Jakes Boys

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 29, 2020


"Oh yeah. I remember. Hi. Haven't seen you in a while." "Yeah , scheduling. I'm Jake. Jake Gold." "Ed Ross. Nice to meet you." Jake smiled. "I'd shake your hand but I can see: you're someone's sub." He pointed to the collar and ed blushed. "Subs don't touch other men without their Doms permission. RIGHT anthony?" anthony smiled a little. "That's right Sir." "anthony's my boi . We've been together less than a year, more than a few months. How about you and your man? "Just a few weeks Sir."

anthony couldn't get that bit of conversation out of his head. He had moved in with Jake not that long ago. They had been dating, about 8 months, and ... was Jake flirting with someone else? Yes, he was. The guy was hot, but.... When anthony told Jake he was going to be his boi , ONLY his boi, and not see anyone else, he thought that Jake was making an equivalent promise: that he wouldn't have any other bois. From what Jake told him, he wasn't a multiple dater: he WAS a serial dater: as soon as he broke up with one guy, he started with another. Was it... over already? He didn't think so. As always, anthony was completely wrapped up in Jake's long arms. He could feel Jake getting harder and thicker behind him. This was definitely going to be a morning fuck day, no question about it. He could tell. Jake hadn't whispered anything yet, but he was sort of humming at anthony's ear, licking it occasionally. And whenever anthony shifted, he felt Jake's hand move with him, covering that sensitive nip, teasing it, making anthony's cock bump up against the chastity cage.

Jake WAS thinking of someone else, but not ed. He was thinking of Pete. That last night. It had started so well. Pete had worn one of Jake's favorite outfits: that tight fitting, white button down shirt, and the faded chocolate brown corduroys. And his penny loafers. After they had necked for about half an hour, Jake had tied anthony up , hands behind him, and mauled his nipples, his ear, and his neck. When they finally made it to bed, Jake was so turned on by the way Pete moved under him, that he forgot himself, and ground his beard into Pete's neck. Next morning, as Pete was getting dressed, he looked in the mirror, and laughed. "You gave me a love bite, Sir." "Yeah, I guess I did. I gave you a hot fuck too. " "True that Sir." Pete had to get out of the apartment, because his experiments required someone to feed the cells. Everyone in the lab took turns, so everyone didn't have to rush over every single day . It was Pete's turn. He finished getting dressed, and came over to the bed, where Jake was lying there, hands behind his head, smiling as he looked at Pete. "I'll get a shower and breakfast at home. After I feed the mother fuckettes," Jake smiled. He remembered grad school days, and early mornings with experiments. "It was a great night pete. You were terrific." "You were even better." Pete leaned down and gave Jake a kiss, before he left.

That day, Jake was musing about that night, when he got a call from Melissa. "Professor Gold, how can I help you?" "JAKE. HOW ARE YOU? " "Melissa!" Jake smiled. "How's my favorite lady?" "OH Jake, now you stop that! I just wanted to call to thank you." "To thank me? Ok, you're welcome. What did I do?" "Well, Pete just came home." The mention of Pete's name made Jake smile. That was a GREAT night of sex. "Yes, he was here last night." "OH I know. He told me. And that's why I have to thank you. That love bite? " She started to laugh. He had to cancel his date with that witch he's seeing because she'd punish him too much if she knew he was out with someone else! If I can't break them up at least you can!" It was one of the few times in his life that Jake was caught by surprise. He had no idea that Pete was seeing someone else. And Melissa specifically said 'she'. He faked a laugh. "Oh, well you know, we gay guys. Always recruiting the good ones." "Awwww Jake. I know he's a handful. I refer to him as my little croissant. On the sweet side but a little flaky." "And filled with cream today," Jake thought. But he answered "Yeah, that's a good one. Melissa, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to go. I just looked at my watch and I'm gonna be late for one of those interminable department meetings. But... tea sometime? Or coffee?" "Offer me something stronger Jake and I'll be there right now." "Ha ha. Not right now, love, I gotta present my research. But we'll talk. You have a great one. And I'm glad I made your day." Jake got off the phone. There was no departmental meeting. He just had to get off the call. Pete was seeing someone else - a WOMAN. He couldn't deal with that. He just couldn't. Then he began to cry. He didn't love Pete, but God was he a hot partner. He thought... he really thought. He tapped in the numbers to Pete's direct line. "Hey. Miss me already, stud?" Pete answered. "Not so much. Kinda pissed." "Huh? What? " "Your mom just called me. Let me cut to the chase Pete. Are you double dipping? Are you seeing a woman besides me?" There was a pause. "Jake. Sir Jake. It's not what you think. It's just..." "Oh, I think it's what I think. You're fucking some chick and she's beating the crap outta you." Another pause. "Yeah, that's just about right. But... But Jake..." "We're done Pete. We're done. I'll look around the apartment, I'll put your stuff in a box. Pick it up from the doorman. That's it. We're done." He clicked off the phone, and then had another good cry."

