Jakes Boys

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 25, 2020


Just as Jake promised, he called anthony the next day. He hadn't told anthony when he was calling, so the kid kept his phone handy, because, well, he didn't want to miss the call. It came in at about 11. "Hello Sir." "It's Jake. What's up with you?" "Nothing much Sir. I was actually waiting to hear from you." Jake smiled when anthony said that. A natural sub. "What's your schedule this weekend?" "Nothing I can't change, Sir." "How about Saturday? 7:30? Here's the address. It's a short walk from where I live. They're dog friendly if you wanna bring Goldie. And if he gets bored, he can stay at my place until we're done. " "That sounds good Sir. Uh." "No. No overnight bag yet. We're still figuring each other out. You're just a baby. Don't jump into things until you're sure. People a lot older than you, myself included, should take that advice. " "Yes sir." "Don't take my tone too seriously, anthony. I like you. I wanna see where this goes. And on Saturday, it goes to Emilio's for some pasta. If you don't want pasta, I'll ask him to grill you some chicken. Just let me know." "Chicken and vegetables would be great Sir." "So be it." Jake paused and laughed. "Keep in mind I don't usually take orders from subs. " From his office desk, anthony blushed. "I understand Sir. I was foward. I won't do it again." "We'll talk. See you Saturday." And just like the first call, Jake was gone. Anthony smiled. "I HAVE A SECOND DATE WITH THAT HOTTIE!" anthony had googled Jake after he got his business card. He learned he was a full professor at the university, in the physics department. anthony hadn't done well in science, and he couldn't follow what Jake's specialty was, but it involved a lot of equations and a lot of diagrams that made no sense to him. One thing anthony DID think, was that Jake could use a better graphics designer on some of the stuff."

He saw that Jake had published four books, and that he was a guest on public television from time to time. The man was hot stuff. Some further googling revealed that the world knew Jake was gay, and that he was a favorite target of photographers. anthony found three different photos of Jake with three different guys. None of them looked at all like anthony. "I guess he has broad tastes," he thought. He closed his eyes, wondering what Jake looked like naked. He had to excuse himself. He ran off to the bathroom, and jerked off in one of the stalls.

Back at the university, Jake was smiling, and licking his lips. He had some second thoughts: should he have told anthony to pack a bag? And should he have planned on fucking him this weekend? He shook his head. "Not yet. He's a kid. I probably have books older than him," even though Jake was only in his late 30s himself. Apart from anthony's killer body, there was an enthusiasm about him that made his "sidekick" Goldie appropriate. They were like two puppies growing up together. Jake smiled. A young, gay one, might be a nice switch, after John, and of course, Travis. What HAD he been thinking?

He wasn't. Jake had been horny the night that Travis contacted him on line. He remembered, pretty much, the first email. "Hey. Saw your profile. My name's travis, or trav, Sir. I'm intrigued. Normally, I top, because boys like the size of my dick, but I'm feeling like I need someone to control me. If you'd like to chat, Sir, please let me know, and let me know if you want me to send a photo."

As Jake remembered it, it was the question about the photo that drew him in. Usually, these guys were very up front, with unsolicited nudes, or headless photos, etc. Travis asked for permission. He liked that. He also liked the idea of topping a guy with a big dick. That could be fun. He was single at the time - he had broken up with Robert just a few weeks ago - so, why not? He wrote back.

"Thanks for your email trav. Sure, if you wanna send me a photo, with your face showing, go for it . I'll let you know. You already have mine, but if you want any others, you let me know. P.S. Tell me how long a "big dick" is. Don't show me though. Jake.

Less than half an hour later, he had a photo. He liked what he saw. Travis was a big man: maybe about 6'2". Built. Not overly muscled in any area, but he was, as his mother would say about some men, "thick." Someone you could wrap your arms around. He was wearing a wife beater t shirt and jeans. "Cliche'" thought Jake, but he wore them well, that was for sure. What intrigued him the most, was Travis' shaved head. It was HOT. Made him look much more menacing than he probably was. Bright blue eyes. Good skin. Smooth face, shaved chest. Jake wasn't a fan of body shaving, but the hair would grow back. He sat down at the key board.

"Thanks trav. Nice. Tell me some more about you. How much experience do you have bottoming, what do you like to do, what's your availability? Anything you'd want to know about me, if I had contacted you."

