very clean, as if his throat had no problem staying lubricated.

It was right after he said that that I finally noticed what was sitting not three feet away from me.

I'm pretty confident about my looks. I have no problem showing my face off or smiling generously to those who open doors for me, but this guy.. It ran through my head that it was unfair for someone so gorgeous to be sitting next to me because I might seem unattractive next to this delicious person.

He is tall, has a strong presence, and strong arms. He, too, wears a V-neck; though it licks his body much more smoothly than mine do. His neck is strong, and his jaw is so perfect.. Chiseled with a light brushing of facial hair across his lower face. His eyebrows arch magnificently and his skin is perfectly smooth.

Why god? Why would you make me think I'm attractive and then place this angel in front of me. Oh and his eyes.. his eyes shined green and blue, I was in awe.

"Iegh," I clear my throat and blush at my failed attempt to mutter two words, "I'm Jake."

"Nice to meet you, Jake" And he reaches his strong hand across our tiny table and hovers it inches from my chest.

"You too, heh.." I meekly give him my hand and he grasps it firmly and moves our arms up and down a few times before releasing me. I put my hand on my lap with my other and inconspicuously rub it from the discomforting shake.

"I see you here at starbucks a lot--drinking the same drink and doing something on your phone for at least an hour, do you do anything outside of this building?" His directness surprises me and I let out an actual brief laugh.

"Nah not really.. I spend most of my time at home, though I don't really do anything there, hence the being here a lot."

"I see. Well, Jake, I'd like to get coffee sometime." He almost finishes the sentence too early, looks around the building and then changes his mind, "Or perhaps see a movie."

Everything about him was so dominant. He wasn't asking me if I'd like to see a movie, he was telling me that he wanted to see a movie and I was allowed to accompany him there. I actually liked this and I felt a slight tingle down below.

"Oh erm.. yea sure I guess that'd be cool, if you'd like heh.." I brushed my right ear, as if trying to put hair behind it but, mine being so short, the gesture was meaningless.

"I just told you that I would, silly." He reaches forward and scruffs my hair as he says this and it sends a chill down my spine. My hair! I spent 30 minutes in front of a mirror trying to make this look like I didn't spend any time on it but it was just naturally gorgeous! What a jerk!

But.. oh he's so dominant. I have known about my being gay but I knew about my submissive nature before that. Although I may complain, I enjoy taking orders and being forced around and told what to do. Whatever he can screw up my hair if he wants.

"Oh sorry heh, so erm.. what'll it be? Coffee or a movie?" None of these things really interest me in a public manner, but being around him is something that certainly does!

"Mmm actually lets not do either. No good movies on recently and I'm not really not for coffee dates. Lets skip the informal and you'll just come over to my house, sound good?" Again he was telling me, and I was practically drooling for more.

"Your place? Oh erm... yea I guess sure that'll work..." I'm sure I was doing a shit job at hiding my smile, but what does it matter if he knows that I'm happy about it?

"Good then. Here, pick up your stuff I'll walk you to the bus" How did he know I took the bus? Eh whatever, he probably just made an educated guess based on how old I look. But.. He would walk me to the bus? He wasn't going to come with me? Nah I'm just overanalyzing... I think..

I smiled at him and put my phone in my pocket, picked up my coffee and followed closely behind him, noticing his book bag over his shoulder, as he led us outside.

We were getting close to the bus when we walked past a gap in two buildings at which time I felt my entire self hauled into there by one pull of his very strong arm, causing me to drop my coffee on the sidewalk. He shoved me against a wall and placed both of my hands above my head and then whispered sharply into my ear.

"I've been watching you for a couple weeks now, Jake. See I've needed me a cute little boy toy like yourself for quite a while. Forget any choices you have now, I'll take all of those for you. You are going to be mine, and it's all going to start right here" And with that he pulled me deeper into the alley which actually turned around a corner. I glanced upward and noticed an open window about 20 feet up, out of which was playing some very loud Rob Zombie.

He pulled out of his book back hand cuffs which sent a sharp chill down my spine. Was he going to rape me? Was I going to like it? I was freaking out! He grabbed my left arm, cuffed it, then raised my hands above my head and cuffed me to a very conveniently placed pipe jutting out of the wall.

Next came a gag of some sort which terrified me because this thing had a penis shaped object of great length attached to it. He pushed that past my lips and it triggered my gag reflex, which didn't matter at all because he buckled the damn thing around my head.

He unzipped my pants and whispered, "Just perfect," commenting on my batman undies. They're cute okay! After that he lowered my underwear just under my cock.

"You call this thing a penis? This thing isn't even as long as my pinky!" This embarrassed me more than I thought possible. He started squeezing and pulling at my cock and balls but I was too focussed on my gagging that my eyes were clenched shut and I was trying hard not to vomit.

He pulled my underwear back up and zipped up my pants.

"That's a good boy. You're mine now. I hope you enjoy my present, you can keep it. In fact you're going to keep it for quite a while" All of this confused me, was he going to keep me in this gag!? I couldn't stand another minute in this thing let alone days or possibly weeks by the sound of it! How would I eat!? Drink!?

To my relief and confusion he pulled out my gag and then kissed me deeply, pinching my left nipple and forcing out a quick gasp from me. He chuckled and un-cuffed me, placing these bondage toys into his book bag and then turning around to leave.

"I'll be seeing you boy. Don't have too much fun without me now" And at that he winked, and turned out of the alleyway and for all I know left my life for good. This entire experience left me extremely horny and my tummy was filled with all sorta of butterflies. I collapsed on the ground from the rush of these new sexual feelings my body was going through.

After a few minutes of heavy gasping, I gathered myself and stood up to leave. Before exposing myself to the world I quickly brushed my hand in my pants to fix my erection when my fingers felt something hard (not the regular kind of hard!) Yet another chill was sent down my spine and a sense of panic ensued. I rapidly unzipped my pants and pulled my underwear under my cock and balls and the sight I saw caused my jaw to drop.

Covering my cock and encircling my balls was a hard, clear chastity cage which held my small penis close to my balls. The entire thing was connected to one very tight, yet non-constricting ring circling my penis and balls.

I stared dumbly at this thing when I noticed that engraved on the tube was 'Slave Jake' in little italicized font, and on the small lock holding this tortuous device in place was engraved, "Owned by Master Adam"

And then it happened. My epiphany swam through my head over and over again. I am no longer a regular 17 year-old boy. I am now a slave.

My first start here on nifty! I hope you all enjoy it. All feedback is much appreciated! Please email your responses me at wunderousjake@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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