That whole memory filled him, as he pulled anthony close to him. "Oh, this sweet boi. This sweet, sweet boi." He whispered into anthony's ear "I wanna fuck you." But anthony was playing hard to get. "I'm tired Sir. Not now." Jake whispered again, as he poked his cock against anthony's ass. "You wanna wear that cage for three days in a row?" "No Sir." "Roll over." "I will, but.." Jake twisted anthony's nipple, and he was done. What that man could do with his fingers. He had anthony on his back and he grabbed his ankles. "Never tell me NO when I want your ass, boi. GOT THAT?" He RAMMED into anthony , hard. Harder than anthony could remember him ever doing." "Yes sir. I'm sorry. I was just tired." "I'm tired too sweet boi . I'm tired of all the assholes in our lives. Metaphoric ones. " He began to push. "It's that blond guy Jake isn't it? You jealous of him?" "I don't know Sir. I was, but the way you're.... OH DAMN.." Jake fucked like a robot and anthony was loving it. "Sweet stuff, ed's hot. But you know what? You're hotter. You're MUCH hotter." He began sliding, and he smiled. "And you know what? You've got a hotter lover." "For sure Sir. For sure. I have the hottest lover on campus. TAKE ME. TAKE ME HARD. OH. OH. I feel you SIR. It's coming." And it was. Jake began to shoot deep into anthony. He smiled. That fuck had been half frustration about Pete, and half his love for anthony. No, let's make that 1/4 and 3/4. He had to work on 100% for anthony . He didn't want to let this one go.

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It was a morning when they could have breakfast together. anthony began gathering things together while Jake showered. A green pepper, an onion, a small bit of cheddar. The eggs. Whole wheat toast from bread Melissa had left for them. He was making the kind of omelet Jake liked best in the world, and he was making it wearing nothing but a pair of onion shorts. Jake came out to the smell of the omelets cooking, the coffee, already brewed and his cup full, and anthony smiling, bare chested, nips at the ready. Jake came over, smiled, and grabbed anthony's butt. "I'm sorry if I hurt you this morning babe. I was... well, I was working things out." "You hurt me in a good way Sir. " anthony smiled. "I love a hard fuck in the morning when it's from you. MMMMMM." Jake had begun to twist his nipples. "Sir, can you take this off me today?" "Maybe tonight. Gotta learn some self control." "Yes sir. I understand." anthony turned back to the stove to get a plate ready for Jake. Jake had one idiosyncracy for breakfast. He liked his toast cut in triangles. Perfect triangles. Unbuttered. He'd take care of that himself. He smiled when anthony put the plate down in front of him. After he had taken one bite, he felt anthony's arms around him, holding him. "Sir, can I say something? It's serious." "Of course anthony." Jake put his fork down. "Is everything ok?" "I don't know Sir. This is forward, but it's the only way I know to say it. Remember when you asked me to tell you that I belonged to you?" "Yes. You do, don't you?" "Of course Sir. But.... " he lowered his head. His voice was low, but Jake could hear him. "I want you to belong to me." Jake felt a tear fall on his shoulder. He put his hands on anthony's. "Come around here babe. Sit next to me." When anthony was there, Jake grabbed his hands. He looked directly into his eyes. "I shouldn't have flirted with ed, period. I shouldn't have flirted with him at the gym, I shouldn't have flirted with him at the bar. I shouldn't have done any of that. I'm sorry." He saw anthony tearing up. "I didn't mean to upset you Sir. I just, I just..." "Shhh. anthony. Shhhh. You're my boi. But you're more than that. You're my man. My one and only. I'm still learning this kid. I'm glad you talked to me. " He paused. "You packed my stuff for the day already, didn't you?" "Yes sir." "Unpack the gym stuff. I'll come home, change and do a run. No need to maybe run into Ed." He ran a thumb over anthony's lips. "I am SO SO SORRY I hurt you anthony. I will never do that again. EVER." anthony paused. "Eat your eggs Sir. They'll get cold. You hate cold eggs."

