Jakes Chance


Published on Jan 28, 2008


Since I couldn't get a hold of Jake I figured that I might as well find something to keep me busy. I decided that I would hit the nearest mall and do a little window shopping. I walked to the lobby and inquired where the nearest mall was. Linda who was working the front desk advised "You cant go home without going to the Beverly Center. "

"Is it within walking distance or should I call a cab.?" I inquired.

"Its to far to walk. The Hotel shuttle can take you, and pick you up."

"That sounds great. When do you think they can drop me off?" I asked.

"Let me check." she turned and walked away. She came back a few minutes later saying "Jim said to give him ten minutes and he will meet you at the front entrance."

"Great... thank you so much Linda. I appreciate all of your help."

"Your more than welcome sir."

The van pulled around to the main entrance within ten minutes. I got in and shut the door behind me. "Hi I'm Jim" The Driver said "I understand you want to go to the Beverly Center."

"I sure do. How long do you think its going to take to get there?

"About thirty minutes if traffic isn't bad." He answered.

I sat back and watched at all the cars and buildings passing by. I wondered how much money you had to make live out here. With the prices of housing I couldn't imagine trying to survive on a crappy salary. We finally reached the Beverly Center after about forty five minutes. I asked Jim how I could contact him when I was ready to go back to the hotel. He gave me his card with his cell number on it and advised me to just call the number . I thanked him and headed into the Beverly Center. I was walking around the first floor when I spotted Sean Maher walking out of Bath and Body Works. He turned and headed the other way so I followed. As I got closer to him I lowered my voice and said "Sir.. The lotion that you bought in BBW is not to be used for anything sexual!!"

I heard him say "Excuse me.. I'm not sure what your" and at that moment he decided to turn and face the voice that was talking to him. His face lit up and he smiled saying "Jakes right.. you are a total wise guy."

"Well good god.. you say that like its a bad thing."

"What are you doing at the Beverly Center? Your a long way from the Hotel."

"I had nothing else to do, so I figured that I would do some window shopping and some people watching. And look at the people that I have already bumped into."

"Wheres Jake? You two have been inseparable since you got here?" He stated.

"I have no clue. I haven't heard from him today. I called his cell phone and some guy answered."

He looked puzzled and asked "Some guy?"

"Yeah I didn't ask his name, I didn't figure it was my business."

"Its probably just one of his friends."

I started laughing and said "Doesn't matter, Jakes a big boy and can take care of himself." I halfway turned away from Sean and added "Well it was good seeing you Sean. You have a good one." and started to walk away.

"Chance wait." he said running up to me. "Do you want some company?"

"Sure, but I'm going to walk the whole mall."

"Sounds good." he said and started walking with me. We went into any store that looked interesting. I had to keep convincing myself that I didn't need what I picked up, and eventually I put everything back. After about two hours of shopping I had no bags and Sean had six. I watched him struggling to carry everything and asked "Did you want some help carrying a couple of bags? It looks like your having a hard carrying everything."

"Sure if you want.?" he said. Handing me two of the bags. He made his way into another store so I followed. He went to one section of the store and I went the opposite way. As I was looking at baseball hats my cell phone rang. I pulled it out of its case and looked at the caller id. It was Jake.

"Hey Jake, What up?" I asked.

"Not much here? What are you up to?"

"Just doing some shopping. But I guess I'm not very good at it, I haven't bought a thing."

"I would have to say your letting down the whole gay brotherhood."

"Whys that?." I asked.

"A gay man that is shopping and has bought nothing, has to be letting down all the gay population ."

"Hardy har har.. Did you call for a reason or just to harass me?"

"Just to harass you." he answered, I could tell he was smiling..

"Well don't forget that I can hang up, and not answer the phone again."

"You wouldn't do that would you?" he asked.

"Probably not.. you would really have to piss me off before I would hang up."

At that moment Sean walked up asking me what I thought about a shirt he was thinking about buying. I told him that I thought it was hideous and I wouldn't buy it for my dog. He just laughed and walked away.'

