Jakes Boys

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 25, 2020


Anthony had blown Jake in bed that morning, then after he had gotten Jake out of the apartment so he could get to class, he got to work. Jake had left his address book with phone numbers, so anthony could make all the calls he needed. First one: Pete He had both Pete's home number, and his cell. Cell for sure. DIdn't want Hilary to hear anything yet. The call showed up on Pete's phone as coming from Jake. Pete was a bit hesitant about it, but he picked up the phone. "Hi Sir. I'm surprised to hear from you." "Hey Pete. It's not Jake. It's anthony. " Pete's level of excitement dropped "oh. anthony. Hi. How are you?" "I'm fine Pete. I hope you're well?" "I'm doing great anthony thanks, but I have to get back to an experiment so, what's up?" "GEEZ he's a snot," anthony thought. "subs don't treat other subs that way." "Jake is real busy this morning so he didn't get a chance. He, I mean WE, would like to invite you and Hilary to dinner, maybe to see if we can all let by gones be by gones, and have some kind of social relationship." Pete was silent for a minute: "JAKE said that?" anthony laughed. "I know, it's kind of weird, isn't it? I think what happened is, he was reading a book that was assigned in one of my classes and..." "YOU'RE taking classes?" anthony bit his lip. He knew he could rip this little shit to pieces, but that was coming. "Yes, Jake was hesitant, but... you might be surprised what a tight blond ass can do." (Ok, he got in ONE really good shot). "So, what are you taking? I can't imagine you'd be in a class that Jake didn't know everything about because, well, Jake knows EVERYTHING. Just ask him." "Ha ha. You know him well. I dunno. I'm taking a class about philosophy of retribution, and he looked at the chapter on Buddhism : I almost couldn't get the book from him to do my homework. At least that's what I think, who knows with Jake?" "Now I get to say YOU know him well," Pete answered. This actually sounds like it could be fun. What time?" "Well, here's the thing. Jake wants me to invite the two of you for dinner at 7:30, BUT... because I'm in class, and for whatever reason, he asked if you could come over yourself at 6/6:15? He told me that the two of you needed to hash out some things that Hilary and I didn't need to hear." "Well that doesn't sound good." "I don't know Pete. He also asked if you could wear a white oxford shirt and 'those brown cords'. At least that's what he SAID to me. I don't know what that means." anthony could almost HEAR Jake getting an erection. "I think we can both come, and I'm sure I can accommodate Jake's wardrobe IF - and please tell him this anthony - if he's not wearing the red shirt and the skinny black jeans, I'm leaving." "OH, I know that outfit. I always want to jump his bones when he wears it." "All the more reason for him to do it. Ok. I guess I'll call Hilary and - should I tell her 7:30? She's always 15 minutes late." "Yeah, tell her 7:30. I think you probably know what happens when Jake's instructions don't get followed... " anthony dropped his voice. "I got a spanking last night, and I'm still standing." On the other end of the phone, Pete's hand was in his pants. "Ok, I gotta go. Count on us anthony, and anthony?" "Yeah Pete?" "I'm glad we're gonna get to be friends." "See you in a week, bud. Take care." As he got off the phone, anthony pumped his fist. So far, so good. Now, he just needed to make sure that Hilary DID come, so he made a call himself. He got her voice mail "Hey Hilary, anthony here. I called Pete and told him this, but he's in the middle of an experiment that's very involved, so he may forget. Jake and I would like to have the two of you come over for dinner next week, maybe to clear the air and get to know each other. 7:30 sound good? Let me know. Hope you can make it. I also hope you can wear this outfit Jake told me about: the black cat suit? Take care."

Now, to Melissa. This call COULD take a while, so he called Jake first.

