Jakes Boys

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 13, 2020


anthony was sitting with Melissa in one of the cafes that only people like Melissa seemed to know about. It wasn't formal, but it WAS classy. She had told anthony and Jake that they could dress however they wanted. She was going to "dress down." For Melissa, that meant slacks with her black cashmere turtleneck, which Jake had observed. anthony was wearing a thin weight pink button down shirt, with a very faint white stripe through it, and jeans. He had wanted to wear his denim jacket, but Jake had insisted that he wear the leather one Jon had given him as a wedding present. "You look very good in pink" Melissa commented as she smiled. "You know, pink is Jake's favorite color." "NO, I didn't know that . Now I'm intrigued Melissa. He picks out my outfit most mornings, and I HAVE pink shirts. This is the first time he's had me wear one. "That's because I find you so irresistible as it is, in pink, I might not be able to control myself." Jake had come up from behind him and squeezed his neck. He had been at a dissertation defense that morning, so he was wearing what he always referred to as his "newscaster outfit" his skinny black jeans, a heavy belt, and then a white dress shirt with his signature skinny tie, plus a fitted black jacket. "Rachel Maddow admits she wears jeans because no one can see. If she can, I can" he had told anthony the first time he was dressing for a defense. "And trust me boi. I dress WAY better than most of these professors do." anthony turned around and smiled. "Hey Sir. How did it go." Jake leaned down and kissed anthony full on the lips. "Yet another unemployed PhD let loose in the world. " He smiled. "Actually, that's not true. He's in aerospace. He'll get snapped up in the new administration faster than you can say pion decay." He saw the blank looks on their face. "Sorry. Physicist joke. It takes longer to say it than for it to happen." He came over to Melissa and kissed her. "How are you my darling? Geez, when was the last time we were here?" "It may have been when you got tenure." She smiled. "THAT'S RIGHT. TIME FLIES. " He threw an arm around anthony as he sat down next to him. "One day, we're gonna be the two old fart homos going out with the old lady with the money and it's gonna be in the blink of an eye." Melissa laughed. "Oh, I hope we get to have some fun before that. You know I'm waiting for when we can all get to Italy. Jake do you remember..." For one of the few times anthony could think of it happening, Jake blushed. "Rocco. Firenze. Near that old hotel... OH GEEZ. What a set of coglionis." "How many days did you not come out of the room?" Melissa was grilling him now, much to Jake's distress and anthony's delight. "Four." He was burying his head on the table. "It must have been the polenta. Or the calves liver. Or the wild boar. You know, I haven't eaten calves' liver since that trip" "EWWWWW" said anthony. "I hope we're not having that at the wedding dinner Sir. I HATE liver." Melissa laughed. "There may be some foie gras. You'll like that, but no, no calves' liver. " Then she looked at Jake and gave him a smile. They said at the same time "TRIPPA." "You slipped?" anthony asked, and they both laughed. No, no. Trippa is a specialty in Florence. It's stomach. Usually from a cow. We didn't know what it was until we had both eaten two bowls of it. " "EWWWWWWW squared" anthony piped in, and Jake laughed. "What's that old saying? you've had worse things in your mouth." He looked at Jake and said "and better." "OK, soon to be newlyweds, ok. Let's start planning this shindig in more detail. First, though, I have some news for you. JUST for information purposes: my son is a single man again." Jake looked at her. "HUH? What happened?" "Well, I was right all along. Sort of. He came back from the lab one night, and Hilary told him she was pregnant. That would have been enough, except.... she told him he wasn't the father, and she wasn't telling him who." "WHO?" said Jake. "More like WHORE" I think that's what Pete said. I would've said something worse. Anyway, he tossed his keys at her, stayed the night with me, and the next day, he moved all his stuff out. Divorce was not contested. He's staying with me for now, but I gave him until the end of the month to find a place." Jake looked at anthony, who looked back at him. "Melissa, do you have a date for our wedding?" She giggled. "Oh, who's gonna go out with this old lady?" "How about your son? Do you want to bring him as your date? Best to start letting bygones be bygones" She was pensive for a minute. "Thank you boys. That's really sweet. I'll ask him and I'll let you know." She sighed. "You know, I'd like to figure out one day where I failed, but I know I didn't. THAT's the part that kills me." She pushed back her hair, which was always Melissa's way of signaling the subject was closed. "Ok, time to get to the nitty gritty of the wedding."

