Jakes Boys

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 6, 2020


(Note to readers: If you are not following the story "Marine Bottom Sub", you may find the little piece from that story below helpful. In brief, Jake and anthony, in this story, are at the same university where Joel(DOM) and ed (sub) are. Jake has noticed ed at the gym, and has flirted with him, more than once. In "Marine Bottom Sub," the four of them, with Jake's friend Melissa, have bumped into each other on the street on a Sunday morning. This will help focus the current installment)

"I see you're broken. Good" Joel heard Jake , and stepped in front of ed.

"Professor Gold, I'm sure you have more important things to do than to spend your valuable time with graduate students who aren't in physics. If you'll excuse us, we're heading off to breakfast. Have a good day. " He looked at anthony. "I remember: your name is anthony isn't it?" "Yes sir." "I see a ring. Congratulations." "Thank you Sir. " anthony smiled. As Joel took ed's hand, he added. "Get a promise. Your friend knows what I'm talking about."

Meanwhile, Jake was going home alone. anthony had handed him back his ring and asked if he could stay with Melissa that night. She agreed.


Anthony was sitting in Melissa's expansive living room, sobbing. She had held him for half an hour and had just gotten up to get him some water. He had been SO happy, just a few hours ago. Now, he thought he was the most miserable boi in the world. What had happened?

Let's go back to two weeks before this little scene. Jake had taken Melissa and anthony to the local fancy restaurant, Ruby Jean's. Melissa had ordered champagne ahead of time, and after they had eaten, and before the dessert souffle had come out, Jake got down on a knee , in front of anthony, held out the ring and had asked

"anthony. I'm not good at this kind of thing. We both know it. But I do know I love you more than I have loved any man in my life, and I can't imagine not spending my life with you. Will you marry me, my love?" anthony looked at Jake with a big smile. "I think this is the first time you've been on your knees in front of me Jake." He stroked Jake's hair. "And it may never happen again." Then he began to cry. "Why the hell am I going on like this? YES. HELL YES. I'LL MARRY YOU. I'LL MARRY YOU RIGHT NOW, HERE." He looked up and, maybe it was the champagne, maybe it was the situation, whatever it was, he yelled across the restaurant

"I LOVE THIS MAN MORE THAN I LOVE ANYONE IN THE WORLD." (It was a good thing Goldie the lab didn't hear that). They kissed on the floor of the restaurant, and then the band began playing a waltz that Melissa had arranged for ahead of time. No one else got up, as Jake and anthony struggled through the dance, laughing all the way. The congratulation calls started coming in the next morning, there was a story in the University newspaper, and they became, at least for a short while, school celebrities.

anthony had begun working on his vows right away. He thought about his wedding constantly. Jake focused on teaching and research, but also thought about it. It WAS true. He had never LOVED someone this way before, which to him, was a very serious thing. He had LUSTED this way before, and he still did. But anthony was going to be his husband.

Then, coming back from a breakfast with Melissa on Sunday morning, Jake had seen that blond marine whom he had cruised at the gym months ago, and whom he had met again, with his DOM, at a party. That meeting had confirmed what he had thought, which was that ed was gay He had thought at the first meeting that ed would make a great sub bottom, and when he met him the second time, he saw that, yes, he was right: ed was there with a surprisingly skinny DOM, who apparently had ed wrapped around his finger. At that second meeting, he remembered seeing a collar on ed, but no other signs of submission. Now, on the street, he saw ed was wearing a very snug fitting shirt, and the outline of a nipple ring showed through that shirt. The slave collar was a more severe one too.

Jake's DOM instincts came up. This man was HOT. He was a sub. Yes, he was with his DOM, but that had never stopped Jake before. He began flirting, and soon learned that Joel, ed's DOM, had a lot more backbone, and spunk, than he had expected. He also learned, later , that anthony had heard everything. After Joel and ed had gone off, they walked to the corner of Melissa's building. anthony had been silent all the way, and he seemed really angry. Jake couldn't figure out why. "Shall we say goodbye to Melissa and head home, boi?" Jake expected a "Yes sir," and that was that. He got something different. "My name is Anthony, Jake, and I'm staying with Melissa. Oh, and here." He pulled off the engagement ring and threw it at Jake. "You and Melissa can figure out what to do. It's worthless to me, just like I'm apparently worthless to you." Then he ran off to sit in Melissa's apartment lobby. Jake looked at Melissa totally surprised "What just happened?" Now, Melissa was angry "you know something Jake? For a man with a fucking doctorate, and so much education, and so much experience. You can be pretty goddamn stupid. I'll explain later. For now, I'm going to go and see to Anthony. DON'T lose the ring. Maybe this can be fixed. I don't know. But Jake, if it can't be, don't you ever come complaining to me about not being able to find a good relationship again." She stormed off. Jake was still trying to figure out what had happened, when he called a taxi and headed home. When he got there, Goldie looked confused: where was Daddy?" "I'm confused too pup," Jake said, sitting there, shaking his head.

