Jakes Boys

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 19, 2020


Gentle readers, we're coming to the end of this tale. There will be, probably one more full chapter after this, and then an epilogue. Thanks for following along. Let me know if you liked the story. I'm going to be looking at everything that's still in progress after the holidays, and make some decision. You can help me.

As their wedding day got closer, the excitement in Jake and anthony's apartment was growing and you could feel it. Even Goldie - who DID have a role in the wedding - seemed to know that something good was happening. The tuxes had been ordered, Melissa had "persuaded" Jake to take dance lessons for the first dance, and after each one he was so aroused by anthony being near him, anthony could count on a serious plowing. In fact, Jake seemed to be letting out a fair amount of steam by dominating anthony. There were days when a blow job, and anal sex, weren't enough. He needed a torture session with anthony , or more plain old sex, or something. anthony, who had enormous stamina for these things, was exhausted some days.

Yet, his excitement was building too. That excitement, in fact, had led to the situation he was in now: tied up in the play chair, shirtless, wearing nothing but very tight, very faded jeans, and gagged, with Jake pulling out various toys. In a fit of exuberance, anthony had pounced on Jake from behind, and whispered "how about I take YOU down, and fuck YOU silly Topman?" And THIS is where he wound up. He couldn't complain.

'GET THOSE TITS POINTED OUT BOI!" Jake commanded as he got closer. anthony's gag was one of Jake's socks, held in place with tape. He saw the nipple clamps in Jake's hands, but he knew, Jake wasn't going to use those right away, nor was he going to just use "vanilla clamps" as he called them. Jake smiled as he pulled up a chair. "Good boi! At least you can do what you're supposed to when there's punishment involved. " He began gently flicking anthony's nipples, rather than squeezing them. The small gasps that escaped from anthony's gagged mouth showed that the work was having an effect. anthony's cock, which hadn't gone down from being hard for about 3 days (he had been caged for 2 weeks), was struggling, and dripping.

"Now, let's see.... which one first, which one first. ..." "mmmmmmph," was all anthony could manage. "How about the right one and then the left one." Jake was grinning, and anthony could see the bulge in HIS pants as he opened them, then closed them on anthony's flesh. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" he screamed. This was tighter than Jake had ever used. "POINT EM OUT BOI, OR IT'LL GET WORSE." anthony was trying, but Jake didn't use clamps very often, and he wasn't used to this. He began to sweat, because one of the toys Jake had pulled out, was the small flogger he used on anthony's balls sometimes. He also had what they called the "fly swatter paddle," just the right size for smacking a cock. Jake had used on anthony when he was caged before, and he nearly fainted from the pain.

Jake continued to flick anthony's nips, after they were clamped. "Trying to take your DOM. Not a wise move anthony..." He twisted the clamps, and got a HUGE "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" out of his sub. "You know, I just realized: you COULD use another shave. I want you smooth for the wedding. Maybe you'll get two. For now, though... you'll get these..." He reached into his "toybox," and Jake pulled out the weights. "I think four should be enough to get my point across, boi." He attached the clips of the small, fishing weights to the links in the nipple clamp chain, and each one made anthony scream, or try to scream, louder. The last one made him start crying. "You keep those nips pointed for five minutes boi. I don't care how long it takes, but I'm keeping a record. MAYBE then I'll take them off." Jake pulled up a chair, smiled, and set his phone for five minutes. "I'll just turn this off whenever you get out of position, ok boi?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." The things were beginning to hurt. anthony saw the little paddle at the side. Jake saw him look at it. "Yeah, that's next. You sure you wanna keep those tits out? ha ha ha."

anthony was moaning, but he'd beat this. He would... He heard the timer go off, and breathed a sigh of relief. "Ok boi. Time for number two. " Jake released the clamps, and anthony tried to scream again , as the blood came back to his nips, and Jake tweaked them. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH."

"Next, we have a little musical interlude boi. You know how much I love Mozart, and how I always call myself the Queen of the Night? Well, we're gonna keep time to her aria." The aria was filled with fast, short notes. Jake began playing it on his phone and when the notes came up, Jake started smacking anthony's cock, gently, in time with the music. anthony's moans were almost in time with it.

