Jakes Boys

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 23, 2020


It was Friday, and Jake didn't teach on Friday. He wasn't a late sleeper, but when his mind wasn't already running toward what the class day was going to be like, he woke up horny. That's why anthony was on his belly, wrists tied to the bed, Jake's underwear from the night before stuffed in his mouth, and Jake's very hard cock in his ass. anthony's ass was bright red from the spanking Jake had given him. It wasn't one of Jake's favorite activities, but it was one of anthony's: he LOVED getting a spanking. As Jake was plowing him - and plowing was the right word as anthony bit down on the lump of cloth in his mouth- he remembered how Jake had found out about his love for spanking.

They were at anthony's place, just hanging out. It was early in their relationship: they had gone out maybe 3-4 times. anthony slid past Jake, in a space between Jake and a sofa, and Jake had playfully swatted anthony's butt. anthony stopped, and backed up into Jake. He pulled his arms around him and said, in a low voice. "Do that again Jake" (they weren't at their current state of Dom/sub yet). Please." It ended up with anthony over Jake's knee, taking a very thorough spanking, followed by a solid fucking while his ass stung from the spanking. And anthony cumming copiously. Now, Jake worked spanking into their sex play occasionally. He knew he was strong, and he didn't want to hurt anthony, because in those scenes, he sometimes forgot himself. So did anthony. The endorphins from the spanking, coupled with Jake's excellent fucking, would put him in a state where he didn't feel any pain, until later. They had talked about it. So far, though, they hadn't completely worked out the details.

Now, as Jake was finishing up- his cock was pumping faster and faster- anthony braced for the flood of jizz. His own cock was as hard as it could get in the chastity cage. It would come off on Saturday morning. He had worn it for four days- the longest he had ever worn it. Jake was very pleased that he didn't ask for it to be taken off , and he promised anthony a reward.

"TAKE THAT JIZZ BLOND BOI." anthony could feel the warm liquid seeping into his gut. He loved that feeling. He loved everything Jake did, especially what he was doing now, which was nuzzling anthony at his ear, and whispering "who's my gorgeous, sexy, wonderful love making boi? I think that's you anthony?" He pulled out the gag. "Wanna kiss your top man?" "Yes sir. Badly." Jake undid the restraints and rolled anthony on his back now, and began kissing him. Not just his mouth, but his neck, his shoulders, his nipples, everything. He finished with another one of anthony's favorite things: a belly rub. anthony just sort of purred at Jake's touch. "Oh, sir. I'm gonna have to get up. I need to make your beakfast. And get the dog out. And I wanna talk to you if I could." "Plenty of time for talk this morning, gorgeous. I wanna go over and write for a few hours, but talking? Sure." anthony got up and made the omelet Jake always ate on Friday. No potatoes, no toast. Just the omelet, and some vegetables. Lots of coffee. Jake smiled. He loved the omelets anthony made: he had learned them when he was body building.