I heard Jake ask "Who were you talking to?"

"Oh sorry Jake, Sean wanted to know what I thought about a shirt he was looking at."

"Sean??? Sean Maher?" He asked.

"Yeah.. Sean Maher, Why?"

"Your out with Sean Maher? Did he call and invite you out?" he asked. He sounded a little pissed.

"I wouldn't say out.. We ran into each other here at the mall and decided to continue shopping together. Why whats the big deal?" I asked.

"No big deal." he said and then added "Just be careful with him Chance. Hes not a very nice guy. And remember what I said about him having many men in his life."

"Jake I'm a big boy.. believe me, I can take care of myself."

"I know.. I'm sorry.. I just don't want to see you get hurt." he said with a sad tone in his voice.

"Thanks I appreciate that." I replied. "But there wont be anything happening with Sean or anyone else. I am not the kind of guy that has one night stands,"

"So what are you doing tonight?" He asked.

"I really have nothing planned. Why? What are you doing?"

"My sister is having a party tonight at her house. She wants to meet you."

"Me??" I asked. "Why would she want to meet me?" I questioned.

"Well.. Kirsten has talked about you and I told her how much fun we have been having together so she wants to meet you."

"What time?" I asked.

"The party starts at eight, but she wants me to come over at six to have dinner with her."

"Ok, are you going to give me the address and I will meet you at eight?"

"No.... She wants you to come to dinner with me.. She wants us to come to dinner. So I will pick you up at five ... If you want to go.. that is?"

"Of course I'll go. I guess I'll see you at five then."

"Great." He said excited "See you then."

"Jake Wait.... Jake???" I said panicked.

"Yeah? I'm still here." he answered.

"What should I wear? Should I dress up? Should I wear a suit? Or casual?" I asked.

"Dress comfortable casual. Wear whatever you want." he said

"Ok.. see you at five then."

"See ya." he said and hung up.

Sean had been standing next to me for at least the last few minutes and asked "Going somewhere tonight?"

"I guess Jakes sister is having a party tonight and wants me to come so that she can meet me."

"Sounds like fun. You'll like Maggie shes awesome. Plus her parties are always a lot of fun." Sean went over and paid for his purchase and we left the store together. He turned and looked at me saying "I better get going. I have some things that I have to get done before the party. Did you want a ride back to your hotel?" He asked.

"Is it on your way or out of your way?" I asked.

"It wouldn't matter if it was or wasn't. Do you want a ride back to your hotel?" he asked again.

"Sure." I replied. We packed up his car with all of his purchases and made our way back to my hotel. As he pulled up to the front doors I said "Thanks so much for the ride Sean and thanks for keeping me entertained at the mall."

"You don't have to thank me.. I had a great time too." He then leaned over and tried to kiss me. I turned my face so he only kissed my cheek. I kissed his cheek back and said "Thanks again Sean" and I got out of the car.

I made my way into the hotel to get ready for party. Jake showed up at four thirty in jeans and a dress shirt. Yes... he looked hot.. I finished putting on my shoes and told him that I was ready. We made our way out to the SUV and got in. Jake drove out of the parking lot like a maniac. I looked over at him and asked "Are we in a hurry?

"No not really." he answered.

"Could you slow down then?" I asked.

Laughing he said "Sorry.... I guess I'm just excited to see my sister. I haven't seen her for about three months. Shes been filming in Toronto."

"I can understand that.. however we do want to make it to her house. Could you slow down a little?" He turned and looked at me and smiled.

"What???? I asked.

"Thanks." was all that he said

"Why are you thanking me... you freak?" I asked confused.

"For being the way that you are.. for being a no nonsense kinda person. I love the fact that you have no problem being open and sometimes brutally honest with me."

"Isn't that what good friends do for each other?" I asked.

"Yeah I guess it is." he said smiling.