The answer came back quick. "Thank you sir. I guess I should tell you right up front. I'm married to a woman, and I have been for a while. I've realized, over the last ten years, that that was a mistake: I'm gay. My experience? Well, it's been meeting guys at the gym (I go twice a day), and on line. We meet at places a guy like you probably doesn't see the inside of. I've done my share of topping, but not that long ago, I thought I'd try nip torture. I stole two of my wife's clothespins, and wore them while she was grocery shopping. I shot my load in my jeans. Had to wash them myself. Since then, I've been curious about bondage, and chastity, and being underneath a man. I guess that's it. I live about 50 miles from NYC, but I have a car. I'm a retired history teacher: high school and grade school. What else would you like to know?

"FUCK. " Thought Jake. Robert had been a married man too. He had taken a vow: no more guys on the down low. Too much trouble. Too high maintenance. this guy though, was intriguing him. How bad could one date be? He wrote back.

"What's your availability on Thursday? I'll be hanging out at this bar." He gave an address. Wear those tight jeans, put on a blue dress shirt and a denim jacket. That way I'll recognize you. I don't know what you'll tell your wife about leaving that night, but you'll call her and tell her the car broke down so you're at a hotel for the night. If you chicken out, that's fine. Just don't contact me again."

"Understood Sir." Came the message. "Should I bring any equipment?" "Nah. Clothespins are crude. We'll use something better."

Thursday night, Jake was at the bar twenty minutes before he was scheduled to meet trav. He smiled as trav walked in. He had dressed exactly as Jake had instructed him, so he could take orders. He looked around, and he saw Jake. Jake moved his beer from his lips and curled his finger in a "come here" gesture to trav." When travis got over, a nervous smile on his face, Jake asked. "what're you drinking trav?" "Uh, how about the same as you, Sir." "Sounds good." He signaled the bartender, and the second beer was there. "trav, you like tit torture?" "I did Sir. But it was hard doing it myself." "What else interests you?" "I think I'd like to be tied up. Gagged. Struggle to get free before I get edged. Maybe blow the top. "Anal sex?" Trav gulped. "I'm kinda afraid of it Sir. Never done it. I guess I'm willing to try it." Jake laughed. "Not tonight. First dates aren't for that kinda thing. So, let's just see how you deal with this. I'm gonna take you back to my apartment, I'm gonna tie you up, and I'm gonna introduce you to the world of nipple clamps. You WILL be blowing me, and I'll edge you if you do a good job. We'll take it from there."

Travis gulped. "Should I call my wife now, and tell her the car broke down?" "Nah. Wait until we're done. Late at night makes it sound more desperate. Now let's go. OH. With me trav, you're the sub. You're ALWAYS the sub. And that means, hands behind your back when we walk. And.... I should've told you this. Two buttons opened on your shirts. Minimum. That way I can get my hands down there easily if I want. By the way, who buys your shirts?" "My wife Sir." "Figures. They're too loose for your body. Gotta show it off. We'll take care of that if we go further."

trav was scared to death as they walked back to Jake's apartment. It was a big one. As a tenured professor, and a university "star" , Jake had prime real estate. He had an extra bedroom, a terrace that overlooked the Hudson River, and a huge living room. There was a corner of it that he had converted to a small area for bondage play. When they walked in , Jake ordered "Take off you jacket." "Yes sir. " As soon as he took it off, Jake firmly brought travis' arms behind him. Travis was strong, but the minute Jake got his finger on his nip, he was helpless. "You're going in the chair big man. And after I tie you up, I got a surprise for you." "Yes sir.." Jake's fingers knew what they were doing, and trav was so hard, right away, he thought he was gonna shoot his load right there. Jake whispered "shoot early, and you're driving home early. GOT IT?" "Yes sir." He tied travis to the chair, and when he made sure the ropes were tight, he opened a side drawer, and pulled out a pair of nipple clamps. "these are my 'trainer clamps' trav. Not as rough as some I have, but good for beginners. Push out your chest." Trav did what he was told. He winced, and bit his lips when Jake applied the first one, but when he put on the second one, he HOWLED. Jake laughed. "Figured that would happen." "Please sir. take them off. PLEASE." "Not happening trav. In fact.... " Jake pulled out a ring gag. "We're gonna use this tonight, because you're gonna suck a cock." "No, please. gags freak me out. OUCH" Jake had twisted one of the clamps, and when travis screamed, he shoved in the gag. "Nice. I think a few pictures are in order. Str8 guy travis, in a whole lot of trouble. " Travis did NOT want to be photographed. He didn't have much choice. Nor did he have much choice when Jake dropped his pants, and shoved his cock through the ring in the gag. As Jake fucked travis' face, he stroked his crotch with his hand. He could tell, travis was getting more and more excited. So was Jake. Travis actually was NOT a good cocksucker, but Jake knew he could teach that. Still, the thought of having a studly straight man at his mercy, was hot. (Robert had been cute, and wiry, but as we said, Travis was "thick" and beefy." ). As Jake thought about the different ways he could tie up travis, he shot. Travis tried to gag it out, but Jake had anticipated that. He pushed travis' head back. 'SWALLOW IT. SWALLOW IT OR THE CLAMPS DON'T COME OFF." Travis tried to shake his head yes, to show that he understood. He gulped, and the warm cum went down his throat. Jake smiled.