The phone didn't even finish one ring. "Yes boi?" "Hey Sir. I got the calls to Pete and Hilary done. Spoke to Pete and he's coming, and then to make sure that Hilary got the message, I called and left her a message. I'll follow up Sir, I promise." "And Melissa?" "I'm calling her now, Sir. I know she can take a while, so I wanted to let you know so you wouldn't have to wait." "Ya did good boi. Maybe you'll get a reward tonight. " "ARF!" anthony barked into the phone and Jake laughed. "I can't tell you how hot I find the idea of walking you on one leash and Goldie on another." "You're the boss Sir." "Hmmm. True. Ok, let me know after you get through to Melissa. By the way anthony. I love you." "Love you too Sir. "

Ok. anthony drew himself a mug of coffee, and took a breath. He dialed Melissa's number and got her personal assistant. "Hi Belle. This is anthony. Professor Jake Gold's partner. How are you?" Belle laughed "Partner. What a cute word." Belle seriously thought that anthony was Jake's personal assistant the way she was Melissa's. "I should start calling myself Melissa's partner. Is there something we can do for you?" "Well, Jake and I wanted to invite Melissa over for a late dinner and drinks next week. I know this is brutally short notice for her, she's so busy, but..." "Hmmm. You're right about her being busy. Such a kind soul. She's in the other room now, on her personal phone. I believe she's talking to someone involved with relief efforts to Tibet... or was that yesterday and today's Mexican children? No, that's tomorrow. I really DON'T know who she's talking to, but it's been a while. I DO have her book here though, so why don't you tell me date and time. I KNOW she loves spending time with Jake." "We were looking at next Wednesday, at 9/9:15?" "Hmmmm. OH. It seems that might be perfect, if you don't mind Melissa pecking at her dinner. " ("Yeah, she pecks like a vulture," anthony thought. He had heard the "She just pecks" before and then watched Melissa but away a steak for two herself). "I don't think Jake will mind, Belle. I'll even make sure we have plenty of finger food." "OH, that won't be necessary dear. Please don't go through any trouble. I just mentioned it because she has dinner with the provost at 6, but I'm SURE she'll make a point of coming by for your soiree. " "That would be great Belle, thank you. Should I call to follow up?" "Well aren't you a gentleman? OH, here's the lady herself. One minute anthony. SOOOO good to talk to you." "I thought I had escaped " thought anthony. I guess not. And an hour later, it was all done. NOW, all he had to do was catch up on his chores . After he called Jake and told him everything was in place.

Jake had laid out a dark brown shirt, button down and pinpoint cotton, and faded jeans for anthony. It was one of the first outfits anthony had worn when he met Jake. He was one of the few men who's blue eyes were complimented by brown. Maybe it was his darker hair? Who knows? After he had finished getting the house stuff finished, gone to the gym, did some shopping and showered, he had just enough time to get dinner started, and to "make himself pretty" for Jake, as he put it. He tried to give Jake a surprise as often as possible, so today, he asked the doorman to buzz him when Jake got back. It would give him enough time to gag himself, put out restraints, and sit in the "play chair," with his legs spread and his chest pointed out. And that's how Jake found him. He put down his backpack and walked over to his boi.