When the aria ended, Jake smiled and looked at anthony. "So what's next boi? What's next? I think the only thing that seems right, is some good old fashioned powerhouse fucking." anthony bowed his head YES over and over. He was SO horny, so desperate for Jake to fuck him. He saw the collar, and the leash. He felt Jake attach them before he untied anthony. "on all four boi. Into the bedroom. " "Yes sir." anthony always blushed when he saw Goldie stare at him when he became Jake's pup. "Right on the floor boi. I'm gonna power fuck you RIGHT THERE." anthony felt a lubed finger going inside of him. Jake almost NEVER lubed him. Was there a mistake? There wasn't. First, Jake PLOWED into him all at once, so hard, anthony almost fell over. Then he pulled out, and slowly went in, about 1/3 of the way. He pulled back on the leash. "How you doing boi? " "I love your cock Sir. I'm fine." Jake pulled out his penis, and then he went in half the way. He repeated taking it out, and putting it in, 1/4, 1/2, 1/3 sometimes 3/4 of the way in, but never staying. anthony's ass was twitching and he was close to begging for Jake to release him so he could shoot. Then, Jake went in ALL THE WAY a second time, and this one was "the money shot." He pulled back on the leash, and anthony was glad the collar wasn't too tight. He RAMMED his cock into his boi, and spent himself lavishly, with jizz shooting out of anthony's ass. He knew he might get in trouble for it, but anthony said "Sir, that was GREAT. That was an AWESOME scene. Thank you Sir. THANK YOU FOR MAKING YOUR BOI FEEL GOOD." Jake pulled anthony up. He stood face to face, and whispered, seriously "You know, anthony, you're the ONLY man who ever had the manners to thank me for fucking him." anthony shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe I'm the only one who fully appreciated it." Jake hugged him and whispered "I am SO PROUD to be marrying you, and I am SO HONORED you chose me."

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There were two "bachelor parties," that Gunnar and john had arranged. The first one was just the four of them, at the BDSM club. anthony wore the white harness Jake had gotten for him, a black band on his right arm, and chaps with his boots. Jake was all in black, and he had anthony's wrists tied behind him. He led him around on a leash. Gunnar was doing the same thing to john, who had the standard black harness. Jake had anthony sit on his lap for most of the evening, and anthony could feel that his cock was getting more and more aroused. He knew the sex that night would be great (and it was). This was the night anthony got introduced to all of Jake's friends in the leather community, most of whom he had never met before. He knew the rules: head down, speak when Jake told him to, always beginning with "Thank you Sir" to anyone who Jake referred to as Sir or Master. Jake kept a hand on one or the other of anthony's nips the whole night. It had now been three weeks since Jake had put him into chastity. When he got the chance, anthony asked john if he had any idea when Jake was gonna release him. "Tomorrow anthony. Tomorrow at the other party. The one for people who don't quite get us. " THAT party had a lot more people invited to it, and they had it at their apartment. Jake had picked a tight, horizontally striped polo for anthony, so he could wear his arm band, and he wore a short sleeve leather shirt so he could wear his. It was the standard kind of bachelor party, only with a BDSM tinge. At some point, late in the party, the doorbell rang. anthony looked around : everyone seemed to be there. Gunnar and jon seemed very eager to get to the door, and when they opened it, there were three handsome young guys standing there: a blond, a red head, and a dark skinned guy, who did the talking. "Good evening. I'm Ahmad, this is dave - he pointed to the blond - "he's my sub," and this is Eamon" he pointed to the red head. john smiled, and called over Jake. anthony saw some money change hands, and the guys come in. Jake made a brief announcement. "Ok everyone. Carry on. This is the entertainment part of the evening. First, Ahmad is gonna dance for us. Then, he's going to show us that, at least the NEXT generation gets us. dave is a former soldier, he teaches boot camp: and tonight he's gonna take Ahmad's cock for your viewing pleasure, the way he does every night. Eamon here... " he smiled. "is my gift to anthony. His valediction to something he doesn't really do." anthony was confused, but he watched, avidly, as Ahmad danced. Then, after a long, sinuous Middle Eastern inspired dance, Ahmad beckoned dave to the center of the room. When dave got there, he began necking with him, while he squeezed dave's nips through his t shirt. "DAMN, they're a hot couple" someone said. Another guy wanted to know if he could get involved in the scene (he couldn't). Then Ahmad looked at dave: "ON YOUR KNEES. SUCK ME." "Yes Master," he answered, and took Ahmad's cock the way he did privately. dave didn't want to do this, but Ahmad told him that he'd had no choice, and they were going to split a fee of 1000.00 for doing what they liked to do. After he had sucked Ahmad, with Ahmad beating dave's face with his cock, he turned to the crowd: "on his back, on his belly, or on all fours?" There was a huge clamor and then Jake spoke up, with his hand on his boi's shoulder. "anthony makes the decision. How do you wanna see him fucked?" "Sir, I always think the boi should see his Dom's face. On his back please." "As you will Sir Anthony" smiled Ahmad. From the corner of his eye, anthony saw the red head, Eamon, take off his shirt. He thought it was a nice body. When he slipped off his sweat pants, he thought DAMN. That is a FINE ASS" Ahmad and dave were finishing up their show to a round of applause, and a circle jerk on dave. He didn't look particularly happy, but the money was the same he got paid for 5 bootcamp classes. He'd remember some of the faces at that show - including one of the graduate students in Ancient Studies, who also didn't forget him. In addition to their fee, Ahmad and dave collected about the same amount in tips from the guests at the party. Ahmad laughed as he threw his arm around dave. "Who says sex work doesn't pay dave king? How long could we live on this?" "Lots but... I like having sex with you in private Ahmad." They were out of the building and on the street. Ahmad took dave's hands. "It was a one time thing, dave. I promise. Someone was talking about performance at a bachelor party, and I accepted it for us. I've had sex in public before, so I just tuned out. I should've considered you more. I'm sorry." He hugged dave. "Please don't be mad at me." "I'm not Ahmad. I'm really not. I can't tune out when you're in me, but you know who I was staring at for most of the show? That dog they have. " Ahmad laughed. "Oh, dave king. We have to get you a puppy. Absolutely. Soon. Maybe with this money." "A stray Ahmad. A stray. Like me." Ahmad grabbed his hand. "You're not a stray to me, dave king. You're my purebred. But we'll get what you like."

