Jakes Boys

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 26, 2020


Anthony had asked Jake if they could spend the day before their wedding with each other, and no one else. Jake loved the idea. "boi, I spent the last week listening to graduate students discussing their plans for research and that's the best idea I heard by at least three orders of magnitude."

That Saturday began with Jake rolling anthony onto his back after they woke up. He straddled him, and began slowly playing with anthony's nipples. As anthony moaned, and his breathing got harder, Jake smiled. "You remember the first time I did this to you boi?" "Yes Sir. Of course. It was the first night we spent together. You told me you wanted me to beg for cock, and I said no. So you wrestled me into this position and your words - your exact words were - "I'm just gonna keep on doing this until I hear the sentence 'Please Sir. Tie me up and fuck me' come out of your mouth." Jake laughed. "And I did too. It took a while, but I did." He had stopped playing with anthony's nipples as the reminisced. "I don't know how you figured it out Sir. I asked John, and he told me he told you nothing about my nipples or anything else. But you found them, and a whole bunch of my other hot spots that night." "I've got some experience in knowing what bois like anthony. Figuring out yours were easy. Getting you to submit, that was harder. " He got back to work on anthony's nips. "OH GOD SIR. I remember. I held out for about half an hour. Before you threw the best fuck I've ever had into me." "You mean up to then, boi?" "No Sir. It's still the best one. I won't ever forget it." "Well, maybe I'll have to see if I can beat that this morning." "I haven't given up yet Sir." "You will." Jake showed his white teeth and smiled, as he worked anthony's nips. anthony remembered. He kind of liked, but was kind of put off by this Jake guy's arrogance that night. He wanted him - he wanted him badly - but he didn't want to come across as a pushover. That's how they had gotten to that position. anthony HAD put up a fight. He tried to get up and out from under Jake, and Jake just twisted his nips harder, until he fell back on the bed. Then he'd get gentle, and whisper to anthony about how hot he was - what a gorgeous ass he has, what a good kisser he was. Things he had never stopped saying. anthony remembered how he was in such bliss that first night. He knew he could give up whenever he wanted to, and have this hot, handsome, smart man take him, but the pleasure of the struggle... something Jake hadn't expected from anthony's passivity before that. Then, Jake had found one spot on his nip - just one, and anthony couldn't help it anymore. "I GIVE. I SUBMIT SIR. PLEASE PLEASE. TIE ME UP. FUCK ME. HAVE YOUR WAY WITH ME. DO ANYTHING YOU WANT." The memory was mixing with the present, as anthony surrendered again. This time, though, Jake didn't tie him up. He fell on top of him and hugged him so hard, anthony remembered that one of Jake's animal names was the anaconda. Jake whispered into his ear. "You have made me the happiest man on the face of this planet, and tomorrow, you're gonna make me even happier." "I could make you even happier sir, if you'd just lift up my legs, and.... OH SHIT." Too late, Jake was already at work. Was that prenuptial fuck better than the first one? anthony never told Jake. Through all the tickling, all the nip work, all the other foreplay, that was a secret he never gave up.

For their day together, anthony had suggested a walk in the park and a picnic, and Jake made a reservation for them at the only truly elegant restaurant in the neighborhood. The restaurant was at the top of the tallest building in the area, and the food was nothing spectacular. Still, the views... and tonight, there was supposed to be a full moon. anthony had made the food for the picnic, and he had made all of Jakes favorites: lobster salad, cold fried chicken, mini berry pies, shrimp cakes. Jake had said "I'm a good Jew. I eat shellfish but I make sure it's kosher," which made no sense, and no one got it, but Jake thought it was funny. The day seemed to be on their side. It was unseasonably warm, and anthony had dressed in the tightest t shirt he owned: a powder blue one, and a pair of jeans that showed off his ass. He tied a sweater around his waist "just in case" it got cool. Jake had put on an outfit he knew drove anthony crazy: his "biker jeans" and black t shirt, his leather band around his left arm, and reflector sunglasses. They set out for the park only about two hours after the replay of their first night together, but anthony was already hard. He'd be that way all day. Jake had gotten him a larger cock cage so that he could spread out more for the wedding, but it just seemed to stimulate his cock getting harder.

"I should've made you wear an arm band, boi," Jake said, as they entered the park. "Well, sir... " anthony reached into a pocket and pulled out a black bandana. "Wanna tie me up?" "DAMN BOI. You think of everything. Did you think of how I might wanna kiss you right now?" "Yes sir. Right now. Right here." When they were done, Jake looked at him. He had taken off the glasses. "Put the bandana away boi. Anyone who doesn't know who you belong to now, isn't worth worrying about. "

They walked, hand in hand, throughout the park. The warmth brought out the joggers, and there was more than one who turned to look at this gorgeous couple. One of the joggers was Eammon. "HEY BIG RED" Jake called out to him. Jake had a way with names and faces. He seemed to remember everyone. Eamon was stunned that he remembered him. "PROFESSOR! Hey how goes it. Tomorrow's the big day, isn't it? Congratulations again." "It is, and thank you." He pulled anthony to him. "This boi is about to make me even happier than he already has." "You know Professor, you two are an inspiration. None of us can measure up to you, but we can try. " Jake seemed to get misty at that. "Are you in school here Eamon? What are you studying?" "Oh, no Professor," he laughed. "My brother's the egg head. He's in physics. Third year, I think. I'm a bartender. " "You interested in school, Eammon?" "Well, SURE Sir. I'd like to try it, see if it's right for me, but there was money for one of the brothers, and Eric is the smart one." "Well, we're not leaving on honeymoon for a couple of weeks. You come by my office. Let's see if we can't figure something out." He handed Eammon his card again. He smiled. "Because you lost the first one." Eammon blushed. "I did Sir. I was gonna ask Eric, but I was embarrassed." "Embarrassment is a useless emotion Eammon. If I had been embarrassed, I wouldn't have this amazing fiance'. Now make sure you call me. I'm in the physics department, and I'll track down your brother if you don't. THEN you'll know embarrassment." Eammon laughed. "I will Sir. THANK YOU." As he ran off, anthony squeezed Jake's hand. "That's my Sir. Vintage." "BAH. He's a sweet kid. Working hard, putting himself out like that. He deserves a chance too. And when he comes by, I'm gonna see if you two can run together. He's good."