"Sir, I wonder if you'd mind if I went to a gym other than the university gym." Jake put down his fork. "Why do you want that?" "Well, to be honest, Sir, the gym is great, but it doesn't really have the equipment a body builder needs. I know I'm not competing anymore, but... well.." He put down his head. "I'm sorry Sir, I shouldn't have asked." Jake looked at anthony. He pulled up his head and smiled at him. "Do you believe I'm THAT much of a hard ass, anthony ? Only in the playroom. As I think about it, you're right. You know, John and Gunnar are coming over next week. . Let's ask John if there's a good place nearby. " anthony smiled. "Thank you Sir. I'm having lunch with John today, so I'll ask him today. I know it'll cost money, but.." Jake just smiled. "I'll take it out in trade. You'll still go to the regular gym with me, handsome. " "Oh, yes sir. Absolutely. I have another question Sir, if it's ok." "Sure. Go ahead. " "Well, I'm not working and honestly, Sir, keeping this place in order isn't all that difficult. When you're not here, I'm bored. So... I found out that, since I'm your spouse on the ID card, I qualify for classes at the university. Would you mind if I took one?" Jake smiled. He had hoped that anthony would in fact go back to school. He just hadn't gotten to it. "That's a great idea. You're still young enough and you look younger." anthony blushed. "you'll fit right in. You're probably smarter than 90%of these bozos right now. Do you know what you want to study?" "Just that I want to study Sir. Maybe you could help me choose something?" "Yeah, I think that'll work. I don't know everyone who teaches here, but I know enough of them. We'll figure something out." "Can I kiss you Sir?" Jake didn't answer but pursed his lips. He pulled anthony onto this lap, and they kissed there, for a good ten minutes. Then they heard Goldie whimpering. "Either he wants a kiss or he has to pee." "I think it's both Sir." anthony came back wearing a tight powder blue t shirt over his white shorts. Jake's first thought was to nix the outfit, but then he thought: anthony's cock was locked up, and he had a slave collar on. It'd be ok. "I'm gonna take him for his walk. " "I'll probably be in the shower anthony. I'll lay out an outfit for you. And a book. There's a story with a roleplay I wanna do. Read it. We'll go have a cocktail or something tonight. How's that?" "Sounds terrific Sir." Goldie jumped up on anthony's t shirt. The dog was big enough to just graze anthony's nip, which was supersensitive over the work Jake had done before he had fucked him that morning. "We should go Sir. I don't wanna have to be getting dog piss out of a carpet." "True. Although the thought of you on your knees with your ass in the air for an hour or so, is mighty appealing. "

"So, Anthony, how is living with Jake going?" John was sitting opposite Anthony in a small cafe' just over the Manhattan/Brooklyn border. Anthony had taken a book - one of Jake's - with him to read on the train ride, and to try to avoid people checking him out. It always happened, and he wasn't adverse to it, but he had to try as much as possible not to smile or to appear flattered. Jake accepted that people were going to stare at him, but he was extremely jealous, and if he thought Anthony was responding, well.. (And if were honest to himself, anthony would say that when Jake asserted his position as Topman like that, it made him even hotter) Anthony smiled. Some color went to his pale cheeks, and the dusty rose button down Jake had picked for him accentuated the color. "I hope I didn't get him upset. I asked about taking classes and a bodybuilder gym today. He said yes, but I'm not sure how happy he is with me being away from the house." John laughed. "Anthony, if you stay at home all day, you're going to get so bored, you going to go running." John paused. "Or, you're going to look for some kind of sexual activity during the day. Or.... you're going to get so jealous, it won't be funny. Trust me, I'm not quite sure how Gunnar and I saved our relationship, but we did. " Anthony looked at his friend. "You love each other. That never stopped." John looked at Anthony. "Do you love Jake?" He paused. He thought for a few minutes. "Some of the time. Not all of the time. I love the sex all of the time. But I'm still getting used to him." John had worked as a therapist in the past. "That's a very honest answer. And a good one. You're just starting. And this new role: it's hard. As long as you feel it's your choice. Now, let's talk about a gym for you.

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At his office, Jake pulled the latest manuscript up on the computer. He looked at the last bits he had written and laughed. "GOD THIS IS SHIT" he said out loud. "I can't believe it's that bad," he heard a familiar voice at the door and looked up. It was Pete. Bad news, but sexy bad news. The man still turned him on. "PETE. " He laughed. I know you've been hanging around the apartment building, but you haven't been by here in a while. " "Can I come in , Jake?" Jake knew he was being a tease. He was waiting for Jake to say something like "I'm still SIR to you," but he let it pass. "Maybe 15 minutes Pete. I've got work to do." He grinned. "I could give you a really good blow job in 15 minutes, Jake." Jake wasn't rising to the bait. He shook his head no, and smiled. "Sorry. anthony drained me pretty good this morning. Won't be ready again until about the time you need to get home to your wife." Jake could play the game as well as anyone . Pete didn't want to show him respect? That's fine. "She doesn't mind me spending time with you. I asked her." "Yeah, but I do. " He paused , smiled. "Pete, not to make too fine a point of it, but you had your chance. YOU left ME. For a woman. " "I still remember your cock, Jake." "You should hold onto those memories then Pete. You're a little young to be playing advanced level intrigue. And I'm better at it than you are too. " "Mom thinks we belong together." "Yeah, but you didn't." That kept Pete quiet for a minute. "Look, if I gave up my wife. Could I move in as the beta with you and anthony, Sir?" "No." Pete sighed. "Well, I guess that settles it. " He looked at Jake. "One kiss before I go." "No." He shrugged his lanky shoulders. "Ok. Anthony is a lucky man." Jake smiled. "Thank you, but I feel like I'm the lucky one." As Pete got up and left, Jake didn't get up because otherwise, he would have seen Jake's hard on. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx

