Jakes Sol

By moc.loa@0821eoDnowKxeR

Published on May 24, 2007


Let's see. This is all fiction. I don't know any of the celebrities mentioned and do not know the sexuality of any of them (for sure). You shouldn't be reading this if you're not 18 or whatever the age restrictions in your state are. Blah blah. I've only written like two stories before, so hopefully you guys like this one too. Write feedback (a lot) to rexkwondoe1280@aol.com. ENJOY! (parentheses means that the character is thinking) =============================================================================== ==== Thirty minutes later I was sitting in one of the benches outside of the restaurant's entrance waiting for Jake. (Peyton you idiot, he's not going to show. Leave now and save yourself any further embarrassment!) I got up to walk away and saw Jake walking down the block towards me.

"Hey! You made it." I said, smiling a huge smile.

"Yea, where do you want to go?" he asked, putting his hands in his pockets.

"You've got the credit card...your call." I said, starting to walk down the sidewalk with him at my side.

"We could just walk around, it's not too late for a stroll." he said, looking at me.

"Let's go to a park, they're always lit up really nicely." I said, taking a right towards the park.

"Yea, sounds good." he said, giving a smile to no one in particular. ==================================================== "Wow, well isn't this romantic?" Jake said, seeing all the white Christmas lights up around the park.

"Romantic? The park's always lit up like this." I said, walking down one of the many paths.

"It's nice. It's really peaceful." he said, taking a deep breath.

"That's what I like about it at night. When I was younger I used to sit on top of the little castle with the slide inside of it at night to get away from my parents." I said, looking at him and pointing towards the thing I was talking about.

"Why'd you want to get away from them? Am I allowed to ask?" he said, looking at me.

"Yea, I trust you. Dad was a drunk and mom just didn't care. After my older brother and sister moved out it was just me and my little brother with them. After I couldn't take it anymore, I moved in with my brother and sister and we still live together. My little brother still lives with my mom and dad." I said, walking towards the slide.

"That's rough...i've never had anything like that to deal with. I don't know if i'd be able to deal with that." he said, watching me climb up to the top of the castle thing.

"You coming?" I asked, looking down at him from the top.

"I didn't know I was allowed in your special spot." he said, laughing and then climbing towards the top.

"So, you know one of my secrets, what's one of yours." I asked, sitting cross-legged.

"Alright, let's see....oh I got one. Once, when me and Maggie were younger, she had done something to really piss me off, so I made us breakfast the next morning and spit on hers." he said.

"Ah, that's gross...and it's a terrible secret." I said, laughing at him.

"Alright, well what's your idea of a secret." he said, giving me a questioning look.

"I don't know, like a juicy secret...you know, like I killed a guy once or something." I said, laughing at his face.

"No, i'm all clean on the murder front. I've never really done anything really bad." he said.

"So...you're pretty much a saint?" I asked him, smiling.

"I'd like to think so." he laughed.

I lay back, watching the stars in the sky. I noticed Jake do the same thing. I turned my head, looking straight at him. He had that smile on his face. His puppy dog eyes looking right back into mine. I smiled back at him, then looked back at the stars. When I turned my head toward him, he was still staring at me.

"What?" I asked him, my voice a little louder than a whisper.

"Nothing, it's...you're just really....uh nothing." he said, clearing his throat and looking at the stars.

"No...tell me. You have to tell me now." I said, pleading with him.

"It's nothing." he said, smiling.

"No, Jake come on." I said, grabbing his arm.

He looked at my hand on his arm, then up at me. Out of nowhere, he grabbed my shoulder, then popped himself up and smashed his lips into mine. I took in a sharp breath, my eyes wide open. His hand found its way up from my shoulder to the side of my head, where he caressed my cheek. My hand found his and interlocked fingers. His tongue was at the entrance to my mouth, requesting access. I let myself lay down, letting him move his body onto mine.

"Wow..." I whispered once the kiss broke.

"Yea...wow." he said, smiling at me. ============================ The sheets were at the foot of the bed, crumpled up into a giant mess that included our shirts and shoes. The sheets left on the bed were scrunching up, the sounds of jeans scraping against the mattress filled the room. Jake was laying next to me, kissing me passionately. His hand was on my cheek, and mine was on his chest.

"Jake...Jake...where is all this coming from?" I asked him, pulling away to look at him.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well...you're Jake Gyllenhaal...and i'm not, you know what I mean?" I asked.

"I don't know, I just...I saw you at the restaurant and I couldn't help myself." he said, smiling at me, "Is it okay that i'm doing this?"

"Yea, it's great....it's...it's perfect." I said, tracing his smiling lips with my thumb.

"I can't believe how good this feels." he said, kissing my thumb.

"What? Did I look like a bad kisser?" I said.

"Not at all, I just didn't think it would feel so good." he said, laying back on the bed.

"My brother and sister are gonna be home soon." I said, kissing his chest.

"Doesn't your room have a lock?" he asked.

"Yea, but that's not the point." I said, looking up at him from kissing his chest.

"What is the point? You want me to leave?" he asked, propping himself up on his elbows.

"No! What i'm trying to say is that I want you to meet them." I said, sitting up and crossing my legs.

"So...i'm like meeting the parents already?" he asked, laughing.

"They're here." I said, hearing the door close. =================================== Reagan and Bo's jaws dropped when I introduced them to Jake Gyllenhaal.

"Peyton...why is Jake Gyllenhaal in your bedroom?" Bo asked.

"Huh? Oh we were just hanging out." I said, going to the kitchen to get something to drink and eat.

"Oh...how'd you meet?" Reagan asked, putting her purse on the table.

"At the restaurant...we went to the park after I got off." I said, filling two glasses with water and taking some chips from the cabinet.

"Well, nice to meet you." Jake said after shaking hands with Bo and giving Reagan a quick hug.

========================================================================== "Your brother and sister are nice." Jake said, biting into a couple chips.

"It's all a show." I said, laughing at taking a chip from his hand.

"Give me my chip back." he said, putting on a pout.

"Come get it." I said, laughing and putting the tip of the chip in my mouth.

He got up onto his knees, shuffled over to me, and grabbed the chip from my mouth with his. After chewing it quickly, he placed his lips onto mine again and began another kiss. He let his body fall onto mine, deepening the kiss. My arms wrapped around his body, feeling the strong muscles of his back.

"What are you doing tomorrow night?" he asked, breaking the kiss.

"Nothing...why?" I asked, giving him a quick kiss.

"Alright good, because i'm taking you out." he said, sitting up on the bed again.

"Where?" I asked, taking a drink of water.

"Well, since you showed me your special place, I figured I should show you mine." he said.

"Alright, sounds good." I said.

"Here's my number." he said, writing it down on a piece of paper.

"And here's mine." I said.

"Alright, I have to go...and i'll see you tomorrow." he said, giving me a kiss.

"I'll walk you out." I said, getting up and leading him towards the door.

We passed Bo and Reagan on the way out. Jake said goodbye to each and continued toward the door. I walked him down the stairs towards the exit of the complex.

"Bye." I said, giving him a kiss on the lips.

"Bye." he said, walking backwards towards his car. ======================================= Part 2 ladies and gentlemen! Good? Bad? FEEDBACK! I'll be working on part 3 like right away, so it should be up on the site soon.. I hope part 2 kept the fans (if there already are any) happy. Chapter 3 might bring in some drama, we'll see. Bye!

Next: Chapter 3

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