"Good boy. Now, let's get that gag off. You said you wanna be edged?" "yes sir. " "You sure? " Jake grinned. "you're awfully hard. Can you handle an edging." "Probably not Sir. Can I just jerk off?" Jake laughed. He had this man right where he wanted him. "SURE. You can jerk off if you can get out of the ropes. " He stood back and let trav struggle. And struggle he did. He pushed and fought the ropes, and got nowhere. Jake let him fight for about 20 minutes. Then he stepped behind him. "Now what would happen, if I just flicked one of these tender nipples?" He squeezed it, and trav let out a cry that was half moan half relief and more than a little animal. A small dark spot formed on his jeans that got bigger, and bigger, as his hips moved in the chair. When he was done, he was crying. Jake whispered "it's ok trav. It's ok. Stop worrying. We'll get you cleaned up before you get home tomorrow. For now... " he untied the ropes. "You can call your wife and tell her the car broke down and stay over, or you can go back. Up to you." "I'd like to spend the night, Sir." It was difficult, but Jake did not violate his self imposed rule of no fucking on the first date.

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"Sir, did you say we were having John and Gunnar over for dinner this week?" Jake came out of his reveries about Travis. He smiled. He really liked this boy. "I did. Yes. We haven't picked the day yet, because you'll need to settle in. How're the cuffs? Did you put them on too tight?" "No Sir. They're fine. But the cage. It's tight. I'm excited about moving in, and, well.." Jake laughed and tapped anthony's crotch. "I'll let him out... soon. " They were pulling up into the building garage where Jake parked his car. Goldie noticed the difference in speed, and began to get excited. He had to go. He had to go BAD. "Just a few minutes Goldie... " Jake was about to reach pack to pet the Lab, but then, stopped, and ruffled anthony's short hair. "I've been looking forward to this anthony. No more driving, no more subways. " "Me too Sir. Should I unlock the cuffs now? " "Yeah, that'd be good. We should walk Goldie before we get upstairs." Goldie, like anthony, had been to Jake's neighborhood before, and he had slept in the apartment. He had claimed a spot on the terrace as his own, and Jake had put a dog bed in there, for when the wind came up from the river. Jake had anthony's small bag, and Goldie's leash. anthony walked besides him, hands behind his back. "You look really good in that outfit anthony. Very fuckable." anthony blushed. He was hoping Jake would say that. "Thank you Sir. I saved the white shirt I thought fit me best." "It's a good one kid... Every time I look at you I get a little harder." "GULP. Yes sir. Thank you Sir." Goldie found a spot where he 'did his business.' Jake scooped it up by putting on a glove and dumping it into a plastic bag. Then they headed to the apartment. "Rafe, you remember anthony don't you?" "Of course I do Professor Jake. Anthony, you're gonna live with Professor Jake now?" "I hope so." Rafe smiled. He liked anthony. "Me too. Welcome to the building. " Jake's apartment was on the 17th floor, and the elevator was old. There was time. He pushed anthony up against the wall, and kissed him. A big, wet, sloppy kiss. He smiled. "make you hard?" "made me harder, Sir." "Heh heh. We'll take care of that. " Jake let Goldie off the leash as soon as they got into the apartment. While Jake brought anthony's bag into the bedroom, anthony hung his leather jacket in the closet, where Jake had told him it went. He checked his sleeves, to make sure the roll was right, and adjusted his jeans just a bit. He felt Jake circle his waist with his arm. anthony leaned back into the embrace.