After a prolonged kiss with anthony before he left for his classes, Jake set out for campus. As he walked, he remembered the talk with John. John had already gone back to Gunnar, and Jake had started dating anthony. Jake had told John that he thought anthony was "the one." John had smiled. "Permission to speak Sir." Jake always loved when he said that. If John and Gunnar hadn't gotten back together, well, there wouldn't have been an anthony." "anthony adores you. I don't like to throw around words like love, but he feels about you the way that dog feels about him. You are going to make him the happiest man in the world, and he'll give you everything." Then he continued. "Jake, I'm not calling you Sir because, not for this one: don't fuck it up. Apart from ruining what may be the best relationship you'll ever have, me included, you're gonna put me between a rock and a hard place. I'd have to pick one of you... and I think I'd pick anthony." "I love that man," Jake said to no one in particular, as he entered the building where his first class for the day was being held.

Back at home, anthony dressed. Jake had picked clothes for him for the day, but he thought... "I know what he likes. I may get in trouble, but..." He pulled out a white oxford button down, and a pair of brown corduroy pants. He had heard Jake's story about that last night with Pete. And he had a feeling Jake had been dreaming about Pete. Maybe, just maybe. "A lot of people hurt Jake. I know he's tough to deal with. I know he's demanding. I love him" anthony was thinking. Then he had second thoughts about the outfit. "No. I'm not Pete's substitute. I'm anthony." He changed clothes. He paired the outfit, and put it in the closet, just in case Jake found it, and wanted it. But for today... Hmmm. Anthony's last boyfriend always said that green was his color, and he had a seafoam shirt . He found khaki colored pants. He knew they were a pair that fit snugly, and hugged his ass. After he was dressed, he smiled. He took a selfie, and then when he knew Jake's first class would be ending, he texted.

"I thought you'd like this better than what you chose Sir. Tell me if I should change." The text back , first, was only a large eggplant. Then Jake wrote "That is making you look so hot, you may not be able to sit for three days. " Then he gave anthony a list of sex toys to have ready. Then there was a third text "think that cage is coming off tonight? You're right. think you're gonna jizz right away? You're wrong. Solve this word puzzle : e_ _ _ _ g anthony sent back an emoji of snoopy doing his happy dance. Jake stifled a laugh.

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anthony was out when Jake came back from his classes. He was done a bit early, because two of his grad students had begged out of their conferences, and it looked like Hilary had requested a different sponsor. "Allah be praised" he whispered when he heard that story. He headed home. Might as well get that run done. No, he did NOT want to go to the gym and use the treadmill, especially after his discussion with anthony . As he left the building, he heard a familiar voice. "Hey." He turned around. It was Pete. Jake wanted to smile, but didn't . "Pete, tell me the truth. Are you gay until 6 at night, straight until 6 in the morning, and then it starts all over again?" Pete looked at him. "WOW. That's unfair. I was just around and I was saying hello." Jake laughed. "You lie worse than your mother does. Why is there a pile of sunflower seeds at your feet? " "I dunno. Maybe they were there because... ok, I wanted to see you. I just did." "Well, you saw me. Thanks for coming by." "Jake, Sir. I mean. Wait. I did the wrong thing. I did." "Are you still sleeping with the dominatrix?" A pause. "Yes sir." "You didn't do the wrong thing. Now excuse me before I do the wrong thing?" Pete got defensive "And what would that be?" Jake laughed. "Smack you so silly you're straight 24/7." He walked off in a huff. "THIS ISN'T OVER PROFESSOR GOLD. " Jake turned around. "Pete, it was over when your mom told me what you didn't have the balls to tell me. Elanor Rigby had her face in a jar by the door. This woman has your balls in a jar by the door." "HEY. HILARY ISN'T LIKE THAT." Then he blushed. "Hilary? You were dating HILARY? " He laughed. "Oh, if you only knew how much you just explained. Get outta here. NOW. Or I'll call your mom tonight."