anthony pretty much sat and listened while Jake and Melissa spoke. He agreed with everything they asked him, and he remembered nothing. He was just so amazed that this was happening: he had never loved anyone as much as he loved Jake, and now... Jake was going to be his husband. Every time Jake curled his foot around anthony's leg, or touched his back, or rubbed his knee, anthony felt like he was going to melt. Jake was everything he had ever imagined when he imagined his perfect man. And now... he began to tear up. "anthony, are you ok?" Melissa asked gently. "Yeah, boi. You good? You look... sad." "No, no... Those are happy tears Melissa, Jake. I'm just... I can't believe this is happening. This doesn't happen to boys like me. You meet the man of your dreams, he proposes to you, and now... you're getting married." Jake reached under the table and grabbed his hand. "I think with that, anthony may have written his vows," Melissa smiled as she signaled for the check. "Jake, take anthony home. You guys can use some time together. Isn't tonight the bachelor party?" "Tomorrow. I can still get you a harness if you want to come, Melissa." "Oh, that's ok. I can fit into Pete's and he's not going to be wearing it soon." They looked at each other, and now it was Melissa's turn to blush. "I TRIED IT ON. LONG STORY. NO STORY. OH STOP. I'M HEADING HOME."

The cafe wasn't far from their apartment, so Jake and anthony walked back, hand in hand. "Sir, I'm sorry, but the idea of Melissa in a harness." Jake started to laugh. "You're right boi. It's just so wrong, it's right. Maybe we can get her drunk enough to tell the story at the wedding. " "Sir... I know this is impertinent, but..." anthony had stopped walking and he was staring at Jake. "Can I kiss you? Right here on the street? Right now? I want to so badly." Jake grinned. "Yeah, I can tell. Your nips are much perkier than usual. " He bent down and pressed his lips to anthony's. It was, what he called, a "juicy kiss" No tongue, but lots of action. When they finished, anthony's eyes had tears in them again. "I love you so much Sir. JUST SO DAMN MUCH" Jake smiled. "More than Goldie?" anthony reddened. "Uh, that's a different KIND of love Sir." "Ha ha. I know. I know. Let's get home. I have been thinking of what I want to do to you ALL DAY. The grad student was cute, but not as cute as you. Blond. I kept on thinking of my anthony boi." "Oh, you'll never guess who Melissa and I saw on the street Sir. That marine? What's his name, ed? " Jake laughed. "Oh yeah, ed. That pussy boi" "Are you over him Sir?" Now Jake stopped. "Yes. Very much so. And I'll explain that to you later. But right now, if we don't hurry home, you are going to have to blow me right here on Broadway because I can't wait too much longer.