"Welcome home boi." "Thank you Sir.. OOOOOH." Jake was nibbling anthony's ear. Next to his nips, his ears were his most sensitive body part. Jake knew that, and continued to nibble, as he whispered. "You're my boi, aren't you anthony?" "Yes Sir. Yours. Only yours. " "I'm gonna FUCK you boi." "Yes sir. Please sir. Give my manpussy what it needs. Your big, dom cock." anthony gently pushed his ass back into Jakes crotch. He heard the animal growl, as Jake pulled him into the bedroom. anthony reached for the restraints he knew were there. "No. Not for today. Today we just celebrate you being here. At last." Jake began opening anthony's shirt. He had never shaved him , because he liked anthony's light coating of body hair. He kissed his boi from top to bottom, licking at his navel until anthony giggled. "Please Sir. You know what that does to me." "Tell me again, boi." "It makes me HOT. Makes me want cock." "You want cock?" "YES SIR. But not just any cock. YOUR cock. My Master's cock." Jake kissed him. "good boy." Then he pulled off anthony's sneakers, opened his jeans, and took a look at the dripping caged, cock. He pulled a key out of his pocket. "Thank you Sir. Please let him out for a while." As soon as Jake opened the cage, anthony's cock sprang out. It had been locked up for five days. "What's our rule boi?" "Master cums before his boi does Sir." "GOOD. Let's see if you can do that." Jake slid his cock into anthony. They had done away with condoms about two months earlier, when they had promised to spend time with only each other, and now, anthony took his Master's cock. He knew what to expect, but he didn't get tired of it. Jake knew how to drive anthony crazy, and he was doing it. He bent down to French kiss him. anthony was in trouble. The combination of kissing and getting fucked, pushed him to the edge, always. He began to make the sounds he always did before he shot. "Gonna cum before me boi?" "I'm trying Sir. I'm trying not to. . OOOOOH... It started pouring out of anthony's cock, all over him. Being locked up for five days left his balls full His hips bucked, and he shot, and shot again. "I'm Sorry Sir. I'm so sorry. I tried. I tried as hard as I could." Jake laughed lightly. "You get a free pass today boi. Today is a celebration day. No punishment. And now. Time for me to celebrate." He pushed hard, and as he shot deeply into anthony, he whispered "my boi is here. The one I've been looking for, for so long.." He hugged anthony, so hard, the boy almost couldn't breathe. Soon, anthony heard the soft sounds of Jake sleeping. He knew Jake was not a good sleeper, and would work until the early morning sometimes, with his equations and drawings. He also knew that, after about ten minutes, Jake's grip would relax, and he could get up and begin to get his last things packed away. Then he'd come back to bed and lay with Jake until he was ready to wake up.

Total surrender. Total submission. That's what Jake had said he wanted. He told anthony this, several months into their relationship. He told anthony to think about it. To let him know if he was ready for it. For anthony, bottoming came easily. The bodybuilding, though, scared away a lot of tops. They just assumed he was a top man. Convincing people that not only did he bottom, but he loves submission, had been extremely difficult before Jake. He remembered how Jake just sort of stared at him, smiled, and said "I bet you have trouble getting dates even though you're drop dead gorgeous." It was the first time someone had confronted anthony with the truth, and it was before their relationship had developed. "Why do you say that?" Jake smiled. "Because you're a bottom, and no one believes it. And they especially don't believe you like bondage." Now anthony was intrigued. "Why do you say I like bondage?" "Because you're hiding the rope marks on your wrists. You're using the wrong kind of rope. I'll teach you what to use. " anthony started calling him Sir right away. The total submission came in stages. This most recent stage came about around a month before. They had had a night of hot, wild sex, and were sleeping late. Jake slept later than anthony, and he woke up to see anthony's eyes, round and serious. "Something bothering you boi?" "No Sir. I just need to say something." "What's that anthony?" "I'm ready."

Next: Chapter 4

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