Jakes Boys

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 30, 2020


When Jake said "Let me ask you to be my husband," anthony didn't believe him. He didn't say it again, as they went through their days. One day though, when Jake had come up from behind, circled anthony and began nibbling his ear, he asked "Did you and Melissa talk about a ring?" anthony had laughed. "No Sir. " Jake squeezed him a little too hard. "WHY NOT? DID YOU THINK I WAS KIDDING?" "Uh, well, No Sir. I thought... I thought." Jake loosened his grip "you thought I was teasing. You thought I didn't mean it." "That was kind of it Sir" "anthony, I never meant something more sincerely than that. I want you with me forever. I want to be able to talk about how I have "the handsomest husband in the world" instead of "the handsomest boyfriend. Call Melissa. Go ring shopping. Get the ring. " He growled. "Now get in the chair with your hands behind you." "Yes sir... " anthony sat while Jake tied him up. Tonight, it was all about playing with his neck, his ears, and edging anthony. Jake edged him for about thirty minutes. After he had brought anthony off, he rolled him on his belly and fucked him good and hard. They were laying in bed, cuddling. anthony was smiling again: he hadn't smiled for the week before they had dealt with Pete. Now, he looked at Jake. "Sir... I'd like to offer you something. Something I think you want, but you never took, because you knew how important it was to me?" "what's that boi?" anthony took a deep breath. He couldn't believe he was about to offer this, but he was. "I want to be your husband. But I also want to be your boi. How can I be your boi, Sir, if I'm' hairier than you? I'd like to offer my fur to you. Take it. Make me smooth, like a boi." Jake sat up in bed. He looked at anthony very studiously. "You mean that, don't you anthony?" "Yes sir, I do. I know Gunnar shaves John sometimes, and that Marine you cruised: he was shaved, and I've seen other couples: the sub is always smooth. " He paused. "I want to be your boi Sir. 100%" Jake smiled. "I have to think about this anthony. You've given me so much already. I think you'd be superhot shaved. But I also think you're superhot hairy. And chest hair has nothing to do with whether you're a boi or not. Let's go to sleep. Let's talk about this more."

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So anthony was thinking about that when he met Melissa the next morning. He had gone down to her apartment building to meet her. "About time you called me, anthony." "I... I didn't think he meant it. I really didn't." Melissa laughed. "You know, if you knew Jake as long as I have, you'd have been thinking 'why is he waiting so long'? I think I know why" "Wow. There's a lot there Melissa. So you expected it? "Oh yeah. You know, anthony, in all the years I've known Jake, I've seen him with a LOT of guys. He's never dated one and only one. He's always been, hmmm.I don't want to say a slut, but a party boy. This is the first time I've seen him monogamous for more than a week." "No kidding? He's told me about his other lovers, but I never thought they were simultaneous" "Well, that's because Jake always made a distinction between his 'relationship' and his 'flings'. " They were walking toward the subway. "We're heading to Chinatown anthony. I'll explain when we're there," Melissa smiled. "Anyhow, your man always had both. And to be honest, when he told me about the Marine at the gym, I thought 'he's doing this to anthony.'" "I told him I wouldn't put up with it Melissa." She smiled. "I know. Please don't tell him I told you this - oh GO AHEAD if you want, what am I afraid of? - he came to me and said 'this boi has a backbone. I'm not used to that." anthony smiled and blushed. "Jake SAID THAT about me?" "He did. That's when I knew you were, as they say 'the one'. You were ok with everything he did . You were not ok with him stepping out without permission." "You know, I never thought about whether I'd be ok with that or not?" Melissa smiled tightly. "Give some thought to it, ok, anthony? I think he's got it under control for now, but I doubt it's gone. Jake likes his fun. " She sighed. "Some of us were delighted when we learned you were going to give up your job and stay at home, because Jake likes to have his fun in that big apartment, but of course, there are other places.." She took anthony's hand. "I'm not saying it WILL happen anthony, and I don't think, I KNOW you're more important to him than anyone he's ever been with, even my son. Just know, it's there." "Melissa, this is incredibly valuable information. I cannot tell you how glad I am to have it." She smiled. "I've been wanting to tell you for a while anthony. " Then a pause. "You know, my son DOES like you. I know it doesn't come across. He never really learned much of social graces, and he can get very possessive himself: I think that's why he and Jake never made it. Jake would've dispensed with Melissa in ten minutes. What he couldn't deal with, was Pete's neediness. " "Yeah, Pete wasn't very nice to me. " Their train was pulling into Canal Street. Melissa looked at one of the signs in Chinese and smiled. "You know how hard it is to learn to read those things, anthony?" "Actually no. I never thought about it." "Nightmarishly hard. Getting to like Pete might be harder. Promise me you'll try. " "I will Melissa. Scout's honor." "And you WERE a scout, weren't you?" "Eagle." (But Jake has the merit badge for knot tying, he thought.) While they were making their way up the stairs of the subway station, Jake was at home, erasing the contact information of every man he had ever bedded, with the exceptions of John, and Pete.

