Jakes Boys

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 6, 2020


In the midst of his slumber, Jake knew he'd be waking up soon. He could feel each of his body's systems - including his cock - begin to go 'on line' as he called it. He had studied for years with a tantric yoga Master, who had taught him an immense amount about self awareness. He remembered Sidhu repeating over and over again "SELF AWARENESS IS NOT JUST MENTAL STUDENTS! IT IS PHYSICAL. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR BLOOD! PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR PAIN. TO YOUR PLEASURE. THAT IS HOW YOU LEARN TO CONTROL THEM!" The training had given Jake an ability that his lovers had marveled at , and enjoyed. Jake couldn't really manage more than one roll in the hay a day. BUT... that training had given him an ability to manage his orgasm. So a trip to bed with Jake meant you'd get fucked once, HARD, and then at least one more time, but usually twice, much more gently, and lovingly. He was thinking of how his boys had reacted to that over time. He smiled thinking of John. John got it right away, and would fill the space in between orgasms with dirty talk, or , as he called it "mezzo play," since it was in the middle of sex, not before it, and loved it. Anthony , new to it, was still amazed, as he would be in a few minutes Travis, well... Lying there, wrapped up in the long arms and legs that seemed to be all of Jake sometimes, anthony knew that sex was coming. He could feel the blood flowing into Jake's long, thin cock, and he smiled to himself. This would be his first time, as Jake's boy. He had dreamed about this so much. His dreams didn't include Goldie dancing around, tongue hanging out, and panting. He knew what was about to happen, and wanted SO MUCH to be part of what his daddies were doing.

"I wanna fuck you so bad," anthony heard the words in his ears. It was like a ritual. Jake never said something rough or crude like "ROLL OVER BITCH," but those words. Anthony thought it was to suggest he had a choice, even though he didn't. There was only ONE acceptable answer, and he gave it. "On my back or stomach Sir?" "On your back. Roll over, please." It was the way anthony preferred to get fucked. He loved seeing Jake's face, which took on so many different aspects, one of which was almost a sense of gratitude. He would smile, sometimes, tear up, and he would always, ALWAYS, thank anthony when they were done. He didn't use any rope that morning, but pinned anthony's wrists down as he began kissing his furry body. Anthony remembered how his hair had grown in after that bodybuilder tournament, and how Jake just seemed to get more and more interested in him as he got furrier. Jake buried his face in the soft hair around anthony's firm pecs, licking his nips gently. His voice was low. "I finally have you exactly where I want you, boi. Here. With me. Where you belong." "Yes sir. Could you kiss me please?" It sometimes seemed that EVERY part of Jake was long and thin. His tongue was no exception. Anthony had received his share of tongues over his sexual life. Jake's was the first one that actually tickled as he moved around. Anthony liked it, but it made him squirm, so Jake would hold back until part 2. There was no holding back now, as Jake's cock began to slide into anthony.

The young man was glad that he wasn't gagged this time. He liked being gagged. He LOVED it. But with his mouth free, he could coo, and purr, and whisper how good it felt, as Jake went up inside of him. "Are you alright? Am I hurting you?" It was a question Jake asked every time. Every time anthony said "no sir," because it was true. Jake was very careful, and very observant. There was one time when Jake had NOT hurt him, but anthony's thigh had spasmed because of something that happened at the gym. Jake pulled out right away, and began apologizing over and over. It took some really serious oral work for anthony to get him back. But he did. Anthony had his own skill set, for sure!

Anthony relaxed into the amazing machine that was Jake's cock. First time around, he never went in as far as he could. He was very much a proponent of interaction and play. And he looked at anthony, and whispered "you are just simply the most beautiful boy in all of the world. In my bed. And I'm not letting you go. " Then he smiled, growled, and anthony felt Jake's big, thick, moustache on his neck. "OH YES. OH YES. " But now, the "game" began. If anthony came before Jake did, it meant extra time in chastity. He closed his eyes trying to focus on holding in his orgasm. "You're gonna lose again boi. Heh heh heh. Maybe today it's not chastity." As Jake slid back and forth slowly, anthony asked. "Then what Sir?" "Bondage chair. Clamps. Hitachi rod." Three of anthony's favorite things. He couldn't help it. The jizz started pouring out, before Jake's first orgasm. Anthony felt himself filling with Jake's fluid, like a gentle warm bath. Jake ran his hand through anthony's newly cut hair. "I win again boi. I'm thinking of you moaning with the hitachi. I'm getting hard faster than I thought."

