Jakes Chance


Published on Jan 7, 2008


This story is purely fiction. I do not know the sexual orientation of Jake Gyllenhaal or any star mentioned in this story, nor do i really care, since it is all made up in my warped little mind.

If you are to young to read this kind of material then you need to leave. If this material is illegal in your city, state or country then leave. The author (that would be me) maintains all rights to the story. This story should not be moved to another site without consent from the author.

Chapter one of Jakes Chance.

I woke up feeling like shit from lack of sleep, not enough food in my system before I started drinking and as I'm sure you've guessed a major hangover. I rolled from my back to my side without opening my eyes. Trying to stop the waves of nausea that I was feeling. I heard and felt someone move next to me. I laid there without opening my eyes trying to remember what the hell happened and what or who was sleeping next to me. I opened my eyes as i felt them sit up. I laid there and watched him throw his legs over the side of the bed. He sat there for a few minutes with his head in his hands before he finally stood up.

As the sheet fell from his body i noticed that he was naked.

"Nice ass" was my only comment.

"Thanks" was his reply as he turned and looked at me and continued to walk into the bathroom. If i hadnt been laying down i would have fallen down. I heard the toilet flush and him washing his hands before he came back into the bedroom still naked. He looked my way and asked "What? why are you looking at me like that?"

I put my hands over my face "oh my god.... oh my god" I was freaking out. "Please tell me we didnt.. please tell me we didnt have sex Jake." I begged.

"What? what are you talking about Chance. You really don't remember anything?" he asked with a confused look on his face.

"The last thing I remember was doing shots with you and Sean Maher, everything after that is gone, and why the hell am i in your bed?" I yelled.

He started laughing and said "We did lots of shots last night. Kirsten had to leave early for a shoot this morning so she bugged out at about ten o'clock, you said that you wanted to stay at the party so i stayed with you. We left the party at about 3:30 and i brought you back to my house. You slept with me last night because i'm in the middle of a major renovation on the house and all the other rooms are torn up."

"What else?" i asked "what else did we do? did we have sex Jake?"

"Depends on your definition of sex." he said "we didnt fuck each other if thats what your asking. We did fool around though."

"what the hell do you mean by fooled around?" I asked practically hyperventilating.

He looked at me like he didnt believe me and finally said "I blew you and you blew me."

"oh my god what the hell was i thinking? how could i do this to Kirsten? I'm such an idiot!"

I yelled out in frustration.

Jake walked back over and sat down on the bed and put his hands on my chest and asked "Why do you have to tell Kirsten?" I gave him a dirty look thinking he was asking me not to tell her. "I mean its not like your her boyfriend, or I'm her boyfriend. what difference does it make to her who you sleep with?"

"She's my best friend Jake!" I yelled and added "I will be damned if i will lie to her to protect yooo..... what the hell did you just say?"

He started laughing "that your not her boyfriend"

"I got that part!!. What do you mean your not her boyfriend?"

"ohhh that???"

"Yeah that. start talking, otherwise i am going to have a stroke here!"

"Chance, Kirsten and i havent dated for about a year. That's when i told her that i was gay. We still go out together to give everyone the impression that i'm straight, however thats only to keep my gayness out of the tabloids."

"So your not??" I asked.


"Your gay???"

"Every day and night and weekends too" he said laughing.

"Oh thank god!!!" I said laughing, and added "Not that your gay, but to the fact that your not dating my best friend and i didnt just fuck up the frienship."

"I agree, but then again if i was with her or anyone else i wouldnt have done anything with you last night." He said as he leaned over and kissed me.

Ok, i guess that i'm getting a little bit ahead of myself here. lets go back about a week when i first met Jake on my way out to L.A.

It's surprising how different your life can be from week to week, day to day, and minute to minute.

I was flying to L.A. from St. Louis to visit my friend Kirsten and attend her 25th surprise birthday party. I stowed my carry on and sat down in my assigned window seat in first class. I was nervous as hell because first of all I don't like to fly and second this is the first time that I have flown first class. Ok... before you get any ideas about my family having some mega fortune or that I'm independently wealthy you would be way off. It's not even close to the truth. I, like most Americans barely make over the poverty level income in the state that I live. I like to consider myself the working class poor. Well, I don't like to consider myself that way but the truth is the truth. I didn't purchase the round trip ticket, It was purchased for me by Kirsten's parents as a surprise for Kirsten.

The flight attendant approached asking if I would like anything to drink while we were waiting for the other passengers to board the plane. "Just some water please" was my reply. She turned and walked away without saying a word. I sat and people watched until she returned a few moments later with the bottle of water. I thanked her and turned and looked out the window of the plane. I felt someone sit down next to me so I turned back and smiled and said "Hi, how are you?"

"I waaaasssss doing ok, how are you?" he stated as he turned and called for the flight attendant.

She walked up and asked "How can I help you sir?"

"When my people call and make my reservations they always ask for a window seat and I can guarantee you that they asked for a window seat. I do not like sitting in the isle and demand that I be moved to a window seat in first class." He stated with a lot of anger in his voice.

"Sir we are completely booked this afternoon, there is no available seat to move you to."

He glared at her and demanded that they move someone, anyone. She advised him that this wasn't a possibility since everyone on the flight has paid for there tickets also and rightfully didn't have to give up the seat they paid for.

I can truly say that it was a sight that I have never seen before. I sat stunned and I have to say truly amused. By this point the conversation was getting heated.

I leaned over and interrupted them with "excuse me...Excuse me!!!!!" I said a little louder this time. I looked at the flight attendant and said sternly "You do have other travelers that you need to attend to." and pointed out the people standing behind them, listening to the whole idiotic conversation.

I stood up and faced him, and with attitude advised "You could have avoided this whole, I'm a dick head Diva situation if you would have just asked me to trade you seats!" I smiled at him and continued with "I would be more than happy to trade you the seat I am sitting in for the seat you are sitting in, just to get you to shut the hell up! And stop your Diva temper tantrum!" The look on his face was priceless. His facial expression changed from shock to being extremely pissed, but he said nothing. I never let my gaze falter and asked "Did you want to change seats or not!?"

He angrily advised "Yes, Please!"

So we switched seats. I pulled out my book and started reading and completely ignored the Diva sitting next to me. About an hour into the flight I noticed he was sleeping. I set my book down and put my seat back and closed my eyes hoping to take a little nap or sleep through the rest of the flight.

I woke up about an hour later with the other passengers head on my shoulder. I moved my shoulder around to try and wake him up but got no response. I gently pushed his head the other way to try to get him to shift position, but that didn't even work. I finally just shook him awake.

He blinked open his eyes and asked "What? I need sleep, just leave me alone"

"Sorry, but that doesn't really matter to me, I needed you off of my shoulder. Plus I wasn't appreciating the drooling thing going on."

The only thing I recieved was a dirty look as he turned and put his head against the side of the plane and i assumed went back to sleep. I knew who he was and didnt really care. However he didnt know who i was but would soon find out.

Well i hope you enjoyed the first chapter. If you have any feedback please send it to jakeschance@gmail.com

Thanks Chance

Next: Chapter 2

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