Melissa went and got Anthony and took him up to her apartment. "Do you want a drink babe? " she was stroking Anthony's arm. "I think I just want to cry, Melissa. I just want to cry. I thought I was good enough." "You ARE good enough Anthony. It's Jake I'm wondering about." He looked at her. "Hey, don't insult Jake that way Melissa. Help me figure out: what isn't good enough? " Melissa sat there, dumbfounded. Anthony thought this was HIS fault. "Anthony, do you think Jake was flirting with that guy because of something YOU did?" He didn't answer, but just shook his head up and down "OH BOY. Young man, I know Jake a lot longer than you have. Let me tell you. He DOES this. He does it ALL THE TIME. I cannot tell you how many relationships he's screwed up because of it. I thought - I really thought - that getting engaged was going to change his behavior. I was stunned that he didn't sleep around after he brought you home with him: he's done that with ALL his other lovers. So I thought you had changed him. But this is what he is. " She sighed. "Let's look at the good end of it. Because I see two things. One, he wasn't sleeping with the guy, and two, you found out about this before you got married. So, let's figure this out." "No Melissa. Let's figure out how I can fix this." "ANTHONY GOD FUCKING DAMN IT THERE IS NOTHING FOR YOU TO FIX. Now, just answer my questions. First: do you still want to marry Jake." He sniffled. "Yes. When I said I've never loved anyone more, it was true. " He laughed. "Except for Goldie. Yeah, only Goldie. OH SHIT. Goldie's there with him. " "Relax babe. Jake is a lot of things, he's not cruel to animals. Chances are, right now he's spoiling him more than you ever did. " She sighed. "Ok, so you want to still get married." "Yeah. Very much." "Ok, now here's a harder question: let's assume Jake's been faithful to you, all the way. If he has, Anthony, let me tell you, this is the longest he's ever been monogamous. I'm surprised. I wondered what you were doing to keep him happy. So... the harder question: do you still want to marry him if he wants guys on the side? Anthony was silent, for a long, LONG time. "You know Melissa, I don't know. I guess if I were going to say 'if you get to do that I get to do that' it would be easy, but I don't want that. I only want Jake." He began to cry again. "I ONLY WANT JAKE" Melissa held him for a while, thinking "this is NOT something I would put up with, but .... they're big boys..." She got up. "I'm going to get the phone. And I'm going to call Jake. And then you're going to talk to him. You and he are going to come to some conclusion. TODAY. And you're going to tell me. Because... if I have to return that ring to Madame Zhu, it's not going to be pretty." "Do I have to Melissa?" "Yeah, you do . Put on top man boots for a few minutes and stop being a coward. " "I wish I had YOUR top man boots Melissa," Anthony joked. "So do a lot of people babe. My son included." She poked in the numbers. Jake picked up the phone "Melissa! Is anthony with you?" "Yes Jake. He.." "Put him on please. I'm sorry. I cut you off. I didn't mean to be rude." "It's an emotional time Jake. Momma knows. One minute." She handed the phone to Anthony. "Hi Jake." "It's SIR boi. Did you forget that?" Hearing that authoritative voice hit a chord with anthony. "I'm sorry sir. I'm a little emotional right now." "Listen up boi. You've taken up way too much of Melissa's time. You get in a cab, and you come home RIGHT NOW. We're gonna talk. I'm gonna be doing most of it, but we're gonna talk because DAMN IT TO HELL BOI, I AM MARRYING YOU IF I HAVE TO DRAG YOU TO CITY HALL TO DO IT." anthony got off the phone. He was smiling. "I'm gonna leave Melissa. Thank you for everything" . She sighed. "Call me if you wanna come back. I think I have a dog bed in the closet."