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Jake had first begun using the tantric techniques he had learned, when he had that brief affair with Travis. The relationship with Pete had ended, and he and Travis had finally figured out how they were going to make this work. Jake had checked around, and there was a hotel, not too expensive, just about halfway between where Travis lived, and the Upper West Side. Not too expensive either. Jake booked a room, and gave Travis instructions on when to be there, and what to bring. "Tell your wife you're going on a fishing trip with some buds. You're spending the weekend. I'm not leaving NYC for this dump for one night." Travis responded "I love when you tell me what to do Sir. I'll be there." He was. He wore the tight blue shirt Jake had told him to wear, and the khakis. "Very professional looking," Jake smiled, as he began tying Travis into the chair. "Open your mouth. I brought something special for you." Travis loved the taste of Jake's cum. So Jake had jerked off on the same cloth for three days before he drove down to the hotel. He shoved it in Travis' mouth, and he saw Travis' eyes bulged when he got the taste. He began to whimper. Jake laughed bitterly: part of the scheme he had laid out. "You call yourself a Topman, you fucking manbitch. I'm gonna fuck you so hard you're never gonna top again. " While he had no interest in it at all himself, Jake knew that Travis had castration fantasies. So he pulled out an old, rusty knife, and waved it in front of Travis. "Maybe literally.. Heh heh heh." (In truth, that knife couldn't have cut a string, but it made a good prop). Jake opened Travis' shirt, and started working them with his fingers. Travis liked this way more than his old fashioned clothespins, and it didn't take long before he was quaking in the chair, desperately wanting cock. Jake was horny too. Riding that distance, with just the radio and his own thoughts, put him in the mood. He shoved Travis onto the bed, pulled off his pants, and .. even though Travis was shaking with fear: he had never taken cock in his ass before, Jake fucked him.

"Virgin straight ass. What a prize. Like truffles." Travis was so tight, and such a challenge. Jake whispered "relax bud. Relax. You'll be fine.. " "MMMMPH. MMMMPH. Travis seemed to be in trouble. Jake pulled out the gag." "What's wrong?" "I don't like this Sir. I'm sorry. I just don't like it. Can we stop?" Frustrated, Jake began sliding out. "Ok. What would you like to do?" He had to wait for the answer. Travis had run off to the bathroom. He was in for a while. When he came back, Travis started packing. "I can't do this Sir. I can't do it. I really can't. Please. Can we do something else?" "Hmmm. Ok. Wanna go and get something to eat? " "Sit in a restaurant? What if someone sees us?" "Ok , tell you what. How about you stay here and I'll go and get some food. You can decide what you want us to do. " "Thank you Sir. I appreciate that. I'm sorry I'm disappointing you." Jake smiled and kissed him. "Don't worry about it. I didn't come here to fuck , trav. I came to be with you." Jake got in his car, and looked for some diner in the area. He found one, and came back to the hotel room. The desk clerk stopped him. "Sir, sorry to bother you. Your guest left this for you." There was a note. With the extra key. "I can't do this. Thank you for your patience. Don't call me." Jake's disappointment must have shown. "Sir. If I may. My shift ends in an hour, and I haven't had any dinner. That place isn't any good. I know a better place. If I treat?" Jake met Matt that night. It was a rare, one nighter for Jake, but it salvaged the trip. He wondered if he could get in touch with Matt again. What was happening with his young acting student?

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He had just finished the third orgasm in anthony, this time in his mouth. He had anthony lying on his chest, smiling. "That was just an awesome fuck Sir. I feel welcome now." Jake pulled him close. "You should. This is where you belong anthony. With me. My boi. " He kissed the top of anthony's head. "God, you are such a fine prize, sweet boi. I owe John." John was a cloud in anthony's mind. He felt like John was in the way of he and Jake being 100% each other. "Sir. I want to ask you about John." "Go ahead. " "Please don't be angry at me. Are you still in love with John?" A big, BIG sigh came out of Jake. "I was afraid that you were bothered by this. Let me tell you anthony. I love John. I'm not IN love with him, if that makes sense. And let me be completely honest, anthony: I'm FALLING in love with you, but I'm not there yet. If this is worth anything, you're the only one. Since I started dating you, I haven't dated anyone else, and I'm not planning to. " He saw anthony's face, and then he rolled the boy onto his back. He straddled him. "As your Dom, I can do whatever I want, no questions. BUT.... I wanna give you something that'll maybe convince you, anthony? And this may be the best thing: I'll cancel the dinner with John and Gunnar, and if you want, I'll never have John in the apartment ever again. I owe you that. " He looked at anthony, who's eyes filled with tears. "Have John over any time you want, Sir. I would ask you to promise not to have sex with him, but you just did. You know, when I first said I was ready, I was. Then I thought I made a mistake. I didn't. This is where I want to be Sir. With you. I want to be your boi. Your only boi." "You got that gumdrop." It was a nickname Jake had given anthony, because he thought anthony's nose tip, and his cock head, looked like different sized gum drops. "How about a hug, then a walk with Goldie? We're late." When he heard his name, Goldie jumped into the bed. He knew he wasn't supposed to, but he did it anyway. "Know what anthony? I don't remember the last time this happened, but I think I'm gonna want you this afternoon. After the gym. " He grinned. "See what you do to me." Anthony grinned. "I'm gonna keep doing it Sir."

Next: Chapter 6

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