Jakes Boys

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 2, 2020


The long awaited dinner with Gunnar and john was that night. They had had to reschedule it twice - once because Gunnar had to work late (it was a midweek Valentine's Day, and he sold high end jewelry during the day), and once, because Jake agreed to substitute as fifth reader on a dissertation committee for one of a colleague's sponsees. But now it was happening. Jake entertained often, and had a well deserved reputation for his dinners. This was the first time that anthony would be working beside him. While anthony did all of the cooking for the two of them during the week, Jake took over for this meal. anthony had wanted to help, but Jake had done so many of these, he didn't need it. Instead, what he did was tie anthony up, gag him, and bring the chair right to the entrance of the kitchen, so he could play with his boi whenever he needed a break. He was having a wonderful time, making food he knew that they all liked, and also... well, seeing anthony squirm. He was caged, and the clamps were right there on the kitchen island. They had already been used twice, and Jake had plans for more. He used his favorite ring gag on anthony , just in case he needed a blow job break.

After he broke eggs into a bowl and washed his hands, he went over to anthony, and began running his finger around the boi's lips.

"How you doing boi?" He smiled, as anthony wimpered and whined, pushing his pelvis forward. Jake would, eventually, make him change out of the jeans he was wearing - too tight for company - but right now, you could see the outlines of the cage, especially as anthony arched the lower part of his back. Jake had been teasing him since that morning, and anthony hadn't been able to ask to be released from the cage, because Jake had kept him gagged most of the day. Now his fingers moved down to anthony's nips.

"You want these, or the clamps boi?" anthony tried to moan out 'fingers sir," but a slur of "frgggggirffiff" is all that came out. It didn't really matter, he knew, because Jake was going to use both. And after a few minutes, he switched. anthony tried to howl a scream out, but again, all that you could hear was "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPHHH" He saw Jake smile.

"You know, I'll be able to get the cake in the oven in about five minutes. It bakes for 30. That should be time for me to fill my boi with cream. He needs it, doesn't he?" anthony shook his head yes, and tried to get out "yes sir," as Jake pulled the clamps.

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"Ok boi, let's get me nice and wet for that manpussy." Jake had just slipped the cake into the oven and set the timer. Then he dropped his pants, and teased anthony's face with his cock. He finally slipped it in, and anthony's moans (the clamps were still on), mingled with moans of delight. Jake was happy: he remembered what John had told him "when Jake is angry , he fucks you. When he's happy, he makes love to you. Most of the time, it's in between."

In fact, it was a bit of a surprise that Jake was happy because he had gotten a bill from one of his old boyfriends - another one he wished he could forget. Great sex, stupid thinking. "WHY OH WHY DO I FALL FOR STRAIGHT GUYS LOOKING FOR A TRICK?" Well, he seemed to be over that, but Robert - AH, Robert. The accountant.

Jake had received a small inheritance some years back. His financial planner had suggested that he see a tax accountant, because the inheritance issues were somewhat out of his field of strength. The financial planner had recommended a small firm, and the accountant he had seen, was Robert. Runner's body: long distance running. Slightly hairy, glasses. Beautiful lips. His overall look: remember the side kick to Neil Patrick Harris in "How I Met Your Mother"? (what was his name? Josh Radnor! , with glasses). He moonlit as a masseur too. That's how it had started. After the meeting to discuss a plan for the inheritance, as they rose to shake hands, Robert had said "Dr. Gold, or Professor Gold? Which do you prefer?" "I prefer Sir" Jake had laughed. "Nah, Jake is fine." Did he see Robert gulp when he said that? "Well, Sir.. I mean Jake," and now Robert was blushing and sweating. "I... I noticed that you seem to be as tense during the session as I am now." and he laughed. He handed Jake a card. "When I'm not saving people from their bad financial investments, I'm saving them from bad posture. FIrst session is on me. Let me know if you're interested." Jake looked at the card, and then looked at Robert. "Do you bring your own table?" "Oh, of course. Every self respecting masseur does." "I'll call you when I get in front of my computer. Got to check the schedule." After he left, Robert got up and went to the bathroom. He needed "release," and he hoped Jake hadn't seen his wedding ring (Jake had). When Jake said he was going to do something , he did it. Later that afternoon, Robert got a call." "It's Jake. Or Sir. Or Dr Gold. Or Professor Gold. Whatever you like. What's your schedule like?" Robert almost dropped the phone like it was hot. "Uh, uh... I have a slot tomorrow. 8pm?" "Perfect. I finish teaching at 6. What do I need to know? What do you want me to have available?" Robert tried to joke "uh, handcuffs?" Jake didn't flinch "What size? Rubber or metal? What gage" "I'M KIDDING JAKE." (No he's not, Jake thought. He had a feel for these repressed married guys, and he knew this was going to be more than massage.). Just dress in something that's easy to get out of so that I can do my work. " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx