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As they got out of the station, Melissa looked at anthony and smiled "You know, you look really good in blue. I don't know why you don't wear it more." anthony blushed again. "Thank you. Usually Jake picks what I wear. It depends on his mood. He likes me in blue too, but he said he likes me too much. I distract him because he wants to use me. " A pause. "I'm not above wearing it when he doesn't tell me what color. " A group of young Chinese men passed by, and they were speaking. Melissa waited until they were gone "Well, THEY liked YOU." "How did you know?" "Jake didn't tell you? I'm a missionary child. I was born in China. Spoke it before I spoke English." "Oh, like that writer... what's her name?" "You mean Pearl Buck? OH NO" she laughed. "She learned Mandarin because she was part of a wealthy church and they had tutors. I learned Cantonese from the kids we played with. That's why we're here in Chinatown shopping for the ring. Watch." They went into a shop and they were the only Westerners. Melissa took anthony's hands, and started looking at the rings. "It'll happen any minute now." Two of the women behind the counter began speaking in very rapid Chinese. Melissa looked up and answered nearly as quickly. anthony saw the faces redden, and then she pulled him out. "Melissa, what happened?" She began to laugh. "Happens every time. EVERY time. The one said to the other: the ghosts? That's what they called us, "the ghosts, " because we're light skinned "Don't give them a discount. No haggling. Price is price." Now wait... Just wait..." And then... a manager, a man, came out. He looked much more repentant than his clerks did. Melissa smiled , spoke to him in Cantonese, and shook his hand. "Let's go, anthony. He just offered me 40% off anything in the display cases. What's in the display cases is shit. Another trick." "Melissa! How do you know this stuff?" "SOMEONE's got to teach you kids. One day I'll tell you how I showed Jake how to haggle for leather goods. Anyway, my favorite store is down... this side street." anthony would have missed that little alley. But yes, there was a nondescript jewelry store. Again, Melissa began speaking in Chinese. An older woman smiled, and said something to anthony before she came back with a wooden box. "I told her you were getting engaged, and that we needed something that suited you. You were a modern groom and the two of you were picking your own rings." The woman, who Melissa then referred to as Madame X'in, had brought out a selection of rings that were silver, or white gold, or platinum, with blue and green stones. "I would have picked red for you anthony, but I think Madame is right." He looked at them. When he tried to look at a price tag, Melissa slapped him. "NEVER BEFORE YOU DECIDE ANTHONY." Madame X'in laughed and said "your auntie is right. Listen to her. She's very smart. " He turned to Melissa. "I'm sorry. They're all nice but... way more, well, gaudy, then I had in mind." Melissa smiled. "You're young with an old heart. That's why Jake adores you." She turned to Madame, and she went back into the bowels of the store, and came back with another selection. This time, there was one that anthony not only liked, he loved, and he coveted. "OOOOH. OOOOH. Melissa." It was the simplest one. Just plain white gold, with one, octagonal blue gem in the center. "Is that the one, love? " "Oh yes. If I can afford it." "You can afford it darling. You were right. I'm paying for this." anthony blushed again. "MELISSA. You CAN'T." "Oh yes I can, because Madame is going to give me a discount, because..." She showed anthony her bracelet, her rings, and her necklace. "All from here. She's not going to lose a good customer for a ring. " Twenty minutes later they were out of the store with the ring, and a pair of earrings for Melissa "as an early Christmas present. " "MELISSA! I thought the way Jake seduced me was smooth, but that.. OH WOW." She laughed. "You know I never wear more than one piece of jewelry anthony. But if I'm shopping, I wear everything that I've ever bought from the store. To remind them. Now, let me introduce you to some real Chinese food. Jake actually loves this place." Over lunch, which involved some things that anthony didn't recognize, and Melissa wouldn't tell him about, she did tell him about how she met Jake - when her husband was at a party for new faculty -how they hit it off, and how Jake had gotten tenure. "You know, before I met you, when he told me that he had found 'the one' I knew you'd be drop dead gorgeous . Jake is a lot of bad things, but he has a remarkable eye for finding the beautiful and the unusual in any setting. That's how he got his tenure. The particle he discovered. Everyone else just thought it was garbage in the data. He had a different view and, well, now ..." "Now, however famous he is, he's going to be my husband" anthony interrupted. "You're right. You're absolutely right. And now, let's give him a call, and let him know we're on our way back. I think he'll appreciate it. " Melissa turned down anthony's invitation to come back to their place for a drink. She said she'd call and set something up. So they said goodbye at Melissa's stop, and anthony continued to head uptown, the ring box deep in his leather jacket pocket."