They sat under a tree that looked out over the river to eat the picnic. anthony had seated himself opposite Jake, who looked up: "Over here boi. Next to me. So I can stare into your beautiful blues." "Yes sir." anthony moved, and as soon as he was next to Jake, Jake kissed him and stared into his eyes. "They're not afraid anymore." "Sorry Sir? I don't understand." "Well.. that first time. The first time I asked you out... you looked like a scared rabbit. I thought you were gonna faint." anthony laughed. "That's because, the way I remember it, you had been staring at me for a while, and you began to look more and more like a wolf. You had the focus, and your color was rising, and John had told me 'He wants you. He gets lupine when he wants someone, and he's got the look." Jake laughed. "I've been called a wolf, and a snake, and they're both right. But what I don't understand is: if you were the scared rabbit, why didn't you run?" anthony sighed. "Sir, there is some Native American blood in my background. And there are always stories about that, because when a snake, or a wolf gets prey in its sight, it doesn't always run. Sometimes, it just kind of gives itself up. Because that's how it's supposed to be. At least that's what they told me. So maybe I knew, without knowing it, we were supposed to be." "We were boi. And you're so much smarter than the rest of us." He put his arm around anthony, who put his head on Jake's shoulder, and they said nothing for a long, long time, before it began to get cool, and it was time to go home to get ready for dinner.

They had decided to dress for that night. Melissa had let anthony know that in truth, Jake didn't own any dress clothes, so she and anthony went out, checking second hand stores until they found something elegant and chic that they knew Jake would wear. He agreed on the tuxedo, and the bow tie, but he was wearing jeans, damn it. And he did. The restaurant had a 'no jeans' policy, but when a couple like Jake and anthony came in, the host could "look the other way" as he did. They had their dinner in peace, a stroll around the restaurant, and stood staring at the moon for a while.

"You making a wish boi?" Jake asked anthony "Don't need to." He hugged Jake around the middle. "I've got everything I ever wanted"

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"NO, anthony CANNOT wear a pink shirt to your wedding, PERIOD," Melissa had told Jake. "You're going traditional. If you want he can wear a pink bow tie, but then you have to wear a yellow one. " "That sounds fine to me, ma'am," Jake teased. But he wore a yellow bowtie with his tuxedo. A black one. With a white shirt with small black polka dots. anthony's tuxedo: navy blue, and a light blue shirt with a very faint pink line woven through it. Melissa harumphed, but she thought, as she always did, that anthony looked like the handsomest man in the room. She was matron of honor. Their minister, the Reverend Ericksson, was from the nearby cathedral. Jake had met her when they sat on a panel entitled "The God Particle." He was impressed by how, when she gave her talk, she almost convinced the atheist he was, to believe. He complimented her afterwards and her response was "Professor , if I could read Einstein's papers to understand what YOU said, then DAMN IT." She pulled out a piece of paper and wrote down a list of books and scriptures. "You could do me the courtesy of reading these. And call me when you're done." He had done both. They were now good friends, and spoke often. She loved anthony - who didn't love anthony except for Pete, who actually "liked him". It was said that when the grooms kissed, three or four people in the audience fainted. John (the best man to anthony) and Gunnar ( the best man to Jake) are said to have had to administer first aid to revive those guests, but this cannot be confirmed or denied. What IS true is that: guess who was working the bar that night? If you thought Eammon, you'd get half credit. His younger brother Eric was helping him and he finally got to meet "the famous Professor Gold."

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So there it is folks. What happened next? Well, at the end of the semester, Jake and anthony took their honeymoon. They went to Vietnam, which they loved. anthony came back so brown that for weeks people were certain he was using a tanning bed. Jake didn't tan, but his skin just got more leathery and tough looking. He told people that his body fluid content was in the minus figures. Melissa's son Pete found his man. You can follow that tale in another story on this page. After Eric met Jake, he worked even harder at physics. A few years later, when he was Jake's grad student, he made a fundamental discovery that got him a position at a high level university - the youngest man to ever have a professorship. Eammon? He DID try school. Jake got him into a program, but college isn't for everyone, and he didn't continue. One of the administrators at one of the departments took a shine to him though, and offered him an administrative position. He took to it. Now, if you have a financial problem with the university, you went to "Eammon the Red." anthony, however, DID go back to school. And then to graduate school. In theology. Reverend Ericksson, and John, were both on his committee when, now with thinning hair and wearing small round glasses that complimented his face, he defended his dissertation. He never taught: he remained perfectly happy to be Jake's boi. He DID write a book about that, though, that was a minor success, and made Jake even more proud of him. Jake eventually became the head of his department, and one of the first things he did was to hire a woman of color as an assistant professor, and a second assistant professor who was a gay man. He and anthony returned to Asia every year, and when anthony was able to order food for them in Chinese, in China, it was a moment they returned to, over and over again. And yes, gentle readers, Jake continued to find new hot spots on anthony, and he continued to ask him if he had ever fucked better than that first time. And anthony never answered.


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