"Well, well, well. It looks like Santa came early for me, didn't he? "MMMMPH" anthony answered. "You're about to start squirming big time, boi, and I don't want you to hurt yourself, so..." he bound anthony's wrists behind him and began massaging his shoulders. "So are you here for me, or do I have to share you? For me?" "MMPH HMMMPH" anthony shook his head yes. "ALL for me. Every bit of you for me. This?" He slipped his hand inside anthony's shirt and found a nip. "And this?" He began tonguing anthony's ear. anthony began to moan and to twitch, just like Jake said he would "EEYMPPPH. MPPH. MMMMMM" anthony closed his eyes. Other men had worked his nips, but no one had ever worked them the way Jake did. And when he worked them while he worked anthony's ears, anthony would have done anything Jake asked. ANYTHING." He whispered "I wanna fuck you boi. That ok with you? heh heh heh." anthony shook his head yes. "Hmmm. You seem unsure... Jake came around front, and opened anthony's shirt. He squeezed both nips, hard. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" anthony began shaking his head YES strongly, quickly. "That mean you want me to fuck you boi? " "MMPH. MMPH.. MMMMPH." anthony's moans were short, and frequent. He was desperate. He could feel his butt twitching. He wanted Jake in him so bad. "Ok boi. I'm tired, but I'm gonna give you what you want..." Jake manhandled anthony out of the chair, and brought him to the bedroom. When they got there, he untied anthony and took off the gag. He lay on top of anthony and smiled. "You always make life interesting for me boi." "Thank you Sir. I try to make sure I deserve your time." "I wanna scruff you tonight boi. Present your neck." "Yes sir. HUHHHHHHHHHHHH" Jake's beard was a bit longer than usual, and it 'bit' more than it usually did. But he showed no mercy. anthony began to buck under him. "Relax studboi. relax. I got a big, thick COCK for you." He slid down his pants. "And I'm gonna put it where it belongs. Know where that is, boi?" "My ass sir?" anthony whispered. "That's right. Now roll over. "Yes sir. " Jake hadn't taken anthony from behind, in a long time, so it wasn't unexpected. It wasn't anthony's favorite position, but... Jake made the rules. anthony gasped when he felt Jake enter him. He couldn't see him from this position. "Too big for you boi?" "No Sir. I can take it.." anthony winced as he pushed in more of his cock. anthony felt Jake's balls up against his ass. Now the REAL assault would begin: the driving back and forth. He loved it, and he hated it. "OH YES SIR. YES. Make my boi cunt HURT. FUCK ME MASTER. FUCK ME. I'm here for you SIR. ONLY YOU. " anthony tightened his sphincter muscles to give Jake more of a challenge, because he knew that Jake loved the sense of conquering his hole. "You gonna breed me Sir? You gonna breed your boi big time?" "FUCKING A for anthony boi. DAMN RIGHT. " Jake sped up and then... that animal scream anthony had gotten use to . He felt jizz filling him, and some of it spilling out. He had changed the bed this morning. He'd have to do it again before they slept. Jake fell on top of him. He kissed anthony's ear. "DAMN. Why do I find you so irresistible boi?" "I don't know Sir. I sure find YOU irresistible though." Jake had rolled onto his back and anthony curled up with his head on his chest. He snuck a kiss of Jake's pecs. "I love being wrapped in your arms Sir. It feels. OH, it feels so good. "I keep you warm boi." THAT was true. Jake was a regular solar heater, and anthony was a heat seeking missile. He always wanted to be closer to the source of Jake's heat. "Sir, I don't mean to be out of place, but if I don't get up and make the chops, the only meat there's going to be to eat... is yours." "HAHAHAHAHAHA. Good line boi. Plenty for you, but what's daddy going to eat? Boi ears aren't much of a meal. Tasty, but... not enough for a REAL man." "No Sir. Not at all. May I dress to cook?" Jake looked at him, smiling. "Why are you being so servile anthony?" "Isn't that what you want Sir?" He grabbed anthony and hugged him. "You know, boi, there are times I don't know what I want. At least partly. " anthony smiled. "You seemed to want my ass Sir." "I DID. And I may want it again. But there are other things... " he shook his head. "I can't wait until this pestilence named Pete is gone " "Two of us want that, Sir."


You know how you know that something is "just around the corner," but it seems to be taking an awful long time to turn the bend? That's how it was for Jake and anthony. There were about seven menu changes before they decided: Jake rescheduled his appointments for the day before the dinner, and came home in the afternoon to make one of the three things he knew how to cook: pot roast. It could sit for a while, in fact it needed to, and they both thought it was kind of appropriate that they could tell pete Jake was cooking. He did call, and he was a snot to anthony. "Oh, I thought YOU were the boi and did all the cooking." "Most of it Pete. It's something I'm actually better at than Sir, but we thought you'd rather have his food." "How sweet! Are you going to serve it? Naked? With only an apron?" "If Sir tells me to, yes. By the way, Pete, did he ever cook for you?" "Once or twice. We had sex afterward." "Did he make you sit at the table naked? He might this time. " Pete got hard when he heard that. "REALLY? A naked dinner?" "Oh not Master Jake. He might want you and I to be nude though. Not Hilary." "OH SHIT. I forgot to tell her." "No worries, Pete. Sir told me that you could be forgetful. Didn't you forget to tell him you were dating a woman? So he asked me to call her. She knows." anthony had to turn from the phone because he heard Pete "gulp" when anthony told him. He also thought his comment about Pete's forgetfulness was spot on. Pete was sitting there sweating. NOW what should he do? He had wanted to keep her away, and he hadn't told her. He was gonna be in trouble. Big time.