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The FIRST part of the party was breaking up, and Eamon was left, looking nervous. "boi, come over here," Jake commanded anthony. "Yes sir." The only people left were Gunnar, john, and this young man.

Jake unlocked anthony's cock. "We got you this pretty boi so you could have "one last hurrah, " boi. Fuck him. Do whatever you want to him tonight. I'm gonna go off with john and Gunnar and come back tomorrow. Now gimme a kiss." "SIR. NO. NO. Please don't leave me. PLEASE." He grabbed Jake and Eamon stood there, looking confused. Then Jake smiled, and turned to Gunnar and john. "I'm gonna be staying here. boi asked me to help him." In fact, what anthony had told him was that he didn't think he could do anything, unless Jake were fucking him while he fucked Eamon. Jake had done his share of three somes, and hadn't with anthony, solely because he didn't want to share him. Now, though, the situation called for it. He reached into his wallet, and pulled out 5 more hundred dollar bills. "Can you stay eamon?" Eamon smiled. "YES SIR. If you've got the energy to fuck me after your boi does, I'm down for that too. " Jake wasn't. This was anthony's night, in his view. As he positioned Eamon on the bed, and helped anthony to get in position, he got his own cock out, and began gently inserting it into his boi. "I can't believe you wanted me to stay. Thank you boi." "I don't want you to EVER be away from me Sir. Sex without you, well, it isn't sex." But WITH Jake? And WITH his Dom telling him he had to do it? And with Eamon's physical dexterity and filthy mouth.... he may have been in college when he had last fucked a guy, but anthony hadn't forgotten how. He shot before Jake did, and he slept that night, sandwiched in between Eamon and Jake. When Eamon left in the morning, after he had drunk the coffee they offered. He told them "Sir Jake, I told you one was on the house. It still is, if you ever want it. And..." he wrote down information on a card. "This isn't my profession. But you guys call, and I'll do my best to make you happy. And... congratulations. I hope my friends Ahmad and dave saw what you have. I hope they have it one day. "They already do," said Jake, and anthony shook his head. "Tell them to do their best to hold onto it. It'll be hard, but we're here to talk to if they want it."

Next: Chapter 18

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