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While this was happening, anthony was finishing up some grocery shopping. He was running late, and he needed to get back to do laundry. Dinner was meatloaf and mashed, and it would be easy, but still... He thought about Jake and what he had promised. And as he entered the building, Jake was coming downstairs in his running wear. He covered 8 miles, finishing with a sprint. As he stretched, catching his breath in front of the building, the doorman spoke to him. "Professor Jake.. I don't know if this is important to you, but Meester antony - he's upstairs now." "FUCK. This was great. " "Thank you Raul. Thank you much. " Wicked thoughts began to cross Jake's mind. "Hey, do me a favor Raul. When I buzz you from my phone. buzz anthony. Just tell him it was a mistake. Jake just wanted anthony distracted enough so that he could...." "HI Raul. Did I miss a package. ?" "OH, Sorry Mr. Antoni. I buzzed the wrong number. " "No problem." Then he felt a hot, sweaty hand cover his mouth. "Aren't YOU just the prettiest boi I've seen in a long time. " Jake's second arm pinned anthony's behind his back. "Let's go have some fun, you hot little stud." When he got anthony to the bed, he uncovered his mouth to tie him down. "HEY. You're gonna be sorry. My ... roommate is gonna be home soon." "Well, maybe I'll fuck you both. And if he doesn't come in, I'll fuck YOU twice." Jake was sweaty and smelled of musk from his run. It was putting anthony in a frenzy, as Jake opened his shirt, and began licking at his nips. Jake's sweat was falling, on anthony's face, his eyes, and he began to moan. "OH. It looks like I found a way to make this pretty boy REAL happy. Gimme your neck, handsome." When anthony faked refusal, Jake squeezed his nips. Then he teased anthony's lips with his tongue. "FUCK YEAH," anthony gasped. "So... does your 'roommate' treat you the way I do?" "No.. Not at all. You're hot. And handsome... And I bet you have a big, BIG cock that just needs to get wet." "Damn you may be the smartest boi on the Upper West Side." Jake pulled down his shorts. "SUCK ME" "Yes sir." Anthony took Jake's cock . Jake was the first man he had ever slept with, who liked a little tooth with his blow jobs. anthony gave it. "OOOOOOOH YEAH. Just the way I like it you stud." Jake pushed his cock down anthony's throat. When he felt good and wet, he got anthony's pants down. "How the hell do you expect guys like me to act when you dress like this fagboi?" "FAGBOI" was a word that always turned anthony on when Jake used it. The tone in his voice, the command. "I was looking for you Sir. Not just a man like you. YOU." "Heh heh. You're gonna get him. " He pushed anthony's legs up and he shoved his tongue deep into his hole. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT SIR. OH SHIT. PLEASE. PLEASE UNLOCK ME. I'M SO HARD IT HURTS." "I'm so hard it hurts. You take care of me, and I'll take care of you." For the second time that day, Jake was in anthony. This time, though, it was about anthony 100%. He did all the things anthony liked. The slow push in, the nip squeezes. The dirty talk. anthony went from one word answers, to just moaning. He was SO hard in his cage, and he wanted Jake's cock so badly. Finally, he got something out. "Don't ever take that out of me Sir. EVER." "Ha ha. Well, we know THAT won't work muffin. " Jake reared back and he shot deep into anthony . Deeper than the morning, but without the anger. There was just tenderness ... and love. He gave a wicked look to anthony. "You sure you want that cage off, boi?" "YES SIR. PLEASE. I've been thinking of you all day and how much I wanted you. PLEASE. Jake opened the cage. He very, very gently ran his hand along anthony's cockhead. "How's my gumdrop boi?" "HORNY SIR. FUCKING HORNY. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" anthony began shooting. Jake smiled, as he grabbed anthony's balls to get out everything. He laughed. "Well, THAT didn't quite turn out the way I thought it would. But there's always tomorrow." anthony, catching his breath, said "there's always later tonight Sir." Jake laughed. "WHAT did you put in the meatloaf?" Jake would never know. What he did know was that, for dessert, anthony blew him again.

Next: Chapter 9

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