The choreography of getting the dinner ready was a bit complex, but Jake and anthony had it down. Jake had laid out the restraints on top of the bed, so they were very visible. What was NOT visible, was the set of dildos of increasing size. He had anthony dress in what he thought was one of his hottest outfits: a buttondown shirt in very tiny squares of red and white, and an olive green pair of jeans. Pete wasn't the only person getting fucked tonight, that was for sure. And Jake had a surprise for anthony.."

The apartment was filled with the smell of the potroast, when the doorman announced "Mr. Pete." "Ok boi. Off to the playroom with you. You'll know when to come out. " "yes sir." Jake answered the door. Pete was there, smiling guiltily, in the outfit anthony had asked him to wear. He was holding a paper bag with a bottle of red wine. "your boi told me it was your pot roast Sir. I brought your favorite red." Jake smiled. "PETE. It's good to see you. Put that down so I can greet you proper." He wrapped his arms around Pete and pulled him into him, pushing his mouth opened for his tongue. He also pushed his knee in, and found Pete hard already. So was Jake. He hadn't counted on that. "Let's sit down. We can share this wine, pete. anthony won't be home for a bit, and what he don't know, won't hurt him. Besides. I don't let him drink red wine." "Why not Sir?" Jake smiled. "makes him sleepy. I want him awake when I'm screwing him." "You fuck him a lot Sir." Jake smiled as he came to the sofa with two glasses of wine. "Maybe we shouldn't talk about anthony just yet, pete. Let's talk about you. And us.." He draped his arm around Pete's shoulder and pulled him close. "Can I get another kiss Sir?" "ha ha. You were always a greedy pig.." He leaned in and kissed pete again. When pete went to grab him for an embrace, this time, Jake resisted. "Now now. You don't want to tire out the old man before the main event. " He looked at pete. "How come only one button is opened on that shirt?" "So you can do the other one when you're ready Sir." "DAMN. He was still as good as he used to be , at least with foreplay. Jake moved his finger to pete's nip, and worked it until he heard the gasp of breath. Then he began pushing his tongue in and out of pete's ear. "I'd REALLY like it pete, if you can accept that I'm with anthony now. He's my boi. You've got a wife, and..." "But she and I are in an open relationship, Sir. She dominated other guys besides me. " Now Jake opened the second button, and slid his hand down pete's shirt. "Is that right? And are you seeing other guys?" Pete gulped. "Occasionally Sir. If you told me I could only be with you, I'd do it. " He gulped. "no argument Sir. I'd sub only for you. MMMM. I missed those fingers Sir.." Jake had to admit, the thought of having two subs was appealing. Why not? He was worth it. He leaned over to pete. He smiled. "We'll discuss it with anthony tonight. Not that he has any choice. He'll say he'll do what I want, but we should talk it out. For now though.. " He got up, took pete's hand, and gently pulled him to his feet. "Wanna see what I've got for you in the bedroom?" Pete reddened. "Reallly, you mean you'd... OH.. YESSSSSSSSSSS!" "On the bed black haired bitch. You know where your hands go." Jakes voice had dropped an octave. "YES SIR. YES SIR. " pete got in position, and Jake tied him tight. "Now, I apologize for the lack of foreplay, but... dinner guests ya know...' "Dinner guestS Sir? Is anyone else coming?" "SHIT. He almost gave it all away. " "Let's treat anthony as our guest tonight, boi." He pulled off pete's shoes. "Did you run in these socks today, pete?" "Yes sir." "GOOD. They'll make a fine gag." He knotted them together and, without protest, pete took the gag in his mouth. Jake opened his shirt. "Let me go tinkle first boi. As I get older, you know my bladder gets smaller." He walked away toward the bathroom. That's when anthony came in. "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEY pete. Been meaning to have you here for dinner for a while. " There was fear in pete's eyes, as he tried to scream. The gag was tight. anthony began working on his belt, and soon, he had the tight cords off of pete. "You know, I have the same outfit, but Jake likes it better on you. Sometimes he gets things wrong. " pete was squirming, trying desperately to say something, but anthony was busying himself. "Know what pete? For a sub, you've got shitty tits. But that's ok. I bet your ass is trained to take dildos." He pulled out one. "How