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"OH FUCK YEAH. TAKE THE WHOLE DAMN THING BOI. TAKE YOUR MAN'S COCK. ALL OF IT.." Jake had his fingers in anthony's hair, pushing his head forward, as anthony devoured his cock. "FUCK YOU DO THAT SO GOOD BOI. I CAN'T DECIDE: FINISH ME OR FUCK YOU. " Then he did. "GET OUT OF THOSE SEXY CLOTHES BITCH BOI. ALL FOURS. " "YES SIR!" anthony LOVED getting fucked in this position. He liked being on his back more, where he could see Jake, but being taken like a dog was up there. He got in the position, and he felt Jake smear some lube on his hole. "DAMN. That means he's not eating me out. Ok. Maybe another time. " thought anthony. Then he felt Jake's first, and second fingers go in "GEEZ I hope he's not fisting me. I told him that was not something I ever wanted to do." anthony didn't have to worry . After Jake had played inside of him for a few minutes, he pulled out his fingers. Then, anthony felt his cock slide in. "Lube and finger play , cause I'm gonna be inside you a LONG TIME boi." He felt Jake's cockhead at his ass, but no entry. anthony began to whine. "Please Sir. PLEASE. Your pup is dying for it." He pushed back and Jake pulled his cock back too, and laughed. "My pup? My pup? Hmmm. " anthony heard the sound of the leash, and felt the collar go around his neck. Jake doubled up the leash, then doubled it up again. He pulled back gently on the leash, so anthony's head was pulled up. Then he pushed in. "THERE WE GO boi. If you're taking it doggie style, may as well go all the way. " "OH YES SIR . WOOF. WOOF." anthony had gotten experienced enough at the dog sounds, that Goldie lifted up his ears. Jake gave him a look, and Goldie slunk back to his bed. No, he was not going to get to play with them this afternoon. "How's that feel boi." "GRRRRRRRRRRRRRREAT SIR. GGGGGGGREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAT." "flip over boi. Face up." "YES! " anthony fist pumped in his head. He was getting it both ways. DAMN he was a lucky man. Jake's cock seemed to be exceptionally thick today too: rather than the long rod he usually felt, this one was fat: almost like a cigar. Now anthony grabbed his nipples. "Who's my BOI? Who's my BOI who's gonna be my husband? MY FUCKING HUSBOI FOR LIFE?" "Me Sir? Did you pick me?" "DAMN RIGHT I DID. AND DON'T YOU EVER FORGET IT. WE PICKED EACH OTHER. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. Jake began shooting into anthony, and anthony shook from the force behind that cock. Jake could probably have written an equation to describe it. anthony would describe it as 'fucking fabulous.' He was thinking "my husband is so smart. SO smart." anthony's soon to be husband was laying next to him. "You want me to take off that cage boi? You wanna shoot?" "Only if you want me to Sir. " Jake kissed him. "I want you to. I want you to talk dirty to me while you do. Cause I'm gonna nibble your ears, and work those tits." "YES, SIR!" anthony put his hand down to his cock, and he felt Jake's tongue in his ear, his fingers on his nips. "OH SIR. OH.... You shaved me. You made me a REAL BOI. You knew what I wanted. I wanted you, but more. I didn't want to be your bottom. I didn't want to be your sub . I wanted to be your boi. A REAL BOI. Like Peter Pan only... My Captain Hook is so much hotter. So much smarter. So much... A FUCKING DREAM COME TRUE..." anthony began to cry as he shot up into the air. It didn't catch the ceiling, but it was close. He caught his breath, and he looked at Jake. Jake had this look on his face. It was serious, but also loving. He was looking at anthony so tenderly. His hand began to stroke anthony's torso. "boi.... that's the most you've ever said. I just didn't know." "Hold me Sir. Please. I'll tell you what I meant. I will. I really will." Jake grabbed his boi, and held him tight. "I asked you about ed Sir, because, well , today I saw something. I saw something kinda scary. There's no life in his eyes, Sir. He's broken. Joel broke him too hard. I mean, you broke me, but.. it was different." Jake smiled, and he ran his hand through anthony's hair. "I beg to differ with you on one point boi. And I'm gonna call you anthony, just to make my point. You're right: Joel broke ed. He broke him completely. I did some research, and that's what Joel does to his subs. Whether it stays that way with ed, I don't know. But... anthony... I didn't break you." anthony looked at him puzzled. "anthony, submitting - agreeing to my terms - that's not the same thing as what happened with ed. You must've forgotten how we got together." ' "I remember Sir. I remember all of it." "Then you remember that I sat down with you and told you what I wanted. I told you to think about it. To not run into it without thinking about it carefully. " "I remember Sir. I felt like the end of some big book we read once. 'I said yes I will yes.' "Ulysses," anthony. Let's read it together sometime. That didn't happen with Joel and ed. I KNOW it didn't. That was just a total, brutal conquest. You saw that ed has a tit ring didn't you?" "Yes sir, I do. You could have me pierced if you want to." Jake smiled and kissed him. "I know, and maybe someday I will. But I can guarantee you, that didn't happen willingly with ed. And I don't need to do it with you. When you asked me to shave you: to give up that sign of your manhood, to become not A boi, but MY boi, I knew I didn't need anything else. And I will call you boi again. " "Thank you Sir. I LOVE being your boi. I want to be better at it." Jake looked at him. "Don't lose your spark boi. Never allow yourself to be conquered the way ed was. " He rolled onto anthony. "And don't let me get away with being unfaithful to you. EVER. " "Is that what you want me to do Sir?" "It is boi. I'm taking you as my husband, my boi, my one and only. No more cheating. No more flirting. NO. That morning you tossed the ring at me, I realized that my treasure is here in bed with me. I'm not gonna fuck that up." At that moment, Goldie couldn't wait anymore. He joined them in bed and began whining. "He needs to go out Sir. Can I get HIS leash and collar?" "WE'LL get his leash and collar boi. I want to be seen with you as much as possible. It makes me feel good to know that... you're mine." There was a big smile on anthony's face as they walked. He put his hands behind his back, and Jake put his free hand on anthony's bicep. He was holding Goldie's leash in his other hand. The bachelor party was the next night. Jake had bought anthony a white harness to wear to it. He'd call Melissa and invite her ONE MORE TIME, but he'd make sure she got pictures. And then, a week after the party... Husbands. Jake smiled. HIS dream was coming true as well. If, in his early days, after he had come out, someone had asked him to describe his dream man. He had written it down and drawn a picture too. The other day, when he was looking for a ball gag, he found it. Sure looked like anthony. Sounded like him too when he read it out loud. He'd need to clean it up, but there were his vows.

Next: Chapter 17

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