Jakes Chance


Published on Feb 24, 2008


Jake and I laid down on his bed talking and getting to know each other better.

Jake asked "At what age did you know you liked guys?"

"Wow.. I knew I was different at a very young age."

"And??" He asked impatiently.

I laughed at him "I was trying to think back... I would have to say probably at about the age of five. I liked looking at boys more than girls. And as I got older and hit puberty I knew for sure that I liked looking at what was between boys legs more than what girls had. I lusted and jerked off to my memories of the guys I went to school with."

"Same question to you Jake." I said

"When I hit puberty... I never looked at the girls I was always looking at the guys."

I started laughing and asked "Did you ever have friends that would say.. oh my god look at her tits.. or look at her ass.. I would like to tap that."

"Yeah all the time" Jake replied.

"So did I.. but I was so busy looking at the guy she was with that I really didn't even see her. One day one of my friends pointed out and made a comment about a girl that he did and how good she was at giving head. I wasn't paying attention to him because I was to busy staring at the hot school jock standing about ten feet behind him. He noticed I wasn't paying attention and turned and looked to see what I was staring at. He whipped his head back around and asked me right there in the lunch room if I liked guys."

"Holy shit, what did you do." Jake asked.

"I just shook my head yes and lowered my eyes."

"Did he say anything? What did he do?" he asked scared for me.

"He reached over and smacked me on the head and said like I give a shit Chance. But He was the exception, not everyone else took it that well. I lost a few friends because they couldn't handle the thought that I liked guys." I looked over at Jake and noticed that he was staring at me intently. So I asked "What?"

"It doesn't bother you does it?"

"What, being gay?" I asked. He shook his head yes. "Not at all.. I'm no different than my neighbors down the street or the people I work with. I want the house with the picket fence and Tulips, a family to come home to. The only difference is that I like guys."

Jake kissed me and then asked "Wanna go make some breakfast?"

"Together or are you going to banish me from the kitchen again?"


"Sounds good. I could use some food after the work out we have had." I got up and put on my boxer briefs and a some shorts. Jake did the same. He unlocked and opened the door and we walked to the kitchen hand in hand. I made pancakes and french toast while Jake made oatmeal and cut up some fresh fruit. We took everything out to the lanai and ate in the sun. It was turning out to be a another beautiful day.

"You wanna go swimming?" I asked Jake.

"Yeah.. sounds good. I think its going to get hot today. Did you bring a suit with you?"

"Yep." I said as I stood up and ran and did a cannon ball into the swimming pool. As I surfaced I could hear Jake laughing. I swam a few laps waiting for Jake. I made my way to the edge of the pool where the love seat was. I pulled myself up and onto it and sat enjoying the sun. I heard running and turned in time to see Jake flying above my head as he also did a cannon ball into the pool. He surfaced and swam over to me putting himself between my legs as he leaned on my thighs.

"Are you comfy?"

"Yep." He said with a full on smile. I leaned over and kissed him pushing my tongue into his mouth. I pulled back and stared into his bright blue eyes. I pushed him off of me and slipped back into the pool. Once I was treading water again I swam up to him pulling him to my body and said "I have always wanted to have sex in a swimming pool."

"Oh really?" He said a little flushed.

"Yep.. sure have.. But, I don't think I could even get it up at this point. Especially after four times this morning."

He smirked at me saying "I guess I need to find a country that will allow us to marry."

"I don't think that would work anyway Jake. I'm sure that you have to be a citizen of that country." I kissed him on the cheek and released him saying "I think I'm going to hit one of the lounge chairs and soak up some sun. Are you coming?"

"Nah.. I think I will swim a few laps and then I have to go work out with my trainer."

"Ok.." I said as I sat down enjoying the heat of the sun and the warmth of the lounge chair cushion.

"Chance.... Chance." I heard Jake say and then felt his lips on mine. I opened my eyes and saw that he had on workout pants and a t shirt. He sat down next to me and pushed my hair back saying "Sorry to wake you. But If your going to stay out here you better turn over.. your going to get burnt." he went on to say "I'm going to head out to meet with my trainer. I should be back in a couple of hours. The house is all yours so help yourself to anything you need or want. You have my cell number in case you need to get a hold of me." He kissed me again and started to walk away and then turned back and asked "What would you think about heading up to San Francisco for a couple of days?"

I opened my eyes and looked in his direction "Really?"

Smirking at me he said "Yes.. really.. so... what do you think?"

"Hell yeah, I would love to go." I said getting excited.