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He walked into the apartment, and saw Goldie having a nap. "Sir JAKE. SIR JAKE. I'm home. MMMMMPH" He felt a leather glove cover his mouth, and a hand grab his arm, pinning it behind him. "GOTCHA you sexy bitch... This time you're not getting away from me." anthony recognized Jake's voice. He was playing out a fantasy anthony had told him about: a robber, taking anthony instead of what was in the house. "Let's get you to that chair, pretty one," Jake's voice was lower, and anthony could feel that he was hard. "MMPH MMMPH." He fought, shaking his head NO, but it was doing no good. For all of his body building, Jake could take him, and once he got his fingers on his nip, well..' "GET YOUR ARMS BEHIND YOU. NOW." "Ok, Ok. I will. What do you want? I'll tell you where it is." anthony felt the ropes tighten around his wrists. ' "I want two things, boi. First, the ring. Second.. YOU." anthony squirmed in the ropes. "YOU. YOU WANNA RAPE ME. HELPPPPP! He got one scream out before a cloth gag went over his mouth. "Now, I'm gonna give you one chance, boi boi. " Jake began taking off his glove. He rubbed it over anthony's crotch, and anthony jumped as much as he could. "Then, I'm gonna be more persuaaaaaaaaaaaasive. Where's the ring?" anthony didn't make a sound. "VERY WELL. This will be fun... " Jake opened anthony's shirt, and took both nips. He began with gentle kneading. anthony was steadfast, but then, he began to moan, as Jake upped the intensity." "MMMMMPH. MMMMPH . MMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!! " It was just tit play, but it was working. anthony spread his legs open and Jake smiled. "Oh. Offering me something I don't want? That's ok. A little ball torture won't hurt. Oh, wait. Yeah, it will. " He squeezed gently. "You ready to tell me where the ring is?" Jake had one hand on anthony's balls, and then the other on his nip. anthony shook his head, and Jake took off the gag. "My left pocket. The left one. " Jake reached in and took the box. He looked at it. Even HE was transfixed for a minute. He looked at the ring, and then he looked at anthony. He repeated that two times. "It's the color of your eyes, boi. Almost. Nothing's as beautiful as your eyes. This is close. There's even that hint of green in the back. It's beautiful." "Thank you. Now what do you want?" Jake smiled. "Your ass, pretty boi. Your sweet, sweet ass." anthony shifted in his chair. "THAT'S NOT HAPPENING" "We'll see... we shall see..." Jake moved behind anthony. "That neck of yours is so pretty. So untouched. So ... unravaged... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" He shoved anthony's head to the side and dug in his scruff. "FUCCCCK. OH SHIT... " Jake rubbed back and forth on anthony's neck, before he took his ear, and moved his fingers back to anthony's tit. "Ready, sweet boi? Ready?""" Jake eased up on the neck work, but squeezed anthony's nips harder. "FUCK ME SIR. FUCK ME. Take my cute ass. TAKE IT. It's yours. TAKE ME. MAKE ME A BITCH." Jake laughed. "Another boi... broken..." His arm closed on anthony's bicep as he brought him to the bedroom. "NICE. I may have to make this a regular thing." He put anthony down on the bed, and pulled down his slacks. He was gonna lube that boi good. His head disappeared, and his tongue went deep - maybe deeper than anthony had ever felt it. "OH GOD. You're fucking me with your tongue, Sir. It's... it's bigger than most cocks." Jake started to giggle. He had been called "giraffe tongue" before, but never had he been told that his tongue was longer than a cock. "Well, then you've been disappointed boi. Time for the real thing." anthony wimpered as Jake slid into him. He had been thinking about this since the last fucking. Jake's cock in him felt so good, he almost - ALMOST - didn't feel the need to jizz. "anthony boi... I love you so much.... " Jake was whispering as he fucked anthony, tickling his face with his moustache. "I want to be with you forever. Forever... " Then one jolt, and he was filling anthony with his cum. anthony wondered: was it going to be a proposal like this? Kinky and unusual, but..." As Jake lay on top of him, he whispered. "Know that fancy restaurant, Ruby Jean's , boi?" "Yeah, I was there once for a client meeting. Sort of a supper club, sort of a dance club, live band. But it's very STRAIGHT." "It is. VERY straight." He laughed. "I don't think you NEED a straight person to get admittance, but I made a reservation for tomorrow. You, Melissa, and me. And there, in front of ritzy straight New York, anthony boi, I'm gonna propose to you." He smiled and kissed anthony, and anthony thought he had, truly , become Cinderella.

Next: Chapter 15

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