Jake thought about Pete as he headed home later that afternoon. In almost every way, Pete and anthony were completely different. Pete's lanky, dark body and anthony's heftier, body builder build and his lighter hair. Pete was a schemer: you never knew what you could trust or not trust. Jake had told anthony once that he could never get away with lying to him, because it hurt him too much. Pete, who always wanted to negotiate sex before giving in, and anthony, who just said yes, and gave whatever Jake wanted. And the differences went on and on. In many ways, regardless of how the relationship went with anthony, Pete was always going to be "the one." But - and Jake always winced when he thought about this - Pete could not be trusted. The late nights in the lab , when he was seeing that dominatrix, the one who eventually became his wife , the nights he "was cold," so he would sleep with his t shirt on to hide the welts, or the "falls" he'd have running up the stairs to his lab. When Jake finally found out, it was because Pete told him he was leaving. "I met someone else. It's really cool to be the sub, but on top." Jake was confused. He hadn't heard of many men who did that. Then he found out that Chiara was a woman. He found out from Melissa, who was distressed beyond words. "I'LL DISINHERIT HIM JAKE . I SWEAR, I'LL SEE MY LAWYER TOMORROW." "Don't do that Melissa. He's your son. This is what he wants." "FOR NOW JAKE" "Well, Melissa, it's probably a line from some cheap move, but 'now is all we have'" "Jake, if he gets tired of her, can he come back to you?" "I don't think so Melissa." Jake even went to the wedding. He gave them a rather elaborate gift . In fact, he gave them two gifts. One was for the public to see: an enormous, ornate punch bowl. The "private" gift was a set of custom made sex toys. Chiara actually called and thanked him for them. "We're using them right now. You can probably hear Pete moaning. You wanna come over and join us." Jake declined. But as he thought about that, he thought that perhaps it was time to go back into the playroom with anthony.

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anthony looked at the text. "on my way home now. Didn't get as much done as I planned, but it's good. You think you deserve to have the cage taken off?" He smiled at anthony's response "No sir. But I'd be grateful if you did unlock it." When he came up their block, he saw anthony. He had thrown his old, ratty, favorite denim jacket over his shirt, and he was walking Goldie for his afternoon stroll. Goldie saw Jake before anthony did, and started pulling. Jake crouched down. "Hey sweetums. " He began petting and stroking Goldie's ears, and the licks started coming. "Did poopie pup have a good day?" He closed his hand on Godie's nose and gave him a raspberry, which drove the dog wild. He was on the sidewalk, belly up for some stroking. anthony smiled. "Is it my turn next?" Jake leered. "That and more." He took anthony's hand, and they finished the walk. "You have a good time with John?" "I did Sir. He gave me the name of a gym, and a trainer he knows who works there. Can I go and see him next week?" "Sure you can. Just make sure he's there. Call ahead." Then he squeezed anthony's hand. "I've told you about Pete, haven't I?" "Yes Sir, you did. All about him. Is he..."? "He's harmless but a pain in the neck. I'm more concerned about him bothering you. Listen, ignore him. And if he bothers you, let me know. Nothing I tell him is going to stop him, but his mom is pretty formidable." "Sir, if I can ask..." "He wanted to divorce his wife, and move in with us, as a beta sub." Anthony was silent. Jake stopped walking and put his hand on the back of anthony's neck. "Listen here, boi. I want YOU. And when I say that, I mean I want ONLY you. Trust me, if I wanted a beta, he'd be in the house. And he wouldn't be Pete. " He looked at the still silent anthony. "You want some proof?" "Yes sir." And then, in the middle of that busy street, Jake kissed anthony like a possessed man. When he was finished, anthony looked at him. "Please Sir. I KNOW I don't deserve it, but I need it. Please please PLEASE unlock me. " Jake laughed. "Let's go upstairs. "