long do you think this one is? 8 inches? You took Jake. I know he's more . You can probably take this? " pete was shaking his head violently NO. "Why not pete? You always took mine with no trouble. Can't take it now? What kind of Dom is Hilary? " He looked at anthony . "Go ahead boi. Have your fun. Nice and slooooow." pete was lost between the pleasure of having the dildo up his ass, seeing Jake playing with himself, and the mortification of anthony being the one fucking him. "Hey, Sir: look. he likes it. " "I like it too boi. Keep pushing. " He put his arm around anthony, and pulled himself close to anthony's ass. He whispered "pete's not the only one getting fucked today. But you're getting the real thing." "OOOOOOO. You surprised me Sir. I can't wait. " "Move to the bigger one. Pete bragged to me he can take 11. Can ya pete?" "UH UH. UH UH.." He was trying to get out the sound through his gag. "Well a man should never say he can do what he can't petey. " anthony came back with a 9 incher. As he got into position, Jake opened anthony's belt, and dropped his boi's pants. pete saw that anthony was caged. And then he felt the bigger dildo going into him. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH... " he had stopped squirming. It was doing him no good. But he saw the look on anthony's face as he closed his eyes, and backed into Jake's cock. "FUCK YES SIR. You're so much better with it than I am." "Try anyway, boi. Practice makes perfect." He whispered "Twist it while it's in him. MUCH more effective. "Indeed it was. pet's cock got harder, and he seemed desperate. anthony could feel Jake getting harder in him, too. As Jake pushed harder, anthony pushed harder. "He's allowed to cum when I can't Sir? " Jake laughed. "Squeeze his balls. HIS DOM will decide that. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. " pete had figured out why hilary had been invited. "Hey... the door was opened so... OH MY. OH MY" She said and smiled. "Can I hang my jacket?" Jake was pounding anthony while anthony was reaming pete. "Sure. Get yourself a glass of wine too if you want." "Hell to the yeah! I'll get a seat and watch anthony get to work. " "Watch anthony my ass. You're taking over." Jake tossed her the 11 incher. "OH.. He's never taken one this big. " "So he says. First time for everything" Hilary smiled. "You were a shitty advisor, but I like your dirty mind, Professor Gold. " anthony pulled the 9 inch dildo out, and moved aside for Hilary to get started. "YOU GET ON ALL FOURS BOI. I'M GONNA FINISH HAVING YOU." "OH YES SIR. YES SIR. " Jake grabbed a handful of anthony's hair and pulled back his head. He licked his ear. "You're my boi. My precious, wonderful, sweet, smart, wicket sub boi. TAKE IT..." He shot into anthony, and his cum seemed warmer than usual, almost hot. "OH YEAH SIR. OH YEAH. " Jake rolled him over and shoved his tongue down his throat. It tasted different. "It tastes like pete. I don't like that." anthony thought. Jake smiled at him. "Let's get some pictures. I think Melissa would love to see them. " They both had their phones up. Hilary worked that dildo like the professional dominatrix she was "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ABOUT THE PARTY PETE? YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE GETTING JAKE ALL TO YOURSELF. FUCKING UNFAITHFUL BASTARD SHIT." She RAMMED the dildo into him. "I think she's pissed , Sir" anthony whispered to Jake. "Ya think? " Jake whispered back, and pulled anthony tight. "This was brilliant boi. I think I'm gonna have to reward you for this." "How Sir? " "I dunno. There anyone you wanna top where I can watch?" anthony looked at him as if he had been slapped. "that's no reward Sir. " He smiled. "Orgy with Gunnar and John?" Jake smiled. "That's my boi." "YOU THINK I'M GONNA LET YOU CUM YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT? YOU JUST BETTER NOT HAVE STAINED THEIR BED WITH YOUR JUICE" Hilary looked at the two of them. "You wanna do anything else to him, or can I untie him." "Untie him. We may have to tie him up for a little while more. Melissa is coming over soon. " "FUCK. She hates me" "She doesn't hate you Hilary. She just needs to understand some things. And Pete is gonna explain them, right Pete? " When pete didn't move, Jake pulled out a thirteen inch dildo: called the "Stanley reamer." He nodded vigorously. "GOOD. get up, get dressed, and get ready to talk to your mother. " anthony had left the room and came back, in an apron, and nothing else. "Dinner's ready everyone."