When Robert got to Jake's apartment with his table that night, right on time, Jake had changed to a t shirt, and some old shorts he had around from graduate school. He knew how this game worked, and he didn't wear anything underneath the shorts. And he had stroked himself to a fairly good size. Robert had changed as well: some worn jeans and a blue polo shirt that was not new. "So, where do you wanna set up, Robert? Should I call you Bob, or Robbie, or.." "You know, I hope you don't mind, but I hate nicknames. Robert please?" "Robert it is." Robert DID give an excellent massage, that was for sure. Jake overexaggerated his satisfaction moans, just to make a point. He was gonna have this boy. That was for sure. Just had to seal the deal. "How about my legs, Robert? I ran today, and everything is tense down there." "Uh, sure. Do you want me to lower your shorts, or .." "Why don't you do it Robert?" Robert took a deep breath, and lowered Jakes shorts. When he paused, Jake spoke "SUCK IT BITCH." Robert answered, haltingly "yes sir." And so it began. Robert called his wife to tell her that he was working late that night. He called her to tell her that more and more during their time together. Until she found out. That, however, is another story. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx Jake's mind was drifting a little bit as he lay anthony down on the bed, and took off the gag, so he could kiss him . He had left the clamps back in the kitchen. He thought of how anthony had come with NONE of the baggage that Robert, or Travis, or Pete, came with. Even John, although John was mature enough to know how to work through it with him. anthony was almost like an example of a pure soul. Did they exist. "Oh, SIR. I've wanted you in me all day..." Jake said nothing, but began to gently kiss anthony's neck, on both sides. He whispered. "Got to be quick now, but tonight. I promise. Gonna barbecue you. Gonna do you long, hot, and slooooooooooooooow." anthony began to giggle. "You wanna be tickled or fucked? No time for both sweetboi." "Fuck me Sir. Please. Over your shoulder. Deep, Kiss me while you do." "Your wish, is my command my kitchen assistant.." Jake pushed anthony's legs up in the air, and got to work. He was deliberate, gently, asking anthony along the way if he was ok. Yes, this was Jake in "happy mood." It was happening, more and more , now that anthony was around. He loved how anthony would run his hands through Jake's hair - which was always oily, no matter what he did. If he could reach, anthony would rub his temples - something Jake loved, and something that got his cock even harder. anthony found them today, and he began to moan harder as Jake pumped faster, and faster. He shoved his tongue down anthony's throat, and... the sound of his scream almost blew out anthony's ears, as he swallowed it. Jake rolled off and lay down next to him. "anthony boi, I don't say this enough. You're the best thing that ever happened to me." "I feel that way about you sir. But two things. The cake. And the cage. " "OH SHIT THE CAKE. That's right!" Jake jumped up out of bed. anthony's mouth dropped. Jake stopped , turned around and smiled. "Fooled ya, didn't I? " He unlocked anthony's cage. "Don't move. Don't touch it. All I gotta do is get the pans out of the oven." Jake ran to the kitchen, buck naked, and pulled out the cake. Chocolate. Perfect. His favorite. Gunnar's favorite. The day he got John and anthony to eat cake would be the day he won the Nobel prize, but what the hell? He went back to the bedroom. anthony hadn't moved. "How's my boi? You ready? " "Yes sir... Shall I?" "No. Not today. You're the first person I've done this to in more than 25 years. Just know that you sweet man." Jake lowered his head down over anthony's cock. "OH FUCK SIR NO. NO. DON'T DEMEAN YOURSELF!" Jake looked up. "I never demean myself, boi. You want it or not?" "OH GOD YES SIR. YES SIR. MMMMMM." He was rusty, but Jake had the basic skills, and it had been a while since anthony had received a blow job. Jake knew he was close, so he worked anthony's cock slowly, teasing it. He didn't have to do much. And then anthony exploded. And Jake swallowed. anthony began to cry. "What happened anthony? Did I catch you with a tooth?" "No sir. No. Hold me please. Hold me." Jake got in the bed next to anthony. "Tell me what's wrong." "Nothing's wrong Sir. Nothing. Tops have always been so, well, less than considerate. I'm not complaining. I'm just observing. But you... you look after me. You look after my needs, my wants. Someone asked me once if my lover was selfish. I could never say that about you Sir. EVER. " He kept crying and he whispered "No one I've dated has ever blown me Sir." "Not even John? Better tell me the truth, cause I'm gonna ask him." "No, not even John. Bottoms don't get blown. Subs don't get blown. You just blew me. " Jake held the younger man tighter. As he stroked his head, he whispered. "anthony, I don't care HOW much you want his cock, don't ever let a DOM, or a top, or whatever, treat you like you're worthless. In a scene, well. .No, not even then. I can't imagine that. " Then he stared at anthony and kissed him. "TELL ME if I EVER make you feel that way. You're my diamond anthony. Not in the rough. My fine cut, beautiful , multifaceted diamond. "I thought your favorite gem was a ruby Sir" Jake laughed. "And yours is a diamond. That's why I said that." They were silent for a minute. The anthony spoke. "Long, hot and slow. Like barbecue? " "Exactly." "I'm gonna call John and tell him they have to be outta here by 9." "DON"T YOU DARE!" Jake pinned anthony down and began tickling him. "We'll take all the time we need. No class tomorrow. " "Yes sir. I was kidding. I just... I don't think I love you. I KNOW I love you." Jake thought back to the last person who had told him that. It was John. He had to proceed with care, to protect himself, and to protect anthony. He looked at his watch, even though he knew what time it was. "Let's go finish up dinner. I'm gonna make you eat some of that frosting. Even if I have to..." "OOOH. A chocolate cocksickle. My favorite dessert."

Next: Chapter 10

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