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Goldie headed to his food and water. He always filled up after emptying, then he'd find his bed, or more likely, Jake and anthony's bed, and sleep. He snored. His snores were loud. Jake pointed to the second bedroom - the playroom. "Get in there. Today, not the chair. The 'massage table' as he called it. "yes sir." anthony headed in and lay down on the table. Jake didn't say face up or face down, so he lay face up. Jake came in in five minutes. He had changed some of his clothes to his leather. "OOOOH YES SIR" anthony whispered, just before Jake shoved a penis gag in his mouth. Then he pulled out the leather cuffs and locked anthony in. He pulled up a chair. "Now, did I tell you to lay face up boi?" anthony shook his head no. "So you just assumed you knew best, HUH?" Jake put his hand on anthony's crotch and just pressed down. The cage gave enough torment with a little pressure and anthony tried to moan out "I'm sorry sir," but it was all a blur. "As it happens, that's what I want tonight. But don't assume again, understand?" Sweating, anthony shook his head yes. "Because, next time... this won't come off.." he opened anthony's zipper, and pulled out his cock. He turned a key in the small lock and it came off, with anthony's cock jumping out. "Chest still sensitive from this morning boi?" Jake began opening anthony's shirt, and the boi shook his head yes. "GOOD. I won't have to work that hard, and I won't have to use... these..." He pulled out the clamps and anthony moaned louder. He had a difficult relationship with the clamps. He loved them, and hated them. Tonight, they'd probably make him shoot immediately. But Jake didn't use them. Instead, he just played with them for a few minutes, and anthony began to writhe.

"New toy tonight anthony. Something very new..." Jake laughed, as he locked down anthony's ankles. He pulled off his shoes, and then his socks. He pulled out a wooden device. It wasn't a spoon, or anything like that. It looked like a medieval mace. "Know what this is boi? It's used by pastry chefs. They roll it on pie crust, but...." He began rolling it across anthony's foot, and the boi just lost control. anthony wasn't VERY ticklish, but his feet... OH GOD YES. " Jake played them, for about five minutes, until he saw his boi getting very red. "Just something new to keep you in line. Understand? " Again, anthony shook his head yes.

Jake undid the ankle restraints, and then, he pulled out the gag. "I wanna hear the sounds I make when I do ." He stopped talking and he pulled off anthony's pants. anthony thought Jake was gonna fuck him, and he was still so sore from the morning. He wanted to beg Jake not to, but... a sub didn't do that. "I haven't done something I KNOW you like for a while boi. And you've been good." He grabbed anthony's ankles and pulled his legs in the air. He spread them. Then his head disappeared as his tongue went up into anthony's ass. "OOOOOOOH. THANK YOU SIR. FEELS SO GOOD." anthony DID have a few favorites, and getting his ass eaten was one of them. While Jake was going up, further and further, he grabbed anthony's cock. "How long you think you have before you shoot, boi?" "I'm gonna shoot now SIR. Everything feels so good. OH. OH.... AAAAAAAH" Four days of pent up jizz came flying out. Jake smiled and caught some of it "Good boi. Good, good boi." He rubbed some over anthony's chest, and then he opened his mouth and took some. "I love the taste of my boi. " "Thank you Sir. I'm glad it pleases you." "How do you like the cage, boi?" He gulped. "You like it Sir. That's all that matters." Jake smiled. anthony hated it, but he accepted his role. "I'm gonna let you up so you can clean up for tonight. " Then anthony saw tears forming at the corner of Jake's eyes. "DAMN IT anthony, do you see what you do to me? " anthony took a risk, didn't ask, and came over and hugged his Dom. He whispered. "Does this have anything to do with Pete Sir?" Jake laughed. "Who's Pete? The only man I can think of is named anthony. anthony. Not Tony." anthony held him tighter.

That night, they turned more than a few heads at the bar they went to. Anthony didn't see that Jake locked eyes, for a quick second, with a big, square jawed guy, who looked very uncomfortable. It wasn't his first time at a gay bar, but it was his first time as someone's sub.

Next: Chapter 8

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