As everyone recovered, anthony went back and got dressed. He came into the dining area, and sat next to Jake. "GOD HE"S HANDSOME" Jake thought as anthony sat down next to him. pete had moved as far away as possible. Hilary was laughing. "Pete... no one's gonna assault you on the table. The pot roast is too good." "I know how good it is. Jake used to make it for me." "Well then we'll get the recipe. " She smiled. "You can make it for ME. MMMMM. Have some carrots pete. They're good for your eyes. " "I HATE CARROTS." "I SAID EAT THEM DIRT BAG." "yes ma'am." Jake clapped his hands. "I'm impressed. You and I Hilary, we may have to give a class together." "Date and time, Gold. I'll be there." anthony got up to answer the doorman's page. "Melissa's here." "OH SHIT. You invited my MOTHER?" Jake gave a cute smile. "Well, she likes my pot roast too." Melissa wrinkled her nose when she saw Hilary was at the table. But Hilary was ready "Ma'am. Melissa. I know you're not keen on what pete and I do. But... maybe pete should tell you something. " "Can I go first Melissa?" Jake asked. THIS was a side of Jake anthony had never seen. He had given Melissa a seat next to him and he held her hand. "Melissa, I should have told you this a long, LONG time ago.. You'll hate me. I know you will, but... Hilary is doing to pete exactly what I was doing to him." Melissa cocked her head at Jake. She seemed dubious. "Pete. Is this true?" He bowed his head. "Yes ma'am, it is. I like being dominated. I don't know why. I just do." Melissa paused. She looked at Hilary. "I apologize Hilary. I thought... well, I thought you were forcing my son to do things he didn't want to do. And Jake. Jake... SHAME ON YOU. Not for doing what you did, but for not telling me. Did you think I couldn't take it?" "Frankly, Melissa, yes." She laughed. She turned to Pete. "Did you tell them about your father?" He blushed. "I guess not. Pete's father liked this kind of thing. He wanted me to do it to him. Call me a prude but... NO. Hot sex is wonderful but... all that equipment, all that money, all that... FLUID? No, not for me. And I was missing body parts he liked." She smiled weakly. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I guess. But Pete... You're my son. You can't do anything wrong to me." She got up and hugged him. "You should have told me." "I'm sorry mom. I know Dad hurt you. I didn't want to do the same thing." She smiled. "Pete. It was with JAKE. Jake's taste is impeccable." She looked at anthony and winked. She held out a ring finger and anthony shook his head yes. "Uh, what was that about?" Jake asked, somewhat nervously. "Tomorrow anthony and I are going shopping. We're going to find the engagement ring you're going to give him Jake. Because this one... this one you are NOT going to let get away." Jake grabbed anthony's hand. "No. No, I'm not." "GOOD. Now we can eat. Is any pot roast warm? I'm starving. No carrots though. I HATE carrots."


When everyone had left, and they cleaned up the kitchen, Jake gave a mighty yawn. "OH the days have worn me out boi. How's about we go to bed. " "Yes sir. If that's what you want. " "That's what I want. I want to be in that bed with you underneath me, and then curled up into me." "We agree then Sir." "One other thing, anthony. I was telling the truth. I am NOT letting you go. Get that ring. And then... let me ask you to become my husband. PLEASE." "After the orgy Sir. "

Next: Chapter 14

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