I asked Jake to stop at a store so that I could run in and pick up a bottle of wine to take to Maggie. We stopped at a wine store that Jake hand been to before. I decided that I would pick up a bottle of red and white wine. I jumped back into the car and about fifteen minutes later we pulled into a driveway as Jake said "This is it." he put the car in park and shut it off. I looked around at the surroundings as Jake got out.

He leaned back into the car and asked "Are you coming? Or are you going to stay in the car?"

"I think I'll stay in the car. Come get me when its all over with." I replied. He walked around to my side of the car, opened the door and drug me out.

"You'll have fun tonight.. Kirsten is suppose to be here, plus my sister is great, you'll love her." He said dragging me toward the house. Jake knocked on the door a few times and then opened it and drug me in behind him.

"Jake stop... Jake!" I said a little louder. He turned and looked at me. "I forgot the wine in the back seat. I need to get it."

"I'll get it.." he said walking past me towards the car. "You stay here, I will be just a second." and walked back out to the car.

"Hi?" I heard from behind me. I turned smiling and said "Hi.. I'm Chance, a friend of Jakes. I forgot something in the car so he ran back out to get it."

"Your Chance?" she asked.

"Thats me.. the one and only."

"I'm Jakes sister Maggie. Kirsten and Jake talk about you all the time." She smiled and walked up giving me a hug.

I hugged her back saying "I'm sure whatever they have told you was all lies."

Jake walked back in saying "None of it was a lie... its all true." He walked up to his sister and gave her a big strong bone crushing hug after he handed me the wine bottles.

"I guess that depends on your version of what is the truth." I said shrugging.

He backed out of the hug and said "Chance this is my sister Maggie. Maggie this is my good friend Chance."

I handed Maggie the bottles of wine saying "Here's a little thank you for inviting me to dinner and your after dinner party."

"Chance you didn't have to do that."

"Yes I did. Jake told me that I had to bring some kind of alcohol to the party or you wouldn't let me stay." she gave Jake a stern look. He backed away from her holding his hands up saying "I did no such thing Maggie. Chance!!! tell her the truth."

"Ok... Ok." I said laughing. "He actually said that you had a drinking problem and if I wanted to get on your good side, that I should bring some wine. So here I am offering two bottles."

"Chance!!!" Jake said still backing away from his sister. I chuckled walking from the entry way into the house. I could here Jake saying "I did not say that.... Chance!!!" He yelled. I walked back into the entry way and started laughing. "He really didn't say that Maggie, he actually said that you're a great person and he loves you to death. I brought the wine as a thank you gift for the invite."

She started laughing and looked at Jake saying "Your right, hes going to be a handful."

"I told you.. You have to be on your toes with him."

I looked at him like I was shocked and horrified. "You told her I was a handful?"

"Yep." was his only reply.

"Well if I'm a handful then I'm not sure where the hell that puts you in the whole equation."

"This is going to be a fun evening." she said laughing and dragging me into the house.

She had a nice house, it wasn't screaming STAR like Jakes. It was the kind of house that invited you in. Warm, comfortable and a homey place. We talked about all the places Jake had taken me. He laughed the whole time he told her about my awful attempt at surfing.

I have to say that it was probably one of the best dinners that I have had In a long long time. Everything was very good and I made sure that Maggie knew that. The company was great. The atmosphere was very relaxed and comfortable. Jake kept setting himself up for zingers. So I zinged. Maggie laughed at us the whole time.

A little before eight additional people started to show up. Jake and Maggie made sure to introduce me to everyone that walked through the door. Kirsten showed up about eight fifteen with Sean. I walked over and said "Wow...... If it isn't Kirsten Dunst.. You know I use to have a best friend named Kirsten Dunst. But my best friend hasn't returned any of my phone calls, she hasn't even bothered to text me back. So I guess I have been replaced"

She walked up and hugged me saying "Never could you be replaced. I just got back into town. The day after the party I got a call saying that they wanted to redo a few scenes so I ended up having to fly back to Chicago."