anthony was shaking a little as he got out of the cab, and went through the doors of Jake's building. The doorman smiled "Hello Mr. Anthony. I was surprised to see Professor Jake without you." "I was visiting a friend," he smiled. "Jake had to work some things out." He shook more in the elevator. He got to the apartment door, which Jake had left open. He knocked. "Why are you knocking? You live here." "Sorry sir. I didn't want to disturb you." Jake laughed. "You did enough of that already today. Sit down. We gotta talk. " "Yes sir. anthony pulled out a wooden chair and sat, his hands folded "NO. On the sofa. With me. Face to face." "yes sir Sorry." Jake sat down. He put his arm across the back of the sofa, but he didn't touch anthony. "Now, I think, maybe, we need to clarify some things, anthony. This happened, I think, because we don't understand each other, or what we both want out of the relationship we have, which I thought was a good one." "Ok sir. Do you want me to speak first, or should I listen?" "You should listen boi. Now, as I understood this relationship, you were my boi, I'm your DOM. To me, that means certain things. Does it mean things to you?" "Yes sir. It does. " "Like what? " "Well, you make the financial decisions, and the sexual ones. You choose what we do with our time. Basically, you control everything. I do what I'm told." "Are you happy with that anthony?" "I have been Sir. Yes. I just.." "BE QUIET. You're upset because I was flirting with that guy ed, aren't you? " anthony blushed red. "Yes sir. I am." Jake shook his head vigorously. "OK. This is tough for me. And it may be a deal breaker. But hear me out, and answer me this: how many men have I slept with since I started dating you?" "Just one sir. Me." "Uh huh. And how many have you slept with?" "Just you Sir." "You've never wanted to sleep with anyone else since we started?" "You may not believe me Sir, but I'm serious. If you tortured me all day, the answer is NO. You've been enough for me." He began to cry. "Everything I've ever wanted... is you Sir. Every single thing. And I wanted to be everything you wanted, but.... I guess I'm not." Jake's mind began to shift gears. He didn't expect answers like this, and now he put his arm around anthony and pulled him closer. "You know what anthony? I'm not good enough for you. I'm not. I can't say I haven't wanted to sleep with other people, but... it's not because of you. You ARE everything I've ever wanted in a man, in a boi. " He paused. "Do you remember when you offered to shave that beautiful body hair?" "Sir, I don't mean to correct you, but I offered to let YOU shave it. Not to shave it myself. I said if you wanted to do it, you could. " Jake felt his cock rising at a very inappropriate time. "NO ONE has ever offered that much of themselves to me. NO ONE." "Not even Pete Sir?" "No, not even Pete. " He sighed again. "Maybe you gave me too much." "I don't think so, Sir." "No, no. I mean from MY point of view. Maybe you spoiled me. " He grabbed anthony's hand. "I told you once that I'm a hunter, didn't I? That I like the idea of conquest, overpowering , that kind of thing." "You did Sir. " "Well, anthony... you love me too much. You took that away from me, because you just, well, surrendered. Completely." anthony looked down. "I thought that's what you wanted Sir." "So did I anthony. So did I. And I still do. I want you completely. Totally. No resistance. I wanna know that if I'm playing with you, eventually your no is going to be yes." "it always will be Sir. ALWAYS. Whatever happens today, if you want me, I'll be there, but... is marriage right for us?" "Yes, it is. Because.. well, how do I put this? I'm not sure I can get it right. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH IT HURTS. If I told you how I wanted to beat myself for hurting you today... But the other side of it is, I WANT you. YOU are the only person I love... but I want so much more. I'm like a kid in a candy store. It's a cliche', but, well, it's true. I just want to try everything." Now anthony took a deep breath. "Sir, do you still want Pete?" "I don't know anthony. I just don't know." "How about that marine guy?" "Ah, the marine guy. You know anthony, I don't know that either. What I want is to know that , if I want him, he wants me." "Would you sleep with him sir?" "Oh anthony, I'm going to be splitting hairs now, but... I'd fuck him, but I wouldn't let him stay. I want to go to bed with you, and I want to wake up with you." "I get that sir. I get that. What about me? If I saw someone. If I wanted to have the doorman fuck me.." Jake smiled. "Well, anthony, now you have to understand the role of a DOM and a boi. See, when you became my boi, you gave that up. So, no, it's a double standard, but no, you cannot do anything sexual with anyone but me." There was another pause. "I understand Sir. Know what? I can live with that. I can live with the double standard. I can. But what I can't live with... is the double standard being in the bed I'm going to sleep in that night, with my husband. NO JAKE. I will NOT accept that." anthony surprised himself. Jake's voice was low. "That's fair boi. That's totally fair. " Then another pause. "If I called you and told you I was gonna be late for dinner because I was going to be shagging John at that sleazy SRO in the neighborhood, how would you feel?" "I think the first time, Sir, it would hurt. But I think I would get used to it. I wouldn't get used to it if you snuck around about it." "anthony, I think we're getting to a resolution. I do. " "If I wanted to have a quickie with someone, and I told you, and I didn't bring it home, would you be ok with it?" "Eventually Sir. Not right away. " Jake brushed his hand through anthony's hair. "You know, for all that I've wanted, if I had wanted it badly enough, I would've done it. Probably in that bed. But I haven't. Not for all of our time together. And maybe I never will. But I can't promise I won't want it." Now anthony squeezed Jake's hand. "you know, my father cheated on my mom once. She was furious. I remember hearing the end of their fight and discussion. I remember her saying 'all we can do is take it one day at a time." He looked at Jake with his big, blue eyes. "Can we agree to that sir? Can we agree to take it one day at a time?" Jake began to tear up. "I think you just solved another problem boi. Yes. Yes we can. " "Can we hug for a little bit?" "Oh, YES SIR" anthony smiled as he collapsed into Jake's arms. They both cried a little, they kissed a little, and they didn't speak. Then, Jake got on a knee. "anthony, my love, will you marry me?" "Yes Jake. Professor Gold. Sir. I'll marry you."