"Ok, I will take care of all the arrangements." As he winked at me. "I gotta jet.. but I will see you in a couple of hours." And headed out to his appointment. I rolled over onto my back and sun baked for about a half hour then got up and went in and cleaned up the kitchen from breakfast. I went upstairs and took another shower to wash off the chlorine and changed into some cargo pants and a t-shirt and flip flops. I sat and read for about an hour when I decided that I would call Kirsten to see what she was up to, I tried her house phone first but it just rang and rang. I called her cell phone next and got voice mail. I was beginning to think that she was avoiding me. I called her cell phone back and left her a message asking her to call me back.

I got on Jakes computer and checked email and then checked out the internet. I didn't see anything that caught my attention so I logged off and went back outside and into the garden. I was just walking around exploring the garden when my cell phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and it was Jake. "Hello" I said. "Hey babe... what are you doing?" He asked.

"Not much just walking around in the garden and exploring the back yard. Why? Whats up?"

"Nothing.. just wanted to see what you were doing and let you know I would be home in about forty five Minutes."

"Have you eaten?" I asked.

"Not really, I had a banana and a protein fruit drink, but nothing substantial."

"Ok.. I will make us some lunch. It should be ready by the time you get here,"

"Cool.." He said excited. "I will see you in about forty five."

"See you then," I said and hung up. My cell phone rang about a minute later and it was Jake again.

I opened it saying "Yes??? You couldn't stand not hearing my voice so you had to call again?"

Laughing he said "You know it." and laughed harder. "Actually. the real reason I called was to find out if you need me to stop and pick up anything for lunch or dinner?"

"I don't think so.. You stocked up the other day so I think we should be ok."

"Ok.. see you in a few." He said and hung up. I flipped my phone shut and opened it back up and called his cell number. He answered it saying "Yes... you just couldn't stand not hearing my voice so you called me back?"

Laughing I said "No thats not it.. I just wanted to say bye and that I would see you in a few since I didn't get to say it before you hung up."

I could here the smile in his voice when he said "Wow... what a way to smash my ego to bits and pieces,.. but I understand.. and I'm sorry. I will see you in a few minutes."

"sounds good Jake see you then... BYE.."

"God you crack me up.."He said and then added "Bye see you in a few." and then he paused and didn't say anything but continued to stay on the line. He asked "Arn't you going to hang up?"

Laughing I said "I was waiting for you to hang up."

"Maybe I don't want to hang up?"

"Well maybe I don't either.. I've missed talking to you maybe I want to continue talking to you until you walk through the door." I said.

We continued to talk and question each other. It was a good thing. The more I talked with Jake the more that I liked him. I'm not ready to say that I'm falling in love with him him but its a very strong like and lust.

"How much longer is it going to be before you get here?" I asked.

"About fifteen minutes" he answered and then paused and asked "So what did you want to talk about now?"

I paused "Sex?"

"What about sex?" he said

"Do you use your left hand or your right hand when you jerk off?" Jake busted out laughing saying "Wow.. I never expected that one." he continued to laugh and added "I alternate, sometimes both hands. But I'm hoping that I wont have to jack off for a long time since we're together. Plus with the way we went at it last night.. if its like that all the time I wont have a need to jerk off."

"I want to watch you jerk off sometime. I want to see you pulling your pud, choking your chicken, beating your meat. Or whatever else you want to call it."

Jake kinda groaned and said "You make it sound dirty."

"Hell no." I said "Not dirty.. I cannot wait to watch you sometime. Its making me horny just thinking about it."

"Oh really?" he said as he walked around the corner and into the kitchen. I jumped and screamed like a little girl which had Jake laughing. I smacked him on the arm and said "Damn Jake I think I need to go change my boxers.. you scared the shit outta me"

He walked up to me and pinned me against the counter saying "God I missed you." as he grabbed a hold of my head and smashed his lips against mine and proceeded to stick his tongue down my throat. The kiss lasted for a good five minutes before he backed away panting. He started to Kiss my neck until I pushed him away saying "Jake.. lunch is almost ready.. plus.. god you stink.. why don't you go take a shower and we can eat some lunch and then we will see what we can figure out for desert." I said raising my eye brows.

He looked hurt and said "You think I stink?"

I went up and hugged him and said "Jake I love the smell of you.. but the locker room gym smell does nothing for me." He smiled at me and pulled off his shirt. I just watched him as he turned and went to the door of the kitchen and slid his workout pants down and off. He was now standing in the doorway with just his jock on. I watched his every move as he started messing with the elastic band of the jock. I moaned and half growled out "God you make hot."