"You still could have returned my phone calls!"

"I know.. and I'm sorry." she stated.

"No biggie.... just next time call me back."

"I will do that." She said smiling at me."

I looked over at Sean saying "So we meet again. Did you get everything done that you needed to this afternoon?"

"Yeah, I did it after I dropped you off." He turned and looked around the house. Once he spotted the bar he said "I'm going to get a drink anyone else want one?"

"I would love one. Could you get me a Seven and Seven.. please?" Kirsten declined saying she had an early day tomorrow and added she wasn't going to be drinking tonight.

Jake walked up and nudged me asking "Did you tell Kirsten how much fun we've had this week?"

"Nope.. I will let you do that while I go use the restroom." I looked around and turned back to Jake asking "and they would be?? where?"

He stopped talking to Kirsten and said "Down the hall the second door on the left."

"Thank you." I said as I was walking away. I went in and did my business. I was opening the door to exit when someone pushed the door open hitting me in the side of the head. I stumbled backwards trying to maintain my balance when I felt a hand grab my arm asking "Oh my god are you ok? I'm so sorry.. I didn't realize anyone was in here. Shit.. Chance, I'm so sorry."

I looked up and into the blue eyes of the one and only Sean Maher. "Sean... Sean!!" I said a little harsher.. "Stop.. I'm fine really. It just shocked me." I walked over and looked into the mirror to see that I had a little trail of blood running down toward my eye. I grabbed a wad of toilet paper and started to dab the spot that was bleeding. It was a small little cut. Nothing to be concerned with.

Sean said "I'm really sorry but I have to go!" he walked up to the toilet and did his business with me standing right there. After he finished and zipped up I said "What the hell is it with guys in California, nobody has a problem with just whipping out your goods around strangers?"

Sean answered with "Were guys.. if you've seen one you've seen them all. Its really no big deal."

I started laughing and said "Yeah I could tell it was no big deal." I walked over and threw the piece of toilet paper in the trash when Sean came up behind me saying "I'll show you how big it is." He started to rub his crotch against my ass. Once he reached around and grabbed my crotch I had had enough. I grabbed his wrist and removed his hand from my crotch and turned around and faced him saying "Don't ever.. and I do mean ever, touch me again!!" I twisted his wrist hard for effect and added "Next time I will break your arm. Am I making myself clear!!!!" He looked at me with a shocked expression on his face, so I repeated my demand. "Sean I swear to god. If you ever touch me like that again I will break your arm. If I ask you to touch me then you can have free rein.. but until that time you keep your fucking hands to yourself!!" I said seething with anger. "Do I make myself clear.!!"

At that point there was a knock at the door. I released his arm and opened the door to see Jake standing there. He looked past me seeing Sean holding his wrist "Chance?" he looked concerned and added "Is everything ok???"

"Yeah.... everything is fine Jake. Sean was a little confused about what is appropriate and what isn't appropriate with touching someone else. So I showed him my point of view on the subject." I turned and looked at Sean again and said "Stay away from me Sean. As I said next time I will break your arm." I then turned and walked out of the bathroom.

Jake followed me over to the bar where I ordered a shot of anything that they had. Once I had done three of them I was calmed down enough to even look at Jake.

He watched me with a slight smile on his face.

"What?????" I asked.

"Sean just left.. he told Kirsten that he thinks you may have broken his arm."

"Well the little piece of shit is lucky I didn't do more then what I did." Jake laughed as he slapped me on the back saying "I cant tell you how long I have wanted to or wanted to watch someone do that to him Chance." He laughed and added. "I know its twisted, but its the truth."

I smiled at him saying "I think It's time to get a buzz on." The whole night Jake made sure that I wasn't without a drink. If I took my last swallow he was there with another drink. I told him at one point that I had had enough. He then started bringing me Pop, but at that point I was drunk. I don't remember anything from then on until I woke up in Jakes bed the next morning.

Next: Chapter 7

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