They walked, holding hands, as they took Goldie out for a walk. Goldie seemed to know that something had been resolved, because he was friskier than usual, jumping up on each of them. When they got home, anthony called Melissa like he promised. "Hey Melissa. First, thank you for everything. Second, it's all ok. I won't be coming over tonight." "My meatloaf isn't that bad anthony. You both should come over. Dinner is the last thing you should be worrying about tonight." anthony looked at Jake. "Sir, Melissa is inviting us to dinner." "Tell her we're gonna need about two hours. " He smiled at anthony. "I SEE. Melissa answered. It's kiss and make up time. Oh, anthony, I'm so glad. I'm so glad you decided to stick together. " He could hear MELISSA beginning to cry. "Now let me get back to the kitchen I have work to do." While they were finishing the call, Jake had gone to the bedroom. anthony went looking for him . He found the restraints out on the bed, and Jake stripped down to leather shorts, with an electric clipper in his hands. "On the bed anthony. It's time. " "YES SIR." anthony smiled, as Jake attached the bonds. He toyed with anthony's nips. "These are gonna get SO MUCH MORE SENSITIVE.. " Jake seemed to be drooling. "DAMN I've been wanting to do this for SO FUCKING LONG.." He turned on the clippers. Anthony gritted his teeth together, and watched, as his curly chest hair started falling away. "I've had that since puberty" anthony was thinking. "He's not taking it from me. I gave it to him." the clippers did their mechanical work. anthony kept as still as he could, and then... it was over. All gone. All of his chest and torso hair, was gone. Jake ran his hand over the shaved torso. "Oh, anthony. You look SO FUCKING HOT. GOD. If anyone ever told me you could look even better than you did, I wouldn't believe them. But you do." "Sir... would it be ok to release me, so I could see?" "OH yes, but then you come back here. I'm not done. " Jake smiled. anthony went off to the bathroom. It would take some getting used to, but he liked it. Losing the hair made his muscles stand out a bit. Was that the start of a four pack? He hadn't seen that with the hair. He was flexing when he felt Jake's arm around his middle. "You vain little peacock." "Speaking of cock Sir..." "GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" anthony found himself back on the bed, his hair gone. Jake must have swept it up while he was flexing. His man dropped his shorts. Then he stripped anthony. "You want me to take off the cage boi?" "No Sir, but it's up to you." "I'm gonna take it off when I'm done." He kissed each of anthony's thighs, out and in. "OH, my sexy, sexy, handsome hot adorable husband to be.. MMMMM. anthony the thought of you being in bed with me when I wake up.. EVERY MORNING. OH GOD. I better get in you before it's too late." It almost was. Jake was so excited, he reached climax much faster than he normally did. And perhaps because of stress, his orgasm was smaller than usual, WAY smaller. Then he uncaged anthony. "WAIT. One thing more anthony. Just one thing. Let me hold you. PLEASE. Let me hold you until I can't anymore." "Hold me as much as you want Sir.. " Jake lay against anthony. His mouth found anthony's neck, and he began to nibble. "OH GOD. SIR. You know what that does to me. You know... OH...... " and even though his was smaller than usual too, anthony came all over them. They were both laughing. "We're like two college boys doing Princeton rubbing." Jake laughed. "Isn't that the wrong school," "Stay there anthony. I have something I want to show you." He came back with a blue vase. It was translucent, and anthony looked close. "Wait.. in the vase.. Is that my... " "Yup. And tomorrow, I'm gonna have two medallions made that are gonna hold some of it. One for each of us. To remember. To always remember." "I can't wait Sir. I want to make a suggestion" "Tell me boi." "Can mine be in one of those slave collars? You know, like a hollow lock. And can it say "Jake's" on it, or something like that? "Stop teasing me boi. We've got a dinner to go to." Melissa's meatloaf was especially good that night. And when they got home, they both made up for the smaller orgasms they had had earlier.

Readers: if you're beginning to sense an ending to this story coming up, you're not wrong. I COULD continue it if you wanted me to, but if there is no sentiment for that, we'll wrap this one up in maybe two more installments. Let me know. Everyone, STAY SAFE!!!!

Next: Chapter 16

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