The smile lit up his face as he said "Good... now you know how you make me feel." and turned and walked away.

I walked over to the kitchen door and yelled out "You big tease!!!!" I could hear him laughing as he walked up the stairs.

I finished making lunch and had it waiting for Jake as he came back down stairs. I pulled out the bar chair for him and asked "What would you like to drink?"

"Ice cold beer would be great?" He said as he leaned over and kissed me on the lips. I grabbed him the beer he requested and grabbed me a bottle of water. I sat down next to him and asked "So how was your day dear?"

Laughing he said "It was great, how was yours honey?"

"This morning was great.. had the best sex of my life."

"Wow really?? with anyone I know?" he asked.

"The FedEx guy."

"He is pretty hot." Jake said going along with me.

"Yeah.. and hes hung too. He had a package for you.. but said that it was C.O.D and I didn't have any money on me. So I told him that I would have to pay him the way that I paid my rent in New York, which was in trade."

"Did he take you up on your offer?" Jake asked.

"Nope... He said that was the arrangement that you and he had and it was exclusive."

Jake laughed at me and asked "So you wanna go to S.F.?"

"Yeah, you know I do."

"Good.. when we get done eating we should probably go pack an overnight bag since were leaving tomorrow morning."

"What?" I asked shocked.

"We leave tomorrow morning at seven thirty. We'll head to the airport, fly up there and stay for two nights and then come back home. I hope thats ok?"

"Oh my god Jake." I said getting really excited "I cannot wait."

He smiled at my excitement and said "Lunch is awesome.. you are a great cook. I guess I should have let you cook the other night."

"The Chinese was great. Thank you." I said and popped a piece of melon in my mouth and leaned over and kissed him sharing the melon with him.

"MMMM thats good.. What kind of dressing does it have on it.

"Sweet Balsamic." I said kissing him again. We sat and chatted about the things to do in S.F. And the places Jake was going to take me. I couldn't wait.

We finished lunch and then cleaned up the kitchen. Jake and I went upstairs and packed a bag each for the trip to S.F. I stripped the sheets off of the bed and put them in the washer. Jake grabbed another set out of the linen closet and we made the bed together. I picked up the clothes left on the floor from last night and took them to the laundry room putting them into the laundry basket. When I walked back into the bedroom Jake was on the phone with someone. I finished cleaning up and headed back downstairs since Jake was still on the phone. I went back outside and laid on one of the lounge chairs by the pool and started thinking about how happy I was, and how hard it was going to be to leave in a few days. I closed my eyes and laid my head back sighing.

"That sigh was awful deep." I heard Jake say as he came over and laid down on the lounge chair with me. He rolled over onto his side and asked "You ok?"

"I'm great actually... I was thinking about how hard it's going to be for me to go back home in a few days.

"We still a few days together Chance,.. lets enjoy them while we can, and not think about that yet."

"I'm trying not too. But its still there in the back of my mind."

"Well maybe I can do something to take your mind off of that." He said as he leaned over and kissed me. He rolled so that he was partially laying on me with his head on my shoulder and said "I could stay like this forever."

"Me too Jake.. me too." I heard someone clearing there throat and looked over to see Kirsten standing by the back door.

"Hey... Long time no see.. Where the heck have you been?" I asked.

"UGGHHH.. we had to do major re-shoots for the movie that I was working on. I have been flying back and forth to New York. Sorry I haven't been around.. but it looks like you have had your hands full anyway." She said as she looked at Jake and I.

Jake rolled off of me and sat up and simply said "He sure has. I have been keeping him... ummm entertained."

"Oh I'm sure you have Jakey.. I'm sure you have." she said smiling.

"Ok.. you guys I'm kinda weirded out here.. This is kinda uncomfortable."

Jake turned and looked at me as Kirsten starting walking towards us. She sat down in the lounge chair next to mine and said "Chance don't feel that way.. Jake has already told me that you guys are.. well whatever you guys are. I'm totally cool with it. If you guys are happy then I'm happy for you."

Jake turned back to Kirsten saying "I like him a lot Kirsten. I haven't been this happy in a long long time. He's exactly what I wanted and needed in my life."

I smiled and hugged Jake from behind letting him lean back against my chest. I kissed his ear and added "I feel the same way Jake does."

"Then I'm happy for the both of you." she said smiling wide.

Thanks for reading... Let me know what you think. Email me at jakeschance@gmail.com



Next: Chapter 11

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